Calijah Kancey Added To Injury Report

September 6th, 2024


UPDATED: Is it too early to start doing shots of bourbon?

Bucs stud defensive tackle Calijah Kancey is on today’s official injury report with a calf injury. He wasn’t there yesterday and it’s unclear whether it’s the same calf he significantly injured last season. Kancey is now questionable for Sunday’s Bucs season opener.

This comes on the heels (sorry for Joe’s choice of words) of news that invisible starting defensive lineman Logan Hall is out for the game.

All of a sudden a strength of the Bucs has been greatly weakened. And we all know how thin inside linebacker is if depth is tested there.

Joe is frankly triggered by this. Joe expects Kancey to have a dominant year. Now, just like last year, Kancey begins the season far less than 100 percent.

OC Vows To Have Lots Of Presnap Motion

49 Responses to “Calijah Kancey Added To Injury Report”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Same calf as last year? Good grief. This sucks.

  2. Joe Says:

    Same calf as last year?

    Do not know.

  3. SC Bucs fan Says:

    You shouldn’t drink because of bad news. It should be used for good news.

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Another calf injury? He is too explosive for his own good. Shut him down and let it heal or risk the season.

  5. Mike Says:

    Man, this sucks! I was looking forward to seeing Kancey out there terrorizing QB’s.

  6. Buc's Nick Says:

    Two years in a row. Might be a little early but injury prone will be his next label.

  7. WiseCrack Says:

    Kinda sucks that Calijah Kancey the field……

  8. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Disappointed in the fragility of some of these guys.

  9. unbelievable Says:

    Ugh, sorry fellow Bucs fans but I just have a bad feeling about the injury bug this year… Feels like we’re going to get decimated.

    Probably why Vegas has us doing so poorly- they conjure injuries with their voodoo magick!

  10. WiseCrack Says:

    Let’s go Joe!!! Tryon please!!!

    Too much??? Should have left good enough alone.

  11. Hackashaq Says:

    Call up Shaq man

  12. Durango 95 Says:

    Did he not also miss parts of TC with some sort of injury? Adding into last year’s injury(s) are we now starting to see a trend here? Ugh.

  13. BucU Says:

    Beautiful. Just beautiful.

  14. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    Licht invested his first picks on the defensive line for 3 consecutive years and we have almost nothing to show for it. Really hoping this doesn’t become a thing with Kancey, but getting injured this often this early? Ugh.

  15. Crickett Baker Says:

    Double ugh. The darn injury bug seems to be back with a vengeance. How sad.

  16. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Maybe he needs to wear a guardian cap on his calf? And didn’t these guys just have like 4 days off over the last 7?

  17. D-Rok Says:

    Hope he heals up quick. We are gonna need him this year.

  18. Buc2Blame Says:

    Injury prone 😂😂😂

  19. SlyPirate Says:

    Game Status: Questionable

    CK out would be EXTREMELY disappointing for fans. The Bucs played without him most of last year so it’s anything they don’t know how to do.

  20. Josh Says:

    This is ridiculous I want to love the guy but your most important quality is availability and when it comes to football he can’t stay on the field…

  21. GoneGator Says:

    Bummer. Fingers crossed this is a minor tweak 🤞🏼

  22. BRYAN KOHN Says:

    Let us all pray and not bit**….. Yet!

  23. Kgh4life Says:

    How does these injuries pop up out of nowhere?

  24. Mike C Says:

    To answer your first question, No Joe, not at all

  25. Mike C Says:

    Yeah Unbelievable……… Vegas vodo…… right…..

  26. IrishTony Says:

    Who says he’s not playing. He’ll be in there maybe on limited snaps.

  27. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Hoping this is somehow more of a chess move

  28. Seattle Buc is back in TB Says:

    Relax, Bucs fans. Its quesriiabke, not doubtful, not out. He’ll be okay.

  29. Rod Munch Says:


    Damnit, come on Kancey, I’m expecting huge things from you this year, the Bucs defensive MVP.

  30. BucU Says:

    Shyt’s gettin real old already with Kancey. Seems like he and his college teammate Sirvocea Dennis can’t stay healthy for ten minutes.

