Gentle Practice Week For Bucs

September 25th, 2024

So early in the season, one might think that after getting thumped at home by a weak opponent on Sunday, the Buccaneers would strap on the pads and get physical in practice this week.

Not happening.

That was the message from Todd Bowles during his visit to SiriusXM NFL Radio.

The premise was floated to Bowles by co-host Pat Kirwan, the former Bucs scout, Jets assistant coach and Jets front office man. Bowles didn’t disagree regarding that could be a typical approach, but Bowles said between the Bucs having a lot of injuries and a game next Thursday night in Atlanta, he has to take a more careful approach.

So, no, the Bucs didn’t knock the Sunday stink off themselves with a pad-popping practice today. It was an underwear football day.

As for tomorrow, Bowles said Hurricane Helene will force the Bucs to practice indoors and some sheduled meeetings may be moved to Friday.

34 Responses to “Gentle Practice Week For Bucs”

  1. Baker Bowl Says:

    I know I’m not a coach but I was hoping them boys would be running non-stop Monday and Tuesday. Still a firm Bowles believer and think the Broncos were a one-time slip up but this is so discouraging.

  2. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    What good would it do to run them in the ground? Why risk more unnecessary injuries? A week of “pad popping” won’t suddenly make them better. Last week was what it was. Same goes for the week before that. It’s a brutally long season and we need healthy bodies on GAME DAY.

  3. Ol' Boy Says:

    No heavy practice this week because of a game next week? I could understand no heavy practice next week with the game on Thursday but this week?. This whole entire week, and even after that humiliating game on Sunday??

    I mean, if they aren’t going to bother, why should I??

  4. Ol' Boy Says:

    They stunk in every way imaginable on Sunday. They need to work on everything still. Especially the tackling and blocking parts of the tamez which is everything. How is practicing like they have for 50 years running anything or anyone into the ground? It’s football. Or was anyway

  5. HC Grover Says:

    No practice would be bettwr. If a bad practice is good then no practice at all is best.

  6. Baker Bowl Says:

    I think practicing to avoid injuries is bogus, they happen, whatever. These are NFL guys and are conditioned to extents that I’ll personally never know, so no pad practices? SOFT. A week of pad-popping will make them realize they still have a job to do and gotta get used to playing hard football. It absolutely WILL make them better.

  7. Baker Bowl Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    September 25th, 2024 at 2:11 pm
    No practice would be bettwr. If a bad practice is good then no practice at all is best.
    I agree, failure to prepare is preparing to fail

  8. heyjude Says:

    HC Grover and Baker Bowl – Thank you for the laugh! Yeah, a gentle and happy practice is the way to go!

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    There’s some great news. After playing lights out against Denver, everybody deserves a rest, none more deserving than Todd.

    Maybe his rest could be for years.

  10. drdneast Says:

    Most of the clowns on this page never got past high school football if that and still believe in Vince Lombardi. Lombardi never had to coach players who were making more money than him.

  11. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Curious to see how that under performing Eagles defensive front does against this Bucs oline.

  12. adam from ny Says:

    camarda needs to stop smokin’ that ganja mun…his leg is turning to jello mun…

    and he’s starting to look a bit like tommy chong without the glasses mun…

    remember how he used to only hit boomers & scuds…

    dude used to launch rockets mun !

  13. Ol' Boy Says:

    Drd people on this page not playing part peewee would be irrelevant to thr conversation and points made. Vince Lombardi was a great coach and the results speak for themselves and his philosophy of football is at the core of the sport. Blocking. Tackling. Are you implying that blocking and tackling is not the biggest part of playing football? Because that’s called soccer .. unless your outside the USz then, well… Whatever.
    Millionaires can be coached by good coaches. I’m Lombari would have done fine. If millionaires can’t be coached then we don’t have a sport and if we don’t have a sportz then again, why bother.

  14. Bucnjim Says:

    Was Goedeke’s concussion during the game or practice? Never actually saw a play where it happened.

  15. Ol' Boy Says:

    Unless your point is that these clowns make to much money to play a sport that has teams that need to be coached to excel, then,on that point, we are in agreement

  16. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Hopefully it was a bad practice. That means they’ll play well.

  17. Ed Says:

    I see some really bad tacklers on the Bucs. Since their defensive line doesn’t win many man on man matchups, there are usually seams and it becomes urgent that all of the linebackers get to the ball carriers at the same time.

