Baker Mayfield Implies Tom Brady Tanked Bucs Plays He Didn’t Like

September 17th, 2024

This goes far beyond the “red pen” freakout of the Tom Brady era.

So Baker Mayfield hopped on the Casa De Klub podcast this week and was asked for a Tom Brady story.

“What’s the craziest or funniest Brady story you’ve heard?” asked co-host Tyler Casagrade.

Mayfield’s reply was an eye-opener.

“You hear some of the stories about (pause) if [Brady] didn’t like a certain playcall and he didn’t like it throughout the week and they still called it in the game, there might have been a throwaway on purpose or throwing it at the running back or receiver’s feet,” Mayfield said. “There’s a lot of mind games going on.”

Co-host Corey Kluber, the former star Cleveland Indians pitcher, interjected, “To prove a point that it wasn’t the right call?”

Mayfield replied, “Yeah, yeah.”

There was no elaboration from Mayfield as to when this might have occurred — before or after Bucco Bruce Arians left the building.

Earlier in the podcast, Mayfield didn’t dispute the hosts’ assertion that Brady was a de facto offensive coordinator with the Bucs.

Man, no wonder some Bucs players were overly “stressed out” during the Brady years.

Baker Mayfield: Bucs Were "Stressed Out" With Tom Brady

134 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Implies Tom Brady Tanked Bucs Plays He Didn’t Like”

  1. ATLBUC Says:

    I know he threw a lot of balls in the dirt, but I didn’t know it was on purpose

  2. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Lol .. Wow TB12

  3. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Guessing Brady didn’t like the play “karate man poundtown giselle” White up the gut

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    Brady should have tanked every play called by that idiot Leftwich and went into business for himself.

  5. Cobraboy Says:

    So much for being the ultimate team guy…

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Why would some midget like Baker, who has won nothing, ever talk about Brady – more or less talk about rumors about Brady?

    Talk about being an idiot.

  7. K2 Says:

    As a fan of the Bucs and Brady…I wish this would have stayed in the locker-room

  8. Dtownva Says:

    Baker needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. If he wants to create fodder for Buccaneer fan sites, he can do it without denigrating a former player.

  9. Fan of the South Says:

    If a Back is going to take a 4 yard loss and a hit on top of it? Sure put it in the dirt.

    Not every QB is like a Mayfield that will take a 2 yard hit to passing yardage if it makes his Completion Percentage look good. What a POS. Didn’t take long for him to revert to that person signed by CLV.

  10. Common sense Says:

    If you were takin play calls from Byron Leftwich and Todd Bowles,you’d tank their plays and be the defacto OC also

  11. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bake is feeling himself .. just a few days after Brady gave him props and said he’d wished he’d taken him in fantasy

  12. Fernando Says:

    Baker stop talking about the past focus on now

  13. Buc1987 Says:

    I’m with Rod on this one.

    Baker better recognize!

  14. BakerFan Says:

    LOL…. you don’t have to defend Brady, in fact Brady hates you hillbillies and beach bums. Hasn’t been back since he left.

  15. drdneast Says:

    After five years of that sloppy immature clown Jameis Winston at the helm leading the team, the uber disciplined Brady is just what this team needed. Brady brought in discipline, preparedness and attention too details in practice. The result was a Super Bowl. He also brought taught them how to build a winning culture into the locker room. Ask Lavontae David how he feels about Brady after spending 10 years without even sniffing the playoffs, let alone an NFC championship or Super Bowl.

  16. drdneast Says:

    SimeonHOF, i’m with you brother. Baker just needs to keep to himself and talk about the present team, not about past players. Bad move. He should know better.

  17. GoneGator Says:

    They are full of substance. Even have quotes. Not sure what you are looking for. — Joe

  18. JustVisiting Says:

    I really like Baker, but I agree that nothing good can come of Brady gossip.

  19. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Man, no wonder some Bucs players were overly “stressed out” during the Brady years.’

    I know this is just a blog Joe, but has ANY Bucs’ player who was here during that timeframe substantiated that some Bucs players were OVERLY STRESSED OUT? And if so, how did that negatively impact their performance in games?
    Really don’t understand what “just a blog” means. Regardless, Joe is not going to pass on sharing the franchise quarterback’s comments about the former franchise quarterback. –Joe

    Baker should know better than to passing along ‘gossip’ to the media. They get everyone focusing backwards instead of forward.

  20. AL121976 Says:

    K2 – I agree

  21. Bucswin! Says:

    At least we got Superbowl during his reign. So it’s all good memories cept for that Rams ref-assisted loss. Should have had two. Go BUCS!

  22. Boge Says:

    Ironic take from Baker after all the maturity talk…

    Speaking of play calls, I’m sure glad Dave is in Carolina!!

  23. Beeej Says:

    Gossip? I think it’s interesting, I don’t see it as dirty laundry

  24. GoneGator Says:

    “They are full of substance. Even have quotes. Not sure what you are looking for. — Joe”

    If you’re going to reply to my comment shouldn’t you at least post the comment too?

    It’s taken a long time to get some of these Baker haters to even give Baker benefit of the doubt but many were starting to come around. Just seems like you’re intentionally trying to stir $hit up between your own readers with 2 posts in a row on Brady/Baker.

  25. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    now someone can ask him how often the brady tank plan backfired. prolly was a net positive, knowing mr. efficiency.

  26. BucVoyager Says:

    I have no doubt this is true but to put this in the air is kinda disrespectful.

