Bucs-Broncos, Open Thread

September 22nd, 2024

Time for the Bucs to hammer a weak opponent at The Licht House! Comment all game long below.

Please play nice! It’s easy to be decent.

A win pushes Tampa Bay to 3-0 for the first time since 2005.

Go Bucs!

1,355 Responses to “Bucs-Broncos, Open Thread”

  1. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Why white pants?

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    Don’t underestimate Payton. Nothing is a given. Go Bucs!

  3. Chef Baker Says:


  4. KenFrom_Canada Says:

    I’m looking to see 2 sacks from Yaya today since Broncos are missing their RT this week too

  5. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Good teams win when they should…let’s see what team we have!

  6. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Les go Buccos!!

  7. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The beer is cold and the joints are rolled. Go Bucs!!!

  8. Mr_Barf Says:

    Where’s the Pewter uni’s

  9. Jugheadfla Says:

    Where the heck is everyone? Stadium looks empty

  10. El HEFE Rick Says:

    The defense gonna have a big game so will the offense they aren’t gonna know who to guard with everyone going off 3+sacks maybe 2 picks one from dean

  11. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  12. HC Grover Says:

    Nix looks like Elway. This is what I was afraid of.

  13. Buc4evr Says:

    Defense is getting owned

  14. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    We not getting any pressure

  15. A Bucs Fan Says:

    That was OPI the first completion. Terrible.

  16. LongSeason Says:

    Bo Nix is going to have a coming out party. We had an emotional win last week and got beat to F. W also were gifted that game. We lose this let down game.

  17. WiseCrack Says:

    Typical start for the D. No worries

  18. darengibo Says:

    Is Sean Payton transitioning? He has boobs.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    Flat as pancakes

  20. WiseCrack Says:

    Agree, that first play was 1000% OPI.

    Typical Bucs game. Gotta beat two teams

  21. Jugheadfla Says:


  22. HC Grover Says:

    EZ as pie…Bucs beleived all the press they were getting.

  23. Buc4evr Says:

    Exactly what I was afraid of. D line truly sucks.

  24. Mr_Barf Says:

    That’s what an fu pride drive is. We suck.

  25. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Come on, hold Detroit to one TD all game and give this floundering team a TD like it was nothing!! Pathetic start…O better respond

  26. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Defense is going to have to step up. This is unacceptable

  27. ElioT Says:

    This looks all too familiar.

    Bucs defense being a cure for what ails struggling QBs…

    Come on boys.

  28. Bucs Guy Says:

    No pass rush at all.

  29. Cobraboy Says:

    That was easy.

  30. LongSeason Says:

    TOUCHDOWN BRONCOS! The route is on.

  31. BucU Says:

    How utterly embarrassing.

  32. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Well that was easy.

  33. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Not a great start.

    Don’t make me start calling for Trask.

  34. HC Grover Says:

    get 7 Bake. No 3 and out

  35. Leopold Stotch Says:

    We’re making him look like a superbowl champion 🤦‍♂️

  36. Bucsfan81 Says:

    We getting whooped by the sorry broncos. Sean Payton has always had the Bucs number.

  37. BucU Says:


  38. Jugheadfla Says:

    Wth was JTS doing? Just standing there watching him walk in

  39. LongSeason Says:

    Peyton always has our number. Don’t forget that.

  40. Cobraboy Says:

    Playing down to competition: Buc Ball.

  41. QBKilla Says:

    Dennis looked lost on that one.

  42. PSLBucfan Says:

    Defense is still in the locker room.

  43. 1#bucsfan Says:

    JOE JOE JOE JOE talking smack all week about Bo. 🤦‍♂️.

  44. Buc4evr Says:

    D line is slow, LBs were taken out. Easy TD.

  45. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Denis got caught in no mans land, should have ran after QB but was looking for a man to cover

  46. Gipper Says:

    Broncos 7 Bucs 0. Let’s blame Mayfield. Defense needs to wake up.

  47. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Too many Denver sux articles this week.

    The Jinx is on.

  48. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Oh yeah defense got off the field

  49. Say what Says:

    What the hell was JTS doing?

  50. HC Grover Says:

    But but I thought it was gonna be a blowout of these stiffs. I heard it right here.

  51. jeff Says: Says:

    Defense making Bo look like Joe Montana,. Hope this isnt a trend for the entire game.

  52. Buc4evr Says:

    Yeah, what in the hell was Dennis doing?

  53. Dreambig Says:

    Where is the QB that Joe said sucked so bad?

  54. Chad Says:

    Mostly peaceful trask fan, why would you call for trask when the defense looked terrible on that drive

  55. Greg Says:

    well…..that was easy.

  56. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Shut up gulped you crying moron

  57. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Well let’s see if the D can adjust and our O better get an opening drive TD

  58. heyjude Says:

    Come on offense!

  59. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    It’s crazy that we have so many key injuries. Was not like this under Dungy’s teams. They got to find a way to stay healthy.

  60. BucsBeast Says:


  61. MadMax Says:

    we’re still nothing…get used to it

  62. A Bucs Fan Says:

    That drive should not have happened. The very first play from scrimmage was textbook OPI. I don’t care about the rest of the drive. Next time Dean needs to let him push him down and not keep his balance.

  63. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who said no trap game?

  64. Oxycondomns Says:

    awesome secondary mccollum is amazing

  65. ElioT Says:

    Payton knows Bowles well.

  66. HC Grover Says:

    here comes Skuuuule

  67. Crickett Baker Says:

    Long way to go. Can we be positive?

  68. Pewter Power Says:

    Uh yea y’all gm of the year needs to man up like he did with Roberto Aguayo and go find a pass rusher. Can’t be bragging about how easy it was gonna be all well and that happen. Yes they should score but not that easy and on the opening drive. How many years have we gone without doing that?

  69. HC Grover Says:

    Has Canales returned

  70. LakelandSteve Says:

    Anyone think this is going to be an easy W now?

  71. Mr_Barf Says:

    Yeah yeah yeah run it fir 1yd

  72. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    wtf is that call up the gut…is canales back???? Come on man

  73. Trap game 24??? Says:

    Defense is sleeping 🤷‍♂️

  74. Jugheadfla Says:

    Yes! Run for 0….awesome!

  75. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  76. HC Grover Says:

    Is this real…

  77. Sc Bucs fan Says:

    Would you stop running that play

  78. Jugheadfla Says:

    Why does Mayfield get happy feet when he actually has time?

  79. Eric Says:

    Run up the middle to start lol

  80. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Thought for sure Bowles would blitz and hammer this rookie QB. Rattle him early.
    Instead we let him look all world and build confidence. Its early so hopefully it doesn’t continue.

  81. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Sean Payton still knows how to beat the yucs!!!

  82. WiseCrack Says:

    The only thing to make this a truly typical Bucs game is if we go without a TD on the first drive.

    After that. the game begins

  83. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  84. Mr_Barf Says:

    WooHoo 2yd drives for the L

  85. HC Grover Says:

    Oh yes…We gonna kill these Bums I heard.

  86. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Checkdown Baker today

  87. Pewter Power Says:

    This ain’t a trap game, these Bucs just ain’t as good as you think they are. At least not without Vea Winfield and Kancey

  88. Jugheadfla Says:

    Absolutely flat as hell

  89. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Not to worry guys:

    Beeej Says:
    September 20th, 2024 at 8:44 pm
    Many/most of you are like a bunch of skittish dogs who have been kicked too many times. Sunday’s
    gonna go FINE. Baker will get 2-3 more ta passes

    Ruff ruff

  90. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s right show us again Skule can’t run block as well

  91. ElioT Says:

    Brutal start.

  92. rrsrqnc Says:

    And we are off again not scoring a TD on the opening drive

  93. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Seriously guys

    Bucs always plays down to the competition

  94. Cobraboy Says:

    Blowout, huh?

  95. LongSeason Says:

    I’ve about had enough of White. Cut him mid game.

  96. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Damn we might get blown out by the broncos

  97. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s right no td in 1st drive again blame the defense

  98. Simeon4HOF Says:

    That first drive was ugly we looked lost. And now White up the middle for negative 20 yards

  99. Shayne05 Says:

    Wow, couldn’t have started much worse than this

  100. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Great start, we have them right where we want them. Denver apparently must have an “Easy button”.

  101. PSLBucfan Says:

    Already it looks like Broncos want the W more than the Bucs.

  102. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Oh Yeah, we are looking sharp!

  103. BucU Says:

    Pathetic assholes been reading how good they are again.

  104. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bucs always makes Rookie QBs look like John Elways

  105. unbelievable Says:

    Classic Bowles Bucs.

    I tried to tell the Joes and all of you all week long this was a classic trap game and not to underrstimate the Broncos. But noooooooo one wanted to listen to me.

  106. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Armstrong still on ST?

  107. Will Says:

    Terrible start on both sides of the ball

  108. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That was puke worthy…looked like o protection and no creativity at all in the play calls…start with slants, sweeps or screens…but no, we call BS PLAIN JANE CALLS

  109. RuKa_44 Says:

    I guess one team came prepared: the Broncos… this is pathetic on all sides (D, O, ST)

  110. Pewter Power Says:

    They have a good front 4 and they have more sacks than us on the season I’m not sure why people thought this would be so easy for us. We are an average team without a pass rush and run game

  111. D-ManTX Says:

    I am not sure why we aren’t seeing more Bucky. I think it’s time.

  112. unbelievable Says:

    I also called Nix getting his first TD today against us.

  113. Chad Says:

    White looks so slow, it might be time to say goodbye to him

  114. Jugheadfla Says:

    This is Bowels, unemotional and it’s how his team plays

  115. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Looking like a trap game.

  116. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    You all really thought this game would be a cakewalk????

    Really Bro? REALLY!!!!???? 🤣

  117. ElioT Says:

    Opening TDs are overrated… so are 1st downs.

  118. 1#bucsfan Says:


  119. BucsBeast Says:


  120. EA Says:

    They better wake up soon.

  121. Cobraboy Says:

    Not a trap game, huh?

  122. ElioT Says:

    The JBF pregame poll shows you how little knowledge and memory most Bucs fans have.

  123. Jarrett Says:

    I got money riding on this game smh

  124. BucU Says:

    They should be ashamed. Every F’n one of em from Bowles to the 53rd player.

  125. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Guess Coen’s version of run up the gut with 1 cut White is run right behind Skule

  126. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    You watch… After that noncall OPI pushoff on the first drive. Evans will get flagged for it next.

  127. RuKa_44 Says:

    What is the count on no TDs on the game Roest drive? 24? 25?

  128. unbelievable Says:

    I tried to warn yall.

  129. HC Grover Says:

    Better stop them right now

  130. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Vea out on top of Winfield and Kancey does really handicap our Defense. Can’t stand Sean Payton.. Tighten up D

  131. Brian North Says:

    Doesn’t look like Bowles have the team ready to play

  132. No Mercy Says:

    Ain’t no way this sorry Broncos team is stuffing us after last week

  133. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Alright, let’s see if the D can get off the field here…how much cushion we giving

  134. WiseCrack Says:

    Typical start for a Todd Bowls coached team. They always get better as the game goes on.

    Stop with the trap game BS. Your need to be validated is gonna trap you if you are not careful

  135. HC Grover Says:

    TX Bo

  136. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Good thing you hey had miscommunication

  137. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    How absolutely disgusting how fans on this site were printing their own SB tickets. Anybody recall how long it’s been since we scored on our first drive? And Bo Nix (who I said would be best young QB this year) comes in and does it on his first series. Only in BucLand.

    We may beat them 30-7, but I don’t think so.
    Buc History Book, Chapter 12: “Watch out for rookie QBs that everyone so far has handled, they will look good against the Bucs.” You relatively newbies to Buc world should read this. It’s in the book.

  138. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Might ad well just run behind Skule all day. And on passing downs Baker can just throw from on top of Skules shoulders he’ll be safe there

  139. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Get a f’n TD Bucs…this is not what fans wanna see from a team who is supposed to be “good”

  140. HC Grover Says:

    OK lets get some points…No Blunders

  141. SB~LV Says:

    The announcers are IRRITATING

  142. Jarrett Says:

    Man give Trey Palmer more involved in this offense.

    You can tell he’s losing confidence, all his reps are going to McMillian

  143. Commander Says:

    Run out of the gap offense.

  144. Chad Says:

    The way these announcers talk about bo, you would think they were the broncos home announcers

  145. heyjude Says:

    It’s not ten minutes into the game. So much time to play. The Broncos will get hot and tired. Go Bucs!

  146. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Todd Bowles is 11-5 against rookie QB’s as a DC since 2019.

    This is supposed to be a different team in a different era and not the same ole Bucs. They need to wake up and crush this team like they are supposed too.

  147. WiseCrack Says:


    Go back and read chapter 1 of this imaginary book of yours and tell us what the Bucs record vs Rookie QBs.

    We are all waiting for the answer!!!

  148. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s go quick tempo

  149. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Full steam ahead RW!! LFG

  150. orlbucfan Says:

    Payton should be an easy read for the Bucs. Make Payton earn it.

  151. Pewter Power Says:

    We’re still a slow offense, we’re average but Rachaad white is running in slow motion out there

  152. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Had White in the flat and throws that sh!t instead!!!!!

  153. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:


  154. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Did you see that open lane to Whites leftt????

  155. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, hope you TRAP lovers are enjoying this.

  156. Jugheadfla Says:

    Good lord

  157. rrsrqnc Says:

    That was greedy Baker

  158. BangkokBuc Says:


  159. PSLBucfan Says:

    The crowd sounds like it is a Broncos home game.

  160. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  161. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Will the real Baker Mayfield please stand up?

  162. DoooshLaRue Says:

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 1:14 pm
    Not to worry guys:

    Beeej Says:
    September 20th, 2024 at 8:44 pm
    Many/most of you are like a bunch of skittish dogs who have been kicked too many times. Sunday’s
    gonna go FINE. Baker will get 2-3 more ta passes

    Ruff ruff

  163. Chad Says:

    I love baker but terrible throw, very poor decision

  164. ElioT Says:

    Garbage baker

  165. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs will win but it may end up Cardiac Bucs again.

  166. Permanently Moderated Says:

    What the hell! How many Denver fans are there?

  167. PSLBucfan Says:

    Bucs beating Bucs.

  168. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  169. DoooshLaRue Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 1:26 pm
    Well, hope you TRAP lovers are enjoying this.

    We don’t enjoy it.
    It’s called being realistic you moron.

  170. Mr_Barf Says:

    7 point penalty

  171. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I don’t think they are gonna hold here…can’t replicate what they did against the lions week after week

  172. Pewter Power Says:

    Average at best and we do not look like division winners today but I do expect to win the game. We have a September team but when ya can’t run or rush the passer your average

  173. PewterStiffArm Says:

    We never show up at home when we need to.

  174. No Mercy Says:

    Just fist me already

  175. Will Says:

    Trap in full effect

  176. HC Grover Says:

    Hope everyone learns a lesson here. This is not an EZ walkover game. Counting chickens before they hatch is not a good idea. If they go up 14 look out.

  177. orlbucfan Says:

    14-0. Now, Bowles needs to call a timeout and settle his team down. Not sure what Payton is pulling.

  178. DoooshLaRue Says:

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 11:48 am
    *Sean “butthole lips” Payton
    *Rookie QB
    *Young Bucs believing the hype

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I’m hoping for the best though.

  179. orlbucfan Says:

    Payton is smirking on the sidelines.

  180. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    There’s no view to overturn

  181. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Baker does not have to force it. Just calm down and beat this team.

  182. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Mercy this isn’t a Diddy party

  183. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Used to sorta like the broncos.

  184. HC Grover Says:

    Worse than terrible

  185. Trask To The Future Says:

    Serious question…

    Why can’t Mayfield complete passes OVER THE MIDDLE? Is it that he struggles to see over the line?

    This is legitimately concerning.

  186. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    All can’t be seen so if they overturn this it’s total

  187. Mr_Barf Says:

    Good to see the real Bowles is back

  188. No Mercy Says:

    Everyone knew we should take this game serious not sure why we came out so flat…. Our schedule is deadly

  189. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Peyton is such a slime ball. Gonna be a long game if they don’t get it together.

  190. Oxycondomns Says:

    lets rest vita vea

  191. EA Says:

    So much junk joe talked about bo nix all week, I knew it would come back to bite us in the butt.

  192. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    We play Nawleans with this team?

  193. Tardis Feathered Says:

    Guess I picked the wrong day to stop drinking….

  194. BucaneroJim Says:

    Brady looks like a Zoolander model.

  195. HC Grover Says:

    Must of been a steamroller in the locker room for the Bucs to be this flat. Or it is the Equinox effect.

