New Territory For Baker Mayfield Bucs

September 26th, 2024

So Sunday’s groin-stomp 26-7 loss to the Broncos was unique in more ways than one.

First, Joe remains baffled that the Bucs got blown out with the opposing quarterback not throwing a touchdown pass. That’s crazy rare.

It also was the first time the Bucs have been blown out in the Baker Mayfield era. That reality intrigues Joe because there’s no history to look to.

(Joe defines a blowout loss as losing by 17 points or more.)

If one wants to scour the 2022 schedule, Year 1 of the Todd Bowles regime in Tampa, the Bucs got blown out twice that season and lost the following week at home. Opponents in those games following the blowouts were the Ravens and Bengals.

The Bucs did not get blown out in 2021. But they did have their doors blown off once in 2020 and once in 2019 — and responded with a victory.

Before joining the Bucs, Mayfield had a 4-4 record in starts immediately following a blowout loss in which he was the starting quarterback.

Bucs Are Moving The Ball

20 Responses to “New Territory For Baker Mayfield Bucs”

  1. BillyBucco Says:

    Baker simply needs to play better in games like this. After the brutal rewatch of the game, the Bucs did in fact move the ball, but Baker taking sacks at the 50 twice hurt us TOO BAD. He simply HAS to have an internal clock and get rid of the ball. Especially down a pro bowl level right tackle. I do think the Bucs respond this week, but only if Smith and Brown don’t play. AND, if Vea and Goedeke DO PLAY.
    Saquon Barkley is NOT enough ALONE.

  2. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Click my link

  3. Casual Observer Says:

    Over analysis.

  4. Saskbucs Says:

    Which team comes focused and fired up for the battle at hand? Are Eagles looking ahead to their bye ? Are the Bucs looking ahead to Thursday division game ? Bowles and Coen will show their worth this week.

  5. Josh Says:

    If your rooting for Trask your not a Buccaneers fan your a Florida/Trask fan and shouldn’t be on a Buccaneers website. If you want any one of the players on the team to fail. Buc You!! I want Logan Hall and JTS to have 5 sacks a game is it gonna happen probably not lmao but as a TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS FAN!! Rooting for someone to fail aka the team fails with them is just sad and pathetic. Go root for someone else oh wait a YOU ALREADY ARE… Oh and if Baker got hurt and Trask came in I’d want 750yrds and 9 tds like who wants there FAVORITE TEAM to do anything other than kick a$$ and take names…

  6. Brevard Buc Says:

    Baker needs to not try to do it all himself. He’s holding on to the ball thinking he can make something happen. If he doesn’t stop trying to do it all himself, he’s gonna get slaughtered and it ain’t pretty behind him. Gonna be a long season if he doesn’t start relying on others more than himself.

  7. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    It really sucks to on a little roll and a team that seems to be in turmoil just kicks your ass. Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Don’t be baffled. Thank the head coach.

  9. Bucone Says:

    We need some pass rushers

  10. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    I don’t know if any Bucs players lurk here, but time and again we have seen when Baker struggles – a player deemed disposable takes the blame.

    The next time Baker ishes the bed that player might be you.

  11. infomeplease Says:

    This game is huge, like most! The coaches better get creative with the plays and use of personnel. The Bucs need to out coach the Eagles.
    The Bucs team is badly banged up, coming off a horribly played game. And have two division games next. The payers need to be coached up and make plays!!! Next man up!!!!

  12. Bucnjim Says:

    Again it’s about game planning and match-ups. I wouldn’t have bet a $1 on the Bucs last week for several reasons, but going up against Payton may have been the biggest. The Bucs bend but don’t break defense struggles against teams who thrive dinking and dunking the ball up and down the field. The Eagles don’t have the patience to do what teams like the Ravens, Steelers & Chargers are doing every week.

  13. WiseCrack Says:

    So desperate to make a positive Baker stat that you look at Blow Outs against since he arrived. LOL

    Blow Outs happen cause the D sucked. A lack of blow out would suggest the D hung in there.

    How many blow outs when JW was our QB? And it was all his fault EVERYTIME.

    I wish Good Bake was our QB but he is not. He is not a cook either

  14. Trask To The Future Says:


  15. WiseCrack Says:

    Trask To The Future

    Your as reeeeeeeeeeee as they come, I mean, you almost sound as bad as all the dopes pushing Bucky.

    You know, an UNPROVEN GUY over a “Proven” guy.

  16. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Josh what are you a 15 year old girl with spirit fingers??? Go back to your Mickey Mouse club! Some of us were Buc fans before anybody even thought about producing you. If anybody ain’t Buc fans are the ones who came here when Mayfield was picked off the trash heap. Why does there always have to be people who tell people what they should feel or think?

  17. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Baker holds on to the ball too long because he can’t read defenses and once he gets past his 2nd read and he’s not open he gets nervous and the happy feet begin to happen.

  18. Capt.Tim Says:

    Nice try Joe.
    What’s a trask

  19. Confido75 Says:

    The team will be fine. I’m more concerned about why we keep having so many injuries. This has been a trend for too long now. Get some new trainers and folks that can help these guys avoid injuries.

  20. JD Still Says:

    Mr Consistently Inconsistent , You know who I’m talking about and don’t feign surprise, Mayfield has been that way his entire professional career and you knew it, the powers that be knew it , and our opposition knows it . He might do better as the season goes on, He might not, but We are all still Bucs fans and hope for the best, but thats the bet you made for better or worse , now own it.


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