Baker Mayfield, Tom Brady Address Past “Stressful” Bucs Atmosphere

September 30th, 2024

Tom Brady and Baker Mayfield chat before yesterday’s game.

So in the mind of Baker Mayfield, the reaction to his comments describing the atmosphere inside the Bucs locker room with Tom Brady was way over the top.

He’s probably right.

People, including FOX NFL play-by-play man and Tom Brady’s broadcast partner Kevin Burkhardt, seemed to think Mayfield took a “jab” at Brady.

For those who want to hear the comments from Mayfield, they weren’t mean-spirited in any way. They were innocent replies to an honest question from the podcast hosts.

Of course, folks twisted Mayfield’s words claiming Mayfield was mocking Brady. He wasn’t. (Brady and Mayfield seemed to have a very friendly conversation prior to yesterday’s game.)

During the broadcast, Brady addressed Mayfield’s comments and said he found not winning Super Bowls “stressful” and that the NFL wasn’t a “daycare.” And Brady noted if football was just wanted to have fun, then he would have brought his kids to Disneyland instead.

(Knowing how Brady is such a sharp businessman, Joe is going to guess Brady had something worked out with Disney to name drop the famous theme park on the air.)

Mayfield addressed Brady’s remarks after the game and emphasized he was not mocking Brady and it may be time to put the subject to bed.

“I think a lot of that got taken out of context,” Mayfield said. “None of it was personal by any means. It’s just what he demanded of the guys and that’s the aura of Tom Brady. That’s what he did to bring a championship here.

“[It’s] nothing personal, but yeah, [we were] talking before the game. He’s obviously happy for me and he knows the guys. He knows how much I enjoy throwing to Mike [Evans] and Chris [Godwin] because he got to do the same. It’s fun to be able to talk about the same experiences with a guy like that. …

“He did it his own way and that’s why he has seven rings. Not much else needs to be said.”

Of course, Mayfield was not in Tampa when Brady was here. Mayfield just relayed what he had been told by Bucs officials, per the podcast.

In Joe’s mind, it was no harm no foul. Brady got the Bucs a ring and Mayfield seems to have the Bucs headed in the right direction.

On to the Dixie Chicks!

A Real Home Field Advantage Emerged

53 Responses to “Baker Mayfield, Tom Brady Address Past “Stressful” Bucs Atmosphere”

  1. BucVoyager Says:

    He never should have commented on it. It wasn’t his place.

  2. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    This is more preseason, we need something to talk about airtime filler. Huge nothing burger being blown up to be instantly forgotten.

    I have a Brady jersey, and I am so happy he was here and will be eternally grateful for him being here. But also, I’m just a fan and he stressed me out his last year.

    Two things can be true at the same time

  3. Win in the Trenches Says:

    To have to fill the shoes of the GOAT…… is a tall order the transition is going great …. Hats off to Jason for creating a atmosphere for that to happen.

  4. AMI_Chris Says:

    I think Brady’s comments were measured and accurate. He had a reputation for being a driven hard-a$$ and he’s proud of it. It worked — 7 rings. Baker’s comments were not inflammatory. Nothing to see here…move on.

  5. Jw94buc Says:

    Sounds like a ESPN Article…

  6. Elite Vita Says:

    Look, you just don’t go from the being the 199th pick in the draft to becoming the G.O.A.T.! It takes a certain persistence and willingness to put in effort that many may not be willing to do. This in my estimation is part of who Tom Brady is. He is quite a unique individual. Yes others may want to improve, but Tom’s efforts are above and beyond. Tom has learned that without that tenacity which has made him reach to the heights of his profession he probably would not have reached becoming the GOAT. That being said, it’s not a commitment to that extent others are able to or willing to commit to. The hard work to this extent in and of itself is not fun, yet the result of winning a Super Bowl is. That being said, Baker brings an effort and talent that in its own right is very successful.The whole issue makes sense to me. May the heavens bless both these special individuals and thank you for making Bucs fans happy yet again. Go Tom! Go Baker. Go Bucs!!!

  7. Irishmist Says:

    All of the most successful athletes, Jordan, Jerry Rice, Ty Cobb, Pete Rose, Tiger Woods, had a reputation of being obsessive and hypercompetitive. That’s what gave them that little extra edge over their opponents. But I don’t doubt that it can also be a little wearing on those around you. Jordan’s relationship with a lot of his ex teammates is also a little strained.

