Calijah Kancey Will Not Play Sunday

September 7th, 2024

Second-year defensive tackle Calijah Kancey.

(UPDATED) The Bucs made it official this afternoon.

Beastly second-year defensive tackle Calijah Kancey will not play in Sunday’s season-opener because of a calf injury suffered in practice on Friday.


Joe doesn’t know if it’s the same calf that cost Kancey games last year. Regardless, DT Logan Hall is out, too (bad foot), so the Bucs will lean heavily on veterans Will Gholston and Greg Gaines, and Todd Bowles’ creativity.

Man, Joe sure hopes manbeast Vita Vea is in the great shape he appears to be in. The Bucs might need him to play 75 percent of the snaps, which is not his norm.

Joe spoke with Kancey briefly Thursday afternoon in the Bucs locker room and he was in great spirits, excited for the season to start.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles has not spoken on the record since Kancey popped up on the injury report yesterday.

Betting The Bucs (Week 1 Edition)

83 Responses to “Calijah Kancey Will Not Play Sunday”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Braswell and Yaya can moon light inside, right?

  2. ReeeBarrr Says:


  3. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The healthiest a player will be is usually at the beginning of the year and he has missed both openers.

  4. WhatTheBuc Says:

    What the hell kind of practice did they have this week. Somehow managed to lose 3 defensive tackles in what amounts to a bye week.

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Rather do this than have him hurt it after 12 plays and be out for 8 weeks.

  6. Bobby Says:

    Same thing has last season. Welp this season is already not off to a good start and we haven’t even seen the first play of the Bucs regular season. So let me guess Kancey will be out multiple weeks and then will come in towards mid-season and then finally have himself full throttle and going for the final stretch of this season. Just like last season. This team I predict is not starting fast and will be a late season bloomer. Here we go again. Hope Im wrong. 😑. Was so excited about Kancey too.

  7. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    hopefully they don’t bring him back too soon. need him long term. he’s so freaking good

  8. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    oh boy.

  9. Simeon4HOF Says:


  10. JaxBucsFan Says:

    Glass Joe

  11. Buc2Blame Says:

    Injury prone smh

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    GMC had biceps issues his first two seasons, missed a lot of time but then was durable for the rest of his time in Tampa. Hopefully Kancey will figure out the weakness in his calves and get treatment/training to become more durable.

  13. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I just don’t get how he blew out his calf during a walk-through.

  14. DS Says:


  15. DS Says:

    My biggest quarrel with the offseason is that the GM refused to bring in high end talent and rested on the laurels of a playoff win.

  16. Ina Says:

    Cmon again?

  17. Buc4evr Says:

    Injury prone and not available, I don’t care how much potential he has…..

  18. Kgh4life Says:

    Kancey has to get with the training staff and se if there is way to prevent Calf injuries going forward. Was he injury prone in college?

  19. El HEFE Rick Says:

    I guess our interior oline has been doing some damage to the defense just a joke don’t attack

  20. adam from ny Says:

    3 linemen went down this week while playing a game of musical chairs and bingo…

    life is ruff

  21. stpetebucfan Says:

    IMHO the major reason for this is simple luck as in bad luck!!!

    I simply refuse to believe that the Bucs don’t have the most professional trainers in the world or that the players don’t work the arses off to rehab and prevent.

    We’ve seen this show before and it works out in the end. Gerald McCoy had a tough start physically missing 3 games his rookie season and following that up with a whopping TEN games missed. You might recall all the talk of “bust” and the “F” word as in FRAGILE. But then GMAC rebounded and played two full seasons straight and “mostly” stayed healthy after that.

    Recently Vita Vea missed 3 games his rookie season and ELEVEN games his 3rd season. Like GMAC he has rebounded to be largely healthy and he’s come to camp this season in shape and stoked.

    Hopefully Calijah gets healthy soon.

  22. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Man I said it from the beginning when Yaya went down. Some things are better left unsaid,, so here we are falling deeper into the web of the injury bug. Since then we lost two offensive lineman, both Chases, Braswell was a little hurt, and now Kancey. A few others that need not mention. Now we might have a real reason to cry about starting off the season in a bad spot. Come on Bucs hopefully if we can get to Daniels early and get him rattled, fumbles and interceptions. He didn’t get anybody to the big dance in college so what weakness can we find early. Let’s Go Bucs!!!! Prayers are being put in to We gonna need em.

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    Be glad you slimmed down Vea you’ll get some work tomorrow because we had two starting caliber d lineman and one is hurt. Logan hall was the worst and anyone that couldn’t take his spot isn’t worth mentioning.

