Jon Gruden Launches A YouTube Channel

September 3rd, 2024

“Hey Glazer, let me tell you right now. If you had a YouTube channel, nobody would watch it.”

So the man Team Glazer kicked out of the Buccaneers Ring of Honor, giving the sanctity of franchise history the middle-finger salute, is back covering the NFL.

On his own YouTube channel.

Yes, as Joe mentioned earlier today, Jon Gruden is back. He launched a YouTube channel that will be all about football, he says, and already there’s a breakdown of the pending Eagles-Packers game in Brazil on Friday.

BetOnline is Chucky’s sponsor and it’s obvious that Gruden hasn’t lost his ease of talking football to the masses. And in this format, he won’t have to play nice like he did during his many years on Monday Night Football.

Rest assured, Chucky is recording at his Tampa football coachcave. columnist Ira Kaufman has been there recently, so Joe can say that comfortably.

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31 Responses to “Jon Gruden Launches A YouTube Channel”

  1. Mort Says:

    “Sanctity” of history? Hugh Culverhouse would like a word.

    Still waiting on you to have the cojones to say what specifically Gruden was kicked out for. You won’t print it because you know it’s vile, and that undermines your shtick. It’s tired. Just like I’m sure you’re tired of me calling you out on it.

  2. D-Rok Says:

    “Coachcave.” That’s an awesome descriptor. LOL – good one, Joe!

  3. orlbucfan Says:

    Big deal. I only check out YouTubez for tunes.🎶

  4. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Don’t hold your breath. –Joe

  5. miken Says:

    @mort… BS. What he said was printed and its ridiculous he was thrown out for it. The Glazers used it to settle a personal score. Putting things like f@g and b^tch in a personal email doesnt meke you anti woman or anti gay.

  6. SlyPirate Says:

    Gruden is a great TV personality. I (and he) wish he was still in the booth.

    Truthfully, I don’t know why he’s not just back in the booth?

    Marv Albert, Greg Anthony, Rex Ryan have done much more embarrassing things. All would be forgiven if he just came out with a public apology for inappropriate private emails that were unfortunately made public. Not to mention we all know the Glazers are weird.

    Put him back in the booth.

  7. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Is it called “Outdated Playbook?”

  8. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Name calling is for kids but something most can get past. For me, what was worse, is the alleged exchanging of topless photos of the teams cheerleaders with front office staff who had made claims that they were allegedly coerced/forced to take them by the disgraced owner Daniel Snyder before losing his franchise. That’s a problem.

  9. Mike Johnson Says:

    I know we are supposed to..Go with the flow of the league. But I still say to this day..Chucky got a raw deal due to the commish.

  10. Crickett Baker Says:

    I saw this yesterday and it barely had 900 “likes” but I thought it was super interesting and I want to support him. I think everyone but Mort knows what he said, and what he called Mr. Glazer, but his freedom of speech was withheld.

  11. Crickett Baker Says:

    This one was different than the one I saw yesterday and still entertaining. I wonder how often he is going to do these.

  12. D-Rome Says:

    The NFL targeted Gruden for some reason. I have no doubt most people in the NFL use similar language as Gruden did, but I’m not sure what axe to grind the NFL has with Gruden.

  13. BucVoyager Says:

    He’s not being prosecuted for what he said. Freedom of speech is fine.

    He’ll never work for the NFL again and that’s the consequences for his speech. Learn the difference guys.

  14. Natron Says:

    This episode smelled like a setup from day 1. So they discovered a couple of personal emails that Gruden sent to the then GM of the Redskins out of literally thousands of emails being looked at in connection with the investigation of the Skins organization. So what about the thousands of other emails, did anybody else lose their job in connection with the investigation? I’m not a big Chuckie fan, but this whole affair stinks. We’ll probably never learn the full story behind behind this episode.

  15. DvaderZ51 Says:

    I’m sure the justification was that he sent the email from his Bucs or whoever’s domain email. It’s a company email, so it’s company property.
    I say BS to that. A comparison from our Founding Father’s day when they inked the First Amendment Would be to release the contents of a private letter written on a piece of company paper.
    Gruden should have had a better attorney!
    My bad, there is no representation in the court of Media/NFL Opinion.

    Sorry, just my two cents…

  16. Bucnjim Says:

    I love Gruden’s passion for NFL football! He’s very good at it also, but the problem is in 2024 you have to be politically correct all the time and he is not. Most of us appreciate his views though the small percentage that doesn’t is very loud.

