Tom Brady “Was A Little Standoffish”
August 16th, 2024
“Julio, I can’t pretend to vibe with most of these dudes.”
Joe thinks it’s easy to argue that Baker Mayfield 2023 was a better football player than Tom Brady 2022.
Not only did Mayfield have a better touchdown-to-interception ratio, the Tampa Bay offense scored more points and Mayfield had a stellar postseason while Brady did not.
“This Joe” thinks it’s an easy call that Mayfield had a better season. But what about how players at One Buc Palace feel about Mayfield versus Brady?
This was addressed by Prickly Pete Prisco during his recent Bucs chat on CBS Sports HQ.
Prisco patrolled One Buc Palace this summer (and last) and is one to chat privately with players and management when he’s on campus.
“There were actually guys when I was there telling me that they like [Mayfield] more as a quarterback as a guy than they did Tom Brady,” Prisco said. “Tom Brady was tough; he was a little standoffish. Yeah, not as a player, but as a person, yes. Not a bad guy, they like [Baker] better.”
Prisco was pressed on the air by his colleagues and wouldn’t back down. His message was that the Bucs’roster bonds more with Mayfield than with Brady because Mayfield is more one of the guys.
Joe was intrigued, mainly because Bucs players often used to say they were amazed how Brady was “just one of the guys.”
Regardless, Joe knows little about this has to do with winning big games against quality opponents in January and February. But maybe it’s a reason Brady has disconnected himself so much from the Bucs since retiring.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:43 pm
GET THIS: TB12 is the #16 Most Influential Person in the World
How many athletes do you know had the most famous roast in history? How about a movie about a road trip just to see him play? How about former Presidents of the US taking time to record on career congratulations video? He was married to the most popular super model in the world. A-list Hollywood personalities publicly worship him. He had to have an extra locker to autograph things for his teammates.
Standoffish? When did he even have time to stand in?
Baker sounds like a great guy. Awesome. Stop bagging on TB12 (and No, Baker didn’t have a better year. TB12 had a worse coach).
August 16th, 2024 at 2:45 pm
Watch it Joe, you are treading on hollow ground. I tried to say the same and have been ridiculed.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:47 pm
Brady left NE and got Lazar Focused on the Bucs and remained that way thru two straight seasons. Without a Blown coverage by a Bucs Ace there would be three Lombardi’s on the Mantle, Brady would have walked away after 2021, and Mayfield would probably never had became a Buc. Brady moved on to his next adventure and has no time to come back to the Bucs to Chum around. He’s Larar focused on become the best at his next Job.
Brady started 48 Playoff games in his career to Mayfield’s 4. Sure Baker will have a few more seasons where Fans and the Guys will have a littler hope but nothing compared to Brady. Mayfield does not have that it factor that the great ones do.
Sure Mayfield might be a guy’s guy that will have your back and pull you out of an alley where a bad situation is brewing but Brady will pull you out and want to go back in and kill every one of them MFer’s.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:49 pm
Said it before.. Tom wasn’t about the Bucs, Tom was about Tom. He only showed up in Tampa to prove it was him, not Belicheck, who deserved credit for their SB rings imo.
Baker has come to TB looking for a (football) home. He has a chance to be aTBs 1st real, top 10, franchise QB! That idea pisses a lot of Bucs fans off for some reason 🤷🏼
2 things Baker and Brady have in common. Both are natural leaders and they both are fueled by their doubters.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:50 pm
I’m going to go out on a limb and say it was an age thing. Other than football Brady probably had nothing or little in common with most guys on the team. Heck for most he was old enough to be their father. This doesn’t surprise me at all.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:55 pm
Players would tell you they love Winston as well……whoever is the starting QB is the face of the franchise. The rest of the roster understands this and walks the company line. It’s ridiculous to measure mayfield to Brady based on likability. Didn’t Brady have an empty locker next to his where he signed stuff for anyone that asked? That’s pretty humble in my opinion. There was no way Brady was going to meet teammates for beer at Hattricks, it would be a zoo.
August 16th, 2024 at 2:59 pm
Sly captures most of it, and there are enough smoke signals that Brady wanted to move on after Todd humped the dog in the final minute against the Rams. Rather than being fired, Todd was promoted. Brady and Todd never spoke. It sure seemed to me like Brady didn’t like Todd, didn’t like playing for him. You can only watch your team come out dead flat for so many crucial games before you just say “eff it.”
Also, Baker wouldn’t just be pulling you out of the alley, he would be wielding the pipe wrench and his dudes feel that way about him.
