Baker Mayfield’s Amazing 2024 (So Far)

September 30th, 2024

Baker Mayfield, Joe Burrow, Matthew Stafford, Pat Mahomes, Lamar Jackson, Aaron Rodgers and Josh Allen.

Which name doesn’t belong?

Oh, if you get your football information from “Last Take” or “Stay in Bed” or any of the hollering shows on FS1, you’d easily say Mayfield’s name is a mistake to be included in the aforementioned group.

Why, those other quarterbacks are thought to be quarterback gods. Only Allen hasn’t been named an MVP or has never taken a snap in a Super Bowl and he is widely regarded as an elite quarterback.

All of those guys are often talked about on national sports networks as the best among the best at quarterback. True franchise guys. Build your team around them.

Then there is poor Mayfield. A castoff. Twice. Plays for the Bucs. Tom Brady’s not there anymore, who the hell gives a damn about them?

Well, perhaps folks at national sports networks ought to reassess.

In that group of quarterbacks Joe listed, Mayfield currently has the most passing yards than any of them. After four weeks, Mayfield is fourth in the NFL, third in the NFC in passing yards (984).

This past Sunday, Mayfield had the second-most passing yards in the league (347).

Don’t look now, but the Bucs may have their second quarterback star this decade.

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41 Responses to “Baker Mayfield’s Amazing 2024 (So Far)”

  1. infomeplease Says:

    BM6 did flash the crowd yesterday with a great performance! 😎

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Quick throws to Mike and Chris early always help.

  3. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Let baker bake. Dude is an all star point guard. It’s the best way to describe baker With all the weapons he just needs to feed his stars the ball. I get that you can’t totally abandon the running game but seriously we are built to air it out. If the running game is working then ok go with it but if early and often it’s not working with either backs man let baker distribute the rock and if nothing there he can take it in for a layup. The reason im becoming a huge fan is because the dude is a baller he is fearless.

  4. Erik w/ Says:

    Gonna have to throw Jayden Daniels in that group soon too.

    But yes, I honestly wouldn’t trade Baker for any of those QB’s.

    I like Baker’s overall game and demeanor more than any of those other guys as of now.

    We have a Franchise QB again. F yeah!

  5. Trask To The Future Says:


    Dude had one big passing game that’s skewing the stats for the season so far. A game against a team without both starting WRs and the best right tackle in the NFL. Their Defense was on the field the entire game and got tired.

    NEVER FORGET: Mayfield had only 80 something total passing yards going into the 4th quarter last week. *80* PASSING YARDS. 80. Not a typo. At that time Denver was up 16 points and went into a soft Prevent where they gave up whatever we wanted underneath. Mayfield racked up another 80 yards before the game ended.

    His stats, just like from last season, are FOOL’S GOLD. There’s a reason Licht didn’t offer him a top tier QB salary in the deal he got.

  6. Kenton Smith Says:

    Looks like a perfect fit finding this Tampa team full of youth and veterans with championship rings. Hang onto your chairs but with Mayfield “we ain’t seen nothing yet .”

  7. Gipper Says:

    Not amazed, expected it. Baker had to overcome being buried by the Browns and the lazy guys in the media who just repeat what each other says. Same crowd today is now repeating potential MVP story about Baker. There are of course the never to be reformed types like TraskToThe Future. Got news for TTTF, Licht will renegotiate and extend Mayfield contract at the end of the season. You are going to have Baker around for a very long time to kick him around. For your sake, I hope Trask gets a shot somewhere. Nobody that I know wishes him anything but the best. It just isn’t ever going to happen for him in Tampa as long as Baker is around.

  8. LakelandBuc Says:

    In my opinion all of these QBs are only as good as the players you put around them. All except for Patrick Mahomes, he makes average guys like Justin Watson look great..

  9. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Let’s F*ing Bake!!

    Baker IS the man!!!

    I will be at the game in Atlanta on Thursday night, cheering him on!!!

    GO BUCS!!