  196. Pewter Power Says:

    We may have won the game but Detroit provided the blueprint for beating the Bucs. They are committing resources to stopping our run so the passing lanes are clogged

  197. Jugheadfla Says:

    Omg….nice tackle

  198. DoooshLaRue Says:


    I wonder why we aren’t nationally respected?
    Its a real effing mystery…..

  199. ElioT Says:

    The Bucs played hard but got very lucky last week, Lions crapped the bed.

    This is reality.

    We can hang with most teams, can lose to anyone.

  200. BangkokBuc Says:

    Had him. No support

  201. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Pathetic tackling.

  202. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Garbage tackling. Embarrassing.

  203. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Why would Nelson stop contain to the outside let him go back toward the D

  204. Jugheadfla Says:

    Jesus christ Britt….how?

  205. WiseCrack Says:

    This is where Baker can show us that he has grown. A start like this typically means that he is gonna have a sub par game

  206. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    No leg strength

  207. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Dennis doesn’t miss that tackle.

  208. Jarrett Says:

    Fire Bowles.

    Devin White makes that tackle LOL jk

  209. Trask To The Future Says:


  210. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Damn Britt should have cleaned that up. Put in Dennis

  211. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I think Dennis makes the stop with his speed

  212. PSLBucfan Says:

    Britt needs to go back and get his jock.

  213. Austin Says:

    Britt is trash, SVD is better

  214. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Ugly af

  215. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Well damn we are definitely not the team I thought we were. Doesn’t even look like a playoff team.

  216. Jbeachbuc Says:

    Our defense is trash.

  217. Cobraboy Says:

    Who had 14-0 in Q1 on their card?

  218. Shayne05 Says:

    KJ BRITT……he’s too slow to be a starter. Have to make that tackle.

  219. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe jinxed us with all of those articles putting down Nix

  220. EA Says:

    Terrible D play on 4th down.

  221. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    A young Devin, not today’s Devin White

  222. Bucsince88 Says:

    It’s like Stroud last year. Bo is carving us up.

  223. Oneilbuc Says:

    This is why I wanted to keep Devin White!! Where is Dennis!!

  224. Bucsfan Says:

    Nelson has to set the edge and turn that runner back to the inside-poor technique-Bucs better wake up before it is too late.

  225. rrsrqnc Says:

    It’s the AFC West that we always have difficulty with

  226. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    Year after year, this team’s tackling is a disgrace

  227. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Number 1 cutoff outside run lane…basics Nelson, come on man

  228. Simeon4HOF Says:

    This on Bowles smh

  229. unbelievable Says:

    Britt is too slow. Duh.

    Everyone can see that except stubborn arse Bowles.

    What a pathetic showing from the Bucs so far

  230. HC Grover Says:

    I hate to say it but the irrational exhuberance here was over the top. Now it is a long way back. Need 2 unanswered td. If we flop here on this drive Big Trouble

  231. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Vintage Bucs! SMDH.

  232. Jugheadfla Says:

    Britt = devin….all talk no bite

  233. Bucamania Says:

    Horrible start. Britt needs to sit on the bench.

  234. Clownwich Says:

    Talk about S-ing the bed. Could Tampa’s start to this game be any worse.

  235. ILikeEyeballs Says:

    Terrible angle by KJ Britt. All you have to due is keep the runner out of the end zone. Why are you trying to stop him at the 3-4 yard line?

  236. RuKa_44 Says:

    Again… Todd Bowles? The most overrated, overhyped defensive coach in the NFL… if you are good or a Guru like everyone thinks Bowles is, you need to perform at high level EVERY WEEK! Not like this, 1 good game followed by game after game of mediocrity

  237. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s go up the middle that’ll get us going…YES!!

  238. HC Grover Says:

    Canales must be calling the plays.

  239. Mr_Barf Says:

    Stop the stupid runs

  240. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Been said it last week after the win today was gonna be a trap game

  241. Winny Testaverde Says:

    JoeJinx ™️…more potent that the old Sport’s Illustrated jinx and the Madden cover one. Oh swell…

  242. ElioT Says:

    Wait over 91% of voters said the Bucs would win???

  243. ElioT Says:

    Baker is lost today

  244. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    How they hell are we not getting open…get wick completions and make yac

  245. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Coen as smart as Cornales

  246. Defense Rules Says:

    Nah, this isn’t a trap game. But this is what happens when you start believing all the BS about how wonderful you are. Time for these guys to get their sh*t together and play some football.

  247. Willow Says:

    2 minute offense

  248. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bout to see and find out what we are really made of. White needs to never be starter again after this game

  249. Commander Says:

    Run out of the gap not the zone.

  250. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  251. Chef Baker Says:

    The team as a whole isn’t here but still last week and today is like night and day with the same guys as last week

  252. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    WHAT THE ACTUAL F*%# are we doing?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  253. Trask To The Future Says:


  254. Bucs4Ever Says:

    21-0 incoming.

    Total embarrassment.


  255. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who said we had the best receivers in the NFL?

  256. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The inconsistency of Baker reimerges.

  257. BucfaninMi Says:

    They’re going to lose. We’ll never see 5-0 or beyond

  258. unbelievable Says:

    Strap in fans. This team isn’t built to come from behind.

    Mayfield is gonna press and throw another INt

  259. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  260. ATLBuc Says:

    We need to run the Ball!

  261. No Mercy Says:

    Oh great we got Canales offense this week

  262. Jugheadfla Says:

    WRs not winning today

  263. Cobraboy Says:

    Beat down.

  264. BangkokBuc Says:

    Wake up FFS

  265. Ed Says:

    Right now Bucs look ripe for the taking. Very poor effort and poor execution.

  266. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Baker talked smack about the GOAT

    Bad Juju.

  267. HC Grover Says:

    Oh well.everyone who babbled about clobbering this team eat your hats. Do not do it again.

  268. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Well this game is over can’t even get a first down.

  269. Trap game 24??? Says:

    Broncos D came to play today

  270. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Outside exactly

  271. Chad Says:

    Broncos is a very underrated defense.

  272. unbelievable Says:

    Well at least they won’t be too high on their press clippings anymore

  273. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Britt has no agility

  274. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    You ready for us to hit a losing streak?

  275. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Is that what good running looks like…wow

  276. unbelievable Says:

    Terrible punt

  277. HC Grover Says:

    Dead men walking in this half so far.

  278. Bucamania Says:

    This team doesn’t look ready to play today

  279. WiseCrack Says:

    Gonna need our Tight Ends to get us out of this spell.

    Baker is playing like he is dazed and confused. Did he get tested for a head injury after all the sacks last week

  280. Chad Says:

    Mostly peaceful trask fan, if your watching the game you’ll see the receivers are not getting open, or any separation

  281. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    If anyone wants to watch actual football – red zone is on

  282. Cobraboy Says:

    Only casuals thought this would be a Bucs blowout.

  283. Will Says:

    Total let down from last week

  284. Oneilbuc Says:

    This is one of those games we should we win but will lose !! But I’m ok I never believe we would be 17-0 . KJ Britt is trash but every one wanted Devin White gone!!

  285. Bucs4Ever Says:

    totally unprepared

  286. EA Says:

    Broncos D are playing great on the road in heat, our D thought they had this in the bag.

  287. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Game over already

  288. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    3 defenders and he got through almost a first anyway

  289. unbelievable Says:

    BLATANT HOLDING against Diaby WTF???

  290. Bucsince88 Says:

    Looks like this Bronco O is too powerful for us.

  291. Oneilbuc Says:

    He’s going for it

  292. BucfaninMi Says:

    21-0 it’s over

  293. HC Grover Says:

    4th and 1 he gets 3 pathetic

  294. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What was that big piece on Mc Cullum? Twice he’s been burnt!

  295. Mr_Barf Says:

    Payton is an throat cutter coach..luv him

  296. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    Welcome to a nice losing streak for this squad. We will get embarrassed again next week.

  297. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    We’ll see Trask today

  298. unbelievable Says:

    Bucs did not come to play today. Slow and lethargic in every phase of the game.

    It’s insulting to fans.

  299. heyjude Says:

    The game is far from over. We are good about coming back from behind. The Broncos are going to get hot and tired soon. Go Bucs!

  300. Jarrett Says:

    I’m disgusted with this fire Bowles we should’ve moved on a long time ago

  301. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe jinxed us with all of those anti Nix articles

  302. Bucamania Says:

    Total beat down in first quarter. Let’s see how they respond

  303. Bucsfan Says:

    There is reason they call this a trap game.

  304. unbelievable Says:

    Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

  305. orlbucfan Says:

    No, it’s not over. Not by a longshot.

  306. Bucsfan81 Says:

    I seen this show with the saints same type of blow outs by halftime. Denver coach has Bowles number ever time with the exception being the playoffs when we won the superbowl

  307. rrsrqnc Says:

    Coaches preached all week long, can’t take this team for granted, fans can, players and coaches can’t, so who is this on. Too many injuries and young players or they just not ready

  308. Chad Says:

    What’s your cash app, I’ll bet you money trask dont play today, and I’m not counting coming in to kneel the ball

  309. Doug Heverly Says:

    Classic Bucs flat start. May muscle back. Usual response is to work hard to get back into the game but will run out of gas. How many times have we seen this as Bucs fans? Not mention against a rookie QB.

  310. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Mr barf you are that

  311. HC Grover Says:

    The Bucs had a yuuuge party to celebrate winning the SB last night they are all hung over from the celebration.

  312. LongSeason Says:

    Baker isn’t the kind of QB that will bring a team back from big deficit.
    All hail Sean Peyton. You are God of Bucs.

  313. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs players and coaches really came out flat and look unprepared.

  314. churrasco Says:

    Baker needs to stop reading Joe’s 5-daily-articles on how great he is.

  315. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    EMBARRASSING …who the hell are these Bucs on the field…even if they win there’s gonna be a bunch of questions. Got 3 quarters to erase those questions.

  316. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Coen and Bowles together what a combo. Defense bent and broke already and offense can’t even get going. Bo Nix is an all star today

  317. unbelievable Says:

    I knew it was gonna be close and the Broncos offense was going to look the best they have, but I did not think the Bucs would look this pathetic!

    No one has come to play today. They’re just coasting. They deserve to lose if they play like this.

  318. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    Changed channel. Cant watch people get paid millions to not show up.

  319. Jody Says:

    We are getting killed and they have no respect for our defense. At this point, they really shouldn’t.

  320. No Mercy Says:

    VEGAS is deep in this game. Everyone picked the Bucs to win, Vegas ain’t tying to lose money

  321. BucfaninMi Says:


  322. Buc4evr Says:

    Baker needs to be throwing screens to the RB.

  323. Jarrett Says:

    It’s crazy cause I think we woulda shown up if we were in Denver .

    But at home we trash ?

  324. PSLBucfan Says:

    Broncos want it more. Bucs can’t handle success.

  325. Badbucs Says:

    Euforia gone now. Good. Let’s play now. Forget the press clippings

  326. Mr_Barf Says:

    How many missed tackles already today?

  327. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Mostly peaceful trash fan .. ur gators suck btw

  328. WiseCrack Says:

    I dare everyone to stop panicking for one half of this game

  329. Usfbuc Says:

    Tough start but we’ve got this.

  330. Chef Baker Says:

    Come on Bucs get it together already

  331. Jugheadfla Says:

    Dean getting abused as usual

  332. Greg Says:

    I feared this result coming off a big win last week. Tackling is horrendous.

  333. James in Memphis Says:

    Pump your brakes guys. Just one quarter

  334. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Blitzing and it don’t matter because they are being picked up and the coverage is t holding

  335. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Get your team right against the Bucs

  336. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Will stop panicking if they do one thing right to ease our pain

  337. unbelievable Says:

    We can’t block. Cant tackle. Cant throw and can’t catch.

    But other than that we’re doing great!

  338. HC Grover Says:

    I might do yard work if this keeps up. 21 skidoo. They bought in to the press here and elsewhere.

  339. churrasco Says:

    Bo Pixx looks like Joe Montana next to Choker Mayfield.

  340. LongSeason Says:

    Of all the 2-0 teams the Buc are the biggest pretenders.

  341. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Shut up James we say what we want

  342. BucfaninMi Says:

    Worst QB in the league lighting it up

  343. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Man I hate the Bucs making rookie and struggling offenses look good

  344. Chad Says:

    Our secondary is getting absolutely man handled

  345. rrsrqnc Says:

    This is crazy

  346. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    Glad our poor performance will make Garbage Nix get coverage. Way to dial it up Turd Bowls.

  347. Simeon4HOF Says:

    What a big difference without Vea

  348. TheBucsAnthem Says:



  349. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Red zone defense coming up

  350. Destinjohnny Says:

    Our boys have turned into superstars

  351. heyjude Says:

    The Bucs will come back ❤️

    Unfortunately, the announcers are salivating over Bo. Irritating.

  352. Crickett Baker Says:

    Yah. Let’s cheer our Bucs. This is bad, we know it. Let’s be leaders!

  353. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Least Denver knows how to pick up a blitz smh

  354. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Total beatdown

  355. Bucamania Says:

    Horrible tackling

  356. Chad Says:

    If we lose this game there’s gonna be plenty of blame to go around, offense and defense

  357. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    Ugh. Showing Bucs in red zone now and ruining my reprieve

  358. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    I KNEW the Bucs would do this

    THEY ALWAYS play down to rookie QB teams…..ALWAYS

  359. Kyle Bush Says:

    Classic Todd Bowles Bucs football. Make a crappy team look really really good

  360. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    8 yards a play? 2 more to go

  361. unbelievable Says:

    Congratulations to Todd Bowles for having the uncanny ability to keep himself on the coaching hot seat every single season due to his teams having complete collapses every single season.

  362. Fire_Bowles Says:

    this is BS,

  363. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bucs Anthem whose ur team weirdo. Prob the cowgurls

  364. ElioT Says:

    Crybabies about “the Bucs don’t get any national respect”

    This is why

  365. unbelievable Says:

    21-0 incoming

    Oh wow the FINALLY called a holding penalty! Peyton’s check must not have been large enough.

  366. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Tkraz is gonna go nuts on the overtime call in show

  367. Greg Says:

    Bucs can’t come back from 21 points down. Have to hold them to 3.

  368. No Mercy Says:

    Broncos playing like a Super Bowl contender out of nowhere

  369. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Makin nix look like a vet

  370. unbelievable Says:

    @EllioT – 💯

  371. BuccaDAWG Says:

    The Bucs did practice this week didn’t they or just listen to how good they were. Poor execution at all phases of football

  372. Kmac Says:

    I’m usually just a voyeur here, but, joe, PLEASE STOP TRASH TALKING OUR OPPONENTS!

  373. Bucamania Says:

    No pressure WHATSOEVER

  374. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Holding call probably saved any chance of us winning this game

  375. BucThis Says:

    We look like the 2017 Bucs. Bring back the ugly uniforms and it all come together

  376. unbelievable Says:

    Needs turnover so badly

  377. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Can we ever have a pass rush again plz

  378. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    the BUCS will lose this game……

    This is your REAL BUCS……a .500 team truly

  379. HC Grover Says:

    They will take the 3

  380. heyjude Says:

    We all knew how badly Payton needed a win being the the 3rd game and no wins. He is sneaky. The Bucs can come back. It is still early. The Broncos will tire from coming out so fast. It is far from over.

  381. Mike Johnson Says:

    WE..are witnessing our Bucs being brought back down to earth. Yes we are STUNNED and getting STUNG. Just remember guys, On any given Sunday……
    Still time But……

  382. Pewter Power Says:

    Damn joes it’s only game 3 and all my post are being disappeared. Ok so no joining the thread the rest of the season lol. Enjoy the game Bucs fans don’t sweat it the Bucs usually suck at home but they will wake up and win out of fear or ridicule lol.

  383. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bad defense

    ….suspect offense

    NO RUN game

    ………..Baker being Cleveland Baker….YUP……that’s them

  384. Simeon4HOF Says:

    We need our D starters back. Camp cupcake haunting us this game

  385. Bucamania Says:

    Wake up boys. Been reading your press clippings.

  386. Chris Says:

    Here at the game wish I wouldn’t have came embarrassing

  387. churrasco Says:

    But … but … Baker is the MVP!

  388. LongSeason Says:

    We probably are looking at the first of five times we will be shutout this year.
    DENVER 17
    tampa bay donuts

  389. RuKa_44 Says:

    Can anyone explain why we accepted this penalty? What was the point? Spend time? Give one more to our struggling D?!?

  390. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Liam Coen = 💩

  391. JustVisiting Says:

    C’mon, Bucks!

  392. WiseCrack Says:

    Now Baker needs to NOT settle for another less than 100 yard half. This is really a HUGE opportunity for him to win over Trask to the Future fans like myself.

