Chris Godwin On Pace For 127 Catches, 1,700 Yards And 17 TDs

September 15th, 2024

The numbers don’t lie.

Historic Buccaneers receiver Chris Godwin is off to a hell of a start. Godwin was the Tampa Bay offense today with 7 catches for 117 yards and a touchdown on 8 targets against the Lions.

In fact, after a strong Week 1, Godwin is now on pace for 127 catches, 1,700 yards and 17 touchdowns this season.

Of course, keeping up that pace is nearly impossible, but Godwin having a Pro Bowl-caliber season certainly is possible if not probable.

As Joe has written and talked about endlessly, Godwin arrived for spring practices this year looking in fantastic shape — a shade faster, strong and quicker than he’s been the past couple of years following his knee surgery in January of 2022.

Today’s game needed a Bucs receiver that would grind to get open, have sure hands (Mike Evans dropped the first pass his way) and be exactly where he was supposed to be for Baker Mayfield, who spent much of his dropbacks under duress.

That was Godwin, and the Bucs are 2-0 because of it.

22 Responses to “Chris Godwin On Pace For 127 Catches, 1,700 Yards And 17 TDs”

  1. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    He’s incredible.

    Meanwhile…do we need to start appreciating JTS more? He’s around the ball a LOT

  2. DungyDance Says:

    Moving back to the slot sure helped.

  3. Lakeland Says:

    Chris Godwin is back home in the slot. They can’t cover him in the slot. The past few years they moved him outside (which was dumb).

    And this is his contract year.

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:


  5. A Bucs Fan Says:

    He is a tough technician and a pros pro! Hope he is a buc for life.

  6. A Bucs Fan Says:

    As far as Mike dropping the pass.. he made a career decision. Kerby Joseph is a dirty player and knee hunter he was looking to go low. Evans even dove head first over him on another reception to protect his knees from the guy.

  7. LakelandSteve Says:

    Don’t know if Evans was feeling ok to start the game but he definitely didn’t look the same after the first drop.

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Yeah and a few moron keyboard GMs wanted to trade him. Thank you, Jason.

  9. Jimmydeez Says:

    Don’t wait, Pay the maln now

  10. Dtownva Says:

    Chris Dawgman

  11. SenileSenior Says:

    The offense went through Godwin for this game. Mike Evans will get his touches. It is a long season.

    Go Bucs!!! 👏🏼😄

  12. Cometowin2 Says:

    Nust pay him the sane as Mike. 1A and 1B

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    No idea what they did at halftime, but zero catches in the first half, and they left the trash RT alone to give up more pressure and sacks.

    Coppertop had a few good calls, in particular the QB draw – I saw Sucke there at RT one-on-one and thought a disaster was coming, but they use how pitiful of a player he is to their advantage and let Hutch run right past the play. Really, that was by far, the best play call of the day, although Coppertop had a few of them. Which makes not giving Sucke help the entire game a real puzzler. Said during the week if they block Hutch one-on-one it would be like TJ Watts in week 1 vs the Falcons, he’d blow-up the entire offense. And that is what happened.

    Man, Luke needs to be out there in week 2, and Licht, go ahead and give him a new deal as well.

  14. Beeej Says:

    Evans will get like 1,017 yards, just enough to keep the Streak going, Godwin will get 1300+, 10+ TD’s, and he’ll spend the rest of his storied career with us

  15. Florida Cat Says:

    Maybe a playoff game in Tampa with these two teams only seems fair, right?

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 15th, 2024 at 8:21 pm
    No idea what they did at halftime, but zero catches in the first half,


    You idiot, he had zero catches in the 2nd half – not the first half. Did you even watch the game you moron!?!?

  17. Bucschamp Says:

    CG looking really good

  18. itzok Says:

    After last week Baker was on pace to throw for 68 TD’s and 0 Int’s this year

  19. unbelievable Says:

    @Lakeland – I thought the same thing about Evans, he seemed a little off today.

    Saw him let up on a few routes, including the TD pass to Godwin (which of course didn’t end up mattering). It also looked like he may have hurt his neck after falling forward awkwardly on one of his catches.

  20. heyjude Says:

    Excellent game. We have many more games and Mike will have over ten TDs this season and will break records. He was double covered a lot by the Lions. Watched Mike’s press conference after the game. He was humble and thankful for how strong they played and the team effort. The Saints are next. Bucs got this. Go Bucs!

  21. Aaron Says:

    Lol funny funny funny you all are F the bucks mike is getting old should retire a buc last year lol best move for him

  22. garro Says:

    Where is the trade Godwin crowd now Joe? Crickets…


    Now they have decided we need to trade Mike…Geez!

    Go Bucs!


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