  8. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Drunk Bucs Fan said exactly what I was going to say, even including the Brady jersey part.

    I will say I don’t blame him for 2022. That was just a cluster. His wife divorcing him, losing the entire interior offensive line, Bowles trying to be the head coach but not getting an entire preseason to implement his vision. etc. I’m shocked we still won the division.

  9. Trask To The Future Says:

    Mayfield needs to worry less about Brady and worry more about his lack of accuracy.

  10. Oneilbuc Says:

    Joseph. He was bad in 2022 no excuses he was ok when he went to Robert Craft party. Brady was washed up in 2019 then AB , Gronk and Fournet came in they hide his decline. Once AB and Gronk left Brady showed he was washed up go look at his numbers from 2019 and 2022 without Gronk and AB the numbers are the same. And at least he had Evans and Godwin to throw to . Move on he will not be in the bucs ring of honor no matter how much the Joe’s push him are make excuses for his play in 2022. Move on stop begging and kissing Brady behind he’s a Patriot and he will always be a Patriot. We are 3-1 and some of y’all are still kissing Brady behind move on!!

  11. D-Rome Says:

    Tom Brady was very complimentary towards Baker throughout the game. I never though Baker said anything mean anyways. Brady was fired up to respond publicly and he had an appropriate response.

  12. RVATom Says:

    Yeah, what a bunch of ridiculous sh*t. If anyone thought Brady was warm fuzzy lovey they’d have to have their head examined. When you demand that much from yourself you demand that much from the guys around you. As the Joe’s said the other day on the podcast, when things aren’t going right you expect team leaders in football to (figuratively) grab team mates that are under performing by the face mask and demand they step up their game/concentration/performance etc… to kids this is a game, maybe to Gronk this is a game, to the rest of us we (probably foolishly) take it seriously, and so should the pros.

    Now with regard to Brady, he needed to get his own sh*t together that last season. But that’s another discussion. Hard to focus at work when you’re personal life has gone off the rails, and at least part of that related to the job you’re doing. And then you start hearing footsteps and future you starts thinking about being able to walk when you’re 63.

  13. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Much ado about nothing. Getting your knickers in a wad about it is a waste of your time and life.

  14. stpetebucfan Says:

    Many here worship at the altar of the GOAT! I get it!! He was and IS the GOAT!

    But he did not walk on freaking Tampa Bay. Just like I appreciate any good tradesman who has done a good job for me, or a salesman who delivers a great product I thank Tom Brady for that SB. But it was part of a DEAL!! Thanks.

    Now the TRUTH!

    Yes Baker was guilty of a gaffe!!! As political writer Michael Kingsley once wrote…”A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”

    So while I concede Baker wasn’t “supposed” to tell that truth it was the freaking truth! He didn’t embellish it or say it in any way disrepectful to Brady!!!

    Tom Brady got just as much or more from Tampa Bay than he ever gave. He rewarded the opportunity by bailing on his teammates and we fans in year 3.
    He left the franchise in horrid shape which makes the accomplishments of last year and this season a major testament to Licht/Bowles/Mayfield the entire Bucs organization. I thank THEM not Brady.

    I do not loathe Brady. I’ve just had enough of the “Saint Tommy” BS!!!

    Again this has NOTHING to do with GOAT status which he actually got to add to thanks to TAMPA and the team Licht and Arians put together.

    BTW realizing in year 3 he tried to get out of his contract and flirted with several other teams I do not get the loyalty. Gratitude for a job well done, and for which he was WELL compensated and able to add to his legend YES but Tampa has paid Tom Brady and we freaking owe him NOTHING!!!

    IF he claimed his heart was in Tampa that would be different but he said just the OPPOSITE with his actions and sometimes even his words. After retirment he goes to Boston to proclaim himself a Patriot for life. Tom can have his chowder and good luck to his fans and Tommy. Count me out.

    BTW know who the Bucs beat out for Saint Tommy’s services, the freaking Chicago Bears which he mentioned on the post game show and said his agent sealed the deal with Tampa.

    Now before you blast me for lack of gratitude, I said I was grateful; but gratitude is a TWO WAY STREET!!! Some will take some limp wristed statements of support in his retirement but Brady has shown repeatedly by his ACTIONS how truly plugged into Tampa Bay and it’s fans. AGAIN look at year 3 and realize ACTIONS always speak louder than words!

