Mixed Answers On Towel Directive

September 11th, 2024

So hardcore Bucs fans may remember how Tom Brady demanded his centers jam a baby-powder-loaded towel in and across their buttocks so he could collect and throw a dry football.

Brady even had an exact way he recommended the towel be folded and inserted.

Of course, former Bucs Pro Bowl center Ryan Jensen obliged, as did his eventual replacement, Robert Hainsey.

So did the custom become part of the Brady legacy in Tampa?

Baker Mayfield and rookie center Graham Barton each addressed that this week, oddly enough, and their answers appeared to clash.

However, Joe can’t be exactly sure and, frankly, Joe has no interest in probing deeper.

Barton was told he must wear a towel, Mayfield said on the Buccaneers Radio Network. And, mysteriously, Mayfield wouldn’t say who told Barton it was mandatory.

“I don’t make [centers insert a towel], but there is a difference when they don’t wear it,” Mayfield said. “And Graham quickly was told to wear a towel — [by] somebody that shall not be named. … It makes sense and it works.”

Here’s what Barton told The Sick Podcast — Pirate Parlay yesterday.

“Some days it’ll be at practice it’ll get really wet and I’ll throw a towel down there for him for convenience and dryness sake, but nothing out of the ordinary like that or nothing super pushy at all,” Barton said. “You know, Baker’s been great about that stuff, seems pretty low maintenence.

“I get the whole baby powder and towel thing. I’m not here to judge that or critique it all. I totally get it, but Baker has not asked me to do any of that yet.”

Joe had hoped this uncomfortable subject had retired with Byron Leftwch Tom Brady, but some of Joe’s media brethren love keeping it alive.

Strange bunch.

Still, Joe would rather talk towels than hear how some media types like to connect Baker Mayfield’s football success to becoming a father this spring.

Joe doesn’t recall a first baby helping Jameis Winston in 2018. And Joe wonders why fatherhood could somehow have more affect on quarterback play than at other positions.

Perhaps there’s a data nerd out there who has stats on how college prospects with an infant — or expecting a baby — perform in the NFL.

Regardless, Joe is happy that Mayfield is feeling dry and confident in his transition to a new center.

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12 Responses to “Mixed Answers On Towel Directive”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    go bucky go…
    run bucky run…
    score bucky score…!

  2. Bucswin! Says:

    Bake Baker Bake! See Baker Bake! Bake Baker Bake!

  3. Crickett Baker Says:

    I agree about the baby thing. It makes no sense to me at all, either. I had been wondering about the towel thing, though, and I am glad it came up.

  4. Mort Says:

    Having kids was the whole reason that Antonio Cromartie was as good as he was. He would’ve been a a practice squad reject otherwise.

  5. Stanglassman Says:

    I noticed that too. Baker’s is more truthful. Barton seemed like he didn’t want to make Baker sound like a diva. I also think Baker is going to request it during camp and first half of the year and not when it cools off. Tom made it a mandatory.

    Cam talking about the baby powder cloud and trail was hilarious. ☁️

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    On the mention of Jamus- Cryin Browns fans already want him to start. Lordy.

  7. heyjude Says:

    If the towel thing helps, keep it going!

  8. garro Says:

    “Joe has no interest in probing deeper.”

    Thanks for the laugh Joe! That’s classic!

    Made me feel like a twelve year old for a minute, giggling at fart jokes.

    Go Bucs!

  9. Henry Says:

    And to think some QB’s “Cousins for one” constantly lick their fingers between plays.

  10. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Brees constantly licked his fingers even after the game was over maybe he likes Chocolate flavor

  11. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  12. Locked In Says:

    Joe, please get to the bottom of this ASAP