August 16th, 2024 at 3:00 pm
Most of the locker room played as Brady on Madden growing up…
August 16th, 2024 at 3:05 pm
This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. One guy is 31 and has a baby. One guy is 44 and has multiple business ventures and like 6 grown kids with their own activities. Clearly Baker is way more plugged in with the guys in the locker room. Common sense folks.
August 16th, 2024 at 3:09 pm
The way Brady has shunned us since retiring, I totally believe this!
August 16th, 2024 at 3:10 pm
This kind of crap is for girls.
Brady was a great player before here and while here, and he was in his 40s when he got here with 6 rings.
It would be understandable for any player to be in awe of him.
But to call him standoffish is asinine. They guy helped everyone who wanted to be better.
August 16th, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Brady was locked in 2020 and 2021 and had a stellar surrounding cast. We saw the results. 30 wins – 10 Ls – A Super Bowl victory – and a terrible defensive breakdown away from a good chance at a 2nd Lombardi trophy…. Tommy was ‘one of the guys’ and everyone liked and respected him….
2022 – not so much… Lost his interior OLine, Lost his wife and family, Lost his focus…. should have stayed retired!
Baker was a breath of fresh air last year and did everything right in building personal relationships with his teammates and organically becoming a true leader that everyone on the team liked and respected…..
August 16th, 2024 at 3:12 pm
Brady was disconnected in year 3 and uninterested in playing for the Bucs.
By the way, the story about Brady keeping a spare locker just to sign stuff for his fellow players is pure BS. Oh sure, did he sign a few things for certain guys… yes. It took certain high level guys in the front office 6 months to get a Brady “momento.”
August 16th, 2024 at 3:14 pm
These millennial and Gen Z cupcakes don’t like the mean man who didn’t fawn all over them.
Wow, loser talk if I’ve ever heard it.
August 16th, 2024 at 3:16 pm
This story is really embarrassing for everyone involved. No idea why anyone on the team would even answer something like this that makes them look like such whiny losers.
August 16th, 2024 at 3:33 pm
Grrrrr I am Rod, grrrrrrr dang kids get off my lawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 16th, 2024 at 3:44 pm
@Mike C
Lmao 🤣
Gen z, millennials grrr, mumble mumble. Cupcakes grrr. Friggin whiny losers grrr mumble!
August 16th, 2024 at 3:46 pm
LOL. We went to the team store this weekend. Theres like 500 unsold Brady Jerseys hanging around and only a few Baker jerseys left. Baker is a perfect fit for the city and the fans that have followed this team for years. IMHO . Brady was never ours and he couldnt care less about our team and city, we were simply a means to his end. Its Bakers time , embrace him as he is truly a central florida type dude that can ball out and have fun doing it!
August 16th, 2024 at 4:01 pm
Saying Baker Mayfield 2023 was better than Tom Brady 2022 is like saying Jay Fiedler 2000 was better than Dan Marino 1999.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:04 pm
Brady is a winner and won a chip for this team and was clutch when we needed him to be. But some players bond more with the guy who choked when it mattered most. OK, fine. If the players feel that way cool. We’ll see if all these good vibes and feelings translate into a Lombardi Trophy. Keep in mind all of the HoF players that wanted to play with Brady. Who’s beating down the Bucs door to play with Baker?
We’ll see what happens this season….
August 16th, 2024 at 4:04 pm
We need more men like Rod Munch.
All this wokeism, has it made things better? No. It just created a permanent victim class that wants someone else’s money or pity for nothing.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:19 pm
Was hard for 22-24yr old Bucs to vibe with a 44-45yr old man…Imagine that.
Off the field…Baker is the kind of guy you could crush a 12pk of Big Storm Bromosa & bucket of ribs with, while TB12 would be drinking turmeric lemon water & eating an anti-inflammatory salad.
Just completely polar opposite personalities.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:24 pm
Here’s how you answer that question… “are you kidding? Brady is the greatest of all time, and we won a Super Bowl with him. He could slap my girlfriend around like he’s Ray Rice and I wouldn’t say anything bad about him.”
August 16th, 2024 at 4:29 pm
I will forever appreciate what Tom Brady brought to the Bucs besides a Lombardi: relevance.
And I am happy Baker Mayfield might continue that relevance.