  393. Mr_Barf Says:

    EMBARRASSING Bucs..let’s run on 1st again n again n again that’ll let our D get some rest

  394. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Can’t wait to hear the team come out and talk about how flat they were in the first half.

  395. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Hopefully this 17 point lead is enough of a punch in the mouth for them to show up.

  396. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  397. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 is stranded in orbit out of rocket fuel

  398. Mike Johnson Says:


  399. Badbucs Says:

    Good job getting them ready Todd. Halftime speech better be good.

  400. JustVisiting Says:

    C’mon, +Bucs+!

  401. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Simp fans of other bad teams that have nothing better to do than troll this thread during game must have lame af lives

  402. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Damn Joe,

    A Shadow Ban?

  403. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Bronco fans will visit this site/listen to Irv’s podcast following this one…Hot Rod Mulch style…and soak in the bellyaching/dirt kicking. Pretty amusing actually.

  404. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Progress, we held them to 3…LFG

  405. HC Grover Says:

    Send in a giant can of Fix-A-Flat

  406. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Liam Coen the only man that can keep Evans under 1,000 yards.

  407. WiseCrack Says:

    TEs need to get a few looks. Its not on Coach if Baker is not targeting them. Baker needs to hit some plays in the middle. Stop throwing to the sidelines

  408. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Just wondering does the NFL outlaw working on fundamentals during the season? Things like tackling if needed cause they look like they don’t know how today

  409. No Mercy Says:

    Yeah…. Got a bad feeling Bowles is going back to his 9-8 ways because he can’t take a team from good to great … big yikes

  410. Crickett Baker Says:

    Gene Deckerhoff and Reeves not happy at all.

  411. D-ManTX Says:

    Bucs need a drive and some points.

  412. unbelievable Says:

    Every national pundit getting complete vindication right now lol.

    If we go into the half 17-7 we might have a shot. That’s a big if. But if they score again this half it’s definitely over. We are not a come from behind team / offense.

    In defense, we have no pass rush. None. No Vea + no Kancey = no pass rush.

  413. HC Grover Says:

    Canales is here. He gotta be callin em

  414. Mr_Barf Says:

    Called it

  415. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Payton knows Mayfield doesn’t throw to the middle of the field.

  416. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Also can’t wait to hear the coaches say the team was believing it’s own hype.

  417. churrasco Says:

    Baker has an RTG of 16.7. Does he have to go to 0.0 before Bowles pulls him?

  418. BuccaDAWG Says:

    How is it the Bucs have to beat the refs at home?

  419. Mike Johnson Says:

    LMAO. Our Bucs figured, Rookie QB, they already lost. They got nothin. We are in the process of receiving a Grade A, A..Whippin. If we cannot get to within 10 by halftime, we are Hit.

  420. Lakeland Says:

    This is the NFL

    Any given Sunday

  421. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s go double up before half

  422. unbelievable Says:

    Blatant face mask wtf

  423. Davenport Says:

    This is familiar Todd Bowles game.
    Remember, despite all the hype, he’s a career .500 coach at best.

  424. Bobby M. Says:

    Classic Todd Bowles….he struggles to game plan against QBs he’s never faced. This “defensive guru” reputation is comical. We should be making a rookie QBs life miserable yet every time they look completely comfortable.

    Also….seen enough of White, put in Irving on early downs. White has no vision or burst.

  425. Mr_Barf Says:

    Called it again

  426. HC Grover Says:

    There he goes again….WHY?

  427. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    F@#$ YEA FIRST DOWN!!! 😆

  428. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    White dove to the turf

  429. Greg Says:

    baby steps. let’s get a first down…and build from there.

  430. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  431. Jugheadfla Says:

    Run game truly the worst

  432. DoooshLaRue Says:

    So Joe-

    Dave Pear Says:
    September 20th, 2024 at 6:10 pm
    This scares the hell out of me and should all Bucs fans. Free yourself from negative thinking. –Joe
    It’s so Bucs to welcome in a struggling team and suddenly make them look like a team composed of the 2000 Rams offense and the 1985 Bears defense.

    If the players feel this way, it’s the NFL, they can get their arses handed to them.

    I’m so hopeful that Todd will stay totally transformed, but I lack conviction with that hope.

  433. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Can’t even get a favemask call

  434. RuKa_44 Says:

    Hey, Liam! I have the solution man!! WHY DON’T YOU RUN UP THE MIDDLE ON FIRST DOWN?!?

  435. Simeon4HOF Says:

    How they not see that facemask was plain as today

  436. unbelievable Says:

    White, Bucky, it don’t matter. O-line can not run block. If course Joe won’t acknowledge that.

  437. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Save us Godwin

  438. Chad Says:

    Our run game is so ass

  439. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Broncos have a 17 point lead. They’ll let Mayfield dink and dunk.

  440. orlbucfan Says:

    Can we stop with 1st down run up the middle?

  441. Badbucs Says:

    Still up the middle. Are we stupid?

  442. HC Grover Says:

    Over Wirfs….even hw is flat

  443. HC Grover Says:

    LOL they suck

  444. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:


  445. WiseCrack Says:

    We are ok. The Broncos just ran the first 20 scripted plays perfectly.

    They shot their load for sure. Just need our QB to step up to the plate with all of these weapons of his

  446. BuccaDAWG Says:

    The Bucs gotta come up with aa running game , pass rush and maybe a little heart

  447. Trask To The Future Says:


  448. unbelievable Says:

    Go for it you pansies!

  449. Jugheadfla Says:

    No execution

  450. Boltsfan17 Says:

    What a bunch of gutless pretenders. Never should’ve brought Bowles back. Huge mistake.

  451. WiseCrack Says:

    And we really do need a D score just to be sure

  452. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    10 yards passing so far.

  453. Simeon4HOF Says:

    White gets tackled too easily. Not a fighter

  454. Chad Says:

    Did I just see a Godwin drop

  455. unbelievable Says:

    Bad throw.

    Game is now over.

  456. Bucamania Says:

    What a sh1tshow so far

  457. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Kudos to Broncos for showing up. Bucs lack focus and it shows.

  458. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I hate this team right now…so unbelievable…had 10 yards to rush for Baker on 3rd, but waits and throws. Had Godwin all day but looks like a rookie who can’t wait too long and rushes the throw.

  459. Stuck Says:


  460. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey midget, how about focusing on this team instead of gossiping about Brady.

  461. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Wires got beat easily on that play

  462. Bucsince88 Says:

    Just because Bo does good against us doesn’t mean he’s good. Gino Smith tore us up in his very first NFL game and he was just a mediocre QB at best

  463. Jack Sparrow Says:

    I thought the bucs are suppose to manhandle the broncos ?

  464. HC Grover Says:

    We will need some John McKay wisdom to explain this. They look worse than the McKay Bucs

  465. Cobraboy Says:

    Vuja de

  466. Mr_Barf Says:

    Our D lines shadows aren’t even touching Bo

  467. Trask To The Future Says:

    Mostly Peaceful – Bucs can be down 28-0 and Mayfield could have 20 yards total passing and they still won’t let Trask on the field with the starters.

  468. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Baker hesitated. They need to start doing check downs and screens to loosen the d line. They are bunched up and keeping Baker in the pocket

  469. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Whoever said Canales hadn’t left was right.

  470. Chad Says:

    Unbelievable, bad throw or not it hit both his hands, Godwin is to good to not catch that

  471. No Mercy Says:

    We lost im betting my life savings on the Broncos to take this

  472. Surfslowson Says:

    When Godwin is dropping balls it is a bad day. Let’s go Bucs, pick six to get this game back

  473. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Wires wanted his contract. Where’s the dawg in him now

  474. Bucsfan81 Says:

    The one time I start Baker in fantasy football and this is the game he has. This is pathetic. We can’t even score. All I heard all week from Joe website was how bad Denver defense was. It looks pretty good to me Joe.

  475. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The honeymoon is over

  476. Greg Says:

    Godwin should have caught that….pass was better than I thought. CG wasn’t ready….

  477. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Wonder if the Bucs get their arrest kicked today light or GM will consider looking for some type pass rusher

  478. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    This is frustrating beyond belief, maybe they got something going and then back to back horrible execution and even Words got beat but some dude nobody knows

  479. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    BUCS = 💩

  480. Cobraboy Says:

    But But but…Bo is trash, and Bowles would confuse him.

    Another Bronc score, and it is over.

  481. ElioT Says:

    2-0 was a facade. Most of us “initiated” have been here before.

    Sean Payton has the Bucs number.

    They always struggle with struggling QBs.

    Razor thin depth is being exposed.

    Reading press clippings.

  482. PSLBucfan Says:

    Need a D turnover very bad.

  483. Bucamania Says:

    Someone. Anyone needs to make a play

  484. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Ultimately, Payton is beating us.
    He knows how to do it and I hate him for it.

  485. Matt Says:

    If our D doesn’t put up some points for us, we’re toast

  486. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The Bucs SHOULD have manhandled this team. Should.

  487. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Send 6 and still can’t get to Nix

  488. Trask To The Future Says:


  489. Jack Sparrow Says:

    But but but…. the pundits said the Bucs are the team to beat this season 😂

  490. heyjude Says:

    The face mask not being called doesn’t help. It was blatant. Broncos already coming across dirty.

  491. BucsBeast Says:


  492. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……this is A subpar. 500 team…..and YALL KNOW IT!!!!

  493. HC Grover Says:

    Nix looks like Unitas

  494. Usfbuc Says:

    The Broncos are playing damn near perfectly right now. We will have a chance still.

  495. Will Says:

    About to get blown out at home. We definitely need to get healthy. Stole one last week and heard how good they were all week.
    Stop the runs on 1st down. Line is still not ready. Time to see Sean Tucker, White isn’t the answer

  496. RuKa_44 Says:

    Games like today is exactly why with Todd Bowles we will always be nothing more than a 9-8 team.
    Last couple of years we were lucky NFC South was so bad and we made the playoffs. In a normal division we would be a mediocre team stuck in 50/50 purgatory

  497. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    See the rookie knows to take off but Bake didn’t get the first when he had a highway open in front of him on 3rd

  498. No Mercy Says:

    Haven’t gone 3-0 since 2003? And had the perfect opportunity at home against a TRASH CAN team and getting smoked you can’t make this up

  499. Jugheadfla Says:

    Ballgame, see yall next week

  500. Jw94buc Says:

    Guys it’s freakin week three. There 8-10 losing games week three. It’s sucks but we’re not even healthy in defense. Do you really think the score would be 17-0 right now with three starters in today. Probably be at least 7-0

  501. Surfslowson Says:

    Holding on Yaya last play

  502. Chad Says:

    There’s a reason no other teams ever called about trask, he ain’t all that at all

  503. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Bucs came to this game over confident!

  504. Armybucsfan Says:

    The Bucs curse. We make every single rookie we look like the next coming of Tom freakin Brady. Wtf.

  505. Rod Munch Says:

    Not to worry, Todd Bowles is known for his halftime adjustments.

  506. Surfslowson Says:


  507. Mike Johnson Says:

    Like I’ve always said..On any given Sunday in this NFl, You can have your lunch eaten by the opposition. We are witnessing out Bucs take an ole fashioned BEATDOWN.

  508. Badbucs Says:

    Not ready to play. Just played a running QB and didn’t learn a thing.

  509. unbelievable Says:

    P A T H E T I C !!!!!!!!!!

  510. PSLBucfan Says:

    Another jock on the ground. This time Whitehead.

  511. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Elbow was down

  512. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Whoopee if they can do anything with the ball

  513. heyjude Says:

    It was a fumble.

  514. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    The tackling today is REALLY BAD.

  515. Jugheadfla Says:

    Elbow was not down actually

  516. Mr_Barf Says:

    Bowles gotta save them rare To’s

  517. rrsrqnc Says:

    100% fumble

  518. heyjude Says:

    Red flag!

  519. Usfbuc Says:

    Here we go, getting the ball back

  520. Chef Baker Says:

    That’s a fumble

  521. Trask To The Future Says:


    Bucs don’t want to give up Trask which is why he’s still on the roster.

  522. unbelievable Says:

    Playing 2 opponents yet again. Every freakin week

  523. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Refs been swallowing their whistles on the Bucs all game. I hope this breaks their way.

  524. Willow Says:

    Rod that is dwarf not midget and Kyle is shorter as is Benched Bryce

  525. Defense Rules Says:

    Somebody needs to teach our OLBs how to play contain. They’re all getting sucked out of position.

  526. Rod Munch Says:

    How many games is Britt going to cost the team before he’s off the team? That 4th and goal was 100% on Britt. Said literally all offseason he’s too slow, guys beat him to the edge, and we saw it. That’s where Devin White makes the play 100/100 times, which is why he’s vastly superior. Bucs need to trade to get him back.

  527. Willow Says:

    The guy in AZ not FL

  528. WiseCrack Says:

    So far this game has highlighted that Baker not being able to throw over the middle. This is concerning because we have FOUR TEs taking up roster spots

  529. Bucsfan Says:

    Thank God Logan Hall is back.

  530. Booger Says:

    Just TERRIBLE freakin pass to Godwin there by Baker, that he didn’t have to make… He friggin PANICKED. He could’ve just waited and led him across the field towards the boundary. NO ONE was there, & Godwin had the step on the defender. ALL he had to do was just put a little ‘touch’ on it.

  531. unbelievable Says:

    So many blatant holds not being called against the Broncos o-line

    Since we have no pass rush, our defenders should just flail their arms in the air in every single play. Maybe that will get the refs attention.

  532. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s see if they can do something with the rock now…I’m not brimming with confidence

  533. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bucs catch a break. Can they capitalize?

  534. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Take that Payton!

    Saggy t!ts and butthole lips.

    Quick TD strike NOW Baker.

  535. ElioT Says:

    Logan Hall made a play after being pushed 10 yards down field.

    Nice nose ring.

  536. unbelievable Says:

    @Booger yup it was a terrible throw

  537. HC Grover Says:


  538. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    Stop running on first dow…

  539. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bucky the savior!

  540. Usfbuc Says:

    Awesome play

  541. heyjude Says:

    Go Bucky go!

  542. Davenport Says:

    Younger fans didn’t see it live but do you remember the 90’s Kiffen defenses would terrorize rookie QB’s.

    Those were the days.

  543. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bucs changed up their running scheme

  544. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Yeah Rachaad. Oh Bucky!

  545. Usfbuc Says:

    This is what they need to do

  546. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Bucky !!!!!
    White !!!!

  547. unbelievable Says:


    Need more of that Mr Coen.

  548. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Come on BUCS!!!!

  549. Mr_Barf Says:

    Finally some Hungry Buc pride

  550. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs wakreup from the equinox delerium

  551. heyjude Says:

    Go Rachaad go!

  552. Booger Says:

    He’s just NOT accurate. Period. He CAN’T see. Just horrible vision. Go BUCKY GO.

  553. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who cares about Kiffen? He quit on us mid season

  554. Cobraboy Says:

    Need this BAD.

  555. Simeon4HOF Says:

    With that play Bucky is our new starting RB. Thank goodness

  556. heyjude Says:


  557. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Keep feeding Bucky th Buc

  558. Simeon4HOF Says:

    White got lucky on that one was only hyped bcuz of Irvings carry. Sad that’s what it takes for him to utilize a glimpse of inside vision

  559. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I can’t believe they are going so damn slow when they could have scored and hand a chance to double up before half. TB IS SHOWING HIS IGNORANCE!!!!

  560. Usfbuc Says:

    Would have been a TD and Otton and was that Mauch blocking the same guy?

  561. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucs finally moving the ball once they took the ball out of Baker’s hands.

  562. Bucsfan Says:

    Time for coaches to ghost Rachaad

  563. Simeon4HOF Says:


  564. Chad Says:

    Crazy what a difference having a competent run game can do for an offense

  565. Will Says:

    Good looking drive.

  566. Defense Rules Says:

    Noticed that BOTH Rachaad AND Bucky were on the field during that 32 yard skamper & that last almost-TD. FINALLY.

  567. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Was I the only one yelling at the TV to speed up and double up before the half????? They took over 3 minutes when they could have done it in half the time

  568. WiseCrack Says:

    It appears the adjustments have been made prior to the half this week. That is progress. Just wish it did not mean taking the ball out Bakers hands.

    But hey, if the game plan was to not let Baker beat you in the air….

  569. unbelievable Says:

    @DR – exactly. Finally seeing some creative play designs from Coen.

  570. Badbucs Says:

    Coen is not Todd. Finally something different. Now play some contain D. Football 101. Don’t give them the edges

  571. Rod Munch Says:

    NaplesBucsFan – The Bucs get the ball after halftime. Just get the TD here, make the stop and get a score after the half and they’re good.

    Trying to rush the plays on a day like this is a terrible idea.