  27. #99 the big fella Says:

    Please don’t agree with Rod.. His ego and his head is big enough.

  28. BakerFan Says:

    Why don’t you “butt hurts” go ask Brady if it is true. I bet it is, but so what Brady was the Main Cog that made it work for a SB. It just adds to his legacy. I am sure Baker was told this by players that was on that team. AGAIN, SO WHAT, Brady knew more than the play callers.

  29. Joe Says:

    Just seems like you’re intentionally trying to stir $hit up between your own readers with 2 posts in a row on Brady/Baker.

    Not stirring anything up. Mayfield shared — on the record — compelling information he heard from his teammates about the final years of Tom Brady with the Bucs. May explain why the team was less than stellar in 2022.

    If you have an issue with this, it should then be the guy who spoke on the record. Joe isn’t in business to ignore Bucs news.

  30. Citrus County Says:

    This is more evidence to suggest that all my speculation regarding an extreme internal conflict raging between BA and TB12 and involving BL was not a wild conspiracy theory. Joe himself even replied “There is no conspiracy.” Leftwich, still a young man with years invested in the NFL, appears to be persona-non-grata in the football world. BA could be raking in big money with a gig of his choice somewhere in the media world but seems to have faded away. TB12 is getting the last laugh against them or so it appears. He also took the Glazers for a lot of money by not even attempting his best effort. His ego was out of control and I say good riddance.

  31. Irish Laughter Says:

    I see why Joe and Baker are kissing buddies. They both enjoy a shot in the back when ever the opportunity comes up. I was a Baker fan because I am a Bucs fan. Brady built the winning culture that Baker and Joe now enjoy, but lets stick it up his ass when ever we have nothing better to say. Keeping it real in Ireland.
    Nothing has been placed in Brady’s buttocks. Joe is sharing what the current QB is saying about the former QB, and it’s super interesting. Also, keep in mind lots of Bucs fans bet on the outcome of an individual offensive series within games. Extra stunning to those if the QB was throwing balls away because he didn’t like the playcall.–Joe

  32. Citrus County Says:

    There seems to be an abundance of naivete and myopia permeating throughout.

  33. Citrus County Says:

    Drip,drip,drip, as time passes and more and more tidbits leak out my speculations and theories become more and more supported.

  34. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The last article was enough from Baker on the topic. We don’t need to hear anymore about Brady. This is a bad look for QB1 and I question his maturity to comment on a situation that had nothing to do with him. This is the kind of stuff that can cause problems internally. Brady helped the Bucs win a championship. Period. His last year was a mess. We all know that for obvious reasons. Baker should be focused on football and keep quiet about the rest. It’s not his place to share this stuff. I don’t like it and nothing good can come of it.

  35. Ol' Boy Says:

    Baker should have finished his gossip with, ” and I’d still sniff his jock to be half the QB he ever was.”

  36. Lakeland Says:

    He say, she say hearsay. This nothing less than stupid gossip, sick, petty conspiracy theories!!

  37. D-Rome Says:

    Baker needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut.

    I agree with you. I don’t know what good can come out of comments like this. That said, nothing that’s being said here is very surprising given Brady’s body language his final season with the Buccaneers. Look how much guys on the team talk about Baker compared to Tom, especially Tristan Wirfs.

  38. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s impressive how Joe tolerates the lecturing he gets from know it alls who think they’re smarter and know better. Disagree? Sure. Alternative points of view make this site him. . But telling Joe that he shouldn’t publish certain articles because it rubs sensitive skin for a few readers – please.

  39. AccrossthePond Says:

    How many Super Bowls have these guys won? Until you do, your words ring hollow.

  40. Citrus County Says:

    A Bucs Fan Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 3:15 pm
    This is a bad look for QB1 and I question his maturity to comment on a situation that had nothing to do with him. This is the kind of stuff that can cause problems internally.

    What a clueless, myopic, naive response. You are obviously not in favor of free speech or truth.

  41. Fred McNeil Says:

    I can’t blame Joe for reporting it, but I don’t think Baker should have mentioned it.

  42. Citrus County Says:

    Perhaps there are those on the team that want the truth to be told. Perhaps the truth is so shocking that they will only let little bits out at a time. Perhaps the team has so much respect for Baker and his credibility that they feel he is the best conduit for the truth to be told.

  43. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Citrus County – you are senile and need your diaper changed if that’s what your conclusion was from my comment.

  44. adam from ny Says:

    i do kinda recall that……………rarely…

    every once in a while – like maybe once a game, tommy b would literally just throw one out of bounds with no pocket stress…or the throw to a receiver or back’s feet, almost immediately after the play started…

    i do recall it sorta…you didn’t really think about it with the great TB12…usually it was quickly on to the next play…but it sort of makes sense thinking back

  45. Cobraboy Says:

    While I appreciate what Brady did during his Buc tenure, he was NEVER the “franchise quarterback.”

    He was a short-term rental, and Tampa was not his first choice at all.

  46. adam from ny Says:

    you just chalked it up as a busted play…and onto the next play…but it seems possible

  47. Citrus County Says:

    Fred McNeil Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 3:25 pm
    I can’t blame Joe for reporting it, but I don’t think Baker should have mentioned it.


    Joe has an obligation to report it. It is essential for Joe’s credibility as a journalist. It was the truth. Baker Mayfield is the leader of this team and if he chooses to speak the truth he has that right. For those that question his maturity for doing so….well,I’ll keep my mouth shut.

