“He’s A Workaholic”

September 16th, 2024

It’s great to hear nice things about your team’s franchise quarterback, but who delivers that message can be extremely meaniningful.

So longtime ESPN NFL reporter/insider Sal Paolantonio was at Bucs training camp this summer to do a feature on Baker Mayfield — and for a visit to the Ira Kaufman Podcast.

The Mayfield segment (or part of it) popped yesterday and in it is Mike Evans talking about his quarterback.

“He’s a workaholic and just a great dude,” Evans said of Mayfield.

The ‘workaholic’ adjective resonated with Joe. Evans doesn’t throw around that kind of praise lightly as he himself is a workaholic, and he played three years with Tom Brady, who was considered the ultimate model of preparation. Perhaps Mayfield is more committed than Brady?

Regardless, if Evans feels that way about Mayfield’s work ethic, then Joe is sure a lot of Bucs players are right there with Evans.

Mayfield is on a run of 21 touchdowns versus 5 interceptions in his past nine games. So not only is Mayfield winning teammates over with his work ethic, he’s matching it with production.

That’s what Joe wants in a leader.

18 Responses to ““He’s A Workaholic””

  1. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Cleveland wants a mulligan/time machine. Mayfield sure has worked out in Tampa. Especially relative to other QB’s paid way more ( Kissin’ Cousins, Daniel Jones, DeLawSuit Watson of course ) while doing far less.

  2. lambchop Says:

    There is nobody more committed than Brady. Maybe Mahomes can come close, but not eclipse the level of OCD Brady enjoyed.

  3. Saskbucs Says:

    He’s a winner and a damn fine QB.

    He won with the Browns.. not easy.
    He won with the Rams… on 48 hrs prep, game winning drop in the bucket TD
    He won with the Bucs immediately

    He is confident, surrounded by people who believe in him and a team that can compete with anyone. As long as he is healthy, he isn’t going away. Baker and the Bucs are inching closer to their well deserved respect!

  4. adam from ny Says:


    it really is true…he was good with the browns and good with the rams…

    he hit a major speed bump over in carolina – and looking back, that might have been expected…everything went wrong and all the star skill position players were traded off…even burns departed for the giants…baker was outta there…………it was a complete tepper disaster there ——- and now our old OC jumped ship to go sink off the carolina coast without a life preserver…lol…

    you can paint a journeyman picture of baker – as many media people did, but it might not really be the case…things went awry in cleveland with his troubled wide receiver, and bubbled over to the point where cleveland ousted him and gave that shocking quarter million dollar guaranteed contract to watson at the time…so baker was floating around and gambled with carolina…which obviously was a bad bet…then pit stopped in los angeles…he wasn’t really a journeyman – he was more like a man without a country – dude just needed a reset – and to get his footing again…

    and here he is in tampa, feet set, with no regret…

    baker’s cookin’ in the pot………………let him bake yo !

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Naa, we should start Mike Glennon’s inferior clone. Kale T Glennon . Game wouldn’t have been close. Bucs lose by 20+.

  6. Daniel Dream Says:

    Adam- there’s two but really only one reason Baker got screwed on the Browns- he was injured badly his last season with them and shouldn’t have been playing, and the Browns owner is one of the worst conmen and incompetant scumbags on the planet Earth.

    It sucks as a native Clevelander and former lifelong Browns fan, but since the Bucs were always my second favorite team now they are my first it worked out ok for me I guess… its certainly working well for my boy Mayfield

  7. Badbucs Says:

    Baker is a man. We lucked out getting him for no draft capital and just in general. Good leader and example for the rest of the guys. Perfect for this team. He may not be the greatest QB in the league but he’s a winner.

  8. Kenton Smith Says:

    I’ve been impressed with our new OC and how he works with Baker since he was hired. Not so much yesterday. Any offense at all and it wouldn’t have been a nail biter like it turned out to be. No points in the fourth quarter won’t ever be good enough. There’s alot of work to be done – the good news is I will bet they’re working on it right about now.

  9. Bucs33Saints14! Says:

    If Baker can work under the same OC and scheme for more than a season, he will only get better. But success leads to change. I bet some basement teams are already looking towards Liam.

  10. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    He needed players around him and he hasn’t had that since Cleveland and he didn’t have a real shot at starting w the rams. I think we have a young franchise qb. Just don’t get hurt.

  11. Kenton Smith Says:

    Liam is not Dave. I don’t see him going anywhere. He’s got work to do right here. If this team keeps getting better and winning in the postseason I am sure he’ll get paid as one of the top tier OCs. I think he’s got several more years before he’s ready to be a head coach. And I think he’s sharp enough to know that.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Winning and not getting badly injured enduring 5 sacks? That shows gutsy, feisty and smart. Mayfield said he needed to grow up after he was drafted. All the kudos with the Heisman Win and #1 draft pick went to his head. I wouldn’t know about that, but workaholic? Check. Disciplined. Check. Total team player. Doublecheck. Licht and Bowles found this guy on the proverbial scrap heap. Beyond amazing.

  13. LANshark Says:

    Another lifelong Browns fan here, now a Tampa Bay fan, due to Baker. He was not as immature as portrayed in Cleveland… he had the audacity to call out two of the local (terrible) journalists (Mary Kay Cabot – a gossip mongerer who knows NOTHING about football and Tony Grossi – a know it all who thinks he’s better than he is). From that point on, they did hatchet jobs on him every chance they got. Then add locker room cancer OBJ to the mix… Typical Browns crap. And when he got injured, he tried to play through it.

    Finally we add a scumbag owner who decided to hire the Pervert… That ended my 50 year relationship with the Browns. Glad Baker finally found a place that embraced him, and allows him to do what he does best. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the season.

  14. SenileSenior Says:

    It is karma in more ways than one. After the many quarterbacks that were busts this franchise was due a winner. Baker is the guy!

    Go Bucs!!

  15. Vinny from NYC Says:

    Lets face it the Browns are just a franchise team the REAL Browns are in Baltimore playing under the Ravens’ name. This Cleveland team has no history outside of being losers.

  16. Leadslinger Says:

    I’m with Lanshark..a former 50 + year fan of the Clowns..they hated Baker from day 1..never gave him any respect ..and they put him on the curb ..and got the real garbage on their team now..Tampa fans..you better wake up and quit with the hate..don’t be dumb like the clown fans are..give the guy the love he deserves..and he will take your team far..

  17. Biggun Says:

    Redskins owner Snyder-Billionaire-Communications-purchased 1999
    Jaguars owner Khan-Billionaire-Auto Parts-2012
    Browns owner Haslam-Billionaire-Truck Stops-2012
    Panthers owner Tepper-Billionaire-Hedge Fund Manager-2018

    Pattern here to me is none of the guys have cut their teeth in the business of football, hell we can say that for J Jones has not done poop since he purchased a pretty stable Cowboys team with a true football leader J Johnson which capitalized on and great stable of players to win. I expect the same problem going forward as the old owners die-off sell off Bronchos and Commanders next in line for the second time? Just because your good at one thing doesn’t mean your good at all things lets see where we go in the future, from the look of things the NFL looks to become more mediocre.

  18. Let Em Bake Says:

    Addition by Subtraction. Baker isn’t making the kin d of bonehead decisions (see Will Levis) that he made prior to Canales. Canales preached ball security above all else in his working with Baker. Baker had been prone to an occasional game-wrecking play ( especially his last year in Cleveland when he was hurt). Maturation.


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