  572. Chad Says:

    Rod munch, I disagree the run game will be able to open the game up, receivers are doing a good job getting separation, I mean we even have a drop by Godwin already

  573. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Well we stopped the bleeding, seemed like it might not happen 2day at first. Time for a turnover

  574. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    How can you run with power when you have none?

  575. Rod Munch Says:

    That sideline shot showed that going over the line.

    Wow, these refs today are something.

  576. unbelievable Says:

    Like I said earlier, if we can go into the half 17-7 we might be able to pull it out.

    Gotta score here and then get a stop. Or even better a turnover.

  577. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Coen is adjusting .. hopefully sign

  578. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Guess we’ll settle now

  579. unbelievable Says:

    Also that was totally a touchdown wtf?🤬

  580. heyjude Says:

    Seems as though the refs are against us.

  581. Jugheadfla Says:

    Wtf…that was a TD

  582. A Bucs Fan Says:


  583. unbelievable Says:


  584. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Glad we get ball after the half

  585. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Had the ball on the goal line at the snap

  586. heyjude Says:

    We had a TD! Fire the refs.

  587. LongSeason Says:

    Come on. Let’s fumble it to the Broncos.
    Maintain the shutout.

  588. unbelievable Says:

    These refs are literally trying to give the game to the Broncos WTF

  589. Will Says:

    Refs getting involved now

  590. WiseCrack Says:

    Well, if Baker wasnt so good we would have never scored

  591. LongSeason Says:

    Damn! I hate it when we score TDs

  592. Simeon4HOF Says:

    The fact White couldn’t make it clear that was a TD says everything. Don’t wanna see him anywhere but on 3rd down ever again

  593. Usfbuc Says:

    Just need a stop then score on the first possession of the second half

  594. heyjude Says:

    We need a turnover now. Coming back!

  595. Simeon4HOF Says:


  596. Oneilbuc Says:

    White run was a td if they would have challenged it

  597. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That is why there needs to be a chance to challenge calls that take a score off the board. That was absolute horse sh!t

  598. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    SB contending Denver still had 1:50 left against this band then break defense

  599. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs scored on 3 freaking plays to get one Tuddy!! I don’t like this crew. It’s so blatant. Are all the wise guys on the Broncos??

  600. Chad Says:

    Robbed of back to back touchdowns, didn’t matter baker got his man in the endzone

  601. D-Mac Says:

    Is it just me, or are the Bucs playing against the refs in this game too?! Geez smh

  602. orlbucfan Says:

    Why? You hate it when we score 7? You on the wrong football thread?

  603. BuccaDAWG Says:

    The officiating this season makes me wish the NFL could come up. with some type robotic refs

  604. Rod Munch Says:

    WiseCrack Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:17 pm
    Well, if Baker wasnt so good we would have never scored


    LOL! Mayfield has 30 yards passing at the half and the Baker Boi(s) are going to show up now and explain to you how Baker is better than Tom Brady, and should be a first ballot HOFer, but everyone is against him.

    Save it you retard.

  605. MadMax Says:

    Screw the refs, we know how…alright D time to shine mthfas

  606. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That TD took too damn long to get…both on that drive and in terms of the game

  607. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs been playing the refs since the Broncos first play!

  608. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    Is it too early to call for Bowles head?

  609. LongSeason Says:


    We have a bend then shatter defense today.

  610. Simeon4HOF Says:

    That red definitely had an Elway poster

  611. Chad Says:

    Baker is not better than Tom Brady, I’m a baker boi, but he is not better than Brady, better if he’s able to run but pure talent it’s Brady all day

  612. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Refs are Payton fans

  613. unbelievable Says:

    These refs need to be investigated.

  614. Bucs fan in Tokyo Says:

    I cannot stand Sean Payton coached teams. He always encourages players to be cheap shot punks. Payton was like that in New O, and the same in Denver.

  615. unbelievable Says:

    Come on defense get another turnover!!!!

  616. orlbucfan Says:

    How come there is no spy on this Denver QB?

  617. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Can’t even get close to Nix

  618. unbelievable Says:

    JTS is complete garbage

  619. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What’d I say? On their way

  620. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Zero pass rush and Broncos just wide open everywhere.

  621. Rod Munch Says:

    A Todd Bowles super soft prevent defense special!

    Great job!

  622. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Long season Why would you have for the Bucs to score TDs????

  623. Crickett Baker Says:

    Gene said Barton was not off sides.

  624. unbelievable Says:

    Dean needs to be replaced too

  625. BucsGnome Says:

    The offense is back! When are the Bucs going to adjust the defense?

  626. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Terrible defense.

    They are a joke

    Bucky should start.


  627. heyjude Says:

    Agree with others. Payton is Mr. Bounty-gate and always has the dirty schemes. I don’t get why refs and others keep giving him a free pass. Not right. These refs do need to be investigated.

  628. Chad Says:

    Secondary is doing great right now lol

  629. A Bucs Fan Says:


  630. Bucs Guy Says:

    The only time the Bucs D has even touched Nix is after he scored the TD

  631. LongSeason Says:

    Come on Denver. Hand our ass to us. We deserve it after last week’s gift from Dan Campbell.
    Bucs are fakers.

  632. unbelievable Says:

    No pass rush.

    No coverage.

    No tackling.

    I can’t believe they’re gonna give up more points before the half wtf

  633. Mr_Barf Says:

    Not 1 negative yard play 4 Broncos

  634. PSLBucfan Says:

    We just have absolutely no pass rush.

  635. orlbucfan Says:

    This is nuts. Why is there o spy on this Denver QB?

  636. WiseCrack Says:

    Even if we get a turnover they will just take a knee. Just stay healthy and holdem

  637. unbelievable Says:

    This is just pathetic.

  638. Booger Says:

    Making him look like Drew Brees. Dean is getting EMBARRASSED out there. Just DESTROYED.

  639. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Damn Bucs play a little Defense please

  640. orlbucfan Says:

    No spy

  641. Chad Says:

    Zero pressure, bo getting all day

  642. EA Says:

    What is about bucs that they make every rookie QB look like the next great thing.

  643. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    27 almost burned again

  644. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Need a stop here

  645. Will Says:


  646. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Pathetic no pressure and no coverage…let em put up points

  647. unbelievable Says:

    20-7 at half is pathetic.

  648. BuccaDAWG Says:

    What’s wrong with the Bucs D

  649. HC Grover Says:

    Deep hole to dig out of. Bucs outplayed and out coached

  650. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    20-7 half

  651. unbelievable Says:

    Intentional grounding?

  652. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Where’s Diaby?

  653. Rod Munch Says:

    Completely pitiful calls, let an offense that can’t do anything move right down the field by sitting in this garbage soft zone. Bend don’t Break doesn’t work when you need 0 points given up. Giving up 3 points for free …just typical Todd Bowles junk.

  654. Mike Johnson Says:

    Anybody else noticing all that time Nix has to throw the ball? He’s making sammiches back there.

  655. MadMax Says:

    2nd half whole new game….we got this

  656. Bucs4Ever Says:

    The flag on Barton was he had the ball over the goal line

    Pretty sure that is not legal

  657. Rod Munch Says:

    Simeon4HOF Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:25 pm
    Where’s Diaby?


    Sitting back in zone, just like Bowles called.

  658. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dean is trash 🗑️ and I’m done with Kancey until he shows that he can stay healthy. So far he’s looking like a bust !!

  659. Usfbuc Says:

    Alright let’s just return this kick for a TD

  660. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Like Deckerhof said the Bucs seem to make 1st yr Qbs look great

  661. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Zero pass rush today and tackling is garbage

  662. unbelievable Says:


    Sometimes I just hate this team so much.

  663. KABucs Says:

    We need some 3 and outs.

    Too deep a hole at this point.
    If the second half were the same, they’d beat us 40 to 14 which is ridiculous. That Baker interception was painful.

  664. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Denver scored on every drive

  665. WiseCrack Says:

    Hat tip to Denver they just played the best half of their season.

    Baker just had, well a typical Baker half when he is not some how having perfect games.

    Baker needs to BUCKy his trend in the second half.

  666. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Really missing vita and Kancey. We need to get at least someone back next week

  667. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Glad to see Braswell coming to life. Sure need him to

  668. Bucamania Says:

    Zero pressure. I mean NONE. Meanwhile announcers saying this Oline was a sieve the first two weeks.

  669. LongSeason Says:

    @Mike Johnson

    Nix has all the time in the world. He’s time to brew coffee, tea and make a sammich.

  670. Badbucs Says:

    Exactly Grover. Pathetic. Not ready to play at all.

  671. Bucamania Says:

    More Bucky in the second half

  672. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hey Bucs have 7 TEAM POSITIVE!!!!

  673. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs should be put on Media Blackout prior to games. Like a jury.

  674. Mr_Barf Says:

    Perfect ending..shows that Bucs Bowles ain’t coaching..penalty on KO..halftime

  675. Mike Johnson Says:

    No pressure on the rookie QB. He is looking like ole school Joe Namath back there. We are getting served this Sunday…..

  676. orlbucfan Says:

    Kinda interesting it is Sean Payton. Please Bucs win.

  677. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    There was enough time to get the ball back, we had 3 timeouts and didn’t use 1. Bad coaching by Bowles.

  678. Greg Says:

    pitiful performance by Bucs. Defense is non existent. Absolutely zero pressure on Nix.

  679. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    .500 💩 show YUCS!!!!

  680. DS Says:

    It’s time to get off the Diaby hype train

  681. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s an idea Todd… when you’re playing a rookie who has really struggled, don’t sit back in a super soft zone defense when your entire defensive line is out. Instead, bring pressure, speed up the game.

    It’s remarkable how stupid Bowles can be, in particular vs rookies.

  682. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Hopefully the wise guys only had the Broncos on the first half and we can get a fairly called game in the second half.

  683. Josh Says:

    Having Crow for Halftime meal. Totally pathetic performance it’s a Bucs life sometimes…. Really had hope and faith that this was a different WAY MORE MATURE team guess not.

  684. unbelievable Says:

    Maybe someone can punch Todd Bowles in the face during halftime and wake him up and remind him how to call defensive plays.

    Is that too much to ask?

    Honestly the entire team and coaching staff should be gettting chewed the F out during halftime

  685. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Saints got a defense. Who’s gonna be NFC South Champs??? Definitely not the Bucs. Can’t handle good defense

  686. WiseCrack Says:


    you are correct, if the center advances the ball forward it is a penalty. Never gets called because why would you if its only inches.

    Problem is, you cant ignore it if he is snapping it from the endzone. LOL

    Rookie mistake for sure.

    Good thing we have the Best QB in Bucs History not named Winston, to bail us out.

  687. Rod Munch Says:

    Who are these idiots that suddenly decided today that YaYa is a problem?

    You people are literally the dumbest trash on earth.

    Do me a favor, go jump off the Skyway, you won’t be missed and you’re too stupid to live.

  688. HC Grover Says:

    Got to have 7 to open 2nd half

  689. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    The Bucs offense barely did anything in game 1.

    Game 2 ….. the Bucs stole that win

    GAME 3 = reality……

    These are the real BUCS…..a .500 team

  690. unbelievable Says:

    @Rod Munch – has Bowles ever had a good defensive performance vs a rookie?

    I genuinely can’t think of a single time it’s happened. I guess maybe Washington this year was the only example.

  691. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    On that completion can’t see how that ref didn’t see that PI

  692. Trask To The Future Says:



    63.9 QB Rating.

  693. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Did people forget, the Bucs was basically a .500 team last year????

  694. Defense Rules Says:

    This is embarrassing. Defense is getting mauled. Dean especially has been getting skewered that whole 1st half. Close to zero pressure on Nix; predictable however with both Vea & Kancey out (Gaines, Brewer & Greene aren’t exactly the #1 DLine in the NFL). Of course, our offense hasn’t done a thing to help (Denver has a 37-24 play advantage and a 17:45 – 12:15 TOP advantage).

  695. HC Grover Says:

    Nix looks good because zero pressure …none. Blitz baby Blitz

  696. rrsrqnc Says:

    Bowles defense with the corners so far off is just cherry picking. Peyton knows Dean

  697. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who’s our QB and coach? Where’s your mouth Gulper?

  698. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The BucsAnthem — the Bucs offense put up 37 points without forcing a single turnover Week 1. Your delusions disallow objectivity.

  699. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    This why Bucs fans are so DUMB, yall forget the Bucs History of dreadful performances against losing / rookie QB teams

  700. A Bucs Fan Says:

    It’s still only a two score game. Bucs NEED a TD coming out of the second half.

  701. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Not me always remember

  702. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I watched the two Broncos games on replay and the Oline looked like garbage and the coverage of receivers was much better than we are seeing today. The Bucs are blitzing and not getting g there while the Swiss cheese zone or soft man coverage is giving Nix quick throws

  703. A Bucs Fan Says:

    TheBucsAnthem- Todd Bowles is 11-5 against Rookie QB’s as the Bucs DC.

  704. BuccaDAWG Says:

    The Bucs are being out coached on both side . The Defense is pathetic today. I know Kancey & Via are hurt but they both miss alot of time with injuries for big men.Via hasn’t played a whole season since being a pro I don’t think

  705. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Asking too much A Bucs Fan. Baker is our qb and Coen OC

  706. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:30 pm
    @Rod Munch – has Bowles ever had a good defensive performance vs a rookie?

    I genuinely can’t think of a single time it’s happened. I guess maybe Washington this year was the only example.


    I disagree, he stunk vs the Redskins. Just sat back in a zone. If Daniels doesn’t miss a wide open McLaurin for a 70 yard TD, he has a really good day.

    When he faces rookies, from what I remember, he just always plays a soft zone and gives them time. It’s like he lives off this fake rep that he’s aggressive, and they’ll never expect to be able to sit in the pocket all day to read the defense.

    I literally have no idea what he’s thinking.

    Maybe the Titans game last year vs Levis? Did he bring pressure in that, I really don’t remember.

  707. heyjude Says:

    Lots of time left. We can win this.

  708. Miller5252 Says:

    Not having a good DE or any pressure from the line is killing the D. Nix hasn’t been pushed at all. He’s sitting in the pocket and playing catch with his receivers. Bucs better find a way to get the rookie under pressure or this is over

  709. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Well, let’s see if HT adjustments are made on both sides of the ball.

  710. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    BucsAnthem it ain’t that we forget, we just foolishly hope that it will be a turning point for the ucs…so far, same ole same ole. Got 2 qtr to change that

  711. Bucsfan24 Says:

    Need to get some pressure on Nix this half. Go bucs!

  712. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Once again….the Bucs team was basically a .500 team last year, they should’ve never been in the playoff…..the Falcons was a better team than the Bucs last year.

  713. orlbucfan Says:

    Hopefully Coen will show some imagination on this first second half drive.

  714. Mike Johnson Says:

    Denver came to play. Bucs thought because they were 0-2 they could relax and walk it thru. IF..we cannot get to within 7 by the end of the 3rd qtr, we will lose. And Denvers offense is unstoppable. Lets see if we can answer the call.

  715. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    The zone D is killing us right now…let the DBs play press and if you lose it’s because they outplay you, NOT because you couldn’t play zone

  716. WiseCrack Says:

    @A Bucs Fan

    He proved his own point about Dumb Bucs Fans. Not about our team. LOL

  717. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Gotta say, the D looks like sh!t but the O is letting the team down AGAIN!!!!!

  718. Lakeland Says:

    Let’s see how the Bucs respond in the 2nd half. Everyone is so high on Baker and Coen…… let’s see them rise up. Like Brady and Leftwich did so many times before….

  719. Chad Says:

    Need the offense to build off the last drive they had and the defense has got to tighten up, get some pressure and cover the receivers better

  720. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Who you kidding?????

    Yall remember how crappy alota games were last year??????

    How quickly do yall forget ???? 🤫

  721. orlbucfan Says:

    And please put a spy on Nix.

  722. FloridaGirl Says:

    Should have let the flag football girls team play on offense.

  723. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:31 pm
    This is embarrassing. Defense is getting mauled. Dean especially has been getting skewered that whole 1st half.


    Dean get skewered is a good word, because he’s not necessarily being beat. But sitting back 10 yards off the ball in that Bowles soft zone special makes every corner look like that. Can you think of a corner that has excelled when Bowles plays this garbage zone?

  724. PassingThru Says:

    Still early. Teams that know how to lose will find ways to lose.

  725. Oxycondomns Says:

    another example of payton outcoaching bowles

  726. Miller5252 Says:

    Week 3 and Yaya hasn’t turned into that DE we need. He wasn’t even playing the last field goal scoring drive for Broncos. This schedule is going to be getting extremely hard and the Bucs need this win.

  727. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Rod Munch – it’s because he has no tape on them. He has a basic zone defense and adjusts as the game goes on. He’s afraid of giving up the big play. Ever since the Rams play off game in 21 it’s gotten worse.