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, it sounds like Washington is building a class team around Daniels. I spotted that one when the Bucs played them. Man, what has happened to the Eagles? They’ve collapsed. I’m glad Mayfield is starting to hit his stride here. He’s smart, fearless and feisty. He is also a TEAM player. That cannot be stressed enough. Anywho, Go Bucs!!

  11. George Nostej Says:

    My advice to you is that you don’t have to try and tear down Mayfield for your guy Trask to be good. He just needs to get traded somewhere where he might get a shot. In the meantime try supporting the starter of your team. You can do that and still wish for good things for Trask.

  12. heyjude Says:

    Baker deserves to be right in the front now. He did sensational yesterday and loving his quick TD too. Their castoff is our gem. So glad he is our QB.

  13. Saskbucs Says:


    How did Josh Allen fare last night ? How did Rodgers and co look vs the poor Broncos? How many INTS did Jordan Love throw yesterday ?

    Btw that’s the 2nd time in 4 weeks Baker has put up top 3 QB numbers.

    Go start prepping Kyle’s dinner and tell him the Browns will prolly be calling in April.

  14. Don'tBmad Says:

    TRADE TRASK NOW….get some line help for the rushing attack. Trask is but a below average QB with absolutely no moxie. But I do love reading the clown takes that Trask Kisser has….talk about jealous to the point he wants Mayfield to fail so Kyle can come in and be below average.
    What an asshat

  15. First Name Greatest Says:

    Remember if anyone tries to discount the Bucs win with the Philly injuries the Bucs have yet to play a game at full strength this year

    Injuries happen

  16. Trask To The Future Says:

    Gipper, Licht isn’t redoing Mayfield’s contract at the end of the season. He’s got a 3 year deal and a set amount against the cap.

    George, I’m not trying to tear Mayfield down to make Trask look good. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Trask may very well end up being an NFL BUST. But I like many others think Trask hasn’t been given a fair chance to play with the starters to show what he can do.

    As for Mayfield, I just keep it real. So many fans keep blowing smoke and think he’s “elite” but he’s far from it. His stats last season didn’t tell the full story. He has a lot of garbage time stats late in games.

    Once upon a time, I was also very critical of Jameis and his bad decision making even though some fans loved the guy. Many years before that I was very crucial of Shaun King, even though may fans loved him too. King was a mediocre NFL QB by many standards. Yet “fans” didn’t want to believe it.

    The same goes for Mayfield. He has so many games last year where he failed to move the offense until late in games that we had already lost, and that racked up a lot of yards that made him look better than he actually was.

    His performance in Denver wasn’t an anomaly. He had many stinker games last year too, people just like to overlook them.

  17. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Trask is the only hope this team has if anything happens to Mayfield. Licht should be trying to keep Trask around for insurance, not trying to trade him.

  18. TF Says:

    I’m going to hold off my long term judgement on Baker until after the next 2-3 divisional games. He has been fantastic this year and I don’t mind if he has an occasional stinker game like against the Broncos. This is still the NFL and “any given Sunday” and it’s a marathon season and not a sprint. He was streaky last year also. The Atl and N.O. games are the must haves and those are the teams I hope he continues to bring it against.

  19. Godlovesbucs Says:

    1. What does the eagles offense being down players have anything to do with bakers performance? I would understand the argument idle they were down d stars, but that wasn’t the case.

    2. Yeah, despite having a game with only 160 yards he is still up there, that’s more of a testament that an hurt imo. Everyone has bad games.

    3. When you can’t admit when a player does have good games, or when a player does meet or even exceed the expectations, no one listens to your droning on about anything else. It becomes white noise, the epitome of Charlie Browns Teacher.

  20. Larrd Says:

    Keep Trask. I thought Baker might have been concussed on the Graham sack. Hit his head pretty hard on the turf. Guys get hurt!

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Trshk to the Past, wow, boy, you need to just keep up yer yapping. With every post you amplify your tardation. The Bucs QB is completing 70% of his passes and is Top 5 in yards and touchdowns. And wins.