    Remember the days when the Bucs were known as a team with a nose for the ball carrier and the gang tackling they did under Dungy? Those guys always swarmed in 2’s and 3’s. What happened to that kind of defense. Its always the same guys bring down ball carriers, David, Winfield and now Whitehead. Where are the other 2 linebackers in this defense? They are not helping each other.

    Back to the soft practices, how can you get good at tackling if you don’t practice it?

  18. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Doubt theres anything gentle goin on in philly

  19. Henry Says:

    The Bucs could be staring at a 2-3 record 7 days from now. That beat down Sunday really exposed a weak team.

  20. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs win Sunday if Goedeke comes back, Dennis plays more than Britt, the bucs give Bucky more carries than White and target Mike gets 150 yards.

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd knows what he’s doing.

  22. Ol' Boy Says:

    Joe it’s been an hour since I posted a rebuttal. Why isn’t it being posted?

  23. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Most of the problems on this team lies between the players’ ears. I don’t give a rats ass if they don’t see the practice field at all. It’s obvious to me that these guys need about 12 hours in the classroom a day…

  24. View from 132 Says:

    I agree with this approach. I’m much more concerned they get the scheme corrected. They had no answers Sunday.

  25. Miller5252 Says:

    Joe, I’m late on your podcast and just got done listening to it. I was surprised no one brought up the old man David doing what he does best as the bright spot of the game. Just add another FF for him. Its going to be a bad day when he retires.

  26. Hodad Says:

    This is a soft team. If players aren’t 100% they don’t play for weeks. Heck, Kancey misses 3 weeks with a walk through injury, so why practice hard when players can’t survive a light practice. Soft team, pampered by their coach.

  27. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    The fears I had during pre-season have unfortunately looked to be true. We should have a better than average offense. World class WRs, 1st round pick added to key slot, added WR and RB should add to a Baker led team. However, every game I saw the good teams in pre-season just seemed sharper (fast, better tackling ???). A couple of successful relatively close wins and then a complete undressing by a winless team with a rookie QB.

    Friends, I think we have been drinking our own home-brew kool aid. I predict a loss this weekend and a real struggle to make the playoffs. We have injuries, yes, but our 2nd-3rd tier replacements are totally unacceptable. We are paper thin at every position, it seems, other than WRs. 2-2 after this weekend and the heavy part of the schedule coming up. Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

    If I am right, and this turns into a bad year I hope that mgt. wakes up and quit carrying long term non-producers like JTS, Logan Hall and a few others. Right now, our “world-class” GM should be scanning every teams practice squad for OLs, ILBs, and a pass rusher (we have none of those).
    To me that would be better than teaching three legged dogs to hunt rabbits.

  28. Kenton Smith Says:

    Well we ought to have some fresh legs come Sunday. Injuries have hurt us. Same with the other teams. This defense as long as I’ve been watching them is good. Say all we want but a defense allowing 20 points a game is playing good defense. This defense has allowed 62 points this year. They’re playing fine. This offense drafted 2 stud ballhandlers and at least 1 stud lineman. We’ve scored 64 points. Scoring 21 points a game is playing bad offense. Baker and Liam are taking a minute to get where we want to be. I’ve got alot of confidence this funk that this offense is wallowing around in will end. And dadgummit it had better be soon !!

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    We miss BA.

  30. Crunchbuc76 Says:

    Camp Cupcake is why we’re in this friggin situation to start with!!!! Maybe Prancy will leave the Barbie tea party and join his team. 🙄

  31. Crickett Baker Says:

    BTW, Luke got hurt in a game but did not go out. Some coach noticed that he didn’t seem right and pulled him. That’s when they found out he had a concussion. So I was told on the radio.

  32. Dave Pear Says:

    Hey, A Bucs Fan —

    If you were coach your premonition could become a reality.

    However, we haszn Todd, so, same ol’ same ol’.

    Gonna get killed by Philly on Sunday, it will be reminiscent of the Raheehaw beatdowns of 2011 during the glorious 10 game losing streak.

    How do we know? Because the same warning sign occurred that year while the team still appeared solvent. Got demolished in the UK and never recovered.

    Best thing for the Bucs is for the state to declare a hurricane emergency and postpone the game. If there’s a Bucs fan in the group they’ll do it.

  33. Buc2Blame Says:

    Soft team because of an soft coach

  34. unbelievable Says:

    Camp Soft Serve is turning into a Regular Season Soft Serve.


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