Luke Kuechly: You Want To Play For A Guy Like Baker Mayfield

September 10th, 2024

There’s a trend out there.

Players generally love Baker Mayfield, especially Tyreek Hill. National media types? Not so much.

Former Panthers superstar linebacker Luke Kuechly has jumped into the media pool over the past year or two and was talking about what impresed him in Week 1 during his visit yesterday to Up & Adams.

The fun part was Kuechly already had broken down a few games when host Kay Adams asked Kuechly to name something that surprised or impressed him about the Week 1 games. Anything was on the table, she said.

Kuechly went right to the Tampa Bay quarterback.

“I’m a big Baker fan. I love Baker Mayfield,” Kuechly said. “I think that the team really rallies around him, his toughness, his edge, his attitude, his competitiveness. … But then when you watch that game and you watch how he believes in the guys on his team, he threw a ball to Mike Evans, a fade in the low red zone, and he wasn’t open at all. But Baker’s attitude to me is, ‘I believe in Mike Evans. I believe in my guys. I’m going to give you chance to go get it, now go get it.’ So if you’re Mike Evans, he gives you so much ownership in your ability to go play that you want to play for a guy like that. I’m a big Baker fan. They put up 37 points in Week 1. They got two dudes that can really stretch it and can go get the ball in [Chris] Godwin and Evans. They’re a fun team to watch.”

As Joe has written, Mayfield has 20 touchdowns and 4 picks through his last eight games, including playoffs, and the Bucs are 6-2 in that span. Any sober fan or analyst can see that’s impressive.

It’s been a special run and it’s no suprise that players would want Mayfield as their QB.

54 Responses to “Luke Kuechly: You Want To Play For A Guy Like Baker Mayfield”

  1. BakerFan Says:

    He is no good, just ask a few on here, they know more than the players and coaches.

  2. Let ‘em bake Says:

    With the saints with an oc from the Mcvay/shanahan tree, this division could come down to week 18 when bucs v saints close the regular season. Kubiak has remade the saints scheme, like Coen. Should be an exciting year in the nfc south.

  3. infomeplease Says:

    I believe BM6 will win over some of those non believers again this year. If the Bucs can overcome the injury bug early this season, things in Tampa will be looking up. This offense can average 28-30 points per game. The D needs to rise to the current adversity. Next man up!!

  4. Hodad Says:

    Health is going to be key, and right now our defense is a MASH unit. Baker, and this offense is going to have to carry the day to have a chance. This game reminds me of when we went to Philly during the regular season, and lost yet again to the Eagles. Derrick Brooks said that day we’ll be back, they did. They beat Philly at the Vet, and went on to win the S.B.. We’re going into Detriot wounded. I hope we win, but if we don’t, we’ll be back.

  5. Gipper Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 12:10 pm
    He is no good, just ask a few on here, they no more than the players and coaches.
    Let’s hope that these bloggers come along the Baker Train. Impressive how many ex and current players love Mayfield. Quite an assortment from Tyreek Hill, Rondee Barber, Luke Kuehly, Mike Evans, Chris Godwin. Yet there remains a few holdout bloggers here who “need more evidence.” When Baker wins MVP and a SuperBowl, guess who will jump on board? I can explain Baker’s talent to you but can’t comprehend it for you. The doubters are guys who actually pay attention to the talking football heads. Those guys are just momentum observers.

  6. BakerFan Says:

    Gipper Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    Was listening to a Browns know it all reacting to the Radio Host Meltdown. He went on to explain Mayfield was not ever going to do anything for the Browns and going from pathetic to playoffs with him as QB had nothing to do with Mayfield.

    He said Mayfield should not be even in the conversation because they should of taken Lamar Jackson or Josh Allen…. Wait a minute, neither one has ever went to the the Super Bowl and I will wager they will not again this year as players, maybe as Spectators though.

    Can’t fixed what you don’t and some of these guys are unfixable.

    Again a know it all that is clueless.

  7. Citrus County Says:

    The opportunity for national respect comes with the Lions game. With the injuries on defense one can rest assured the media will focus on that and hype a high scoring game for the Lions. All we have to do is hang tough and make the game competitive. If we win it’s lights out for the current media narrative regarding the Bucs. If we lose but keep it close, the punky pundits will have to scramble to get the eggs off their face and create a new narrative.

  8. Beeej Says:

    Pfft. 54 QBR

  9. BucVoyager Says:

    Win the games in front of you and the respect will come.

  10. pewter941 Says:

    When did Tyreek say he liked Baker?

  11. AMI_Chris Says:

    Imagine if we had a running game…

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    BM is feisty, and the players and coaches believe in him. That’s all I need to know. Okay, Cardiac Bucs, let’s do it!!

  13. Citrus County Says:

    What we REALLY need is for YaYa to show up big time.

  14. Kenton Smith Says:

    I think our team made more progress this offseason than Detroit did. We’re still a work in progress. But we are better. I think we are a score better than them. And some of you guys don’t think our defense can hang with the Lions. Oh yes they can. I don’t think we will but we might hold them under 21.