  48. zzbucs Says:

    Mayfield, you won a copule of games, that´s all you did so far, that doesn´t make you a god in TB…… carefull when you talk about Brady, you should wash your mouth first……

    This attitudes are what make you look stupid in the future, something that happened to you, on your Cleveland years, they kicked you out, because your attitude, please, rethink and start being humble again, and RESPECT, what TB12 did in TB, becuase a big part of this fanbase love TB12….

  49. Lakeland Says:

    Tom Brady was the Messiah for this franchise. He basically brought the dead back to life. This franchise was the worst in all sports before Brady arrival. They have a winning culture now, they are respected now. And all credit goes to Tom Brady, they are no longer Bottom Feeders. They are at the top now, all praises goes to Tom Brady. He did more for this franchise in 3 years than any player before him.

    Bucs fans should drop to their knees and thank God for Tom Brady .

  50. Citrus County Says:

    A Bucs Fan Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 3:33 pm
    @Citrus County – you are senile and need your diaper changed if that’s what your conclusion was from my comment.
    Your comment was your words not mine. I took your words to mean just what they said.

    You said “nothing good can come of it”. The truth can come of it.
    Baker is smart enough to know what not to say.

  51. Citrus County Says:

    The stench is driving me away and it’s not my diaper, I checked.

  52. Rook Says:

    Lots of grown men getting their feelings hurt on behalf of another man. Funny stuff.

  53. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Citrus County – How do you know it’s the truth? Did Baker witness these acts? Of course not. Regardless of its veracity, that does not matter, what does is that it’s an unnecessary second hand claim with no evidence. The only way for it be verified is to ask more people who knew Brady in the building about it and that can cause problems.

    What good do you see coming from it? How does revealing this information help the Bucs team come together and focus on winning football games this season? Is Baker sure his teammates are ok with him divulging that piece of information or members of team brass/organization? As interesting as it is (because it is interesting) it is not a necessary or life giving disclosure of events that needs to be talked about.

    I think you’re a little excitable today having your own conspiracy/suspicion be partially validated and are taking my original comment to mean something that it does not.

  54. Citrus County Says:

    After rereading Joes piece I think that it is a good possibility that question was suggested to be asked. Time has passed and possibly there are those on and around the team that feel the need for the truth to be told and why wouldn’t they ? The team was damaged by a situation (it seemed obvious to me) that had grown out of control and was the fault of a few that so far have gotten away with their actions. With the passage of time the public relations aspect is of less importance than redemption and justice.

  55. Citrus County Says:

    Mayfield said. “There’s a lot of mind games going on.”
    That statement implies mind games on both sides of the fence.
    That further implies an internal struggle.
    That further implies the huge egos involved were at war.
    That further implies a huge war.

  56. JD Still Says:

    Maybe , Mayfield didn’t like more than half the plays he has been given ,and he tanked those, maybe that is he why he has an overall losing record, maybe ,this is how rumors begin.

  57. Irishmist Says:

    I see this more as an indictment of BL than Brady. I took this as whenever Brady got sent a play that he thought had a good chance of being a pick or a sack, he just got rid of the ball in the dirt. I trust his judgement a lot more than Leftwich.

  58. GoneGator Says:

    Lakeland Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 3:44 pm
    Tom Brady was the Messiah for this franchise. He basically brought the dead back to life. This franchise was the worst in all sports before Brady arrival. They have a winning culture now, they are respected now. And all credit goes to Tom Brady, they are no longer Bottom Feeders. They are at the top now, all praises goes to Tom Brady. He did more for this franchise in 3 years than any player before him.

    Bucs fans should drop to their knees and thank God for Tom Brady .

    Blathering idol worship…as others have pointed out, Brady never gave 2 poops about TB. He stopped in, used the talent to put another ring on his finger and split. He IS/was a GREAT QB. But also an egomaniac and self centered.

    NOBODY respects the Buc’s BECAUSE of Tom Brady. Most people see him as a selfish a-hole who whored himself out to Tampa to prove Belichek wasn’t the reason he won his rings. He’s a REALLY good football player but this hero worship bull$hit…..some of yall should really be a little embarrassed

  59. View from 132 Says:

    Joe, I support your right to write this as a journalist, but honestly – right now, at 2-0, with a new team – who cares about Brady and the past?
    So nobody cares about Tom Brady? “Tom Brady” is in the headlines here. Nobody is forced to read it. It’s interesting, for sure. Joe likes to read things like that. –Joe

  60. HC Grover Says:

    Win the Super Bowl then diss Brady Bake. Several of them.

  61. MJ Says:

    delete this post, stop the trash talk LOL

  62. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Sorry you can’t have a more objective view. Don’t appreciate the insults.–Joe

  63. Dom Says:

    And in 2022 he was right. Bryon Leftwich is incompetent and still jobless. The Bucs had more TD drives in 2022 when they went no huddle compared to when Leftwich was calling the plays. Clearly Brady had a much better grasp on how to engineer successful drives than that scrub. Just shocking the greatest QB of all time, the most sucessful QB of all time, and one of the best pre snap processors of all time had more of a clue than Leftwich

  64. SteelStudBuc Says:

    I think Brady was on drugs hid last year in Tampa. His face was all gaunt, needed the quick training camp rehab… wife leaving him… AB clowning him… it seemed like he just cashed out one more season.