  728. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    Who are these idiots that suddenly decided today that YaYa is a problem?

    You people are literally the dumbest trash on earth.

    Do me a favor, go jump off the Skyway, you won’t be missed and you’re too stupid to live.

    The Skyway jump challenge during the 3rd game Fancy Man?

    Rather early this season unless I missed one.

  729. REAL Bucs Fan Says:

    Let’s all have a little faith!! Opening half drive for a TD and things are totally different – everyone calm down and send positive vibes!!

  730. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker on that first drive, when he Checkdown Charlied it on the first series, that’s normally a dead give away you’re getting a trash day from Baker.

    Hopefully he can have a big second half and pull out the W and earn that contract he got.

    You’re only down by 2 scores to literally the worst team in the NFL, so no reason the Bucs are out of this, and no reason Baker shouldn’t be able to do something.

  731. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bucs letting ANOTHER rookie QB destroy them………AGAIN!

    …..it almost feels like the Glazers sign a secretive contract with NFL stating they will lose to crappy Rookie QB teams…..like it’s a script….

  732. Richard Nguyen Says:

    Anyone actually surprised by this? Mayfield is just on his same old script. Has some good games, then gets too big for his britches and stinks up the joint. Is his cocky ass “having fun” at the half?

  733. LongSeason Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    Who are these idiots that suddenly decided today that YaYa is a problem?

    You people are literally the dumbest trash on earth.

    Do me a favor, go jump off the Skyway, you won’t be missed and you’re too stupid to live.


    You are telling people to commit suicide? That’s really good. Why don’t you go root for the Panzers. They are your speed.

  734. Miller5252 Says:

    The Bucs have been reading the clippings again. They think since they beat Detroit they’re better than they are. O better get it going and the D needs to get home now!

  735. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Cmon Glazers!!!!!

    ……grow a damn backbone!!!! We need a defense!!!!

  736. Bucfan1988 Says:

    This the most ONE-SIDED officiating game I’ve seen in a LONG time!!!

    Let’s review…

    1st offensive play of game by Denver
    BLATENT OFFENSIVE PI on Courtland Sutton
    ***NO CALL***

    Bucky Irving gets facemask yanked on a run play
    ***NO CALL***

    Raschaad White gets obvious rushing TD
    Refs don’t review it for some reason and don’t give him the TD

    Next play, False start on Barton when Baker keeps it for the TD.
    Instant replay shows NOBODY EVEN MOVED!!!!

    Gimme a freaken break!!

    Officials are causing momentum changes for Denver as well….

    Bucs D is playing like crap but when you gotta deal with BS officiating as well, that’s a load of crap.

  737. Rod Munch Says:

    DoooshLaRue – I’m pretty sure I used that in the preseason as well, but no one was commenting on the worthless games, so I figured it was safe to reuse it.

  738. Oxycondomns Says:

    bucs resting vea was nba’ish . gives a little insight on the mentality heading into this game

  739. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    If the defense can’t stop them from scoring we won’t win

  740. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Time for #TEAMPOSITIVE! to rally.

  741. ElioT Says:

    Can JBF please invest in a better game day chat platform?

  742. churrasco Says:

    Don’t worry Baker Bois, win or lose, Baker will pad his stats in the 4th quarter like he did all last season and you’ll get to crow about how great he is!

  743. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    Just watch these Bucs play football…..that’s bad enough!!!!

  744. WiseCrack Says:

    Yeah lets hope Baker bucky his trend of going in the tank when he is having a bad game.

    All he needs to do here is take what the D gives him. They cant stop everyone

  745. HC Grover Says:

    Need 7 a stop and 7 more 7 and 7

  746. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    All teams get calls that don’t go their way so get over it

  747. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Carry on Rod Knee.

    We need more #teampositive

  748. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey we didn’t run up the middle on 1st down!?!?

    Things are looking up!


  749. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    I predict Another Baker interception coming….

  750. unbelievable Says:

    The 2 running back sets are working best. Keep it coming.

  751. Rod Munch Says:



  752. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Another thing…

    Please sit Britt and put in Sir Dennis permanently…

  753. Mr_Barf Says:

    Congrats Broncs D y’all don’t miss the 1st tackle

  754. Badbucs Says:

    Mauch destroyed again

  755. ElioT Says:

    Otton sucks.

    3rd and 17

  756. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Orr Oline is not even a good College line

  757. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  758. HC Grover Says:

    We were such a lovely puppy. And now look. How could this have happened?

  759. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Well nobody open

  760. Chad Says:

    Should’ve ran a screen since they were gonna be playing that far back

  761. unbelievable Says:

    Come on Otton that’s tough but catchable.

    Our guards are terrible tho.

    Welp, that was probably our only chance to come back and we just blew it, based on how terrible our defense has been.

  762. Mr_Barf Says:

    Long Bronc TD drive to gas out our D next up..Derp I’m an Bucs fan

  763. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mauch ended that drive with two terrible reps back-to-back. He lost two one-on-ones.

  764. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Can’t pass block. Can’t pass rush

  765. Rod Munch Says:



  766. Oneilbuc Says:

    Mauch is trash it’s time to bench him for Hancey!

  767. BootyLover Says:

    @ BadBuc

    Yes, Mauch is garbage. Pure garbage. He’s too weak

  768. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Wtf was that

  769. WiseCrack Says:

    Baker is not seeing the field.

    He is rattled from last week or something.

    Mike was one on one and open, but he goes to White?

  770. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Thank you for that churrasco!

  771. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Bronco pass rush is hammering our overrated and injured line.

  772. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bucs Offense = 💩

  773. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Surely Nix will implode this half lol. Just need a Defense

  774. Kevin J. Strickroth Says:

    Nice to see LVD moving past Ronde Barber for 10th all time in solo tackles today.

  775. Oneilbuc Says:

    This game over and Britt and Mauch are 2 players that shouldn’t be starting!!

  776. ElioT Says:

    Have we not all seen this before?

  777. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs started that drive with both Bucky & Rachaad out there for the 1st couple plays and made 2 first downs, then went away from that. Should’ve stuck with it.

  778. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 fires his Booster

  779. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    We got Cleveland BAKER TODAY!!!!!

    …..anybody ever been to Cleveland????? It’s a dump

  780. ATLBuc Says:

    We will win this game

  781. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Glennon asked me if that last pass by Baker was “elite”.

  782. unbelievable Says:

    I’ll give him a few more weeks but Mauch seems like a reach who won’t pan out.

    Jason Licht needs to trade for a pass rusher. We have cap room. There’s no excuse not to. Without a pass rush this team will go nowhere.

  783. ElioT Says:

    Oh GayTS almost got there!

  784. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Simeon4HOF Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:47 pm
    Surely Nix will implode this half lol. Just need a Defense

    Naming and claiming this positive outlook

  785. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    The Broncos are just gonna grind the clock out now

  786. unbelievable Says:

    Please for the love of god get Britt out of there. Too slow.

  787. BucsTypical Says:

    Maybe d can score since offense can’t

  788. Booger Says:

    Also, looks like a typical Kentucky-Cohen Offense to me.

  789. unbelievable Says:

    Need a pick 6

  790. BucsBeast Says:

    Sean Payton knows Bowles to well. Knows all of his tendencies.
    Game over. Out coached and out played.

  791. HC Grover Says:

    A rare punt

  792. Usfbuc Says:

    Boys are playing good defense now

  793. HC Grover Says:

    7 and 7 or I have one….a double

  794. unbelievable Says:

    Not a pick but I’ll take it. Good job Smith.

  795. Rod Munch Says:



  796. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Holy sh!t a 3 and out…I’m shocked!!!! Maybe we have a chance after all

  797. orlbucfan Says:

    When are they gonna call offensive holding on the Broncos left side? JTS has been getting grabbed the whole game.

  798. Usfbuc Says:

    Good field position, let’s go get some points.

  799. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Tykee! Good play. Nice stop defense! Now offense SCORE A TUDDY

  800. unbelievable Says:

    Let’s go offense need a TD.

  801. Cobraboy Says:

    Zero room for error now.

  802. Capt.Tim Says:

    Peyton knows how to play a team like us.
    We can’t run. Our TES suck. Our Guards are horrible.
    So you keep 7 guys on pass defense, and rush up the middle.
    That’s working great on Defense.

    Our Defense is incapable of rushing the passer.
    So just give Nix good protection.

    Easy to beat a team with such big problems. Mayfield can’t perform miracles EVERY week.

  803. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    You ain’t starting Palmer don’t fair catch that

  804. unbelievable Says:

    @orlbucsfan – these refs need to be investigated.

  805. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Our dbs need to be on jugs machine eryday

  806. Badbucs Says:

    Plenty of time. I’m sure the halftime talk has them fired up.

  807. REAL Bucs Fan Says:

    Way to say it Rod Munch Say!! #teampositive LETS F**KING GO!!

  808. Usfbuc Says:

    The refs aren’t going to call it, they decided no holding calls.

  809. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bout time we woke up from their hangover

  810. ElioT Says:

    GayTS is on a mission, almost got a sack! They will win this game!

  811. WiseCrack Says:

    The Brocos really out played us with the first 20 scripted plays.

    Halftime adjustments and Baker getting his head out of his butt is what needs to happen.

    Two score game is nothing at this point

  812. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Irving not White on this drive plz

  813. HC Grover Says:

    Canales is in the house

  814. Miller5252 Says:

    Look at that… little bit of pressure and Nix starts doing dumb stuff

  815. heyjude Says:

    Time for a Bucs TD!

  816. Rod Munch Says:



  817. phipps Says:

    @rodmunch – I usually love your objective takes, but the sarcastic #teampositive is super annoying for the fans that have hope even when things are dark.

    Maybe use that schtick with your WhatsApp girlfriend groups or something. I’m certain they think it’s funny.

    I understand what you’re trying to accomplish, but it just comes off sad.

    Hang in there buddy.

  818. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Not a pick but I’ll take it. Good job Smith.

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 2:50 pm


    Does it suck as much to actually live this way as you make it sound? Or is it worse?

  819. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Make him miss White!!!

  820. Rod Munch Says:


  821. ElioT Says:

    Liam Corn looks like he has a lot to learn.

  822. churrasco Says:

    Chad is an FSU frat boy lol.

  823. HC Grover Says:

    Bucky > White

  824. Chad Says:

    Our o-line ain’t giving baker anytime

  825. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    So how long before Bucky gets more playing time?

  826. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    It just enrages me to see our DBs play 10 yards off the left side of Broncos. In contrast to the tight coverage by the Broncos. Just watch. End of 1st half Bo Nix (A.K.A. rookie trash as I read here) simply marches down the field. We were lucky to hold them to a FG. Contrast the coverage and there you see the game. Oh, I forgot, they have constant pressure on QB and we have none. Great show put on by our HOF GM and our “premier” Defense guru head coach.

  827. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    See that cut White? Good tackle

  828. HC Grover Says:

    Bucky Buks bet a winner

  829. Rod Munch Says:





  830. Jugheadfla Says:

    OL is absolutely horrendous

  831. Cobraboy Says:

    Ass kicking

  832. unbelievable Says:

    Too predictable on that 1st.

    Would have been perfect play action opportunity come on Coen

  833. PSLBucfan Says:

    Barton looking like a rookie today.

  834. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    We can’t sack but they got 2

  835. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Garbage…absolute garbage

  836. HC Grover Says:

    They have the Foo Foo Flu

  837. Chad Says:

    I-line is getting man handled

  838. Simeon4HOF Says:

    We have our RB1

  839. ElioT Says:

    3rd & 18- that’s how you win.

  840. Booger Says:

    Ya see BUCKY there on that 1st-Down run… Instead of just running straight into a fricking WALL (like someone else we all know very well), he SAW-IT and then bounced it outside for a 4-yard GAIN. Where is MIKE EVANS, by the way!?

  841. Mr_Barf Says:

    Hope is brutal especially when ya get your face smashed in

  842. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker had players open in that second down !

  843. unbelievable Says:

    Does Coen know how to beat a blitz?

  844. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    There goes that chance

  845. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mayfield sacked again- straight up the middle.
    Barton and Mauch laying on the ground.
    You can’t block laying on the ground

  846. HC Grover Says:

    Evans is the invisible man

  847. NJbucs23 Says:

    Cody Mauch stinks. He constantly gets beat

  848. churrasco Says:

    We need an NFL-sized QB who can see the field. Oh … wait …

  849. Booger Says:

    ANOTHER terrible kick..

  850. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Brederson ain’t it

  851. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Well let’s see what the D does…our offense ain’t in the building. Looks like the offense during our losing streak last year. Can’t do sh!t

  852. Defense Rules Says:

    I thought there was an article recently about how good Baker Mayfield was against the blitz. Not seeing it today.

  853. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hope it’s brutal especially when you’re a Bucs fan

  854. Bucamania Says:

    This team did not come to play today. AT ALL

  855. ElioT Says:

    I would appreciate to see some leadership step the F*** up here!!!

  856. JustVisiting Says:

    Bucky Irving: 5 for 59, 10.6/carry. Give the man the ball.

  857. Chad Says:

    Any gonna be able to do anything if your qb can’t get any time to throw the ball, hope the defense can hold on

  858. unbelievable Says:

    Camarda got lucky af on that bounce

  859. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Not even worth watching

  860. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Baker is back to his Happy Feet rendition

  861. No Mercy Says:

    Sustain absolutely owns Mike and it kills me to say that

  862. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Defense is gonna have to win the game cuz the offense ain’t clocked in today

  863. ElioT Says:

    It would be nice to see some leadership step up here.

  864. Rod Munch Says:



  865. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Ok let’s run some Rasheed White Screens, some Godwin Smoke Screens and some Buck runs. Can’t let them just punish Baker

  866. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Knew baker should kept quiet this week and humbled he is getting. Got a Lil full of himself and today a Cleveland performance

  867. Chad Says:

    Churrasco, or maybe our qb needs time to throw the ball, instead of having 1 or 2 guys in the backfield when he snaps the ball

  868. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Baker is not pulling the trigger after that Pick! He’s gun shy. He is thinking too much. Rip the ball to Mike! He’s been open.

  869. churrasco Says:

    Bucky is the only guy in a Bucs uniform worthy of wearing the uniform.

  870. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Well we didn’t wait until 3-1 before we slid

  871. Booger Says:

    ESPN’s Fantasy Now’s Mike Clay predicted this morning that Mike Evans was his BIG BUST Pick today, for everyone to be aware of playing him. It’s looking awfully spot-on as of right now!!!!

  872. unbelievable Says:

    @DR – I don’t think they’re set up to handle any of these blitzes, which is mind blowing.

    No screens. No quick slant. No extra protection to block the free rushers.

    Coen has moments where he makes great calls and other times I’m just baffled at how basic and stagnant the play designs are.

    Can we get Evans the ball FFS???!

  873. Jeff Says:

    After that snooze fest win last week, this doesn’t surprise me. Bowles never gets his team ready when he needs to. Next 7 weeks determines his fate. Losing to the Baby Bronks doesn’t help him

  874. LakelandSteve Says:

    Everyone thought the Bucs were just going to roll over the Broncos including the Bucs players. I guess we can put to rest the cakewalk to the playoffs

  875. DS Says:

    Mauch is a turnstile and Bredeson isn’t any better

  876. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Well we should be tied for second and lace in the division if Atlanta beats the chiefs. We’re going to have to win some tuff games to keep pace in this division. Can’t lose to crappy teams like the broncos

  877. Badbucs Says:

    Whole team is flat Naples. Following the leader.

  878. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Trying not to frown but the majority of whole team effort today is abysmal and stinks badly. They just look lost so often smh

  879. HC Grover Says:

    Hoping the Eagles beat the Stainks

  880. BucsBeast Says:

    So how far down the power rankings do the Bucs fail?
    5 or 10 spots.

  881. Mr_Barf Says:

    3 missed tackles

  882. heyjude Says:

    3rd quarter. Now we need to put on the pressure, turnover, interception, and a sack.

  883. Usfbuc Says:

    I know it’s not but a play like that should be intentional grounding

  884. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Need a pick 6

  885. HC Grover Says:

    Pfffft! Acccck! Send in Bill the Cat

  886. BuccaDAWG Says:

    I don’t mind the Bucs didn’t buy the Riddick guy cause he’s a locker problem but they gotta get someone plus they gotta work on tackling

  887. Badbucs Says:

    Dean misses another tackle.

  888. No Mercy Says:

    Baker looks absolutely terrible and it hurts

  889. Boltsfan17 Says:

    What a miserable group of overrated dummies.