The fact is Tom Brady was a different generation than most on today’s NFL rosters. So, I can see how Mayfield is more relatable.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:36 pm
Remember when this website was flourishing. The Joes are starting to become like Mcafees show, husk of its former self. At least Pat can say ESPN tanks everything. What are the Joe’s excuse? Not sure what you’re complaining about, and JoeBucsFan dwarfs the traffic of other Bucs websites. Would you prefer Joe ignore these public comments from a plugged-in and respected NFL reporter in his mid-60s speaking on a major network? C’mon, now. And it’s hardly a hot take to say Baker ’23 was better than Brady ’22.–Joe
I’m basically here for Ira at this point. Sadly he’s only getting older:/. I’m saying this because this is a horse crap post.thats a subjective opinion about Brady. The objective is he got us into a playoff spot and Super Bowl win year one. Might I add beating KC. Still being the only team to do so. Garbage opinion. Idc how you feel. I care how you perform. Honestly Baker is great. I guarantee we never sniff another bowl with him. Tampa Is still the Number one team in the division. Atlanta is just making move after move. This may be the year ourNFC crowns our put upon another head in the realm. I’m not a downer, I’m a realist. No one stays perfect forever. Not even Brady when out in a blades of glory. He lost to Dallas. And lost his wife. Still love baker and this team. But Jesus this team got shafted for years. Could never DEVELOP A QB. And here someone is complaining that we had the best one to ever play the game. Facts over feelings. Not feelings over facts.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:46 pm
If a player said they liked Brady better what would that do his relationship with Baker? So of course they say good things about their present QB. Come on Joe you can do better
August 16th, 2024 at 4:46 pm
I will forever appreciate what Tom Brady brought to the Bucs besides a Lombardi: relevance.
And I am happy Baker Mayfield might continue that relevance.
The fact is Tom Brady was a different generation than most on today’s NFL rosters. So, I can see how Mayfield is more relatable.
What Cobraboy Said agree 100%
August 16th, 2024 at 4:48 pm
Jameis was probably a pretty good locker room guy as well, unfortunately that doesn’t lead to wins.
Anyone who has managed people in relatively intimate setting, i.e. the military for instance, you will find yourself as a leader making friends with subordinates, and then when that subordinate gets in trouble, you’ll have the tendency to let it go, it’s your friend, you don’t want to punish them and I’m sure it will never happen again, but then it does. There’s something to be said for leaders in these circumstances knowing how to keep just enough distance where you can be nice, friendly and personal but you have to keep the relationship in perspective so that it’s not as awkward when overhead correction is required. If you’re good enough, i.e. Brady, you have that respect, and this is how you get the best out of your players vs continuous mental errors.
If I had to guess, even when he played for the Patriots, he probably kept most teammates at arm’s length. His celebrity status probably made that easier than we would think. Gronk and him appeared to be close teammates, even on the Bucs we had Tommy and Gronky videos on Buccaneer’s website, but you think they were hanging out as pals in the clubs or even going to dinner with their respective significant others, not as often as one might think. Same thing with Antonio Brown…he was staying with him in a house at one point, I’m sure there was a guess house, so there was some separation, but these guys weren’t eating together or watching real house wife’s of Atlanta. Anyone who saw “The Last Dance”, Michael Jordan had no friends, yes, he may have been an a-hole, but I think by not maintaining relationships, he was able to get the most out of those guys on the court, as he made them fear failure.
Again, the advantage is to Brady where he feels less uncomfortable when has to chew someone’s @ss out vs chewing out a friend.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:52 pm
No one is going to care how much everyone loves each other in that locker room if we don’t win. We’re invested in Baker, and he’s got enough pieces around him to perform, to include an offensive coordinator he’s familiar with, let’s hope he’s finally out of excuses of why his career has been so inconsistent up to this point.
August 16th, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Brady gave us the championship we will always be grateful he had a different personality than vague. We are just grateful that we got baked compared to all these teams still trying to find a quarterback. We needed someone to get the ball to work right receivers who can run when the line was going to break down and knows how to be a leader. I think we found one
August 16th, 2024 at 4:56 pm
Damn voice recognition. Butchered that.. but I am sure you get the point
August 16th, 2024 at 5:03 pm
Don’t think so.
August 16th, 2024 at 5:07 pm
Always suspected that RodMunch has Tom Brady pajamas. Rod, why don’t you invite TB overnight and you guys can have a pillow fight? If you lose, do what you always do and blame it on Baker.
August 16th, 2024 at 5:33 pm
We need more men like Rod Munch.
All this wokeism, has it made things better? No. It just created a permanent victim class that wants someone else’s money or pity for nothing.
Sounds like you and Rod feel like victims.