  65. Citrus County Says:

    A quick reminder to some of the uninformed;
    1) TB’s wife said she would divorce him if he didn’t retire after the SB and he should have done so.
    2) Baker Mayfield was becoming available and BA loved him.
    3) TB couldn’t or wouldn’t see the writing on the wall. He was old enough to be the father of many on the team, was worth hundreds of million dollars and had all the trappings along with 7 SB rings. As the leader of the team he existed in a different universe. His skills were in decline.
    4) TB and his ego clashed with BA (his Boss).
    5) TB wanted BA fired and got his wish, after all he’s TB and TB must get his way.
    6) TB has caused an enormous problem with the team.
    7) The team can’t fire the GOAT after he just led them to a SB (public relations you know).
    8) The best thing for the team would have been for TB to go out on top with a big party and Baker Mayfield to replace him.
    9) TB still had a contract and said f/u. (EGO you know)
    10) Ultimately the Glazers won the war and now it’s time for the truth to come out.
    TB better buckle up.

  66. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Oh my God, the horror. Baker mentions some off hand, no big deal comments and FINALLY all the Baker haters have something to hang onto, desperately like a drop of water for a man dying of this.

    Joe is completely justified in reporting the comments but they are nothing. Like all the Baker haters and their “immaturity” comments, grow up people.

  67. Citrus County Says:

    I can’t wait to hear what Trask has to say.

  68. Kenton Smith Says:

    HC Grover – I don’t think Baker was dissing Brady. Quite the opposite possibly. Read what he’s saying again. Still Baker by now is probably kicking himself for saying anything. Alot of Bucs fans don’t know Baker yet. He doesn’t spend much time filtering his speech. True he shouldn’t be gossiping. Also true he’s a tough S.O.B who won’t give a rats ass about being called a midget by self righteous idiots that would make a mountain out of a molehill.

  69. unbelievable Says:

    This is so dumb of Baker.

    The last thing this team needs is a drama-filled distraction like this.

    Mark your calendars boys and girls. If the wheels fall off the wagon this season, I can guarantee we can trace it back to these comments.

    Flex your little man syndrome in a different direction, Baker.

  70. Citrus County Says:

    Let’s not forget BA aka the Kangol Hat. He wanted BL to succeed him but the Glazers (his boss) preferred Todd Bowles. The Glazers were right. Surely BA with his supersized ego would take it like a man in a dignified way, right? Wrong. Now BA has been fired by TB and rejected by the Glazers. Could it be at all possible that BA and BL conspired to get even with TB and the Glazers ?

    Drip, drip, drip…the truth always comes out.

  71. Dom Says:

    @Citrus County

    To your point 7, you’re a fool if you believe the Bucs didn’t want Brady back in 2021 after the SB or even in 2022. Jason Licht said ““I told him if he wants to play until he’s 50, and he still feels like he can play, he can still play until he’s 50,”

    Before Brady came, the Bucs went 12 straight years of doing nothing but losing and missing the playoffs. The Bucs always had some talented players during those years but didn’t know how to win and had a losing culture. Brady stepped in the door and changed that. That culture change is still felt today and Brady has a lot to do with that.

    It really is amazing how much disrespect a guy that won us a SB and led the best Bucs offenses of all time gets. I’m coming around to Baker but he should shut his mouth on something he knows nothing about. All he knows is he said she said. He has no first hand accounts of what happened

  72. Buchen61 Says:

    When is everyone that reads this slop going to realize these joes are just after ckicks even if it tears the team down… Disgusting
    Sad comment.
    If Joe were chasing “clicks,” Joe would run a daily rumors column. Joe also might have an attractive intern do video reports.
    Writing about the franchise quarterback talking about the former quarterback is nothing more than Joe sharing what Joe finds interesting about the Bucs. Joe’s been doing the same thing here — in the exact same way — since 2008. Baker Mayfield is a very smart guy. The podcast was recorded before opening day. If he didn’t like what he said, he could have asked for it to be edited out. …There’s nothing Joe could possibly write here that would “tear the team down,” as you say, assuming it’s a team not filled with a bunch of weak-minded, insecure clowns, which it’s not.
    Lastly, Joe already owns the majority of Bucs-related “clicks” in town without making any kind of unique or sleazy effort. –Joe

  73. Tucker Says:

    It’s wild that there is this much freak out over this, what!? you mean every locker room is not the same? I don’t think Baker is talking crap or out of line, it wasn’t a secret, Brady is the way he is, Brady played for over twenty years there is not a lot people don’t know about him already. Baker is a different type of leader. Cool article Joe, as a fan it’s interesting to hear about the different dynamics of a locker room from quarterback to quarterback, I wonder what a Winston locker room was like wild. Go bucs!!

  74. Tucker Says:

    It’s wild that there is this much freak out over this, what!? you mean every locker room is not the same? I don’t think Baker is talking crap or out of line, it wasn’t a secret, Brady is the way he is, Brady played for over twenty years there is not a lot people don’t know about him already. Baker is a different type of leader. Cool article Joe, as a fan it’s interesting to hear about the different dynamics of a locker room from quarterback to quarterback, I wonder what a Winston locker room was like wild. Go bucs!!

  75. Citrus County Says:

    Just what if TB found other interests and decided to leave broadcasting ? After 1 year in the booth of course. Drip,drip,drip…

  76. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    When you win 7 rings you can do the things Brady did.

    People upset just can’t deal.


    Mayfield should just let it go – he wasn’t even here.

