Vita Vea Injury Status

September 15th, 2024

Injury info.

There is “hope” the Bucs may have dodged a major bullet. reporter Ian Rapoport reports this evening that the initial diagnosis of Vita Vea’s injury is that he suffered an MCL sprain and there is hope it won’t be an “extended absence.”

Vita will undergo an MRI test tomorrow, per Rapoport, but Bucs types are crossing their fingers Vea’s injury is not major.

Vea suffered the injury under friendly fire early in the third quarter of today’s win over the Lions. YaYa Diaby fell into Vea’s leg and he buckled.

Surviving Justin Skule, Aiden Hutchinson

26 Responses to “ Vita Vea Injury Status”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Sigh of relief

  2. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Please be true!

  3. Bucs28 Says:

    Thank you Baby Jesus

  4. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Thank you Baby Jesus! Please be true!

  5. Lakeland Says:

    Greg Gaines will be ready to go..

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    I thought for sure it was Logan Hall who fell on him.

  7. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Thats awesome. We need better depth outside of Greg Gaines

  8. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Thought it was a sprain. Hopefully 2-4 weeks out. Gaines filled in nicely for Vita. Gholston and Brewer really did awesome too.

  9. BucsFan81 Says:

    Probably going to be 3-4 weeks. Denver then Eagles and Atlanta on Thursday night football hopefully he doesn’t miss anymore games than that.

  10. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    When I was listening to a post-game show and the host said be prepared to be without Vita for a “few weeks” like it was something bad, my old butt nearly did a cartwheel.


  11. Dom Says:

    Don’t rush any defensive players next week vs the Broncos. Their offense is a mess

  12. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    How many times have we heard friendly fire with this team

  13. Mike Johnson Says:

    Somebody here says we won’t need Vita at Denver. A word of caution…every game is different. Just remember. On any given Sunday you don’t come to play, your lunch will be handed to you no matter the team.

  14. Vanessa Anne Says:

    I’d rather see him take all the time he needs to heal 100% than to come back too soon.

    Denver, Philly and Atlanta next, then we get into a real test in the few weeks after that. Ravens, Chiefs, 49ers, and the slimy Saints, who are also 2-0 and whupped the Cowboys today.

  15. Josh Says:

    I know Joe has said it 1,000,000 times but I say we try to convince Hason Reddick he wants to come play here offer the jets some peanuts?

  16. Beeej Says:

    At least we see Nix before the game starts slowing down for him

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    Mike Johnson, spot on:

    “Somebody here says we won’t need Vita at Denver. A word of caution…every game is different. Just remember. On any given Sunday you don’t come to play, your lunch will be handed to you no matter the team.“

    Dallas and SF. Last week they We’re meeting in the NFC championship game. This week they are exposed.

  18. Josh Says:

    Joe has said it 1,000,000 times. Hasson Reddick trade Jets get Bag O Peanuts…

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Josh Says:
    September 15th, 2024 at 8:10 pm
    Joe has said it 1,000,000 times. Hasson Reddick trade Jets get Bag O Peanuts…


    The Jets think they’re a SB team, they’re not giving him up for a bag of peanuts – not to mention Reddick wants paid like a top rusher in the NFL. If you sign him, who are you giving up next year? Godwin? Perhaps Luke in 2 years. The cap is flexible but not infinite.

    Plus who is to say Bowles would even use him to blitz, probably would get him and just have him stand back in zone … because they’ll never see it coming.

    Reddick isn’t coming.

    However a new backup RT is a must. Want to trade for someone, that should be it. At the very least better get someone sitting at home now or off another teams practice squad.

  20. Beeej Says:

    At this point, I think Bucs offer JTS a few million to hang around next year

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    Beeej Says:
    September 15th, 2024 at 9:13 pm
    At this point, I think Bucs offer JTS a few million to hang around next year


    I don’t know how that plays out. Said all offseason he’s better than people think, even if he’s not a star, and it wouldn’t shock me if he ends up having like an 8-sack season.

    Problem is, when FA happens, he’s still just 25 years old. If he’s 25, coming off a 7 or 8 sack season, people are going to pay him a lot more than a few million.

    In any case, he’s played a couple of good games and made a handful of big plays so far this season. Hopefully he can keep it up. Again, he’s a guy that didn’t play much in college, and took a year off, and was a part-time starter. He might just be a guy who is slow to develop – and even then at his peak is merely a decent starter, but you need those guys to fill out a roster.

  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    I’ll bet it was Hall, and the Bucs are smart enough to blame someone else.
    Greg Gaines played OUTSTANDING today.
    But we have no one to back Gaines up- if he has to be the starter.
    I really hope Vea is ok.
    And we GOTTA get Goedeke back on the field!

  23. Stanglassman Says:

    Beeej Says:
    September 15th, 2024 at 9:13 pm
    At this point, I think Bucs offer JTS a few million to hang around next year

    JTS’s 5th year contract that the Bucs opted out and probably regret it would have been 13.5m. If he plays like he has so far and only has 7-9 sacks he will still get around 15m a year. Scott R. from PR did a great article on JTS’s potential salary back in June. So I don’t think he’s playing for the Bucs next year for a couple of million bucks.

  24. Shak Says:

    I knew what happened to Vita when the play happened, I prayed from there. I didn’t see replay, so I assumed he wasn’t injured, I went to grab a bite, came back to people asking what happened. I saw YaYa hit him and him going down, I figured they didn’t show anything about it because multiple people asked what happened.

  25. Badbucs Says:

    15 mil for JTS? Oh god no. Need a lot of help in next year’s draft. Edge, 2 guards, DT, ILB.

  26. heyjude Says:

    Hope to hear more after Vita’s MRI and that it isn’t a major injury.
    ***crossing fingers***