Baker Mayfield: Bucs “Owned” Rotten Denver Loss

September 30th, 2024

Baker Mayfield reaches over the goal line for his one-yard touchdown run early in the second quarter.

Joe already detailed how normally soft-spoken, easy-going Bucs icon Lavonte David was so enraged by how badly the Bucs played in a loss to the bungling Broncos he unloaded on teammates last week and demanded players play to their ability — play smart and play with energy and purpose from the opening kickoff.

Joe saw yesterday what this Bucs team is capable of when they put their heads and hearts into it: an early 24-0 lead en route to a blowout of the Eagles.

After the game, Baker Mayfield explained how he was proud of his teammates for learning from the debacle against Denver.

“[We’ve] taken ownership of what we put on tape last week,” Mayfield said. “Like I said, that wasn’t the ‘Buc’ brand of football – what we put on tape last week.

“So owning it, correcting it and making the things [translate] from practice and the mentality that we needed to correct there and translating it to gameday. Everybody owned it and that’s an accountable team. And [I’m] proud of them.”

And the Eagles aren’t terrible. Yes, they are beat up with key injuries. So are the Bucs.

Instead of licking their wounds and feeling sorry for themselves over being humiliated, the Bucs attacked the Eagles as if it was a playoff game.

The Bucs were mostly sharp. They played with passion and purpose. And they overcame their own injuries to pummel the Eagles.

Hopefully, that same intensity carries over this week when the Bucs travel to Atlanta for a Thursday Night Football NFC South showdown.

The Pass Rush Finally Woke Up

16 Responses to “Baker Mayfield: Bucs “Owned” Rotten Denver Loss”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Denver defense held Rodgers’ Jets to 9 points….their defense is for real.

  2. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, Sean Payton and the Broncos (barely) won yesterday. It doesn’t change the fact that he cheats, and got caught. Scumbag. I more than get LVD’s rage. Go Bucs!!

  3. infomeplease Says:

    Move forward Next up, Thursday Night Football in Atlanta! This game is even more important than the Eagles game! The coaches and players need to rise up again and show the world who the best team in this division is! 😎

  4. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Go BUcs !

  5. Adam's Angry Says:

    That Broncos game was an insult to the fans.

    I’ve seen THAT game often over the 45 years I’ve watched Bucs football. It should NEVER happen. Fans brave the heat, the sun, and give up an entire Sunday to watch their beloved team play… in my book, you are FORBIDDEN to play like that. Going through the motions, making awful players look like world-beaters (this happens ALOT in Bucs history), and basically playing like you don’t give a furry rat’s hind-portions.

    This team should be 4-0. I’m glad they bounced back and didn’t have a hangover, but I’m hoping that loss doesn’t bite them in the end.

    PS: That game yesterday was FREAKING AWESOME and it was a JOY to see all those green jerseys walk out of the stadium in silence. No singing, no spelling… just eyes on the floor. It was so good, it HAD to be fattening.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    Thursday night’s game in Atlanta is monstrous. I think it’s critical that we win at least 4 games in our division, and those head-to-head competitions start Thurs night.

    Falcons have definitely showed a ton of grit by coming back in the last minute of the game in their 2 wins. They’re not yet the offensive powerhouse that many expected them to become, but they’ve gotten the job done to get to 2-2. And they’d be tied for the NFC South lead at 3-2 if they beat us Thurs night (plus they’ve already beaten the Saints). Personally expect that it’ll be a very good game.

  7. PSL Bob Says:

    Hopefully, that loss to Denver will turn out to be a good thing. It will be a reminder of what can happen when you aren’t totally locked in. I agree Joe, hopefully that fire will carry over not only to this upcoming game with Atlanta but for the remainder of the season. The feeling that all of us Bucs fans have this morning will only be amplified if we walk out of Atlanta with a W!

  8. Saskbucs Says:

    Our offense will have a tougher time vs ATL but their offense should struggle missing their C. Hopefully Vea recovers quickly from the battle in the heat yesterday and Kancey comes back this week. That will cause Cousins major issues.

  9. Buddha Says:

    The game against Atlanta is just another game. No reason to blow it up. In fact, it is much bigger for Atlanta. Last time we played on a Thursday night in Atlanta, we were humiliated. Falcons are playing well and have lost two close games to Steelers and Chiefs who both lead their divisions. Tough spot for Buccaneers given the injuries on defense.

  10. BillyBucco Says:

    Someone teach Mauch how to play special teams. Can he at least do more than sticking his arm out only, on that right side? We need someone who cares and hasn’t given his all for 10 plays prior maybe?
    Atlanta is a solid team, but their defense is WAY worse than Philly. They don’t have the horses in the trenches that Philly has. B Robinson is good, bit they held Barkley in check except for one big run and the effort from Britt on that play was one of the worst in the game. He looked like his goal was to knock down the blocker, not tackle. You don’t engage the blocker except for in line in the trenches. Even then, the GOAL is to dislodge and tackle. Britt didn’t even stick out an arm?????
    Sad man, really sad.

  11. Kenton Smith Says:

    Defense Rules. Dang it. Not many posts on here that I read every word. But I read yours because they are not only informative but you understand some of the subtleties of the game also. I want to believe that we’re fixing to drop the hammer on this conference the next few weeks. I think you mean that it’ll be a close game when you say it will be a good game. I guess you’re probably right. Dadgummit. Oh well. Ain’t nothing worthwhile easy. Come on Bucs!! Throttle to the floor and hands on the wheel!!!

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Thursday Night Football, National stage. Short week.

    Ultimate litmus test for Todd. Does his game plan stay aggressive on both sides of the ball, dictating to the opponent rather than letting them dictate? Or does he have his team ready to rival a pancake for flatness and blandness, like against Denver (and many others)?

    If the Bucs come out of Atlanta with a victory, it’s apparent that Todd has really turned the corner as a head coach. If they get smoked, visions of last year’s 3-1 start becoming 4-7 come to the forefront.


  13. Kenton Smith Says:

    Dave Pear doggonnit!! You know we are a much more confident team than we were last year. We have a ways to go for sure but we will not lose 6 of our next 7 and you know it. Go outside and enjoy the last day of September. Help a neighbor in need. Stop biting your nails. Play with your dog. If you don’t have one get one. If you can’t tell by now that this team is special then you should find a hobby to more suit your proclivities. The older I get the more I know that I don’t know. But what I know I do know. This team has as good a chance as any team in the league to win the Super Bowl. You said yesterday you were eating your crow. I think you have leftovers now go in there and finish them up. I want that plate clean. Why do some people have to do everything the hard way.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Kenton, I actually agree with you. Expect a win Thursday night. And, if the Bucs reproduce the Broncos fiasco, the reality becomes that the Bucs are an inconsistent team with high performance volatility.

    Of course let’s cheer for the win.

  15. Kenton Smith Says:

    So you’re saying we will be a consistent team when we win every game. Please stop with the inconsistent B.S. We lost one of our last six games last year. We’ve lost one of four this year. Throw in 1 – 1 in the playoffs. That consistency argument is truly pathetic and everyone who uses it on this sight needs to be called out. And quit calling our QB inconsistent. It may not be you Dave. A bad game occasionally? Sure. It’s not a ballet recital it’s a football game. You want consistency go to a dance recital.

  16. unbelievable Says:

    @DR – I agree 100%.

    We need to have a fast, diverse offensive game plan yet again, as ATL has good secondary.

    Would be great if Kancey, Winfield and Goedeke could suit up too, but I’m not optimistic we see any of them back yet.


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