Drew Brees Is A Huge Baker Mayfield Fan

September 7th, 2024

All the love retired Saints quarterback Drew Brees dropped on Baker Mayfield this week almost gave Joe a warm feeling about that slimy team.


Brees hopped on The Jim Rome Show and slobbered over Mayfield. He talked about how he loves the shorter, chip-on-their-shoulder quarterbacks and how Mayfield fits the Brees mold.

The future Hall of Fame QB enjoys how Mayfield comes across as “borderline cocky, arrogant” — and he liked the big 2023 production in Tampa.

“You look at his career, having to bounce around a little bit. I think there’s always been something there, though,” Brees said. “There’s a drive. There’s a determination. There’s a resiliency. Look, I think there’s probably a maturation that’s taken place, too. The NFL’s tough, man. Fan bases can be tough sometimes, you know, the critics can be tough. He’s taken it on the chin a few times. But if you just keep getting up and you keep coming back stronger, then eventually you’re going to get your opportunity. “I think he’s taken that approach.

“And I think the success he had last year just shows when he when he gets into a capable situation with some playmakers around him, man, he can make some plays. He can get the job done.”

Brees certainly knows about being a quarterback landing in a “capable situation. Brees didn’t break through with a strong season until his fourth year, and arriving later in New Orleans at 27 years old is when his career exploded. Mayfield got to the Bucs at 28.

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41 Responses to “Drew Brees Is A Huge Baker Mayfield Fan”

  1. Bucsforlife101 Says:

    Always have liked brees just not when he plays our Bucs and I’ve always compared baker to Brees even there stats to this point are very similar .

  2. J Says:

    Good to see Brees step up the way Brady couldn’t.

  3. heyjude Says:

    There have been a lot of comparisons to Baker and Brees. Good to hear him give much deserved kudos to Baker.

    Agree with Bucsforlife101 too. Liked Brees except when he was against us on the field. He held the Saints together. Always seemed like a nice guy off the field too. Go Bucs!

  4. Hodad Says:

    It would be nice if Baker’s career turns out here like Bree’s did in New Orleans.

  5. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Us short guys gotta stick together you know.

    Among all the old Saints, Brees was easily the most likable. Or maybe I should say least unlikable.

  6. stpetebucfan Says:

    OMG Poor Trasktothefuture!!! LMAO

    WOW, did Brees ever whiz in TTTF’s Cheerios this morning!

  7. Zoocomics Says:

    Brees always played with class, hard to hate on him, though I did because he had our number the entire time he was a Saint. Additionally, his career was sparked by a head coach in Sean Peyton that harnessed his playing style and helped a 6 foot pocket passer thrive in the NFL, which was secure the middle interior of the O-line, allowing Brees to play to his strength of stepping up in the pocket. Bad luck played a key role in Brees not winning at least 2 more Super Bowls.

    Btw. Baker is no Drew Brees. This will be a big year for Baker. If everyone stays healthy this offense will be difficult to stop.

  8. Trask To The Future Says:

    @stpetebucsfan Big Whoop. So a short QB likes another short QB? Big surprise.

    Now do your response to all the NFL execs and other analysts that think Mayfield isn’t that good. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

  9. Truth be Told Says:

    Am I crazy or have I yet to see a comment from Brady about the Bucs in any form or fashion?

  10. Kenton Smith Says:

    Trask there are no NFL execs or analysts that think Mayfield is not “ that “ good. Some think his ceiling isn’t as high as others think it is. And Zoocomics is correct. Baker is no Drew Brees. But who’s to say that by the time he is finished he’s even better.

  11. FanoftheSouth Says:

    Other than death and taxes two other things are certain. Shrimps tend to hang together and you always know who the mother is.
    When some guy’s kid is 6 inches taller than him going into High School he might regret spending so much time sucking or sucking up rather to his team mates.

  12. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Trask To The Future Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 7:41 am
    @stpetebucsfan Big Whoop. So a short QB likes another short QB? Big surprise.

    Now do your response to all the NFL execs and other analysts that think Mayfield isn’t that good. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
    Thanks for waiting. Zero NFL execs and analysts think Trask is good enough to start. So…

  13. Kenton Smith Says:

    Just remember you folks who dwell on a players height. I always felt tall as a 5’10” cornerback in high school. My twin brother was the other corner. He was also our QB. Pretty good wrestlers and baseball players too. Then the United States Army said we were 69 inches tall. Last year my wife measured me and damn if I wasn’t 68 inches tall. Think I’m getting bow legged. Anyway the point is that it’s never been about the size of the dog in the fight. It is only about the size of fight in the dog.

