Established Baker Mayfield Discusses Difference From Last Year

September 5th, 2024

Wants a tough identity for Bucs.

Last year Baker Mayfield was pretty much an unknown when the Bucs traveled to Minnesota to open the season.

A year later, the Bucs know what they have.

A year ago, Mayfield wasn’t yet fully embraced by the team until he demonstrated how he could pull out a key road win in Minneapolis. These same Bucs types believed it was the fourth quarter of that game in which Mayfield fully won over the entire club.

Mayfield yesterday was asked about sizing up last year in Week 1 and entering this season as the established franchise quarterback with a playoff win under his belt.

“Obviously it feels good to be with these guys and [to] have known them for over a year now,” Mayfield said. “You have the chemistry and all that, the camaraderie, everything that everybody wants to talk about.

“For us, it’s just [that] we know what type of group we have. We don’t know exactly our identity scheme-wise yet. We have a pretty good idea, but we know mentally what our identity is.

“We’re a tough team that’s going to play extremely hard and fast, and offensively, we want to be very physical. It feels good to know that going into this and to try and go achieve that.”

If that plays out the way Mayfield envisions it, Joe has a hunch more Bucs fans will embrace this team than already do.

Nothing wins over a fanbase like winning by playing tough, hard-nosed, fundamentally-sound football. That’s also winning football. Teams excellent at fundamentals rarely get their arses handed to them on Sundays.

That was an undervalued trait of Bucco Bruce Arians’ teams in Tampa Bay. They were tough. Even though they threw the ball around the yard, they were tough. They could dish it out with the best.

It would be nice if the Bucs could re-establish that football virtue.

14 Responses to “Established Baker Mayfield Discusses Difference From Last Year”

  1. Steve in Mad Beach Says:

    Amen brother. LFG!

  2. 1sparkybuc Says:

    It’s great having a cheerleader in the huddle. Score more points and I’ll be impressed.

  3. Boss Says:

    “and offensively, we want to be very physical”


    as tyson says…..they all have a plan till the get punched in the mouth.

    color me a skeptic, but the lions game (and panthers) loom in my head. the lions powned em and they barely beat the kitties

  4. adam from ny Says:

    barring injuries i think we go 5-2 down the stretch…

    so it all depends what we do in the first 10 games…

    i think we tread water at 5-5…giving us in the end, 10 wins…

    going 4-6 or 6-4 in the first 10 puts us at 9 or 11 wins respectively…

    if we stink it up and start out 3-7 (i don’t see a basic repeat of last year’s start – but nothing is guaranteed in the nfl) we are toying with 8 wins, and back comes the fire the coach crap…

    gotta hang tough and somehow go 5-5 in the first 10…

    no miracles needed…just play .500 ball out the gate

  5. adam from ny Says:

    yaya predicted to have 15 sacks by shrages……….wowzeroonies!

  6. Mike C Says:

    Boss, we have very high bridges over the Bay…. I’m just saying…….The Young Bucs (4th youngest in the league) have tasted Playoff victory (and with playoff bonus $$$) are now Truly Yungry (sorry Ra, Falcons ain’t it)! Got championship leadership that knows how to get it done, L F G!!!

  7. Bee Says:

    So glad the season is here. Enough talking and puff pieces. Let’s see what this team can do. No excuses this year! Anything short of the NFC Championship game is a failure in my mind.

    People say Bowles have evolved and Baker is a leader, fine, can’t wait to see it CONSISTENTLY on Sundays.

  8. #99 the big fella Says:

    Yay Boss with his daily dose of negativity.
    I encourage you to listen to Tony Robbins
    You seem like a miserable person.. give a listen

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    #99 — you mean Canales? LOL.

    Joes have me fired up after reading this. Score points, win games. LFG

  10. WiseCrack Says:

    Gonna need better than 100 yard half’s from Baker to truly win over the fan base.

  11. heyjude Says:

    Baker was right on point about everything. Impressive. They are tough and there is so much chemistry. It is going to be a fantastic season!

  12. Jeagan1999 Says:


  13. SenileSenior Says:

    Thank you, adam from ny. You stated very well how things could unfold for our Bucs. Tis why I don’ t make bold specific predictions. As a fan I expect my team to win based on what I can learn during the off season. Being exact is problematic. Ten or more wins is attainable by this year’s team. So why not expect the best.

    Go Bucs!

  14. Shane Callahan Says:

    Bucs hard!