    Jason licht you are now in the spotlight. You thought beefing up the o line was important but Another damn non blocking tight end and no d lineman drafted. Let’s see that backup undrafted homegrown talent you got

  24. Capt.Tim Says:

    When we drafted Kancey,I said that he was too small for DT, and will always have injury problems.
    Hes 6’0”, 280#.
    Hes got talent, but Football is a big man’s game.
    ESPECIALLY for linemen.
    Hope he’s better soon, and it’s not the same calf.
    Chronic injuries end careers.

    Bucs should be ok in the DT department tomorrow. Lots of young talent.
    Logan Hall taken another game off, not that we’ll notice.
    Is JTS gonna set on the bench- or is he gonna wander around the field for 3 hours?
    Joe, you couldn’t have been more right about signing a Pass rusher.
    Betting on Hall, JTS, or Kancey is a losing bet- every game all game

  25. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Given the DLine’s injury history, I’m still amazed Licht didn’t pick one in the draft. It’s a good thing that Vea and Gholston are healthy, because the rest of the DL rotation is a couple practice squad players and a guy snatched from another team’s practice squad. Really sucks to be so short-handed for week 1.

  26. BucU Says:

    Kancey is useless. Just another player who’s always hurt even before they play the game. Pathetic.

  27. MadMax Says:

    Jason….watch those two DT’s from Nebraska tonight, Ty and Nash!

  28. Ben Says:

    Kancey is too explosive for his own good. If his calfs have the NFL level then he needs to work.on them/ actively maintain them the way McCoy did with his biceps early in his career. Kid needs to become a vet and start taking care of his body soon.

  29. Rupert Says:

    A Bucs Fan – Brasswell would get thrown around like a ragdoll playing 3-4 DE that’s a damn joke to even mention that

  30. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Rupert – You’re correct it was a joke and a tongue-in-cheek comment.

  31. kgh4life Says:

    Kancey isn’t useless. When he plays he produces, the injuries are another matter.

  32. SenileSenior Says:

    Injury prone? This does not bode well for the season. We do not have the depth to compensate much when those we plan on as starters are out. Might be OK this week.

    Go Bucs!

  33. Ol' Boy Says:

    Man, I bet there’s no one as disappointed as Kancy is but damn, I wanted to see him gata.
    We know he’s a tough dude but if your body just isn’t made for the stress and strain of the NFL, then that’s just how it is. I’m not gonna call him glass but there’s an issue

  34. No Mercy Says:

    Missing Hall AND Cancey? Yikes. Our pass rush just took a big hit and against a running QB is actually a huge deal.

    Not sure how this all of a sudden happened on a Friday, smells like Vegas evening the playing field if I were a conspiracist. This guys Calf needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap

  35. No Mercy Says:

    Hope our secondary is ready, because they will be in for a long game with the extra time JD5 is going to have now to throw

  36. NCbucsfan Says:

    This really blows! We should call up that dude brewer from the PS. He was in the backfield a lot in the preseason. This is really disheartening news! Might have down a few more. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  37. Jeff Says:

    This guy is so soft. He’s undersized and weak. Bucs need an entirely new D line sans Vea.

  38. Anyhony Says:

    Dehydration can cause calf cramps and strains.

  39. NCbucsfan Says:

    Thanks for ruining my night Joe!

  40. Anyhony Says:

    You guys calling him weak, soft, injury prone and a bust are a bunch of overzealous Karens, knock it off it’s sad.

  41. NCbucsfan Says:

    No need to worry guys, JTS will dominate off the edge!

  42. de bucs fan Says:

    BREWER BREWER BrewerTime

  43. Jason Says:

    Two years in a row. Same injury. WTF !!! Like really bro. You’re killing your team. How much time is he gonna miss this year half the season!!!! I’m pissed. This is straight bullcrap.

  44. NCbucsfan Says:

    @ Jason, I know dude. It sucks! Luckily the commandos O line sucks, but it doesn’t give me much solace.

  45. NCbucsfan Says:

    Now Yaya is really gonna need to look like the second coming of Lawrence Taylor!

  46. UGotRobbed Says:

    Here we go again…OMGosh

  47. SenileSenior Says:

    Our Bucs need to be ready to play every week no matter what. Hope we can truly be “Superbowl ready” come 2025 and 2026. Meanwhile “Just win, Baby!”.

    Go Bucs!

  48. BucU Says:

    Have they said if it’s the same calf as last year yet?