    Even if Mayfield wins the Superbowl with Tampa this season – HE’LL STILL HAVE 6 MORE TO GO BEFORE HE REACHES TOM TERRIFIC.

    This ungrateful blasphemous heresy needs to stop.

    Tom’s in the booth now. Why good does this serve?

    Don’t taint the legacy of the 2020 championship – the only one in a home stadium.

    Just let it go and focus on the future.

  77. Danfan Says:

    Whether it is Tom Brady or any other quarterback, I would rather Baker play the no comment card or feign ignorance, nothing at all to be gained from discussing past quarterback. Who knows if there are current players in the locker room who liked the previous QB or approach, and might now feel put out by this kind of commentary

  78. Citrus County Says:

    Dom Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:09 pm
    @Citrus County

    To your point 7, you’re a fool if you believe the Bucs didn’t want Brady back in 2021 after the SB or even in 2022. Jason Licht said ““I told him if he wants to play until he’s 50, and he still feels like he can play, he can still play until he’s 50,”

    Jason said that while still exuberant from the SB. That was before TB took personal time off and skipped a good portion of training camp. It was during that time that the tensions with BA began. I’m sure Jason meant what he said. But that was before BA and TB clogged the toilet and caused an overflow. Jason Licht handled that situation (an impossible situation for him) masterfully.

    Think about it, TB’s wife says I’m outta here and TB wants to take his kids to the Bahamas during camp. What message did that send to the team ? And don’t forget his skipping out for Kraft’s wedding the Sat. before the Pittsburg game. He’s got his own jet, no need to fly with the boys. Brady’s actions bellowed “I’m bigger than the team.”

  79. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Way back in the day, it was expected for qb’s to call their own plays in the nfl. Back then a season was 12 games to. Also cash could buy you a ticket.
    Endzone seats 6 bucks cold cash.

  80. Citrus County Says:

    Danfan Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:42 pm ; Who knows if there are current players in the locker room who liked the previous QB or approach, and might now feel put out by this kind of commentary.

    That comment is as woke as it gets.

  81. unbelievable Says:

    ^ you’re just wrong, Citrus.

    Brady took that time off in training camp of the 2022 season, long after Arians had retired and Bowles was the head coach.

    I think the 2022 season left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths.

  82. Citrus County Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:53 pm
    Way back in the day, it was expected for qb’s to call their own plays in the nfl. Back then a season was 12 games to. Also cash could buy you a ticket.
    Endzone seats 6 bucks cold cash.
    You called it. BIG money has destroyed all the sports we grew up with and loved. The NHL is still hanging in there though but ultimately will fall like the rest of them.

  83. Pewter Power Says:

    Throwing it at the receivers feet or throwing it away on purpose…that’s slander lol that man is too obsessed with winning championships to be that petty but I can assure you he’s not too petty to make sure leftwich never ever coaches in the nfl again.

  84. Citrus County Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    ^ you’re just wrong, Citrus.

    You’re right, my bad.

  85. Citrus County Says:

    Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:37 pm
    When you win 7 rings you can do the things Brady did.
    Tell that to the Glazers, Jason Licht, and players. You might not get the response you think.

  86. Show Me the TDs Says:

    JBF has gone straight downhill in the past 3 or 4 years. I don’t read half the articles because most are cut and paste over and over again or it’s a quote I read from someone else, days before, who hustled to get the news.
    Thank you for reading half the articles. But that’s an inaccurate depiction of what’s here. –Joe

    Or it’s 15 articles from an interview you can watch immediately after a game. Another ridiculous depiction. –Joe

    Now we get “news” that’s not any more interesting that what you can read from one of the rags in the Publix checkout line. I guess some.people will do just about anything for a buck. If you don’t think what Baker Mayfield has to say about Tom Brady is worth reading, then don’t read it. …Don’t see you criticizing the podcast host for asking the question. …Regular readers here know Joe does all kinds of original analysis and reporting. Unlike other outlets, Joe isn’t going to report what Joe finds boring as C-Span just because it qualifies as news of the day, or because it landed in Joe’s voice recorder. –Joe

  87. Citrus County Says:

    The ignorance of some of you amazes me. Joe (both Joes) have built reputations for years in the Tampa media. People come to this site for Bucs news. The Joes report the news, and very well I might add. You get the news you seek here for free. Joe reports a significant news story and some of you morons don’t know whether to s–t or go blind. If you are incapable of recognizing important news but feel compelled to say something just to be a j.e.r.k. , I’m sure Joe won’t miss your clicks if you take your misery elsewhere.

  88. adam from ny Says:

    oh boy it’s getting itchy in here…!

    bucs and baker are looking good…

    please…no upsetting the applecart for baker…

    we don’t need this bs…

    tommy b and the TB12 years were terrific – let’s move on to “here and now” because things are getting good again

  89. ModHairKen … Says:

    I love when Joe claps back. And this post has to be a record.

    Get on ‘em, Jose!

  90. Zoocomics Says:

    Not sure if we have any New England fans on these board, if we do, thanks to Brady, but can anyone confirm how often during the Brady years in New England played with pre-snap motion?

    I only bring it up because speaking of Tom and the play calling, I think during the Brady/Bucs era, our pre-snap motion was almost nonexistent, and I think it was because of Brady. I’ll never forget a stat being thrown out by Romo, might have been the 2022 Bucs vs Chiefs game, it was noted that the Bucs were last or almost last in pre-snap motion. Then we played the Bengals that year, and we dominated them in the first half of football with a ton of pre-snap motion then to start the second half of the game, we went away from the pre-snap motion, and Tom preceded to have the worse back-to-back-to-back series of his entire career with Tampa. We never saw pre-snap in that capacity again.