  890. Bucamania Says:

    Dean has been absolute garbage this game

  891. Chad Says:

    Dang our secondary is so damn good

  892. churrasco Says:

    Chad, riiight, but if Trask had been quarterbacking this game you would be putting ALL the blame on him and not “our qb needs time to throw the ball”. You FSU frat boys are easy to spot. lol

  893. Chad Says:

    No mercy, that’s what happens when your qb don’t get time to throw

  894. PSLBucfan Says:

    Got to have a turnover here. Can’t stop them.

  895. No Mercy Says:

    Key players like Mike and baker can’t just go invisible for a whole game it’s the two biggest players on our team looking like trash …

  896. Mr_Barf Says:

    Yup now their O is talking crap to us

  897. Chad Says:

    I wouldn’t blame trask, he wouldn’t get any more time than baker. No qb is gonna do much with no time to throw

  898. Simeon4HOF Says:

    That’s a wrap. Dean soft as cotton today, again.

  899. ElioT Says:

    Softness abounds.

    They look like total garbage.

  900. Mike Johnson Says:

    Nope. We are gonna lose. Can’t stop Denvers offense.

  901. Chad Says:

    I hate fsu, I’m a Kentucky fan

  902. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Blowout pending aws

  903. HC Grover Says:

    This is a loss.

  904. rrsrqnc Says:

    I guess we forgot about Sean Payton

  905. Bucamania Says:

    Makin Bo Nix look unstoppable

  906. HC Grover Says:

    Game over

  907. Chad Says:

    Yeah this game is done, they eating clock and our defense ain’t stopping nothing

  908. KABucs Says:

    About to turn off this game!

  909. A Bucs Fan Says:


  910. Daniel Z Says:

    What is this defense, ffs?!?!

  911. darengibo Says:

    I think the Bucs think they are playing the Saints

  912. Shak Says:

    Dean is horrible, even though he saved a td

  913. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs desperately need more quality beef in the middle of our DLine.

  914. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Nix looks like Joe Montana

  915. Jugheadfla Says:

    Seriouls how……thee worst tackling team I’ve ever seen

  916. BucsTypical Says:


  917. Rod Munch Says:

    I tried… Didn’t work.

    This game is over. Typical Baker and Bowles collapse vs the worst team in football. Those two dopes get full of themselves, believe their own hype, and this is the result.

  918. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    I’m calling it…we ain’t winning this game

  919. Bucamania Says:

    Anthony Nelson. That was so horrible

  920. Mike Johnson Says:

    This is painful. Denver is almost taking the ball downfield from its own endzone.

  921. WiseCrack Says:

    Blindside block not called on that scramble

  922. Boltsfan17 Says:

    This team utter trash.

  923. Chad Says:

    Oline is getting man handled and our defense is getting smacked around like it ain’t nothing

  924. Badbucs Says:

    Nix out of contain again. This is bad coaching and worse play . You learn this in HS

  925. HC Grover Says:

    The old 4th qtr tailgate party in the parking lot….Back to the old Bucs. Stainks will destroy them.

  926. BucsTypical Says:


  927. unbelievable Says:

    Viking are for real.

    Saints are for real.

    Bucs are pretenders.

  928. Faspro Says:

    Yep, bucs are toast…

  929. BucsGnome Says:

    Pathetic performance. This game is just painful to watch.

  930. Jugheadfla Says:

    Stop playing 10 yards off you stupid phuc!

  931. Capt.Tim Says:

    Evans either cant or won’t get open today. ESPN Mike Clay said Evans was gonna take today of.
    Bredesen and Mauch are destroying every offensive play before I gets started. Sean Peyton is just abusing them today. Everything aimed right at or weak as interior line

  932. Cobraboy Says:


  933. Bucamania Says:

    How many catches does Sutton have right in front of Dean?

  934. Wow Says:

    Game. Set. Match.

    Bucks got caught believing their own hype

  935. Shayne05 Says:

    That was absolutely embarrassing effort by Anthony Nelson. Unreal

  936. darengibo Says:

    We suck enough without refs helping

  937. ElioT Says:

    This is WHY the Bucs don’t get any respect!

    They don’t deserve it!

  938. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Logan hall get off our team. Now

  939. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Would have been a tough catch

  940. Mike Johnson Says:

    Denver is confident and cocky. I’m glad I’m snockered on Tequilla. Feelin no pain.

  941. HC Grover Says:

    All they need is 3

  942. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Dean might be worse that Davis was. But it’s close. Real close.

  943. Stuck Says:

    It was a fun 2 games and the hype was surreal.

  944. Mr_Barf Says:

    1st negative play..omg..OMG

  945. Chad Says:

    All day to throw and secondary can’t stop receivers

  946. Wade Says:

    This team should be ashamed of it self

  947. unbelievable Says:

    Dean can’t catch? Color me shocked

  948. Simeon4HOF Says:

    This is just sick today. Back to reality.

  949. Miller5252 Says:

    Bucs look horrible on all sides of the ball today. The fans at the game should ask for a refund

  950. Saskbucs Says:

    Guys are embarrassing themselves today. Dean!? Nelson!? Bowles and Coen getting worked over. Both lines, no push. Mayfield reading too much press about himself. SMH. Just when I thought the corner was turned. Need our guys back real fast. Whole team should be getting chewed on sideline.

  951. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Dean has zero dawg in him. ZERO….

  952. Badbucs Says:

    Burned up too much emotion in Detroit. Ballon is totally deflated today.

  953. Booger Says:

    Dean has ZERO hand-eye coordination. ZERO. He couldn’t even get his hand on the ball to deflect it earlier in the first half.

  954. Jugheadfla Says:

    Nice, let’s wait till the 3rd qtr to start blitzing….Bowels for life

  955. Dashriprock Says:

    When are the Bucs going to fire toilet Bowles?

  956. darengibo Says:

    Why does Bowles struggle scheming against rookie QBs?

  957. Couch Fan Says:

    I have 0 confidence in Bowels but even I am shocked at how bad they look today.

  958. Bucamania Says:

    Glad I’m not baking in that sun watching this garbage

  959. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Diary is a huge disappointment. But not as big as Kancey

  960. ElioT Says:

    Total garbage

  961. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What a beautifully coached team!!!!

  962. Mr_Barf Says:

    I am self destructo..watch my fleeting flailing D fence amaze you

  963. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Jamel Dean just go to Detroit. You suck. Always 2 sec late on everything. Dean could care less if we win or lose any given Sunday

  964. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Heating and we still can’t get to him!!!!

  965. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    I’m so happy the BUCS will lose today

    …..maybe it will wake them up!!!!

    These Bucs did absolutely NOTHING today if it wasn’t for that fumble….NOTHING!!!!

  966. Yacksareback Says:

    I hate this team

  967. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    These Bucs did absolutely NOTHING today if it wasn’t for that fumble….NOTHING!!!!

  968. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Last couple of drafts not looking so great anymore

  969. darengibo Says:

    I bet we do a 3rd straight offsides for the first down

  970. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  971. unbelievable Says:



  972. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Hope your having a great time at the game JOE

  973. KABucs Says:

    Yep, trap game.
    Many have said it.
    As soon as all of the media people pick the Bucs to win, we’re screwed by some kind of curse. LOL

  974. Booger Says:

    Yeah, YOU’RE STUPID, Diaby! A DUMB Fok.

  975. BangkokBuc Says:


  976. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    I think Dean is an enemy agent.

  977. Mike Johnson Says:

    You cannot go the entire 3rd qtr being down by 14 and scoring nothing. Its over guys. Come have a shot of tequila with me.

  978. Capt.Tim Says:

    Abusing Dean today. The rookie is really aiming at Dean. And beating him.
    We are better without” quitting”Carlton Davis.
    Hope we dump “ day off” Dean this off season

  979. rrsrqnc Says:

    No comment

  980. Bucamania Says:

    Well Bucky and Tykee played well. That is all.

  981. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    They have been blitzing most of the game, sending 5-6 and NOT getting to him…our Oline ant block 5 or less rushers…that’s the difference in the game…oh and our Fans are playing soft coverage and missing picks when they are there

  982. Greg Says:

    This team.

  983. Cobraboy Says:

    This is like the Detroit game, but on the losing end.

    Any score makes a tall mountain to climb.

    Bucs need a miracle.

  984. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    ……think about it.

    Sloppy play….off sides…..bucs are frustrated 😠


  985. Defense Rules Says:

    Two defensive offsides in a row? We may have a new definition of ‘self destruction’.

  986. Jeff Says:

    Frauds, juke like we thought they were.

  987. Bucsfantim Says:

    Maybe one of the most demoralizing performances I’ve seen in a long time. We look like we didn’t prepare for anything.

  988. Simeon4HOF Says:


  989. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    82 yards passing for Baker through 3 quarters.


  990. ElioT Says:

    but wait… > 91% said the Bucs would win in the poll.

  991. aleyz2020 Says:

    Isn’t grounding in the end zone considered a safety?

  992. Shak Says:

    Winning Q, let’s Bake!

  993. Jugheadfla Says:

    Out coached once again….Bowels

  994. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Just wow

  995. BucsBeast Says:



  996. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    The BUCS ARE A .500 team 💩

  997. Cobraboy Says:

    Pride goeth before the fall.

  998. Miller5252 Says:

    Here comes a hard crash back to Earth! Complete trash today. From the O line to baker, the Dline, the 12 yard cushion on the receivers and totally out coached again by Payton.

  999. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    “Gonna scale back the offense for Nix”. Epic troll by Payton.

  1000. JustVisiting Says:

    On the bright side…err…Camarda has been solid.

  1001. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    3rd went perfectly for the Broncos

  1002. Mac Says:

    Diaby ain’t good. He makes no plays. Another JTS

  1003. Trask To The Future Says:


    Broncos will soon go to a Soft Prevent like teams did when we trailed last year and Mayfield will rack up a lot of yards to pad his terrible stats! *ELITE*

  1004. BucsTypical Says:

    Great discipline !!!! Not!!!!

  1005. richbucsfan Says:

    No excuses. The Bucs are being outplayed and outcoached.

  1006. Bucamania Says:

    This is what happens when you don’t come ready to play. This is the NFL

  1007. BucsRgood LOL Says:

    Welcome back yucs…thanks for always showing up..😂😂😂😂😂

  1008. FlumundaCheese Says:

    We should expect this. Bowles isn’t going to suddenly learn to coach. Mr. Defensive Mastermind isn’t going to suddenly figure out how to not get punked every time he goes against Sean Payton.

  1009. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 3:05 pm
    I tried… Didn’t work.

    This game is over. Typical Baker and Bowles collapse vs the worst team in football. Those two dopes get full of themselves, believe their own hype, and this is the result.

    The Panthers are the worst.

  1010. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  1011. HC Grover Says:

    Turn out the lights. Worst Buc game in years.

  1012. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    This is classic regression to the mean. We weren’t as good as our 2-0 record suggested. Same as last year. It’s a long season. Once we get our starters back on defense, we may get better.

  1013. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Anybody believe our offense suddenly gets hot and our D suddenly stops them??????
    Yeah, me either

  1014. Mike Johnson Says:

    To all of my fellow Buc fans, I salute you. This one is over. Me and the wife are leaving for a movie. Congrats to Denver. They marched into Tampa and whipped us good. So much for 3-0. The schedule gets no easier. GO BUICS!!

  1015. Winny Testaverde Says:

    JoeJinx ™️ remains undefeated…at least web traffic will remain strong(er) following this folly!

  1016. PassingThru Says:

    Not So Fun Fact: Bo Nix is the first and only rookie first round QB to have thrown a TD this season.

  1017. Buc4evr Says:

    Today we get to see how bad our O line and D line are. Truly pathetic.

  1018. Bucky Love Says:

    Great job getting the team ready and in making needed half time adjustments.
    When will Tampa learn that coaching matters???

  1019. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Please stop with that let’s bake crap! Our qb is already baked along with the rest of the team !

  1020. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Offense sucks! Defense sucks! Todd Bowles sucks! Liam Coen sucks! Baker Mayfield sucks! Mike Evans sucks! Chris Godwin sucks! Everybody sucks!

    Bucs suck!

  1021. HC Grover Says:

    We are now the worst team in football. Please stop tyhe hype. Ten takeaways…
    They Suck ditto ditto ditto etc.

  1022. Bucamania Says:

    Payton loving this.

    Nix couldn’t do anything before this game. Bowles said hold my beer.

  1023. LongSeason Says:

    Bucs are fake as heck. We will end up last in division.
    Panzers with Bryce are better than us.

  1024. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Worst loss in a long while

  1025. BucfaninMi Says:

    Consistently inconsistent. That’s the Bucs. Except for failure, that’s consistent

  1026. Delabucs Says:

    Maybe Sean Payton has bowels pegged. It was always Payton no the aints

  1027. HC Grover Says:

    Best bet of the day….Denver plus six.

  1028. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Baker hasn’t had any time in the pocket. Mauch and Barton have missed their blocks.

  1029. Marky Mark Says:

    Have to go hurry up now

  1030. Mike Johnson Says:

    Turn out the lights. The parties over. Say goodnight Grace…..GOODNIGHT!

  1031. Richard Says:

    Badly outcoached. Sean Payton “we know this defense very well” Rookie OC calling plays also badly outcoached

  1032. DoooshLaRue Says:

    PassingThru Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 3:14 pm
    Not So Fun Fact: Bo Nix is the first and only rookie first round QB to have thrown a TD this season.

    When did he do that?

  1033. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    The Bucs aren’t even competitive today

    BUCS: “Hey guys you wanna play football today”?

    BUCS: “Nah, let’s just chill, we 2-0 and the Bronocs sux”

    SEAN PAYTON: “Hum? Didn’t I always whoop yall when I was in New Orleans?”

  1034. Bucamania Says:

    Mauch is garbage. Time to try Klein.

  1035. HC Grover Says:

    Now for White up the gut.

  1036. Dreambig Says:

    Dean has not defended a single pass all day. Nelson has whiffed on two critical plays

  1037. Defense Rules Says:

    Buc4evr … Our OLine really misses Goedeke. Our DLine really misses Vea & Kancey. And oh ya, next year we best be drafting some big uglies on BOTH sides of the ball.

  1038. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  1039. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  1040. Jugheadfla Says:

    It’s really simple the OL and DL are the wirst in the league. You are seeing it here today.

  1041. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bucs = Clown 🤡 Show

    Of 💩 Show

  1042. Bucamania Says:

    Can’t count on Kancey. Dude has fragile calves.

  1043. Please Says:

    This is on the offense. The D is thin, and Bowles is not really dialing anything up – maybe because knows. But the offense has no excuse.

  1044. Capt.Tim Says:

    They shoulda thrown at Dean. Zion McCollum is a great Cornerback
    We can build a great secondary around Winfield, McCollom, Izien, Smith, and Whitehead.
    Just gotta replace Dean.
    And Meybe, just Meybe- GET A FING PASSRUSH.
    any defense that starts JTS and Logan Hall is a JOKE

  1045. Mr_Barf Says:

    Hurry hurry hurry

  1046. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Kancey is always injured Bro…..dudes “Glass Joe” calves now

  1047. Bigz Says:

    Another draft and the same results, thus far. Zero pass rush and can’t run block. We will be average until those are fixed. They are the gold standard in football. Again, I have not been impressed with our last several draft.

  1048. MadMax Says:

    Its all good we’ll take this loss, starters are injured… its a long season my guys

  1049. Badbucs Says:

    It’s one game. Horrible as it is. All the weaknesses exposed. Dean, the guards, Britt, Skule, no pass rush. We need to heal up and get a couple guards in here.

  1050. PassingThru Says:

    My bad, I thought Nix hit one when I ran out for a beer. Oh well, the rookie QBs are still pitching a shutout.

  1051. heyjude Says:

    Yay Evans!

  1052. Bucamania Says:

    Another zero sack game?

  1053. HC Grover Says:

    Now for a clock eating drive to top off the day

  1054. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    GAME OVER = Yall YUCS fans run along now and cry until next Sunday’s loss.

  1055. unbelievable Says:

    Evans gotta run after that WTF man?

  1056. WiseCrack Says:

    Baker for MVP

  1057. Usfbuc Says:

    Come on BM pick your head up

  1058. Jugheadfla Says:

    Skule 15 yards in the backfired with Baker….garbage

  1059. Bucamania Says:

    Skule with another whiff. He is not an NFL tackle.

  1060. unbelievable Says:

    @BadBucs – very true.

  1061. Dashriprock Says:

    I live in Saint Augustine what happened to Mike Evans? How come they are not throwing him the ball?

  1062. HC Grover Says:

    Run that clock

  1063. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles is unbelievably overrated. Unless he’s got a loaded defense AND consistently scoring offense, he’s trash at scheming. Nix looks like a seasoned vet against our “mastermind” defensive HC.

