Bucs And Explosive (Pass) Plays

September 19th, 2024

Baker Mayfield

Former Dixie Chicks general manager Thomas Dimitroff runs a stat service you may or may not have heard of, Sumer Sports. There, tracking all NFL plays, the Bucs are impressive in the pass game.

The run game, well, eeerr, um, Joe will be polite and say, not so much.

It seems, per Shawn Syed, the Bucs are tied with the Crows for most explosive plays in the passing game. In the running game, the Bucs are wallowing with the bottom-feeding teams in the NFL.

Syed counts an explosive play as 15-or-more yards. Stats outfits define explosive plays differently, give or take two or three yards.

Yes, the 14 explosive plays in the Bucs’ passing game are more than the Chiefs’ and 49ers’ total.

Yes, Joe was surprised to see Lamar Jackson having so many passing explosive plays.

In the running game, well…the Bucs have a grand total of two explosive run plays.

The Bucs have a lot of company there as 17 teams have two or fewer explosive runs, (the Cowboys, Raiders and Rams have none).

So in a passing league, with superior weapons, Baker Mayfield is getting the job done.

13 Responses to “Bucs And Explosive (Pass) Plays”

  1. Baking with Coen Says:

    Denver avg. The run defense is 143 yards.

    Cone will deliver a better run game this week.


  2. Lord Cornelius Says:

    They really need to start tracking rushing stats excluding QB’s to get an idea of how good/bad rush offenses actually are. Watching a lot of games the majority of rush offenses look pretty horrible.

    At the same time – most mobile QB’s have good rushing attacks anyway – and their mobility is a big reason why due to that initial hesitation it forces on the defense on zone reads.

  3. Jerseybuc Says:

    Gotta use Bucky more in the run game ! He’s just better than white running the ball anyone with eyes can see it

  4. BakerFan Says:

    Who were the azzhats that kept saying middling qb play??? I have not heard a peep out of them with that narrative since the season started.

  5. BucU Says:

    “”Gotta use Bucky more in the run game ! He’s just better than white running the ball anyone with eyes can see it””


  6. WiseCrack Says:

    The only reason you don’t see fans SPECULATING about which version of Baker we are going to get from week to week is because the season has started and get this ITS ONLY BEEN TWO WEEKS.

    One of which Baker gets a PASS on critique because his right tackle was out, he had a bad run game, his opponent was really good, his TE’s didn’t block. Am I missing other REASON why Baker had a subpar game two BUT its ok cause it wasn’t on him?

  7. Beeej Says:

    Baker last had a bad game in that 9-0 Carolina win when his ribs were bruised. Since that game he’s probably been the most efficient QB in the league

  8. SlyPirate Says:

    Stupid Stat of the Day: Explosive Plays

    Anytime you see a statistic and it shows the best teams and the worst teams sprinkled from top to bottom, you know it’s worthless. You know what my favorite stat is? Wins – Losses.

    ATL will lead the league in explosive plays all the way to 3rd place in the NFCS.

  9. GoneGator Says:

    WiseCrack Says:
    Am I missing other REASON why Baker had a subpar game two BUT its ok cause it wasn’t on him?

    Subpar game by Baker ? Damn dude was a hero. Was a precious stat a little low ?

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs played plenty of games over the years with decent stats. Guess what? They lost. So who cares? SlyPirate is right: only stat (if that’s the correct word) that matters is W-L. Suffering through too many years of double-digit losses sure ain’t worth it!!

  11. Irishmist Says:

    A running back with a pulled groin isn’t going to have many explosive runs. Rest White this week.

  12. Defense Rules Says:

    Odds of getting 15 yards or more from running plays aren’t all that good. Bucs had 2 in Game 1 & none in Game 2. But if you change that to 10 yards (which in most cases would result in a 1st down), Bucs had 4 in Game 1 & 3 in Game 2. More better.

    Still wondering why stat guys don’t keep track of negative plays. Bucs had 7 of those in Game 1 and 3 in Game 2 (excluding kneel-downs of course). That’s a loss of 28 yards over the 2 game span. Bummer.

  13. Oneilbuc Says:

    The NFL is slowly going back to running the ball because DC has figured out how to stop the passing game. And I hope it goes back to the physicallti football ball used to be. But if they outlaw the cover 2 then they can keep the NFL. This is why I never believe that Brady is the goat because he didn’t start becoming the quarterback he is until the rule changed when you can’t hit the quarterback low . And it well documented and also don’t know if Mahomes would be as good if they had the same rules from the early 2000s and 90s . That’s the reason why I have always said that fantasy football is killing the NFL slowly but showly. The NFL will become just like the NBA when no one will watch it until the playoffs.


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