  15. JK Says:

    Poor Panthers fan:

    Cpl seasons ago they started out with Baker, McCaffrey, and DJMoore.

  16. Just a guy Says:

    Surprised that the Trask fans aren’t on here crying that Luke’s opinion is unfair hahah

  17. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    No pressure on Goff and we are done, as”Lovie”would say as simple as that!! He’s like a statue back there, no reason to least get good pressure and a few sacks!!Go Bucs.

  18. stpetebucfan Says:

    My fantasy, hard to achieve but not impossible…

    Bucs 12-5 Falcons 11-5 Saints 9-5

    I’d love to see not just the Bucs regain some reputation but the rest of the South as well. I’m afraid the Saints are on the verge of a major reboot but in the meantime they do have a servicable QB, and if Penix turns out to be the real deal who knows.

  19. BakerFan Says:

    pewter941 Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 12:47 pm
    When did Tyreek say he liked Baker?

    Back during the summer, Joe had the article on here. A lot of players who know football like what he does.

  20. BuckyBuc Says:

    Go Bucs

  21. drdneast Says:

    Cleveland fans must be breaking the razor blades out every time Baker has a game like Sunday and their tRump sexually assaulting copy cat boy QB had a day like he had.

  22. Kitsune Says:


    Former Browns fan here. Former since the day that shortsighted organization decided that it didn’t matter that Baker helped lift them from the depths of the absolute garbage winless season to a playoff win against Pittsburgh – which he absolutely DID have plenty to do with (along with Nick Cubb and others). I had cheered for them since I can remember anything about football (which was the late 80’s).

    Classless organization. Did Baker hold some responsibility in how things went sour? I’m sure he did. Could he have probably been more mature? I’m sure he could have. Do I place the majority of the blame on the Browns? Absolutely. Do they deserve everything they are getting right now with DW? Absolutely. Clown show. I still can’t fathom the whole “we need an adult in the room” comment, when you’re signing a person who has multiple pending accusations against him.

    Radio Dude is speaking nonsense. I remember an official Browns radio personality who constantly told fans “embrace him, he’s yours, he’s the real deal” regarding Baker. But the INSTANT the DW move was made he was talking up the trade and how it had to be made and how Baker would never take you anywhere, was immature, blah blah. The last day I ever listened to that worthless show. I suppose he’s still talking about how great DW is going to be…(until they stop paying him to lie).

    I’m not a Baker fanatic. He’s not a perfect quarterback or a perfect person. But that whole situation was an utter joke, and it isn’t Baker who is the punchline.

    Side note: I still kind of wonder how things would have gone if they had never signed OBJ.

  23. Kitsune Says:

    Nick Cubb? I swear I typed Chubb. XD

  24. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    It certainly looks to me that the Bucs will be in some epic track meets this year as we are loaded to the gills with play makers on this offense. Buckle up.

  25. BucU Says:

    When did Tyreek say he liked Baker?

    Back during the summer, Joe had the article on here. A lot of players who know football like what he does
    More specifically Tyreek was asked on a podcast or interview who the top 5 QB’s are in the league. He said Baker was one of the 5.

  26. Kenton Smith Says:

    Ottens a playmaker. Maybe we’re forgetting but Baker isn’t. And Durham. He played catch this summer with Baker and I think he’s healthy. And according to Joe McMillan was running the ball on some type trick plays this summer. It’s gonna take half a season to see how flexible this offense can get. But yeah for this week I’d say a tight end might catch a game winner. Let’s hope it’s Otten and not their tight end.

  27. MikeRalstott Says:

    I’m surprised you were able to look away from MSNBC long enough to type that.

  28. Boge Says:

    Citris, put the OJ down. Yaya was the one forcing Jayden out of the pocket. Fantasy owners of that QB should be sending Yaya a thank you card.

  29. MJ Says:

    Baker keeps talking about efficiency- he’s obsessed with it and thats a good thing

  30. Buccos Says:

    @drdneast ur gonna have your panties in a bunch after tonight’s debate

  31. Citrus County Says:

    Boge Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 2:41 pm
    Citris, put the OJ down.
    You really wanted to say; Citrus, put the prune juice down, didn’t you ?

  32. BakerFan Says:

    Kitsune Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    Probably was the same moron I listened too…. The Cleveland Players liked Baker until O’dell Malcontent arrived.

    Chubb and Baker are good friends…. if he gets healthy it would be a hoot if he ends up here. I believe his contract is coming up.

  33. Bojim Says:

    Why are people still talking Trask down. We get it. You don’t like him. He’s a backup. Get over it. Move on.

  34. Kitsune Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Chubb deserves better than Cleveland. Awesome player who goes about it with humility and just works hard. I can’t root against him, no matter how I feel about the organization around him. Hope he heals up.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    F— Luke Kuechly.

    That a-hole winning defensive player of the year in 2013 is one of the biggest frauds ever committed. He wasn’t even the best defensive player in the NFC South that season, Lavonte David blew his doors off on every level. Also David didn’t whine and cry about being hurt and quit the game early.