  15. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Trask to the Future, Mayfield was accurate enough, wasn’t he? 🙄

  16. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Trask To The Future Says:
    Mayfield needs to worry less about Brady and worry more about his lack of accuracy.

    @Trask to The Future,

    I don’t think that any QB who completed that TD pass to Palmer yesterday needs to “worry more about his lack of accuracy”. The Eagles DB had great coverage on Palmer. It required a perfect pass to complete it and Mayfield delivered.

    For Mayfield to even have the confidence to make that pass he’s clearly not worried about his accuracy, nor does he need to be.

  17. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    But he didn’t address the comment about throwing the ball away because he didn’t like the play?

  18. View from 132 Says:

    Drama. Who cares. It’s football, not As the World Turns.

  19. Irish Laughter Says:

    When Brady tore open the losing mentality of the Bucs and gave new hope to an organization that had symbolized a losing culture for a long, long, long time, we all celebrated his immediate impact. Jayson Light stated, “the hardest thing to achieve is turning around a negative culture on a team.” Brady did just that. I think Baker is going to take us to new heights, but don’t forget where we came from a few short years ago. As far as Brady’s last year, Bruce A., even stated that Brady was an emotional wreck and he was a shell of himself. Get it Joe. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  20. StormyInFl Says:

    “Trask To The Future Says:
    September 30th, 2024 at 7:48 am
    Mayfield needs to worry less about Brady and worry more about his lack of accuracy.”

    Your all your boy needs to worry about is getting the right ratio of mix to water when prepping Baker’s Gatorade.

    Perhaps they can use him this week, though – he’d be the perfect Kirk Cousins clone for the defense to practice against. Tall and slow with questionable arm strength.

  21. AJ Says:


    Washed up brady that lost 40 lbs from stress in 2022 threw for 4600 yards 20+ tds R u out of your mind? Bradys worst year is one of bakers best years. He holds bucs passing yards records 5300 yards 43tds. 2019 his number 1 receiver was an old edelman, a rookie Jakobi Meyers and I don’t remember anyone else.

  22. Bobby Says:

    I saw another person comment on here with the same Im going to bring up. Brady didn’t respond to to Bakers comment about Tom throwing the ball at peoples feet or away often because he doesn’t like a play Bruce or Byron or whomever playcaller called. That is some bs! I love Brady and appreciate everything he did for us Tampa Bay. But how many plays were lost in 3 years because he would waste plays because he doesn’t like the playcalll. Here is guy that is I’m alll about delivering on expectations and playing at high level for long consistent time. Dude you wasted plays!! Thats bs!

    I hope Baker just doesn’t go any first with this Brady stuff. Nothing good will come of it Baker. Just keep winning Baker!

  23. infomeplease Says:

    For what it’s worth, I’m glad that bothe these guys signed to QB the Bucs! Both are true winners!

  24. orlbucfan Says:

    Can we drop the Brady worship? He’s retired from NFL football. Tampa Bay won that second SB with an entire team effort. It’s 2024 and Bucs have their work cut out for them Thursday night. Hope Goedeke is cleared to play. Did he suffer that concussion during practice? I are don’t recall him getting it during a game.

  25. Beeej Says:

    Brady needs a wheelbarrow to carry his balls around

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    *I sure don’t. Hate auto-edit.

  27. Xristos Says:

    I think this was taken out of context a little to make a story, like a lot these days. But my opinion is that i prefer the Brady way. When you step in the field you should be focused and give everything to win. All these have fun etc is for after the game. If you win you will have plenty of fan. Everyone has a different approach and i get it. But for me during the 60 minutes you play to win the game.Go Bucs

  28. AJ Says:

    @Bobby You think Brady threw it at people’s feet to make a point? You understand the guy got divorced for the love of the game. He wants to win he wouldn’t do something petty to make a point that would lead to his team losing. I do believe what baker was talking about was that brady had in his mind if a play was going to work or not presnap against the coverage so as soon as he snapped it he’d throw it away he won’t holdit

  29. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “(Knowing how Brady is such a sharp businessman, Joe is going to guess Brady had something worked out with Disney to name drop the famous theme park on the air.)” – Joe

    Or…possibly more likely, he knows that winning the Superbowl means you say the line “I’m going to Disney World!”