  31. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Business as usual, he will be ok

  32. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Hall is the worst recent draft pick just based on the fact he took Jensen out forever.

  33. Jeff Says:

    Tiny Dancer hurt again. Is anyone really surprised?

  34. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Not surprised by this news at all

  35. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Matt_PcAfee Says:
    September 6th, 2024 at 7:51 pm
    Hall is the worst recent draft pick just based on the fact he took Jensen out forever.
    There are no bigger pansies in the world than the “Logan Hall hurt somebody” pansies. Football is just too much for them, even in its watered down state.

  36. billyboy Says:

    this is all smoke he good to go he superman

  37. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Well this sucks! Hopefully, he can play though it. Some of these supposed stud players are awfully fragile.

  38. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    haha wisecrack

  39. Brandon Says:

    Overreaction central in the comments. At least wait until Sunday to panic.

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    Fargin calves.

    Although veal is tasty.

  41. Oneilbuc Says:

    He’s hurt again I’m getting tired of these players now days he can’t stay healthy!!

  42. My Momma Says:

    With all the off-season work Kansey and Ya Ya got in the off-season, makes me think they’re not giving their bodies enough time to recuperate. You have to damn your body a rest.

  43. White Tiger Says:

    Kancey injured, Hall injured, Earnest Brown IV, on IR… good thing someone re-signed Will Gholstom… because ither than him you only have Greg Gaines, Ben Stille, and maybe Anithiny Nelson?

    Suddenly that interior d-line strength isn’t looking so deep.

  44. FrontFour Says:

    China dolls. How can all these guys be injured with all this tech, training, nutrition, pampering and minimal contact in off season workouts and training camp.

  45. stpetebucfan Says:

    China Dolls? Really?

    Have you ever had the chance to stand on the sidelines of an NFL game. The collisions are brutal!!

    In another life I got to cover a preseason game in Knoxville between the Pats and Steelers.

    I remember not only the collisions but the “attitudes”. Watching Mel Blount the great Steeler’s DB was intimadating even from the sidelines. It occured to me that his mentality wasn’t so much strategic as in stopping the ball carrier as it was head hunting. Not cheap shots just really laying the lumber on guys.

    If Blount saw a guy racing to the sidelines he did his best to reach him first regardless of down and distance or effect on the actual game. It was as if every play Blount was just sending a message. If you come onto the field against the Steelers you’re going to get the crap knocked out of you.

    There are not many sports more violent than NFL football, perhaps boxing, rugby, whatever.

    I recall a preseason weekend…cover the high school football jamboree, then Tennessee/Auburn and then this NFL pre season.

    High school- arm tacking, sometimes good form, but not all that violent
    College – watching the Vols try to smash Bo Jackson was eye opening.
    NFL – I cringed from the sidelines wondering how these guys get up after some of these hits.

    It’s soooo easy to talk about “hitting” and violence as a keyboard warrior but it’s literally putting your body and the rest of your life physically on many plays each game. I honestly do not know how they do it.

  46. Pewter Power Says:

    Practice for the week should have been over except walk through. What the hell man. Oh well licht seems to think he can accomplish something with camp meat backup types but hey they are homegrown I’m sure it will be ok if Kancey can’t go.

  47. Cobraboy Says:

    @spbf: it is not just the violence. It’s the size.

    Back in The Day OL were 255-275lbs MOL. Now if you aren’t 320, you’re gone. 365 is not unusual.

    I know in HS ball all the kids want to be D1 recruits, and they don’t understand how big a D1 recruit is. Then they get invited to a D1 mass recruiting weekend and meet some legit D1 kids. Many come back and say FCS or D2 isn’t so bad because they’d get to play at that level.

    Pro is an entirely different level, a physical freak show…

    China dolls? That’s just the chatter of casuals.

  48. Larrd Says:

    NFL contenders need 5 or 6 good DLs. Bucs have two— one who can only play half a game and another who can only play half the games.

  49. Dave Pear Says:

    spbf and Cobra — good reads, thank you.