  17. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Started the channel a day ago and it’s already close to 500k followers.

  18. BucVoyager Says:

    Any email you sent from your employer’s email belongs to them. It’s the same reason they don’t want you to conduct personal business with company email.

  19. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    So chucky called one of the Glazer boys joto talk about thin skin twink

  20. Evan N. Says:

    If Ira said the most slandering things about the Joe’s , they would be totally cool with it and keep him employed ? Glazers own the stadium, if you wanna talk bad about them, they don’t need to have your name in the stadium.

  21. GoneGator Says:

    Fu<k Chuck

  22. Pops Malone Says:

    Good to see Gruden with a new gig. He is no different than anyone else. He deserves a second chabce and he’s created his own. I am thinking it takes off and if it helps him just to be talking football, good for him. Whether the Glasers or anyone else likes it or not , he was the coach of our first Super Bowl winning team and nobody can change that. Having said that, him hanging around with the Saints staff bugs me. Knock it off. Besides, they are ready to take a major downturn if you ask me.

  23. RustyRhinos Says:

    As the Joes say, ” I write about what I find interesting.” Okay, because it is your Blog.

    Now, write some multimillion-dollar checks to Ira and put his name on the title: Ira and Joe Bucs Fan. Now, say Ira gets caught using his First Amendment right in your JBF email server and says some unflatteringly nasty things about you. Those things get out on the internet. Are you saying you would keep Ira around? You would not take his name off the Title of the Blog? Or invite him out with you to lunch and dinner and a few cold daily adult beverages? Or would it be a lot different than what you “expect” and “think” the Glazers should do?

    Gruden was and may still be a good to great Coach. I thank him for the Super Bowl he helped the Buccaneers to win! Thanks, Jon Gruden.
    After he was let go, and moved on so did I.
    Thanks For the Championships and Super Bowl WIN! Good Luck. Didnt and do not watch MNF unless the Bucs were on… He took an HC job back again with the Raiders. I let him go as a Buccaneer HC.

    Sometimes when you toss Shat around you get some on yourself and others. Maybe Jon should have listened to his mom, who like my own mom told me time and time again. ” It is better to say nothing if you have nothing nice to say.” Or speak, type, write, text, or email, and show us how tough you are when reactions come back to you.

    Good Luck Jon on your new Channel.


  24. stpetebucfan Says:


    Agree completely. I neither loathe nor love Gruden and I shed no tears his loud mouth got him in trouble.

    “Gruden was and may still be a good to great Coach.”

    Again agree although I tend to lean towards good in his day but stick a fork in him he’s done now. He always had trouble relating to players and today’s athletes would be far more than he could deal with.

    As far as “his” SB…THX…I won’t say it was Tony Dungy’s team but I would say I believe Monte Kiffin deserves the lion’s share of the credit for the Buc’s first SB. He and Tony built a defense for the ages! The D won the first SB!!!

  25. Tony Says:

    Is it gonna be him Urban Meyer & Warren Sapp on there talking about strip joints?

  26. Jon Lee Pedimore Says:

    Gruden is a great offensive coordinator but a poor head coach. His problems are self imposed.

  27. Anyhony Says:

    It doesn’t help that Gruden kissed their asses to their faces and said they should suck his Di@> behind their backs! What happened to being a man and saying what you think to someone’s face!!!! Full disclosure, I do like listening to Gruden.

  28. Buc4evr Says:

    Give Gru a break , he was shat on to divert attention away from Goodall’s friend Synder. Too bad Chucky made himself an easy target. The guy is a coach, not a saint. My coaches in HS said worse stuff than Gru every single day of practice. Still like him and always will.

  29. Winny Testaverde Says:

    I feel for Chunky…I really do. Reached the top of the mountain in football ( albeit too briefly…much his own doing ) and in TV on MNF. Now in exile from the game he loves more than life. Relegated to a YouTube channel ( nothing wrong with it…just not even really his old school style).

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    Evan – you must miss all the verbal arrows the Joes take, all the time, including pompous lectures from certain quarters.

    First amendment is alive and thriving at JBF.

  31. Rod Munch Says:

    Legit question – what kind of hair dye job is Gruden doing? He’s 61 years old, yet that hair doesn’t look dyed at all. Probably pays some good money for that.