    Tom is bit old school… I think old school coaching looks at pre-snap as a college gimmicky thing and yet with the right talent and timing, pre-snap is incredibly effective at the NFL level. I just don’t think it was Tom’s thing, and Leftwich bore the brunt of that criticism.

  91. TykeeBucs Says:

    It’s not like Mayfield named names or dissed Brady. He told a classic story about a guy so competitive he sometimes wanted to beat his coach. LOL
    Crapping on Joe for sharing is just stupid. Actually looking forward to talking to my brother about this over a beer tonight.
    Lighten up!!

  92. Citrus County Says:

    I got moderated Joe but I was standing in your defense. Some people that comment here are a perfect exemplification of how our society has crumbled. They don’t even know how stupid they are. Zero reason to insult the readers here. Everyone is entitled to be a fan with their own style. –Joe

    Joe gives them excellent content for free and they are so miserable that they just have to show their ignorance and ingratitude.
    Fans don’t have to be gracious or smart, no matter the team. Joe doesn’t care and Joe’s not sure why that would be important. It’s football! Go Bucs!–Joe

  93. Citrus County Says:

    I stand reprimanded. That’s fair.

  94. Tom M Sumner Says:

    Brady got us a ring… Your Turn Bake!!

  95. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    Kenton Smith Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 4:58 pm
    HC Grover – I don’t think Baker was dissing Brady. Quite the opposite possibly. Read what he’s saying again. Still Baker by now is probably kicking himself for saying anything. Alot of Bucs fans don’t know Baker yet. He doesn’t spend much time filtering his speech. True he shouldn’t be gossiping. Also true he’s a tough S.O.B who won’t give a rats ass about being called a midget by self righteous idiots that would make a mountain out of a molehill.

    I agree with Kenton that Baker’s probably regretting commenting on this, but the whole “issue” is really irrelevant anyway. Everybody in the NFL universe recognizes what a prima donna TB was (and well-earned too!) at that point!

    Don’t forget that it’s also well known that when Baker finally landed with the Bucs, he got nothing in communication from Brady. Brady likely regrets that as he now sees that Baker has what it takes to QB this team to multiple Super Bowls!

    Go Bucs!!

  96. LakelandSteve Says:

    Talk about explosive! I wonder what Brady is going to say about this revelation.

  97. ManzielMadness Says:

    I’m kind of happy Baker shared this; I find it very interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brady threw it in the dirt with BL calling plays. I’m surprised I didn’t notice it more often! There was clearly something going on during the offseason when Arians ‘retired.’ I believe there were a few stories about how Brady wanted to go to Miami, but there was no way we were just going to cut him.

  98. 1buc4you Says:

    More Drama for posts …………..great job joe

  99. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    The only thing that is relevant right now is the Donkeys this Sunday. I hope that the boys don’t let their guards down!

    Get’em you Pirates!

  100. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Good post Joe. Got everybody riled We all know tom ran the show and that’s ok we won the superbowl ..

  101. Oneilbuc Says:

    Man you guys still kissing Brady behind? Lol 😂😂 stop begging him to care about the bucs he haven’t mentioned the bucs or been to a bucs game since he retired. Move on Baker is our quarterback now and we are 2-0 !!

  102. RC Says:

    Tom isn’t a true blood Buc. His legacy was set before he came here. He didn’t develop relationships with the players. This team was a championship team with a bonehead QB. They should have been contending sooner if Jameis was who they hoped he was. Tom didn’t win the Super Bowl by himself. This was a good team. Tom had to win now, there may not be another season and in the end, you could see Tom didn’t want to get hit. It affected play calling, no doubt.

    While I don’t think it was a good look for Baker to spill the tea, I think players have been holding it back from the public. I think there are players hurt by Tom. Baker is a good QB. Could be great. Time will tell. I am happy to have him on our team. No point in comparing the two. Tom is and always will be a GOAT. Baker, who knows? Sky is the limit, let’s just play ball.

  103. David Says:

    I am guessing this was after BA left

  104. orlbucfan Says:

    Yaaaawwwwwnnnnn. I remember Methusaleh 12 throwing an iPad to the ground on the sidelines during a game. The reason I recall it is I’m a Bucs Radio fan, and the boob tube highlighted it. Guess Goat was having a hissy fit. He’s history now and that’s how I see it. Go Bucs!!

  105. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Joe my view was perfectly objective. Call ’em like I see ‘em.

    No one will know because you censored it.

    Objective Indeed.

    Joe doesn’t pretend to be an objective entity. That’s obvious and certainly variable depending on the topic. This is an opinion-driven website, always has been. Thankfully, a lot of people are interested in Joe’s opinion. However, Joe has no interest in being misrepresented. Fans can do that on other websites or share those feelings on social media. Here’s the dictionary definition of objective: “expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations” –Joe

  106. Noclu4u Says:

    I believe Baker . BUT !!!
    Brady lost an all pro left guard , an all pro center and a pro bowl right guard. That’s the entire interior O-line. Tom was 45 years old . He wasn’t going to risk a life changing injury in a futile endeavor and also leave his team mates with 2nd stringer . Tom Brady playing at 70 percent is better than any back up QB in the NFL . He could of just said “you know what ? I proved what I wanted to . I won a Superbowl without Belichick . I hang them up .” He didn’t do that .he played out the season with what he had like he told his teammates he would . I’m grateful for him HELPING out a team that was a descent QB away from contending . I’ve got no problem with it . As for Baker , love him . He is a dog for sure .
    As always Go BUCS 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  107. SenileSenior Says:

    Tom Brady is the GOAT. Love him but he did not single-handedly turn the culture around. BA and Jl had already begun the process. The winning attitude continues.