  49. Brian Says:

    The best ability is availability

  50. FlumundaCheese Says:

    Bucs are fantastic at drafting delicate D-linemen.

  51. NCbucsfan Says:

    You would never see Sapp sit out a game for a calf. SMH!

  52. kgh4life Says:

    Come away from the ledge Buc fans. It’s a long season, some of you really need therapy.

  53. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The best ability is availability.

    The Bucs need an offensive explosion to win.

    Can the 100 million dollar flame thrower pull it off?

  54. Danati74 Says:

    Guys have faith in yaya…vita k, ant. Winfield.

  55. NCbucsfan Says:

    @ Danati74, I’m with ya, but damn it would be nice to see Cancey out there! I’m also very excited to have Whitehead back!

  56. Drunkinybor Says:

    Well my new prediction is 9 sacks for Kancey after this crap

  57. firethecannons Says:

    how unfortunate, he is one of my favorite to watch. just hoping it is not too serious. Bowles creativity will be stretched to the max.

  58. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Damn we have no DL depth. Why do we constantly have injury problems. Season hasn’t even started yet.

  59. Kidfloflo Says:

    Cut him…he’s a bum, hurt doing a walk thru, bring back Sapp

  60. Bucschamp Says:

    let him recover and see what he can do. If he gets injured again trade him.

  61. David Says:

    They desperately need him and Yaya back healthy as quickly as possible

  62. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Fragile! All that preparation for so many months to not play.

  63. B Says:

    You know it hasn’t really felt like fall is coming and football is here to me yet. I dunno if it was the long hot summer that is still kinda here or all the weird politics and terrible news…but now, now watching the all the morons posting moron things…well its like watching the leaves turn color. Let’s go football! Let’s go Bucs!

  64. ModHairKen Says:

    He’s soft.

  65. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Need to be better be ready for Detroit

  66. Simeon4HOF Says:


  67. unbelievable Says:

    I told y’all I got a bad feeling about the injury but this year.

  68. unbelievable Says:

    *injury bug

  69. RGA Says:

    Two consecutive years Kancey is not fit to go to start the season. Some guys line up and play football, some others struggle with injuries. Let’s hope Kancey will not be a chronic injury guy. His track record is not encouraging.

  70. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    It’s not a good sign that this guy is already on the injury list. He missed multiple games last year and that will be the case every year moving fwd. so much chatter about his abilities but that means squat if he can’t suit up.

  71. heyjude Says:

    Kancey has only been ruled out of this game. He will have excellent rehab and could be back next week. This could only be a safety measure. Not worried yet.

  72. BucU Says:

    Screw you if you don’t like negative comments on Kancey. He’s soft. He’s injury prone. He’s useless.
    Fat ass Cancey = Russell Gage Jr. Bum.

  73. Suggiefresh Says:

    Dude is reminding me of another Bucs standout Defensive player but couldn’t stay on the field, Carleton Davis, you aren’t valuable at all if you can’t even play. SMH, probably a bust in the long term. He’ll be out 3-4 weeks so he shouldn’t expect a big second contract if he can’t stay healthy.

  74. Buc up Says:

    What is with players we get from Pitt Kancey, Dennis, an Even Whitehead? I love them but we need hem to play. Ball out

  75. BucU Says:

    If the bum is getting hurt this frequently in his early 20″s should we assume he’ll get less injured as he gets older? If he’s out more than 1 game then he will be labeled as an injury prone dissapointment.
    And rightfully so. B U M.

  76. Joemaguire Says:

    Blame dehydration.

    Too much Gatorade and not enough pure water.

  77. FrontFour Says:

    China Doll.

  78. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Meanwhile Fields staring for Pitt.

    Atlanta will win today.

    Pressure is on starting game 1.

  79. ReeeBarrr Says:

    It’s probably something small.
    And, they feel he’s not needed to win today.

    We have options.

    Goooo Bucs!!!

  80. Conner50 Says:

    Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan
    Kirk Cousins will have to avoid Tj Watt all day, so Steelers are still very capable of manhandling them bums. Chill man the games haven’t started yet. This Kancey news is very concerning though, how long will this damn calf injury linger smh. Really was hoping to see him bully Daniels around

  81. Old school Buc Says:

    You can see how his career is going to play out. ” A really good player but just can’t stay healthy “

  82. SlyPirate Says:

    With Hall and Kancey, Licht is definitely taking another DT at the top of the draft. WR and MLB can come later.

  83. Oneilbuc Says:

    I’m tired of him and all these injuries and I know it’s not his fault but sometimes you have to play through it.