    Whatever. Hope the crust flakes off of the poster of your boy so you can see it again.

  22. Gipper Says:

    Reading “the ship of fools” comments on this site is maddening. Baker was sacked 7-8 times in the Broncos game and that is called being “inconsistent?” The entire Bronco game was a complete team loss from a defense that was unable to stop a rookie QB; play calling that emphasized deep routes when there was no O line protection and deep zone safety coverage; Baker missing some underneath routes; and just general sleep walking by the entire team. Joe needs to implement some sort of competency requirement for posters here. We get sick of the same idiots whose reasoning skills consist of “….so and so sucks.”

  23. ManzielMadness Says:


    Do you really believe Trask would’ve played as well against Denver? Mayfield was sacked 7 times and is generally considered as being more mobile than Trask. Mayfield has played great this year. He’s helped lead us to a 3-1 record and he’s not getting benched anytime soon after scoring 100M. And I say this as a Gator Fan!

  24. stpetebucfan Says:


    “As for Mayfield, I just keep it real.”

    That’s just sad. You’re probably a nice guy and so I don’t want to be a blog flame throwing arsehole but man going on a team fanbase blog and spouting ignorance is just not going to cut it.

    There was some sympathy/hope I had for you and your massive disappointment at the FAILURE of your boy Kyle. But you take away that excuse which reveals you to know nothing about freaking football!!!

    You’re posting now like an uninformed idiot!!! A quick Wikipedia search reveals just how WRONG you are!!! You know NOTHING about Baker’s career eh?

    Mayfield helped lead the Browns to finish the season at 7–8–1, their best record since 2007. He finished with 3,725 passing yards, and surpassed Peyton Manning and Russell Wilson for most touchdowns thrown in a rookie season with 27. Yeah but according to you TTTF it’s probably because he was playing for that amazingly talented freaking CLEVELAND BROWNS!!!

    While Mayfield was considered by many to be the favorite for Offensive Rookie of the Year for 2018, the award was won by Giants running back Saquon Barkley. He got the last laugh yesterday though didn’t he!

    If I didn’t pity you and tire of posting all the ACTUAL FACTS like Pro Bowls, being selected by his peers in the league in the top 100, setting records in Cleveland that had stood for several decades in the playoffs…I could go on and on.

    But clearly you have decided to let your prejudice interfere with your brain so I’ll give you this. You just wasted five minutes of my time typing!!!

  25. stpetebucfan Says:


    “Reading “the ship of fools” comments on this site is maddening. Baker was sacked 7-8 times in the Broncos game and that is called being “inconsistent?””

    Yes and just like in other discussions people tend to make a mistake going from the general to the specific. IE if a guy has 15 great games and two horrible ones you don’t get to go to the horrible performance and say it “represents” a team or players effort generally. EG The Bucs by their own admission sucked against the Broncos. Still waiting for Rodgers to admit he sucked last night. Won’t hold my breath. Meanwhile Baker HAS admitted to a putrid effort by the entire TEAM against Denver.

    There are only FOUR teams in a 32 team league with better records than the Bucs at this point in the season. Going forward is always a big ? with health, luck as big ingredients as well as talent, preparation and health.

    IF you wish to forecast the future and predict the Bucs to suck..fine take your shot and we’ll see what happens. But please keep that weak spit like TTTF brings around here WITH NO EVIDENCE and in fact stats that blow his arguments away!!!

  26. Chad Says:

    There’s trask to the future, I was wondering where all the trask fans were during the game yesterday, dang it was nice and quiet watching baker deal the ball all over the field, I guess Kyle can keep being a cheerleader on the sideline.

  27. Erik w/ Says:

    I guess some of you guys still read TTTF’s tiresome delusional posts, but I sure don’t.