    Nothing wrong with what Baker said.

  108. Tike Says:

    Way to show your maturity there Baker… you always find a way to wow people with your unmatched ability to not bring negativity to an organization…

  109. Brandon Says:

    Brady was the number one reason the offense was crap in 2022. Not Leftwich, not the protection, not the running game. It was him and his constant audibles to smoke screens and premature checkdowns. Brady lost his sack and it was incredibly clear. Mayfield was a huge upgrade last season and with a competent OC, Mayfield will be even better this season.

  110. BucsVan101 Says:

    The amount of people upset that baker mentioned football god Brady is wild. Brady is the goat, But if you haven’t noticed since he retired he is seems like a pretty weird guy who doesn’t know what to do without football. And once he left the bucs you have barely heard him say a word about them. How many times did we wonder why Brady tossed away the ball before the play developed, there is your answer. I thank Brady for the superbowl but I have moved on to enjoying Baker Bake.

  111. Bucembaby813 Says:

    Since you little girls want to cry about Baker mentioning Brady’s name. Why don’t you all ask Brady to mention the Bucs name like a team that saved his ass from unemployment. Brady doesn’t give a sh!t about the bucs or his time spent here…… wish him the best but he’s an Opp

  112. Jmarkbuc Says:


    That is a load of some contrary crap there.
    I don’t pretend to be an objective entity either Joe. I am one.
    Today you posted gossip material.
    Facts, not personal interpretations.
    You want to list the definition of objectivity, while telling me you’re not objective, but I’m supposed to be?
    That’s some next level mental gymnastics.
    Don’t take it personally.
    Don’t get your point. Joe posted the definition of objective to clarify that Joe is not objective when it comes to many things about the Bucs, since there seemed to be confusion there. Have whatever opinion you like. If you want to think what Joe posted is gossip, ok. But Joe isn’t going to accept misrepresentations of Joe’s business in this space.–Joe

  113. TF Says:

    Wow, Joe I can’t remember the last time you ignited such a HUGE $hit storm of comments over an article. So freaking Weird! Of all your articles and subjects. This one? Anyways, thanks for reporting.

  114. Michael Duggan Says:

    He won us a Super Bowl and made everyone around him better. Leave it alone! Go Bucs!

  115. Gipper Says:

    It’s just information. You can take it or leave it. Reading twice what Baker said it is obvious that he was not trying to disrespect Brady. People here trying to stir up controversy where there is none. First time Baker addressed the Tampa Bay media he said there was no way he could ever live up to the Tom Brady legacy. It certainly isn’t a Baker vs Brady controversy. Just idle chatter from reporters trying to fill a page.

  116. Bucschamp Says:

    Not surprised at all. Several times brady was caught on camera disagreeing on a playcall. This was during sb season.

  117. ChiBuc Says:

    Nobody owes Brady anything. He was compensated, venerated, and over him most of you masterb@@ed.

    Seems to me the team trusts Baker enough to share this nugget; that teammates did NOT appreciate TB sucking all of the air out of the room, and they DO appreciate a leader who is one of them, a teammate.

    Joe already owns the majority of Bucs-related “clicks” in town –Joe

    Mic drop

  118. Let em Bake Says:

    The sad thing is this story will now go national via Colin Cowherd or Rich Eisen.
    This was a mistake by Baker, plain and simple. What is murmured in the locker room should stay there…Now, lets crush Denver.

  119. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    I can not remember when Jo has responded to so many readers comments recently 🍿

  120. garro Says:

    Click bait me thinks.

    How the hell does Baker know anything about this you should ask yourself.

    Go Bucs!

  121. Citrus County Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    ^ you’re just wrong, Citrus.

    Brady took that time off in training camp of the 2022 season, long after Arians had retired and Bowles was the head coach.
    I just reread the comments we each made. I was NOT wrong. You misread my words. What I said was this; Jason said that while still exuberant from the SB. That was before TB took personal time off and skipped a good portion of training camp. It was during that time that the tensions with BA began. I’m sure Jason meant what he said.

  122. Citrus County Says:

    I suggest all of you reread Joes piece again carefully. Baker Mayfield is too smart to answer a question such as that. I think that question was suggested and the answer was intended to make a statement. That leads me to believe there is more to come, slowly and over time. I have said this before; One has to read and listen very closely to what is and isn’t said. I really don’t think Baker would have touched that question with a 10 foot pole otherwise.

  123. Citrus County Says:

    Dom Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 5:09 I’m coming around to Baker but he should shut his mouth on something he knows nothing about. All he knows is he said she said. He has no first hand accounts of what happened.
    That is precisely my point. Baker is too smart to fall for that question. This just strengthens my belief that he was a conduit to get a message out. Someone must have set that up and there was an intended purpose. It gets out just as TB begins his broadcasting career. TB is in the broadcast booth because of his credibility. That credibility has now been put into question at least and damaged at most. So, why would someone want to damage TB12’s credibility ?
    You figure it out. 2 down, 1 to go ?