    Having a quitter like Kuechly on your side isn’t a good thing. Baker should just say, thanks but no thanks, you fraud.

  36. Gipper Says:


    Got it. You have to totally discredit a future HOF linebacker because he likes Mayfield. Luke Kuechly is a smart dude who played at Notre Dame. Had great pro career notwithstanding your crude attempts to disparage him.

  37. Kenton Smith Says:

    Hey , Rod Munch is here telling it the way he sees it ! Now I’ve got to google Luke Kuechly and dinner is calling. Perfect day until just now.

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    Gipper Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Got it. You have to totally discredit a future HOF linebacker because he likes Mayfield.


    Seriously, you could be the stupidest person here. And it’s not even close.

    Try reading what I wrote again then get back to me peckerwood.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s the stats once again from the Kuechly MVP season, where David doesn’t even get a pro-bowl invite, but is 1st team ALL-PRO.

    2013 Luke Kuechly
    156 TKLS, 2 SACKS, 10 TFL, 4 INTs, 7 PDs, 2 QB Hits, 0 FF, 0 SAFETY


    2013 Lavonte David
    145 TKLS, 7 SACKS, 21 TFL, 5 INTs, 10 PDs, 13 QB Hits, 2 FF, 1 SAFETY

    Luke – NFL Defensive MVP
    David – Doesn’t even make the Pro-Bowl

    David had better be a 1st ballot HOFer, because he was by far the better player with a much longer career.

  40. Gipper Says:


    You protest too much. Kuechly was a highly regarded pro linebacker. He didn’t elect himself Defensive MVP, others did. You like Lavonte David, but that has nothing to do with Kuechly’s regard for Baker Mayfield. Your long anti Mayfield history had made you very sensitive to anyone that says positive things about Mayfield. That includes many on this blog as well as Kuechly, Tyreek Hill, Rondee Barber, Mike Evans and Chris Godwin. You resort to name calling now that you have been exposed as the real fraudster.

  41. SlyPirate Says:

    BM … JUST NO NO NO!!!

    A couple of you are starting to refer to Baker Mayfield at “BM”. BM is a very unflattering medical term. We don’t call our QB a bowel movement.

  42. orlbucfan Says:

    My calling him BM is NOT an insult SlyPirate, so back off! His name is Baker Mayfield, you moron. Those are his initials: BM. Not once have I ever slighted him since Licht/Bowles brought him here. I really didn’t know much about Mayfield. I have written all sorts of positive things about the dude, including comparing him to Sonny Jurgensen. You know who he is? It’s easier and faster for me to type BM. It has nothing to do with fecal matter. You’re the one who brought up Bowel Movement.

  43. JK Says:

    Throbbing Rod Muncher shows his ass yet again……

    Luke was a phenomenal football player

    Zero credibility, Muncher

  44. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    Gipper, Luke Kuechly played at Boston College.

  45. kaimaru Says:

    @Rod Munch

    LVD was an OLB not ILB in that year. You can’t judge them the same based on stats. They both where 1st team all Pro but at different positions. You say people are stupid here but this comparison with stats is like comparing LVD now with Van Noy

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    You can tell the who the Baker Boi(s) are, they’re the ones that aren’t Bucs fans, don’t know Bucs history, and think Luke was a better LB than David – real morons to say the least.

  47. kaimaru Says:

    @Rod Munch

    LVD is 100% worthy of HoF. Do you know why the media loved Kuechly? Because he used to tackle like John Lynch. Carolina is a smaller market than the Bucs but he absolutely destroyed players over the middle. That was his fame. That’s why he got TV commercials. LVD is a lot more low key and I agree he is a better LB. In fact, on a Bucs forum, I showed how LVD is more dominant then Bobby Wagner, so don’t lecture me.

    But LVD was on OLB in that year and he would have had a lot more sacks to take it from Kuechly THAT year

  48. Gipper Says:

    OrlandoBucFan Says:
    September 10th, 2024 at 7:10 pm
    Gipper, Luke Kuechly played at Boston College.
    Thank you, I made a mistake. Actually, Boston College, I believe, requires higher SAT scores than Notre Dame. Point is Kuechly is more than just a future HOF linebacker he is an articulate and smart guy. Not trying to compare and contrast Kuechly to anybody, especially to a talented linebacker like Lavonte David. I just don’t know why Munch would refer to Kuechly as an ‘”a-hole” ? There is a lot of pettiness in Munch.

  49. Oneilbuc Says:

    Let’s go bucs beat them lions!!

  50. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Rod munchkin isn’t there another site u can post on cause u r the biggest a**hole on any site go where they want people like u

  51. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Baker bois r loyal people like b R.munch doesn’t know a thing bout loyalty I never here u say anything positive out anyone u r a loser

  52. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Everyone keep schooling r.munch he will finally grad. middle school

  53. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    If anyone wants to get bent out of shape over Mayfield’s initials being shortened to BM perhaps use of all his initials of BRM will make you happier.

  54. Daniel Z Says:

    Apropos of nothing, is there a way to not see posts from certain users?