  1064. Booger Says:

    Now here comes your Baker empty stats time.

  1065. ElioT Says:

    Speed it up!

    Get out of bounds Payne!

  1066. Mr_Barf Says:

    Every tackle is inbounds..clock killer

  1067. unbelievable Says:

    Nice catch Godwin

  1068. Oneilbuc Says:

    They have no urgency at all they ain’t even trying to win now .

  1069. HC Grover Says:


  1070. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Stat padding game is over

  1071. Frank the Tank Says:


  1072. unbelievable Says:

    Why are they not getting out of bounds?

  1073. WiseCrack Says:

    For the record. This is Winston time. Not Baker time

  1074. ElioT Says:

    This is a bad team…

    They’re really not good.

  1075. Jbeachbuc Says:

    O line is crap!!!

  1076. Bucamania Says:

    Baker double clutching all day

  1077. HC Grover Says:


  1078. Usfbuc Says:

    Why not dump to White?

  1079. Buc2Blame Says:

    Let’s keep it a buc 😂 starting with the offense: Baaker is…baker stop expecting more. Rachad white is some 💩. Cody Mauch is horrible at Right guard that is the problem on the o-line Cody Mauch. Cade Otton is not him at all not one single bit. Where is this Jalen McMillian cat 🤔 can’t get separation. HOF receiver and we find no way to get him open. Why does Tampa get this coordinators and then in the day after presser they say gotta get Mike the ball …. Duh mf 🤦🏾‍♂️……. Defense: who d-line trash 😂 it’s really sad how hard we make it look to get a sack on the opposing QB like wtf how can an organization constantly and consistently miss on this position. Jamel Dean is some 🥵 💩 always has been always will be dude is 🗑️. The play of Dennis today is why he is not starting at MLB , n yes Kenny Britt is nooooooooo better 🤷🏾‍♂️. JTS and YaYa are not it at all of course we all know JTS is not him but if ts good to say YaYa ain’t either he’s been single covered all day and haven’t made 💩 shake . Bowles has to do better in these games these are the ones that puts him on the hot seat to lose this game is huge with the EAGLES, FALCONS and SAINTS next. Can anyone say a 4 game losing streak 🤷🏾‍♂️

  1080. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker Willie Beamon Mayfield forgot to take his invisible juice today

    Elite my ass

  1081. unbelievable Says:


  1082. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    There goes that opp

  1083. Capt.Tim Says:

    Pressure RIGHT UP THE MIDDLE again.
    We wont win with Mauch and Bredesen.
    Wirfs having another weak game today.

  1084. Mord Says:

    Looks like I chose a good game to sell my tickets for

  1085. Trask To The Future Says:

    BUT… BUT… BUT… MOXIE!@!@!@!!@!@@!@!!!

  1086. Jody Says:

    We have no rush on a rookie QB. Pathetic

  1087. PassingThru Says:


  1088. Usfbuc Says:

    Why are we running the play clock all the way down every down

  1089. WiseCrack Says:

    LOL, clock does not stop until the last 5 mins of a half. But you are huge fan of FOOTBALL

  1090. Badbucs Says:

    Middle of the line is horrible

  1091. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Screen pass???

  1092. unbelievable Says:

    No one has played good today on this team. Except Bucky.

    Gotta go for it here I think.

  1093. Mr_Barf Says:

    We got played y’all

  1094. HC Grover Says:

    Trask is hiding under the bench….Big Party in the parking lot!!! Fans heading out for it

  1095. Will Says:

    Lmao @ Joe with all that talk all week

  1096. Frank the Tank Says:

    OOF FAH!

  1097. Oneilbuc Says:

    That’s game

  1098. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Exclamation point sack


  1099. Jugheadfla Says:

    Baker not baking today

  1100. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Licht is so overrated. Giving Mayfield all that money was idiotic. Oline is a joke. Bring back Bowles was just lazy ownership.

  1101. adam from ny Says:

    game over

  1102. Saskbucs Says:

    What is Skule doing? Just backing up into Baker

  1103. Bucamania Says:

    Sorry Bake, you sucked out loud today

  1104. Trask To The Future Says:


  1105. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Total garbage against a garbage team

  1106. Bucsince88 Says:

    What run by Baker!! All the way back to the line of scrimmage. Lamar Jackson he is not

  1107. churrasco Says:

    Turn out the lights.

  1108. BootyLover Says:

    Cody Mauch needs to be put out to pasture. He’s a lump of freckled sh!t

  1109. unbelievable Says:

    And you’re an internet troll. Congrats on your life, dipsh!t

  1110. Booger Says:

    PITIFUL. Typical Cohen. Typical Baker.

  1111. PSLBucfan Says:

    Baker thinks he can run better than he can. He has got to throw the ball.

  1112. Delabucs Says:

    They need to get some players that won’t stay hurt

  1113. Jugheadfla Says:

    Middle of the line? You mean the whole line right?

  1114. Cobraboy Says:

    Casuals should have seen this coming.

  1115. Trask To The Future Says:


    Licht was actually smart. They gave Mayfield a mid-tier QB contract and not a top contract. They can get out of it after 2 years.

  1116. unbelievable Says:

    He had that 1st if he just runs straight ahead.

    Like I said, EVERYONE sucked today except Bucky.

  1117. Chad Says:

    O-line has been absolutely horrendous in this game

  1118. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs cant wait to hit the locker room. This team is a loser and no chance for playoffs.

  1119. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Sad, all there is to say…Elle I can’t have any confidence in this team moving forward. Kind of wish they lost last week so we wouldn’t have had any false hope. Oh well…hopefully the rest of the NFCS loses

  1120. WiseCrack Says:

    Anyone saying this is not on Baker does not understand what they are seeing. DUDE IS PLAYING SCARED for some reason.

    O Line is never the problem for not throwing the ball to open receivers or targeting the middle of the field.

  1121. Trask To The Future Says:

    CONTINUED… Licht knew Mayfield was questionable as to his value.

  1122. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s our all star qb folks against good defense. Bucs had us fooled but not the sports talkers maybe?

  1123. QBKilla Says:

    We are still 2 drafts away from being truly competitive.

  1124. JA Says:

    That whole series should’ve been hurry up offense. Instead, they lollygag around like they’re actually winning the game.

  1125. PassingThru Says:

    It’s NFL football in late September. You still don’t know how good the Bucs can be… or as bad. You won’t know until Turkey Day.

  1126. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    I’m done watching this 💩 show….enjoy the loss!!!! C-ya!!!!!

  1127. Delabucs Says:

    Baker had to focus on throwing, he has the best WR duo in the league

  1128. ElioT Says:

    This is why the Bucs don’t get any national cred.

    They don’t deserve it.

    No fire, no leadership.

    An HC like a big boring lump of merch on the sidelines.

  1129. WiseCrack Says:

    1 out of 3 games makes is Bakers track record. Thats just the facts.

  1130. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Moxie is a chick that works at Mons.

    What you are seeing right now is Bowles setting $100M of the Glazers’ money on fire.

  1131. unbelievable Says:

    We’ve thrown like 2 screen passes all day. That’s unacceptable and 100% on Coen

  1132. Badbucs Says:

    Trask can’t dodge all those guys. Bring in the emergency guy.

  1133. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker size is showing now I’m still rooting for him and I don’t expect for a guy to play good every game. Brady even had bad games.

  1134. Dr. Bucenstein Says:

    Should have took the 3 now it may be over.

  1135. Defense Rules Says:

    Wisecrack … ‘Baker for MVP’

    Amazing how you can go from GOAT to goat in a single game isn’t it.

  1136. Jody Says:

    We just got out coached

  1137. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Britt is too slow

  1138. Mr_Barf Says:

    IDGAF blowout time

  1139. Jugheadfla Says:

    Braswell….another useless pick

  1140. Buc2Blame Says:

    Can we sit Baker now b4 he thinks he Superman and gets himself hurt. All of a sudden he thinks he Mike Vick now 😂😂. Let Trask play the remainder of the game. The game is over. Next week Philly😂😂 the Falcons😂😂 then the SAINTS😂😂😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂 get ready buc fans are boys are back 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾😂😂😂😂

  1141. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    43 yard scamper

  1142. churrasco Says:

    If anyone in the Bucs organisation had a brain, Trask would finish the game – WITH THE STARTING OFFENSE. But he won’t, and certainly NOT WITH THE STARTING OFFENSE as that would upset the 50% of the dumbest fan base in the NFL.

  1143. Frank the Tank Says:

    Grab grab grab…

  1144. Surfslowson Says:

    Ran the wrong direction when he had another open man. Skule has to go he is a wiff machine. Let’s go defense score is some points. Or not. 🤦‍♂️

  1145. BucsTypical Says:

    Saints losing could have had early lead in division but no we are the yucks playing same safe pathetic way

  1146. Usfbuc Says:

    Pretty sure you can’t hold a guys leg

  1147. BucThis Says:

    This team sucks @$$

  1148. unbelievable Says:

    Game over.

    Good job Bucs. You proved the national media right- that you’re a bunch of overrated losers. Congrats on losing to one of the worst teams in the league.

    Broncos will regress to their norm next week when they play a competent team.

    Sean Peyton owns this franchise. PATHETIC.

  1149. KABucs Says:

    The injuries in the trenches are coming back to haunt us. They’re starters for a reason and you lose without them.
    We can’t protect Baker and now we can’t even stop the run much less put pressure on the quarterback.

  1150. Defense Rules Says:

    This BTW is the classic example of getting out-coached on BOTH sides of the ball.

  1151. ElioT Says:

    All you dummies that didn’t predict this as a quintessential trap game for our beloved Bucs… do your homework!

  1152. Miller5252 Says:

    Payton just owns Tampa. What a joke today!

  1153. Oneilbuc Says:

    KJ Britt is trash 🗑️🗑️ we should have kept Devin White!!

  1154. HC Grover Says:



    Or Panters Bucs.

    The Equinox effect has hit them….A curse. No more hype please

  1155. Luca Brazi Says:

    Sean Payton is the perfect example of “never underestimate a coach who overestimates himself.”
    And that’s what this team did this week. They underestimated Bo Nix and Sean Payton because they spent the six days reading about how great they were since returning from Detroit!

  1156. Booger Says:

    Run the play clock all the way down, so the defense can continue to time the snap and blow you TF UPPPP… TYPICAL COHEN.

  1157. Chad Says:

    Anyone putting this solely on baker don’t know ball, look at the time nix is getting, on top of that don’t act like the defense has played other worldly today. This was a trash game on both sides of the ball from everyone

  1158. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    The stadium is starting to empty out. Sad game today.

  1159. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:


  1160. Trask To The Future Says:


    You’re one of the few Bucs fans that’s willing to admit the truth. All those games last season where Baker failed to throw for more than 100 yards in the first half then racked up yards when the game was out of reach (like this game). Yet people think he’s elite because of his “moxie” lol.

    He’s mediocre at best. Doesn’t throw over the middle (probably a height issue). Holds the ball too long. Goes through long stretches of inaccuracy.

    They need to let Trask have a shot with the starters and see what potential he has.

  1161. HC Grover Says:

    1st Blitz

  1162. DB Says:

    Oh my god we are going to lose, season over! I will never watch another game !

  1163. BomTrady Says:

    How can you figure it, we go to Detroit and beat the Lions, come home and get blown out by winless Denver.

  1164. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Joe is busy typing up his “hey, we’re still lucky to be 2-1” article.

  1165. Marky Mark Says:

    You needed 3 scores shoulda gone for 3. Rod Munchable said if we lose to lions and beat denver we will be 2-1 and pretty good. You just got the teams backwards. Lets hope the saints lose.

  1166. dbbuc711 Says:

    Another bad game against a rookie QB.

  1167. Usfbuc Says:

    Braswell might pan out, their tackle has been holding him all game long

  1168. Casey Says:

    Can we please just get rid of Bowles he game planning is pathetic already his defense sucks always has can’t tackle can’t cover ! Dean got abused all day ! No adjustments no pass rush embarrassment

  1169. Alstott40 Says:

    This game was such a disappointment. Hate to see Sean Peyton beating us once again. SMH. Offense played absolutely horrid, and the defense let a sorry Bo Nix look good. Pathetic

  1170. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    We better see Trask

  1171. BucsBeast Says:

    And just like that….
    Game OVER BOYS!

  1172. Chad Says:

    Trask will not play in this game repeat he will not play

  1173. Mr_Barf Says:

    Trask trash time

  1174. Trask To The Future Says:

    CHAD – of course our lack of Offense is on Mayfield. Payton is pressuring him left and right because he’s not getting rid of the ball quickly and making bad decisions.

  1175. HC Grover Says:

    Nobody left in stadium….Party in the Lot ! Just like old times.

  1176. Fire the Gannons! Says:

    Just in case you missed my comment from the pregame thread “10 most important stories.” I will come back to drop regular reminders throughout the lengthy death spiral the organization began today (that a large contingent of Bucs faithful like BucsAnthem brought about by reversing good karma):

    “Today is a sad day.

    Today begins the era of the post-Brady decline.


    Because Baker publicly dissed TB12, and because Brady hating fools like ONeil, Orly, Citrus and even one of the two Joe’s themselves keep piling on, the Bucs will lose the good karma the GOAT brought to the organization and the Bucs will revert to their pre-Brady strive for mediocrity.

    It’s all downhill from here folks. Diss the GOAT and what he did for the organization and get what you deserve Suckanneeers.

    Don’t thank Baker alone. People like ONeil and Joe (one of them) were the catalysts. Baker just lit the fuse. (Will still love you Mike Evans and Chris Godwin.)”

  1177. Chad Says:

    Trask wouldn’t do any better under these circumstances

  1178. churrasco Says:

    PassingThru Says: “It’s NFL football in late September. You still don’t know how good the Bucs can be… or as bad. You won’t know until Turkey Day.”

    Everyone seemed to know this morning.

  1179. PSLBucfan Says:

    Payton and the Broncos have opened a big old can of WhupAss on the Bucs.

  1180. heyjude Says:

    The Broncos most likely will lose to the Jets in NY next week, so there is that. And the Bucs can win the Eagles next week. Sean Payton is not all that. This is only one game. So many more to go.

  1181. Trask To The Future Says:


  1182. BocaBuc Says:

    Bowles is Paytons bit#h. TRAP GAME FOR SURE. 2-0 start obviously means Super Bowl bound, right? Last year again…

  1183. rfdes Says:

    Embarrassing. Totally ashamed.
    Well, we’ve been conned again.

  1184. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Dude. We sucked today.

  1185. Chad Says:

    Trask to the future, you can’t put everything on the qb, you can put some of it on baker as you should, but this team is getting beat bad at all facets of the game

  1186. Eric Says:

    This game sucks but truly were missing several key players. Game plan sucks given the circumstances but really the online and line are just soft as tissue without Vea and Goedke

  1187. Bucsfan24 Says:

    Sean Payton strikes again. Baker playing scared and D-line not able to pressure. Sad day

  1188. churrasco Says:

    Chad Says: “Trask wouldn’t do any better under these circumstances.”

    You don’t get it. Trask has never taken a snap with the starters and needs the experience. What FSU frat were you in?

  1189. HC Grover Says:

    Joe have a double and rethink. This team sucks bad. I seen it live on TV. They aint come back from this.

  1190. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    100% Future.

    Bowles will bury Trask as long as he can.

  1191. Chad Says:

    There’s a reason no teams called about trading for trask, he ain’t it. He will be a career back up qb. Get used to it

  1192. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    We’re almost playing like we’re missing half our defensive starters…not sure what the offenses excuse us though 🤷‍♂️

  1193. Ol' Boy Says:

    We just got out-coached cause they don’t have the talent. How humiliating

  1194. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    I just don’t want to hear about coming out flat

  1195. Tackleblockwin Says:

    This is normal. Every year we do this, at least once. You can tell by the expression on our players faces at the beginning of the game it was going to be a bad day.

  1196. OrlandoBucsFan Says:


  1197. KABucs Says:

    It’s definitely one of those games where blame ne can be spread all over the place. There are a few players that had good games but not enough of them.

  1198. HC Grover Says:

    Trask would not help this mess/

  1199. Chad Says:

    He did last season and it was an incomplete pass, he ain’t doing anything that baker can’t do. Get over, and I told you I’m a Kentucky fan. Die hard uk fan.

  1200. churrasco Says:



  1201. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Hahahaha he brings Mayfield in to hand off.


  1202. HC Grover Says:

    Now for some garbage points

  1203. Chad Says:

    Trask is trash

  1204. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:


  1205. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Trash is not our future. Neither is danny weurfel or tebow

  1206. Eric Says:

    Our coaches & players almost all let us besides McCallum, Irving, Godwin have all let us down. And by the way Nelson sucks way worse than JTS. He is aweful

  1207. HC Grover Says:

    Start the post game thread

  1208. PSLBucfan Says:

    The good news is Joe’s player prop bets paid off. Good job Joe.