  14. Kenton Smith Says:

    Who’s taller Trask or Baker. Both good dudes. But one leads a team that can compete with anybody and the other watches. Pretty simple really.

  15. Baking with Evans Says:

    From Trask to Pratt just wait for it…

  16. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Baking with Evans Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 9:00 am
    From Trask to Pratt just wait for it…
    Agree – and then if will be Pratt To The Future unfortunately.

  17. BobbyuBucsFan Says:

    J has a good point. I don’t think Brady said the word bucs since he left. Or mentioned the name of any bucs players. I think he is pissed/pouty that licht/glazer made him play the 22 season with the us instead of letting him go to Miami.

  18. churrasco Says:

    Please stop with the Brees-to-Mayfield comparisons. Mayfield is a chipmunk compared to Brees.

    Brees made the playoffs 10 of his 20 seasons in the NFL … 50%

    Mayfield has made the playoffs 2 of his 6 seasons in the NFL … 33%

    What’s really amazing about Brees is that despite a notoriously weak arm – low 50s MPH – his career INT rate was only 2.3%. How did he do it? Intelligence, not moxie.

  19. churrasco Says:

    74 Bucs Fan Says: “Zero NFL execs and analysts think Trask is good enough to start.”

    Names please, with a link.

    Also, are these the same “NFL execs and analysts” who failed to draft Kurt Warner? Who benched and traded Brett Favre? Who benched Tom Brady? Who selected Brock Purdy as the last pick of the draft? Asking for a friend.

  20. Cobraboy Says:

    I think comparing Brees & Mayfield at the same point in their careers is not unwarranted.

    Brees didn’t exactly set the Sparks on fire early in his career, similar to Mayfield’s Brown stint.

    Sparks drafted Phillip Rivers making Brees somewhat expendable, the Browns sell their souls for Watson, making Matfield yesterday’s news.

    Brees latched onto a great coach in the Saints who recognized his talents and Mayfield. His future is unknown, but certainly, the needle is pointing up.

    Traskers won’t like it, but Mayfield is the Buc QB for three seasons unless the wheels come completely off, and Trask will most likely go elsewhere.

    I, for one, will admit I was skeptical about Mayfield early on not knowing what to expect, but the guy has won me over. “Moxie” is undefined, but the dude has “it” in spades…and his teammates just love the guy. THAT is of critical importance.

  21. Cobraboy Says:

    On another note, I’m hoping Jordan Love is OK. GB’s hopes just fell a bunch. No Love, no SB.

    I doubt Willis can take the Pack to the promised land, or even win just a few games.

  22. Cobraboy Says:

    @Kentoin Smith: I officially measured 6’2 1/2″ in my rookie year.

    I am now officially 6’1″.

    I blame gravity and age.

  23. Cometowin2 Says:

    Maybe Mayfield will start working with Brees in the offseason. Remember when Josh Freeman worked with Brees one offseason and he had his best season ever? The thing that made Brees special was the heart and the accuracy. Get together!

  24. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Age related degeneration of the spine, Gentlemen. It happens to us all.

  25. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    churrasco Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 10:17 am
    74 Bucs Fan Says: “Zero NFL execs and analysts think Trask is good enough to start.”

    Names please, with a link.
    You got me – I don’t have proof – other than he isn’t a starter I h e nothing against the kid and hope he blossoms into a star – but get tired of the Trask is awesome and better than Mayfield crowd. They know more than our executives and the 31 other executives apparently.

  26. GoneGator Says:

    churrasco Says:
    Please stop with the Brees-to-Mayfield comparisons. Mayfield is a chipmunk compared to Brees.
    Brees made the playoffs 10 of his 20 seasons in the NFL … 50%
    Mayfield has made the playoffs 2 of his 6 seasons in the NFL … 33%
    Ok, How many playoff appearances and wins did Brees have in his 1st 6 seasons?

    Truth be Told Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 8:11 am
    Am I crazy or have I yet to see a comment from Brady about the Bucs in any form or fashion?
    No, you’re not crazy…. As much as it breaks some of y’all’s little hearts, TB wouldn’t piss on you if the city were on fire.

  27. Trask To The Future Says:

    Kenton Smith/74 Bucs Fan,


    There are plenty of execs and analysts that don’t think Mayfield is elite or even one of the top 15 QBs in the league.

