Favorite Issues For Baker Mayfield

September 23rd, 2024

Joe often likes to say there are no coincidences in the NFL.

So with that in mind, Joe will note on this sad Monday that Baker Mayfield teams, following yesterday’s debacle, are 14-27-1 when favored to win the game.

That’s a problem.

Yeah, he’s played for different franchises and the Bucs had no issue as a favorite on opening day, but that’s a brutal stat that speaks to readiness. Especially after hearing Mayfield talk yesterday about how the Bucs just learned they need to prepare for every game like it’s a playoff game.

Football is a true a team game, but when you’re the starting quarterback, it’s your team. And you can’t win one-third of the games you’re favored to win.

Again, part of that 14-27-1 record is ancient history, but it’s still on the record.

The good news? The Bucs are a 2 1/2-point underdog for their Sunday matchup with the Eagles at The Licht House.

32 Responses to “Favorite Issues For Baker Mayfield”

  1. BuckyBuc Says:

    It was like the Broncos knew everything we were going to call. Outcoached on all levels

  2. JustVisiting Says:

    I’m a Baker fan, but he (and the team) needs to focus on what he can control, and that’s not the opponent’s record. You get 100% of your pay every game; give 100% of your effort.

  3. Baker Bowl Says:

    Agreed, JustVisiting, they just looked like they didn’t want it as much and I think Baker said that in the presser. Complete switch from normal because Baker is typically the one guy on the field that looks like he wants it more than anyone in the league.

  4. unbelievable Says:

    It ain’t just Baker (though he was a big part of the problem yesterday), it’s also this franchise.

    We ALWAYS stink when we’re favored to win.

    Yesterday was a complete failure up and down, from coaches to players. Offense, defense, special teams. Everybody sucked.

    What an insult to the fanbase. Days like yesterday make me glad I no longer live in FL, wasting my hard earned money to watch this team look so pathetic.

  5. Lakeland Says:

    It’s one loss, it’s not the end of the season. There’s 14 games left to play. I say we win the NFC South, and we advance in the playoffs.


  6. infomeplease Says:

    The Bucs were fortunate that NO & ATL also managed to lose. Time to regroup, prepare, and get healthy.

  7. Maggs Says:

    Baker – some advice. Stop taking interviews and talking about the Brady days and how stressed players were. Instead focus on this weeks opponent. Stay humble. Remember where you were not too long ago.

  8. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Man, we always make rookie QBs look good.

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Think the play calling was suspect yesterday….only 2 targets to 3rd WR yesterday….with Evans covered we have to do better than that

  10. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker Mayfield is a bum – a 100 million dollar bum.

    Failure to give Trask his opportunity is going to cost everyone their jobs.

  11. heyjude Says:

    Glad we are the underdogs this week. The refs didn’t do us any favors either. They seemed to be leaning for a Bronco win early on.

    I love Baker and agree with Maggs, unbelievable, JustVisiting, and others. The players need to practice, watch tapes, and not do any interviews. Focus on beating the Eagles. There will be a lot of hype on this game. I think Brady will be one of the announcers. So there is that component with him being back at Raymond James.

  12. oz len Says:

    Enough of the Trask crap. If he was any good he would have played at least a few times since he’s been here. Nobody gets forgotten by mistake. Look at Andy Dalton, he’s getting recycled, again. Sure Mayfield sucked yesterday and the Brady comment was stupid, so what. He got sacked 7 times. If stork legs Trask had of played, 14 sacks, easily. Move on to the next game. Go back and sit on your Trask.

  13. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Baker had his head up his a$$ yesterday.

    He was missing/ not seeing open receivers all day.

    Terrible pocket presence yesterday too.

    Terrible game all around.

  14. Student of the Game Says:

    If the Bucs don’t start running the ball better, they will see 6 rushers every time a pass is suspected.

  15. Orange Republic Says:

    I bet Baker wishes he made those comments about Brady being too uptight and him being fun and loose on another week.

  16. Steven007 Says:

    Trask fan has been less than peaceful lately. He seems to be overjoyed with the poor performance yesterday and somehow, someway thinks it justifies elevating the career clipboard holder. It’s actually amusing. What a fan.

  17. Bucsalltheway Says:

    The coverage we play is like a take defense we give them and they take until we can prove to them that taking is bad in zyin I believe we have that his gambles are dangerous he is a pump fake away from becoming Ryan Smith on any play but I like him over Dean he shifty and more athletic dean is too stiff no fluidity in his movements his athleticism keeps him from getting picks not the way he covers guys and he has stone hands for a dB. I’d love to see us grab Zions twin from the eagles and send Dean packing 2 Zions would go crazy with izien in the slot when Winfield returns I believe we have the more athletic twin but his brother gets no playtime behind the veteran dbs he will this week with slays injury which makes a good storyline coming into the week lol

  18. Trask To The Future Says:


    There’s a reason he didn’t get a ‘real’ NFL QB contract and Licht got them to take a lot less on a big deal. Many NFL QB’s are now making $40M-$50M+. There’s a reason Mayfield isn’t one of them and he and his agent accepted less.

    Mayfield just isn’t a great pocket passer. Yes, he’s gutsy, and has moxie, and all those great buzzwords. But he’s not a solid pocket passer which is what this team needs. It looks like he’s struggling to see over the line, especially down the middle as he rarely throws over the middle. Barton is TALLER than Hainsey. Mauch is 6’6″ and even Stule at 6’6″ is taller than Goedeke.