  30. Gipper Says:

    Mayfield is way too smart to deliberately make inflammatory comments about anybody. In Cleveland he kept saying what a great receiver OBJ was, when it was obvious OBJ was a freelance artist who only cared about his stats and would not run disciplined routes. When Baker gets beat up behind a leaky O line, he says what a great job they are doing.

    The Brady thing was just a bunch of talking heads and lazy “journalists” trying to fill air space or a column or two. It is interesting how Baker haters on this blog are quick to condemn him for a perceived slight of their hero Brady. Every interception, knocked down pass, fumble, and even an incompletion brings out the venom in the usual suspects. You know who you are. Most of that stuff is coming from guys who were in the band in high school—like MiddlingMunch.

  31. HC Grover Says:

    Brady called the plays with a secret radio…..7 rings.

  32. AJ Says:

    I want baker to succeed but I don’t understand why there are brady bashers. Im not a worshiper but im gonna be objective. Ever since he went into the pats ring of honor all of a sudden there r bashers. He’s a buc and a pat. He def wants to join the bucs ring of honor as well. U saw in his broadcast how happy he was when he was playing in tampa and when hes talking about his former teammates. Also go baker and the bucs!

  33. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Baker was merely saying, you can have fun and be very serious as well. With Brady as a celebrity with 7 rings, it’s like a boss who keeps on watching over you and it stresses you out….

  34. Herbiebuc Says:

    I hate the narrative Tom brung us a SB ! We had a top five defense since the last 6 games with jameis and that defense is why we won our 2nd SB! The entire playoffs excluding the Washington game Tom Did everything possible for us to lose our defense saved us time & time again and then put on a masterful performance stopping mahomes and the Chiefs ! Tom joined a team that was trending upwards!

  35. AJ Says:

    2020 bucs was a team achievement. Without that defense they wouldn’t have succeeded. 1st in red zone td conversion rate and scoring 31 30 31 31 I. The playoffs isn’t all defense tho. The play that led to a touchdown before the half to scotty at gb was bradys playcall.

  36. Gipper Says:


    Thank you. You gave a grownup account of what Baker really said about Brady. Baker way too smart to same something deliberately disrespectful of Brady. By the way, although Brady surely is the GOAT, he like all QB’s didn’t do it by himself. Think that Brady would agree he was surrounded by great players and coaches in NE and Tampa. Moreover, if Brady had been drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 1999, he would be today known as Tom Whatshisname. That’s just the way it is. Football is the ultimate team sport.

  37. Dave Pear Says:

    Drama seekers suck. Anyone who cares about this subject is a 6th grade girl’s dance mom.

  38. Joe Says:


    Anyone who cares about this subject is a 6th grade girl’s dance mom.

    So, how did the recital go mommy? You cared enough to comment. Therefore… 🙂 LOL

  39. Joe Says:


    Yeah, Joe actually heard the conversation straight from the podcast. Joe didn’t think there was anything remotely disrespectful in what Mayfield said. Thanks for the kind words.

  40. PassingThru Says:

    Brady’s last season was a disaster, personally and professionally, but it’s tough to pinpoint how much of it was due to Giselle running off with the pool guy and how much of it was due to a depleted roster. On the field, people seem to forget that the Buc OLine was one of football’s worst due to injury (Jensen), retirement (Marpet), free agency loss (Cappa), over-matched rookies/backups, and abrupt regression into career-altering incompetency (Donovan Smith). And that’s not adding in Antonio Brown’s shenanigans, Gronk’s retirement, or Fournette eating his way out of professional football. That team was a mess and they were every bit as bad as their 8-9 record.

  41. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Anyone who cares about this subject is a 6th grade girl’s dance mom.

    So, how did the recital go mommy? You cared enough to comment. Therefore… 🙂 LOL”

    LOL indeed. Well played! Kind of like those folks making fun of a guy who calls somebody “mentally impaired” and “mentally disabled” after they just kicked his arse in a debate. What does that make the loser?

  42. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Giselle running off with the pool guy ”

    So “passing through” just curious about the pool guy rumors? Saw a joke in the “roast” perhaps, but I’ve never seen any documentation and has Giselle remained with the pool guy?

    Not that it matters but the reason for Tom’s marital breakup was widely acknowledged as because Tom had PROMISED Giselle he would retire if he got that 7th ring. He got the ring and reneged on the promise. He went ahead and played another season and then reupped to play yet ANOTHER despite his promise.