    All you have to look at is how cheap the Bucs signed him for originally. He has to sign a “prove it” deal because no one wanted to offer him a bigger contract. Even Licht and Bucs still didn’t give the guy a top contract for a reason.

    Mayfield DOES have potential to play better. But will he? That’s yet to be seen. You homers that think he’s some sort of elite must be knew to the NFL. Dude struggled against most teams we played with a winning record last season and had many games where he had very little production in the 1st half of games. He racked up a lot of stats when the Bucs were trailing.

    He also ranked in the bottom half of the league for QB rating.

  28. infomeplease Says:

    CobraBoy, that gravity thing can definitely hold you down!

  29. Kenton Smith Says:

    Mayfield easily could have signed with a half dozen other teams if he’d have been willing to start as the backup. For more money than he made here last year. He saw opportunity here and spun the dice. Snake eyes ! TTTF you are totally right. Bowles and Licht both knew when they signed him that the QB competition was settled. But I think Trask is better off for it. Our mgmt and coaches feel like he’s a solid QB2 and I’m with them. Season starts tomorrow, we’re already feeling adversity with injuries, let’s put this arguing over the QBs to bed and watch this team play. I love Kancys potential but he’s not Winfield or David. It’s not season ending. We’re gonna be just fine.

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    Well, Glennon to the Stupid – if the Bucs starter is so bad then what does that say about your boi? Get over it dude. Your boi has never in his life been a starter. At Florida, he was throwing to NFL WRs, TE and RBs. He’d stare down his primary and often threw into double coverage. The talent was superior to the opposition most of the time so it worked in college. It hasn’t and won’t work in the NFL. He still throws a shot put instead of rifling the ball. Time to put some plastic wrap over your picture poster of your boi so it doesn’t get too crusty.

  31. Gipper Says:

    It starts this Sunday. Baker is going to have a great season proving that 2023 was his Bucs floor. It took awhile for Brees to get going. Mayfield right on track to equal Brees career results. O line needs to keep Baker upright and healthy. Its going to be fun.

  32. Dave Pear Says:

    Right on Gipper.


  33. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Baker and Drew both came out of Austin in high school. Same tough mentality. To me mayfield, with those wideouts on this roster, and the rb’s will be very formidable this year. It’s the defense that gives me concern.

  34. unbelievable Says:

    Brees was a cry baby once he had a but of success in Nola. Screw em.

  35. unbelievable Says:

    *a bit of success

  36. churrasco Says:

    All you Bakettes comparing Baker’s first 6 seasons to Brees’ first 6 seasons don’t understand that association does not translate to production. There are dozens of quarterbacks who had the same or similar production their first 6 seasons as Baker who ended up being nothing but journeymen. Take Mike Tomczak, won more games in his first 6 seasons than did Baker. Why are you not comparing Baker to Tomczak? Because it doesn’t fit your narrative?

  37. churrasco Says:

    Trask To The Future Says: “Mayfield also ranked in the bottom half of the league for QB rating.”

    Not only that, but his QB rating was artificially inflated by his 4th quarter stats against soft defenses. There is a website that breaks down QB ratings by quarter. Baker ranks near the bottom in quarters 1-3, and near the top in quarter 4.

  38. churrasco Says:

    74 Bucs Fan Says: “You got me – I don’t have proof.”

    So why do you write lies? You make a habit of writing lies that have no supporting evidence? Typical NFL fan, eh?

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    churrascarrhea really has the runs. Making a mess on JBF forum. The pros who decide these matters and teammates are unanimous in their love for Baker as the Bucs starter. I’ll defer to their wisdom rather than blind fanaticism over a single player.

  40. Kenton Smith Says:

    So Churrasco, what you are saying is that Mayfield was near the top in Qtr 4. You mean when the game is on the line he played better? Canales didn’t open up the playbook until late because by then he had to. Very poor play caller – the Panthers will be the worst team in the league this year – just watch. And 74 Bucs Fan knows that you haven’t got a clue and is trying to be decent about it. When the average person sees your name on a post churrasco they know they are reading a Worthless piece of garbage. Because you have a narrative. I don’t know what that narrative is only that it makes me feel dumber reading it.

  41. Kenton Smith Says:

    And Churrasco you said that Tomczac had better stats than Mayfield his first 6 years? In a 15 year career Tomczac had less yards and less touchdowns than Mayfield had in his first 6 years. And why would you say dozens of QBs had similar stats their first 6 years that were average journeyman? Because I couldn’t find a single one. That’s why ( because Everything you say is bs ) it makes many people feel dumb reading your drivel.