    Many of us brought to light that Mayfield’s QB rating last year was mediocre at best *AND* when you look at this QB rating by quarter, he was absolutely well below average for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters of games. His 4th quarter rating was a lot better, but that seems like FOOL’S GOLD. He racked up so many garbage time stats last year in half the games. So many games when we were trailing and teams went to a softer Prevent defense and gave him lots of completions underneath.

    REALIZE THIS… Mayfield had a whopping 87 total yards passing yesterday going into the 4th quarter when we were down 16 points. LOL 87 yards passing.

  19. Trask To The Future Says:

    OZ LEN,

    Trask has never been given a chance to play. They obviously brought in Mayfield on a cheap 1-year $4M “prove it” deal last season with promises to he and his agent that he would start. He was never in any sort of competition with Trask.

    Mayfield barely was MEDIOCRE last season, but good enough to get a new contract — although one that wasn’t great by the latest NFL QB standards. Licht knew what he was doing, and they can cancel the contract after only 2 years. You don’t get a QB contract like that unless you are an average NFL QB.

    It’s time to start rotating Kyle Trask into games when Mayfield is clearly struggling. The team has nothing to do lose and it may just give the team a spark that can turn losing games into winning ones.

  20. GP Says:

    As poorly as we played, the refs made a major impact as well. It’s extremely rare, even as a Bucs fan (refs seem to hate us) to see so many un-called offensive holding penalties. Kinda hard to get a sack when one arm is dragging an offensive lineman, or you’re being hooked over the shoulder and around the neck. Losing 10 yards as opposed to gaining 27 might have killed a few of Denver’s drives and resulted in a much closer game.

  21. Baker Bowl Says:

    Trask To The Future Says:
    September 23rd, 2024 at 11:46 am
    This is just a horrendous take. First, there’s no way that you think Trask would be any better. Bad in college, and bad in the league. Second, the height argument is laughable. Despite the OL being taller, acting like he cant see from behind them is a joke. Baker gives us the intangibles that make up for the skill gap between him and the elite QBs and his scrambling ability suits that part of his game perfectly. The broncos blanketed our receivers and yes, Mayfield missed a couple throws but not one QB in the league doesn’t

  22. Kenton Smith Says:

    I’ve been concerned about the Oline , the pass rush and the injuries. But the concern is Baker and Liam. Come on ! At Detroit we couldn’t help our defense late in the fourth quarter with a measly first down ? Last 2 games 400 total yards and 27 points. I don’t think Bowles is calling first down runs up the middle. If he is say no dammit. Mike Evans and we don’t throw one ball over 13 yards downfield ? With skill players like we have the pass has to set up the run. Come on you guys we deserve better than that!!

  23. Dom Says:

    Buddy got all high on himself and started talking trash about the GOAT only to be a no show the next game. Just when I was starting to come around to the guy. Maybe if they weren’t so “relaxed” they wouldn’t have come out so flat to an inferior team that they should have no problem taking care of

  24. Dom Says:

    @Baker Bowl

    Lmao bad in college? That’s just cope. Trask led the SEC in TD passes his last year. I’m not saying he should be the starter on this team but no need to lie about the guy. And Baker does have trouble seeing over the middle of the line. He recently admitted that during an interview. It doesn’t take rocket science go realize somone that is 6’1″ might struggle seeing over somone that is 6’5″ and directly in front of them

  25. Baker Bowl Says:


    I’ll concede that Trask might have been something in college, the reason the seeing over the line take makes no sense to me is that OLinemen will never play at their full height, they’re hunched over more than enough for him to see over, while it might make it a little more difficult, it’s not like he’s Jameis and playing QB with actually no eyesight. So many NFL Qbs get the ‘he’s too short to see over the line’ tag and I just don’t get it. Looking at his passing charts though does show that he clearly leans on the outside but let’s not pretend he cant see. Also when those OLinemen are constantly pushed at him, winning seemingly 0% of the time against any defense, can’t really blame Baker.

  26. Beeej Says:

    Playing yesterday would have been horrible for Trask, zero time to get the ball out

  27. dbbuc711 Says:

    Why in the hell would anyone with that team need to learn that lesson???
    As many times as they have had their butts kicked by and inferior team with a rookie qb its should be burned into every part of them

  28. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    Baker holds the ball waaaay too long. It’s one thing when you have adequate pass protection, but it is a disaster when you are starting a DII caliber right tackle….as well as mediocre guards. Sean Peyton had a perfect game plan for us. He completely neutralized the pass rush. Those short quick throws to the flats were wearing the defense down. Death by a thousand cuts. Sure would be nice if we had coaches who knew how to game plan on offense.

  29. GenocideD Says:

    It’s rookie QBs or backup QBs. I get sick going into any game b/c we should be schooling and taking a rook or backup QB behind the woodshed.

  30. mj Says:

    it was probably a hangover from beating detroit

  31. Oneilbuc Says:

    Just admit it Baker Mayfield played bad he had a bad game it’s ok to admit that and still be a real bucs fan. I’m behind Baker Mayfield 💯 percent but when he plays bad I have to tell like I see it. He ran into some of those sacks when he had players open. And being rattle is not a excuse for quarterbacks in today’s football. He has no reason to be rattle because the defense can’t hit them hard anymore. He played like his height yesterday and that’s ok I don’t believe player will have great games every game of the season regardless of the position. It’s just one game let’s go bucs!!

  32. Stan says Says:

    It’s all Baker fault as usual. He the quarterback, receivers, linemen, and the defense all by himself. Sounds about right if you read all the comments and Joe’s article. He should win all the game by himself of I forgot he it the coaches as well. Bunch of dumbass.


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