    I got no problem with St. Tommy reneging on a promise he just couldn’t keep. Completely understandable! It’s HIS marriage not mine and God knows I haven’t been that great of a husband myself. Here’s my problem. He brought his marital problems into the Buc’s organization, missing virtually an entire pre season and clearly playing a year without his head in the game much less his heart.

    This was NOT Giselle’s fault. If you wish to be charitable it was not St. Tommy’s either he is just addicted to football and a true competitor. I get it, but it doesn’t change the fact that Brady screwed more than his wife with his behavior, Buc fans and teammates also suffered.

  43. unbelievable Says:

    Why can’t I post?

  44. unbelievable Says:

    Ugh, so annoying. Ok let’s try this again:

    I don’t think Baker was disrespectful in what he said, I just don’t think he should have been talking about it to begin with. He wasn’t here at that time. He should have just left it as simple as, “we both have our own approaches” or something like that.

    With that said, I thought Brady’s response on Sunday was succinct and to the point, and same for Baker’s remarks after the game. And let’s be honest – the greatest players in sports (MJ, LeBron, Bird, Brady, Montanna, Rice, LT, JPP, Suh, Donald, etc.) aren’t there to have fun and make friends. They are only focused on one thing- dominating, at all costs.

    In my mind, the story is over with. Time to move on.

    As as a side note, after the game Brady was presenting Baker with his player of the game award and he had a nice little line at the end and said to Baker “Keep putting some pressure on those guys to be even better, I know what you’re all capable of”

    LOL, well played Tom.

    Time to move on to Atlanta.

  45. unbelievable Says:

    So annoying. Ok let’s try this for the 17th time and maybe it will go through:

    I don’t think Baker was disrespectful in what he said, I just don’t think he should have been commenting on it to begin with. He wasn’t here at that time. He should have just left it as simple as, “we both have our own approaches” or something like that.

  46. unbelievable Says:

    I thought what Brady said during the game was succinct and to the point. And let’s be honest – the greatest players in sports (MJ, LeBron, Bird, Brady, Montanna, Rice, LT, JPP, Suh, Donald, etc.) aren’t there to have fun and make friends. They are only focused on one thing- dominating, at all costs.

  47. unbelievable Says:

    As as a side note, after the game Brady was presenting Baker with his player of the game award and he had a nice little line at the end and said to Baker “Keep putting some pressure on those guys to be even better, I know what you’re all capable of”

    LOL, well played Tom.

    Time to move on to Atlanta.

  48. PanhandleBuc Says:

    As another poster said, he shouldn’t have commented on the feelings of the locker room he wasn’t a part of. Not his place and unneeded attention. Sometimes less is more…

  49. Larrd Says:

    The team was pretty uptight Brady’s third year because they kind of sucked.

  50. Cosimo De Medicinal Says:

    To all the people saying he shouldn’t have said anything:

    He was asked about it and he responded honestly and insightfully. If he would’ve played politician and plead the fif, it would look more suspicious. A ‘no comment’ would’ve also added fuel to the fire. At least now, it can finally end amicably and everyone can move on happily.

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    This midget needs to keep his mouth shut about Brady. And I guarantee you what p/o’d Brady wasn’t just this – it was this moron saying Brady was purposely tanking plays. There is no way Brady wasn’t aware of this moron, who has never won anything, making a stupid comment.

    It’s like there’s a conspiracy by Baker to make sure to p/o people. Every time there’s some good feelings towards him, he runs his mouth and says something remarkably stupid.

  52. Gipper Says:


    Even after Joe goes into great detail to say there was nothing in the podcast that was remotely critical of Brady, you have to go off on Baker because that is what you do. It is now obvious that you have a complete, man crush on Brady. Should have guessed it all along. Does your left arm get tired holding up Brady’s poster in your bedroom? Try some thumbtacks.

  53. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey stupid – the article doesn’t even bring up what I’m talking about, which was Baker’s other stupid comment about Brady. You’re such a moron you don’t even know what I’m talking about, yet tell me its ‘debunked’ by an article that doesn’t even refer to it.

    Try being less of an idiot in the future. Also stop going through Mayfield’s trash, you’re not helping him by making sure no one else can find anything incriminating if you get it first. It’s just creepy.


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