  1209. Thomas51 Says:

    Got our Blowout!! Just wrong side.

  1210. unbelievable Says:

    A handoff?

    Bunch of cowards and pansies. That’s what Tampa does best!

  1211. churrasco Says:

    The reality is Baker is a crybaby and not a team player who will have a hissy fit if Trask played and Bowles knows it.

  1212. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Mayfield trips on Mayfield

  1213. Mr_Barf Says:

    Humble pie to y’all Buc Crack addicts

  1214. heyjude Says:

    Baker trying hard with all the pressure. This is a rough one.

  1215. Booger Says:

    Just STFU about Trask already, & get a damm LIFE. It’s embarrassing. Just Pathetic. 💯

  1216. Chad Says:

    Trask is not gonna play, why bring him up

  1217. HC Grover Says:

    We may see the new onside kick for desert

  1218. Miller5252 Says:

    Another huge black eye for the coaches in Tampa. How they can’t have their team ready to go just gets old. 7 points at home is all you can get.

  1219. unbelievable Says:

    So pathetic.

    Bucky is the ONLY guy who showed up to play today.

    Mind as well trade Mike Evans since we don’t target him anymore. Trade him for a pass rusher.

  1220. churrasco Says:

    lol Baker imitating Favre.

  1221. Jugheadfla Says:

    Can we get a coach with some actual emotion instead of flaccid Bowels?

  1222. Chad Says:

    Trask would’ve got killed cuz he sucks

  1223. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Might as well just let David and Whitehead rest next week too. Long as we have Dean we’re good lol

  1224. Bucamania Says:

    Well at least Bucky is good

  1225. HC Grover Says:

    This loss was a team effort…

  1226. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Bucky needs to be starting

  1227. Delabucs Says:

    Looks like bowels has had enough

  1228. PassingThru Says:

    Barring some miraculous comeback, there’s another game impacting the Bucs that is worth watching. Phili is having a tough time with the ‘Aints. Siriani is hopelessly overrated at a HC, he’s been exposed after losing his AC and DC. I still think Phili will win, but they’re down one point in what looks like a baseball score (7-6).

  1229. ElioT Says:

    But NO! The Genius Todd Bowels would destroy the rookie QB?

  1230. HC Grover Says:

    Eat the Clock

  1231. churrasco Says:

    LOL all the FSU frat boys are coming out of their shells.

  1232. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL down by 3 scores dinking and dunking.

  1233. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Not the toast of the NFC. Def not a SB team either as is. And F@#$ Sean payton

  1234. Chad Says:

    Just a bad game all around, it’s on the coaches, offense and the defense all around terrible

  1235. Defense Rules Says:

    Baker has now been sacked 6 times in this game. For all of you who said ‘We need to pass more and run less’ HINT: this is what it looks like when the Bucs do that.

  1236. HC Grover Says:

    Cmon onside kick!

  1237. Badbucs Says:

    CORRECT QBkilla. 2 drafts and the new coach. We have a lot of good young pieces, just a few too many holes to fill this year. 60 mil in dead cap to players not playing doesn’t help either. We might get there next year.

  1238. ElioT Says:

    Garbage yardage.

    This game was humiliating.

  1239. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Can’t imagine being at the game today after spending hundreds of dollars to sweat and watch this garbage.

  1240. Trask To The Future Says:


    Yeah Trask sucks… he only set records at UF against top SEC corners that now play in the NFL.

  1241. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    At this point don’t care about Bakers toughness just his inability to play good against good defenses

  1242. WiseCrack Says:

    Colts vs Bucs vibes just hit me.

    Oh wait, Baker is not Peyton

  1243. Bucamania Says:

    Most of the Bucs looked disinterested all game

  1244. heyjude Says:

    The refs were bad. They conveniently missed penalties on the Broncos.

  1245. Chad Says:

    A drop from Evans

  1246. Buc original Says:

    Funny how people were riding the bandwagon after Detroit. This teams weakness have persisted under Bowel movement. This team needs a clean slate and not to live in the past. Brady got the team a ring. Noted the time to start fresh. Mayfield and bowel are not the answer.

  1247. churrasco Says:

    It’s “Pad the Passing Stats” time! That’s why Baker is still in. Must be a clause in his contract or something.

  1248. Trask To The Future Says:


  1249. LongSeason Says:

    Mikes best play of the year. Draw double penalty.

  1250. Chad Says:

    This ain’t Florida it’s the nfl and he will never do anything

  1251. HC Grover Says:

    The party in the parking lot will hear the big garbage score cheer. I remember that.

  1252. KABucs Says:

    Baker can’t seem to see the blitz at all today.

  1253. BucsGnome Says:

    Nothing left to do but enjoy my cocktail. The losses will start piling up given our schedule although I do want to believe in miracles.

  1254. Chad Says:

    Because trask sucks that’s why they kept going to baker

  1255. WiseCrack Says:

    Who sits a Heisman runner up for 3 years behind Brady but decides to never PLAY THEM ONCE????

  1256. Ira's Bannana Says:

    I lost so much money today. WTF happened?

  1257. HC Grover Says:

    Perfect ending

  1258. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The screw job Trask got by the Bucs is so blatant – I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.

  1259. KABucs Says:

    Well, a fumble.

    Seems about right. When it rains it pours.

  1260. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That’s how you give away a game

  1261. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Fitting end to a sh!t effort and execution

  1262. HC Grover Says:

    Otten sucks

  1263. rfdes Says:

    Putrid… with a capital ‘P’

  1264. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    Mayfield is historically bad today.

  1265. Cobraboy Says:



  1266. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The Bucs should be ashamed of themselves

  1267. Capt.Tim Says:

    Guess Dkule had to give up one more sack

  1268. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Least the gaytor fans were good for a laugh today calling for trash lol

  1269. Bucamania Says:

    Fitting end

  1270. ElioT Says:

    Jason can Licht my b***s.

  1271. DB Says:

    Mister obvious here, Boy that o line needs help!

  1272. Crickett Baker Says:

    Now we have to hear TB say again “we gotta be better, players and coaches”.

  1273. Chad Says:

    Good drop there, it’s fitting for the way this game was played by both sides of the ball

  1274. Usfbuc Says:

    This was an ugly game, time to prepare for the next game

  1275. Defense Rules Says:

    Actually that’s kind of an appropriate ending to an otherwise excruciating game.

  1276. Beeej Says:

    Doesn’t look good fellas

  1277. HC Grover Says:

    Out…waiting for the post game thread.

  1278. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The screwing Trask got is unforgivable

  1279. Trask To The Future Says:


    Because Bowles was on the hot seat for his job and preferred a vet QB. They most likely made promises to Mayfield & his agent to come to Tampa on that cheap $4M prove it deal. I would bet anything they promised him he’d start no matter what, so Trask got shafted and never actually had a chance to compete with Mayfield for the starting job.

  1280. COMO Says:

    Yeah not great. A little lost on how we could f up this bad.

  1281. Cobraboy Says:

    7 sacks, 2 TO

    Hungrier team dominated

  1282. LongSeason Says:

    Can we fire our offensive line coach Kacy Rodgers? He sucks big time.

  1283. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    That guy no bigger than Bucky

  1284. Jack Burton Mercert Says:

    O line bears a lot of blame but not one of them held the ball too long to throw it away.

  1285. DB Says:

    And, another rye over ice and we good!

  1286. Buc2Blame Says:

    😂😂😂 Cade Otton the local trash man does it once again

  1287. Usfbuc Says:

    We might have some more starters next week

  1288. Capt.Tim Says:

    Worst offensive line play Ive seen in a decade

  1289. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:


  1290. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wow. I forgot to put on the game until now because of work.

    Now I wish I had not remembered at all.

  1291. KABucs Says:

    If the Bucs win 2 and lose 1 the rest of the season, I’ll be okay with that.
    11-6 or 12-5 would be satisfactory in my book.

    Need our starters back… fast!

  1292. Defense Rules Says:

    That last sack on Mayfield BTW was given up by (tada) Justin Skule. Hurry back Luke

  1293. Chad Says:

    Trask will keep being trash and won’t play in a game unless baker is seriously hurt. Get used to it trask fans. Just admit the whole team was garbage today both sides of the ball

  1294. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Just need 2 tds 2 2 pointers and a fg. We got this lol

  1295. Usfbuc Says:

    Might need to look into a trade for an O lineman or two

  1296. Bucamania Says:

    7 sacks and it could’ve been more. Disgusting

  1297. Cobraboy Says:

    I am not at all surprised about this game.

    It had trap written all over it.

  1298. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Good thing we tied Baker up for three years.

  1299. Buc2Blame Says:

    I can’t wait to read what Ian Beckles think? 😂😂😂😂😂 his take is gonna be hilarious.

  1300. COMO Says:

    No way we lost this game that bad. Just a joke right?

  1301. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bowles and Jokefield will be gone after this season

  1302. Chad Says:

    Jack Burton if receivers aren’t open it causes the qb to hold on to the ball longer common sense when it comes to football

  1303. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Just in…now…I’m out. Later!

  1304. Natron Says:

    Payton earned his $20 million today, Bowles got a lot of explaining to do

  1305. Surfslowson Says:

    Giving up 7 sacks is ridiculous.

  1306. TDelm Says:

    Arguably the worst the Bucs have looked in years. Trap game is an understatement

  1307. Defense Rules Says:

    Oline bears a lot of the blame, but Baker played a horrible game today. Got a hunch that Brady is laughing his arse off right about now.

  1308. Trask To The Future Says:


    The Defense has ZERO to do with the Offense and Mayfield’s poor play. So enough of the “we sucked on both sides of the ball” as if that’s an excuse for Mayfield’s PATHETIC play today.

  1309. Chad Says:

    Baker won’t be going anywhere after this season ain’t no good qb coming out in their pick range, even if he was gone, trask wouldn’t play lol

  1310. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Got beat in every facet of the game today. That was rough.

  1311. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Trask got screwed

  1312. Buc2Blame Says:

    We would’ve loss with Vita and Winfield present, hell Cancey too can’t forget Luke

  1313. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Waste of time to talk sense to a Bakerboi about competition because they believe Baker always does good and blame everything else when he isn’t

  1314. Trask To The Future Says:

    WHITE BROKE THE PLANE and Mayfield shouldn’t even had a TD pass in this game.

  1315. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    This team isn’t beating Philly

    The real Baker Mayfield showed up.

  1316. Bnasty25 Says:

    This game is completely on the o line and d line. Very hard to watch

  1317. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Buc2Blame Says
    “We would’ve loss with Vita and Winfield present, hell Cancey too can’t forget Luke”

    Would have lost? I would not be so sure.

  1318. LVMYBUCS Says:

    U all keep having faith in this clown Bowles. Got lucky with the Lions this team will never be good again until u get rid of Bowles and Dean

  1319. Mike Johnson Says:

    DISGRACEFUL. An 0-2 team marches into your Den and beats the living daylight out of you. Which goes to prove…On any given Sunday. You youngsters remember that. ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY…you can get your lunch handed to you in this league. Don’t forget it when you feel the urge to brag and talk trash. We have been Humbled this Sunday.

  1320. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Who is calling who a sad sack team

  1321. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Switch to the Saints Eagles game already

  1322. WiseCrack Says:

    @Trask To The Future

    Good point, I just thought it was cause the Moxie. Which, to be fair, is about the only thing Baker has more of than Trask. Other than starts of course

  1323. unbelievable Says:

    Only a complete moron thinks the defense didn’t stink out loud today too.

  1324. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucamania … Most of those sacks were on Mayfield. He held the ball way too long, and his Houdini act abandoned him today. Hmmm, maybe he’s not as good against the blitz as Joe & others were saying he is.

  1325. orlbucfan Says:

    How come there was no spy put on Nix from the start? Did the 5 sacks last week rattle Mayfield and now he’s had a few more?

  1326. Buc2Blame Says:

    Hey @joe see why Dennis can’t n hopefully won’t start😂😂😂 n that’s bad cause Britt is a DT playing LB with Cement shoes on 😂😂😂

  1327. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Baker playing scared not seeing pen receivers

  1328. COMO Says:

    So we just went in vacation this week?

  1329. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Well, at least the Saints are not scoring a lot.

  1330. Chad Says:

    Once again if your putting the whole blame on baker that means your just a hater. Im willing to give baker some blame also, just like the rest of the offense and defense

  1331. Eric Says:

    Until our online gets better our offense will suck. However, our defense I’ll give a pass as we’re missing 3 really good starters, all difference makers. Btw, Barton really isn’t a good as the hype from what i see. Also, I’m done with White running.

  1332. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    Everyone stunk out loud

  1333. COMO Says:

    Nice job looking past this game

  1334. Defense Rules Says:

    Unbelievable … It was a very poor game plan #1, and we had too many second-strongers starting #2. And oh ya, no one played worth a damn #3.

  1335. Buc king Says:

    Absolutely trash let the broncos a horrible team just kill us in our house…
    Baker looks pathetic 2 weeks in a row…
    Defense showing its true colors vs a rookie.
    I won’t be coming to any more home games this year.
    This is bad coaching bad execution we just lost to the worst team in the nfl..what’s that make us?

  1336. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Joe, ion the post game presser, please have the balls to ask Bowles why his record against rookie quarterbacks is so abysmal.

  1337. Buc2Blame Says:

    Let’s not forget YaYa wasn’t doubled

  1338. Eric Says:

    The entire Center through right side of oline sucked really bad today. Wirefs not a liability but not paying great at all either

  1339. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    another rookie QB knocks Bowles in the dirt

  1340. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Between Bredeson & Mauch, those 2 guys SUCK at pass blocking!!!
    MISERABLE guard play today…

    We getting beat on 4-man pash rush by Denver.

    Then our defense can’t even sniff a fuk’n sack..
    RIDICULOUSLY ugly play today….

    Guys got exposed on Tampa!!!!!

    MAUCH & BREDESON – y’all SUCK!! It’s time to put in Klein…

    JAMEL DEAN – playin soft!! Giant cushions cuz you scared to get beat deep!!

    BRITT – you way too slow !!!! Time for the Dennis switch!!

    STARTING RB SITUATION – Time to make the change to Irving / White is 3rd down back and can spare Irving when he tired…

  1341. Defense Rules Says:

    Eric … ‘I’m done with White running.’

    But when BOTH White and Irving were out there, we had our most productive plays. Creates a LOT of potential options for the offense, and a lot of potential problems for the defense.

  1342. Buc king Says:

    Fire Bowles please its obvious he’s not a good head coach he needs some one telling him what to do..he’s not equipped to be the boss.
    This team was not prepared and look pathetic all game.
    Im so sick of watching this trash type of play

  1343. churrasco Says:

    Looks like Baker vetoed sending Trask out to take a knee. He’s really really scared of letting the kid play.

  1344. Alstott40 Says:

    I hope we never see Skule on the field again this season, he’s garbage. Bucky needs to be our running back one. All around terrible game played by the Bucs and coaching staff. Embarrassing, Bo nix sucks and of course we make him look decent smh.

  1345. JustVisiting Says:

    Baker’s at 76% completion rate so far, one TD, one pick. Not great, obviously , but doesn’t seem horrible with bad protection.

  1346. Chad Says:

    Baker did not look pathetic against the lion dummy, his rushing touchdown and the defense is the reason we won

  1347. LongSeason Says:

    I’m out. Rooting for Panzers now.

  1348. Cobraboy Says:

    I don’t blame Mayfield. He was getting crushed all game.

  1349. Chrisonthecape Says:

    Not sure why everyone on hear is acting surprised. Until the coach is replaced, get used to these performances.

  1350. Trask To The Future Says:




    Baker was at 87 yards for the entire game with a terrible completion % when we were in the 4th quarter and they went up 16. He racked up completions underneath as they went to a full PREVENT defense.

  1351. No Mercy Says:

    Why is Todd Bowles smiling so hard after getting his ass kicked that’s a bad look bruh

  1352. LongSeason Says:

    Chad, the reason we won against the Lions is because their coach messed up at the half. That win was a gift. W go 2-15 this season.

  1353. heyjude Says:

    Agreed, Cobraboy.

  1354. Defense Rules Says:

    Buc2Blame … ‘Let’s not forget YaYa wasn’t doubled’.

    For some reason our OLBs were taking themselves out of the plays. I kept keying on JTS, YaYa & Braswell, and all 3 kept finding ways to take themselves out of the plays. And Denver kept taking full advantage of it.

  1355. Eric Says:

    Btw, Baker didn’t play well at all and gameplan was awful but it’s hard to pay qb in the nfl when you get sacked 7 times and have to throw away several others and was hurried pretty much every single throw.