  28. Chuckys Bucs Says:

    Last night was the first time since last season that I read a JBF article and that’s because of morons in the chat that still champion a backup qb who hasn’t sniffed the field in 4 years. Who couldn’t beat out Blane Gabbert for the qb two role. You are not fans. You are miserable losers in your personal life and this is the only place you feel confident in yourself… behind a keyboard. Mayfield is our qb now and on the future. Stop looking for reasons to make everyone else join in your misery… it’s not happening.

  29. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Trolling Trash to the Future free agency market and Mostly Pitiful Trash Fan ( with a nod to Hot Rod Mulch…another Baker hater who is currently doing some trolling on his own on Eagle websites ) is a Funday Victory Monday good time!

    Baker continues to overcome obstacles…let’s see ( and enjoy ) just how far he can take this team.

  30. Student of the Game Says:

    I agree with George Nostej”s comment to TTTF. Baker took less money than he could have commanded in order to allow money for others. He wants to win a Super Bowl and knows he cannot do it alone.

  31. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Hey, sorry I’m late. How’s the “Baker Mayfield regression” going?

  32. Bucnjim Says:

    St Pete Bucs Fan Thumbs up X 2. Hope the storm didn’t hit you like some of our friends close to the water.

  33. Beeej Says:

    TTTF, your relentless dedication to your lost cause is to be admired. I salute you sir!

  34. Bucs And Them Says:

    TTTF……First I’d like to say that I like Kyle Trask and I’m comfortable that he’s our QB #2. Secondly, I also think Baker Mayfield is the rightful starter. I’m a Bucs fan and it’s obvious he’s the right guy for this team right now. But, please man, you’re embarrassing yourself. Do you really believe it’s some sort of conspiracy that Trask isn’t the starter? You really believe that the Glazer Family, Jason Licht, Bruce Arians, Byron Leftwich, Todd Bowles, Dave Canales, Liam Coen and every assistant coach dating back to Arians’s staff up to the present staff, have conspired to cheat Trask out of his rightful place as the Bucs starting quarterback, just to gift it to Mayfield? C’mon man, I gotta believe you’re better than that. The constant whining about it is tiresome, boring, and bordering on pathetic. Trask will get his shot with us or, another team in the future. And I’ll be pulling for him in either case. What’s the incessant ragging on Mayfield accomplishing, other than making you look silly. Give it a rest. Have a Snickers and a Yoo-hoo and shake it off my friend. You a Bucs fan or not?

  35. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    How crazy would it be if Trask is the first qb we ever drafted that got a second contract

  36. JustVisiting Says:

    Gotta give Trask to the Future his due: the man puts the “fanatic” back in fan. Either that, or it’s Trask’s mom, Amy. I just learned she used to be CEO of the Oakland Raiders. If that’s you, Amy, keep backing your boy!

  37. Bakerfan Says:

    TraskToTheTrashcan should be banned from posting. He makes everyone more stupid by just reading his drivel

  38. JustVisiting Says:

    Did someone censor my post speculating that TTTF is really Trask’s mom, Amy? I was joking, but now I wonder…

  39. stpetebucfan Says:


    Thanks for asking about Storm damage. I fortunately, and deliberately live in the Allendale section of St. Pete one of the highest points on the peninsula and not in a flood zone.

    But I’m glad you brought up the storm. I hope EVERYBODY here and their families are doing OK. Seeing the video from many of our communities just makes me incredibly sad for folks watching their lives washed away and in worst case scenarios losing loved ones.

    It’s a great thought for all of us Jim and I’m sure you and others here join me in appreciation of the Glazers immediately ponying up a million $$$ to help in the emergency.

    After a bad start because of Man U I think the Glazers rebounded very well indeed! I think we have been blessed to have a successful community oriented family running the team.

  40. DBS Says:

    Son of Trask is going to be talking and crying about Trask until he is gone. Just ignore this clown. He has been at this same tune for four seasons now under many many different names at one time on this site.

  41. Gilly Says:

    Oh the regression of it all. I don’t think we can take any more of this Baker regression, can we Rod?


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