  124. Citrus County Says:

    I’m sure the Joes will be following the media closely as they always seem to do. I am curious who will be the first to ask TB12 about Baker Mayfield’s comment. It’s way too fat and juicy to pass up. It’s a hot potato for sure but far to important to ignore.

    This could get really interesting. Would Roger step in ? Would Fox try to squash it ? That would only stir up more media interest. Nothing sticks to Baker. There is plenty of film of Brady blowing up at BL and throwing tablets. There is plenty of film showing passes thrown at the feet of players. We all saw it but thought nothing of it at the time. This is where journalism and truth seeking and free speech is important.

  125. Citrus County Says:

    I’ve waited a long time for this but it ain’t over yet.

  126. unbelievable Says:

    By all accounts we’ve heard from players who were here, everyone loved playing with Tom. Was he a stickler who demanded perfection? You damn right we as! And we needed it! This org had been an absolute dumpster fire laughingstock, going all the way back to the end of the Gruden era.

    Brady brought accountability, respect, and work ethic.

    With that said, I do think there were some sour feelings after the way the 2022 season played out. Brady wasn’t the same Brady, it’s clear that at least at times, his commitment wasn’t the same it had been, our o-line was absolute trash, and it was a huge disappointment for everyone.

    But I don’t know why anyone is coming after the Joes. They’re just reporting on what was said. I just think it’s bad form of Baker to be saying these things, especially when he still hasn’t done squat besides win a playoff game or 2, and he wasn’t ever here during the Brady years. It’s literally hearsay at best.

    And Brady gets benefit of the doubt cuz he’s been there, done that, and absolutely dominated for 20+ years. I like Baker, but he’s nowhere close to being in the same stratosphere as Brady.

    And for the dummies thinking Brady doesn’t like the Bucs or didn’t want to be here- first of all, you’re nuts. Second of all- go check his latest commercial… It shows him over the years and the 2 jerseys he’s wearing are Michigan, and the Bucs.

  127. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bucembaby. I agree 💯 percent about Brady the bucs was his only choice because the Raiders, 49ers and Chargers all said no to Brady and the bucs said yes. It’s well documented and I’m sick and tired of this narrative that Brady chose the bucs he didn’t have a choice. Even the dolphins turned him down in 2020. Brady does not care about the bucs and I’ve been telling this fan base on here for a while but I was called a Brady hater and now the Joe’s well at least one of them and we know who he is and he is still begging Brady to care about the bucs. Brady haven’t been to a bucs game yet not even the playoff games. And every time when he’s asked about any players on the bucs he mentioned Gronk and he talks around the question. This is why he don’t deserve to be in the ring of honor.

  128. lambchop Says:

    Why are people saying this is a rumor? Because it hurts your aura for Tom Brady? Obviously Baker was told this information by teammates.

    And so what? Tom didn’t like some calls and he threw balls in the dirt. Big deal, he has earned the right to have input into play calls when he’s been so successful and has seen every defense and been through most situations before. Is it a stretch to think that an OC should utilize their QBs strengths and get their input on plays? That’s what Liam is doing. It took far too long in 2020 for BA and BL to understand that they should call plays Tom actually excels at, rather than pounding their agenda down his throat. He was a veteran, not a rookie. The minute they started incorporating Patriot plays, Tom was unstoppable. It’s muscle memory for him and he’s already tested what works and what doesn’t against certain defenses and down and distances.

    I see nothing wrong in Baker answering this question honestly. Do you think Tom Brady is the only QB in the league who did this? Come on. This is equivalent to a QB calling an audible at the line to get into a better play call.

  129. Dom Says:

    Bucembaby and Oneilbuc were definitely Brady haters before he joined the Bucs. Bucembaby said he’s the opp lmao. He won us a Superbowl and now he’s retired. How is he our opposition? He was a great addition to this organization and again a huge part of the culture change. And again I say “part”. Some of you read that and assume people mean the whole thing. Credit also goes to Licht for bringing great men in the building as well as BA and Bowles. Those men however don’t play on he field and make things happen. Baker even gave Brady more credit for the Pats dynasty in that interview for that very reason.

    We needed someone who has been there more than anyone in the SB Era amd help show this team the way to do it. He came in year 1 and set the standard for this team that is still carried today. It was the perfect match at the time. Some of yall didn’t deserve to witness the greatness we watched during his years here

  130. Ranger Says:

    Man just when Baker had been winning me over I thought he’d learned from his Cleveland days and grown up but this kind of stuff should stay in the locker room and as someone else said right after Brady complimented him the other day

  131. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Lamb chop

    It’s a rumor because Baker wasn’t here. He’s peddling second hand gossip.

    Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend. I’m ok with Baker as QB but sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

  132. Citrus County Says:

    Baker is the perfect vessel to start the flow of information regarding the truth of the BA/TB12 era. The seed has been planted and now Baker can be detached. That seed needs no fertilizer only water to grow and it will. Jason couldn’t say anything nor could Todd and the players need to be left out of the conversation all together. Could this all be just happenstance ? Not likely. It’s a beautiful thing.

  133. Faspro Says:

    Yeah, he heard rumors…Bake, you ain’t the GOAT

  134. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Is it hard to believe??? I remember that game we were near the goal line and ol Sandwhich bag called a play and Brady was like NO! You could read his lips. He changed the play and scored. I’m sure guys talk with Baker because he’s so laid back and ready to talk to and Brady was up tight and out of sight


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