August 16th, 2024 at 5:42 pm
Saskbucs good points and even better news. After this years Super Bowl in February Baker will still be 29 years old. Let’s not rob a man of 2 years of his dead prime. Zoocomics you tried to make the argument that the QB is in some type of management job. That doesn’t hold any water in my opinion but it is worthy of discussion and debate. Then you spoiled it all and bared your ass”let’s hope he’s finally out of excuses of why his career has been so inconsistent up to this point.”
August 16th, 2024 at 5:43 pm
TB12 was the prima donna that served as the “Pale Rider”. He rode into town took care of business and rode out of town never looking back. He also broke a lot of dishes while he was here.
August 16th, 2024 at 5:44 pm
Baker is just the type to make excuses don’t you think?
August 16th, 2024 at 5:44 pm
Brady was the best QB in TB history, and he played two years here.Bakwe is the QB right now, so stupid question to ask players. Fans who think Baker did more for Tampa should be slapped. Prisco Hayes Brady because he always called him on his bullsh**. It’s cute and all that to even mention Baker in the same sentence as Baker. Brady did Tampa a favor. Someone said they saw Brady jerseys but not many Baker jerseys as if they sold out. Brady sold more Tampa jerseys than they could make. He brought crowds viewers and a title. They should literally build a statue. So yeah go ahead and talk up Baker as if he has done anything.
August 16th, 2024 at 5:52 pm
@Rod Munch
Celebrity crush much? Idol worship often?
You claim to be so hard nosed, old school, anti soft blah blah blah but say some $h/t like:
“He could slap my girlfriend around like he’s Ray Rice and I wouldn’t say anything bad about him”
Opposite of hard, manly, and old school bro… pitiful really
Feel bad for your girlfriend unless its ModHairKen – lol
August 16th, 2024 at 5:53 pm
Who do you think the Lions wanted to see on the field that last drive of the playoff game? Brady or Baker?
Baker choking in the biggest moment of his career says it all.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:06 pm
It was fun to borrow Brady for a couple of years, but he was always a Patriot at heart, and always will be. We knew that going in.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:17 pm
Brady was the Golden goose who fell in out lap.
He brought Tampa Bay a Lombardi, instant respect and the best TE in football.
To compare him to Baker is just stupid and ungrateful.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:22 pm
Brady helped bring another Super Bowl championship to this team. I don’t care what his motivation was for coming here. I don’t care about his opinion of us now. I’m just glad he was here.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:28 pm
People say whatever they say. You can choose to believe them or not. More telling is what they DO. There’s no getting around that. As far as i can tell Brady hasn’t said the word “Buccaneer” publicly unless there was no getting around it. At his roast he had Jensen, Donovan Smith and Lavonte I think. Other than that? Wtf knows? The situation feels odd to me tbh.
When we won the Super Bowl it was all hugs and kisses but Brady came from Bellichek world and when we fell short of repeating? It would be interesting to know what happened behind the curtain.
Either way I really enjoyed last season and Baker is the man right now. Hopefully, we get it done this year. By the Glazers standards we have to hit the next step which would be the NFC championship.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:31 pm
Biggest moment of his career? Now that’s funny! That’s the only reason I read Rod Munch is because I sometimes laugh at his takes. “ slap my girlfriend around” isn’t really funny Rod. You’re much funnier and better than that post. I’m forgiving you that one Rod because I know real soon you’ll have me busting up again.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:33 pm
You hit the nail on the head. Ira brings credibility to the whole outfit.
If I have to listen to another podcast during the season when one of the “hosts” is slurring his words I’m going to stab my eardrums out with a rusty cleat!
August 16th, 2024 at 6:38 pm
Complete opposite of what every player has ever said about Brady. He tries to be just one of the guys and he’s a humble superstar.
Maybe that is some of the newer players that were there for just that one season. Obviously with trying to leave to Miami, retiring and unretiring, Going through divorce, barely at training camp, leaving for Robert Kraft’s wedding… He was an extremely distracted person.
Add in the O line injuries and horrendous playcalling… It’s amazing they got as far as they did.
August 16th, 2024 at 6:44 pm
Don’t you Baker haters have another drum to beat?
They fielded the more complete team and out coached us that day. We’ll get payback this year….if we improve our defense and O-line and hopefully we have.
Baker didn’t lose the Detroit game. The team did.
Todd’s defense dropped the ball (literally and figuratively).
They had free runners off the edge all day.
One of his interceptions was clearly Mikes fault (did you watch and hear Chris Collins worth say exactly that?) and the other was probably on him… but I don’t know why we had 2 receiver up each other’s butts.
Of course, Tom would never throw interceptions, especially in a playoff game – oh wait
August 16th, 2024 at 6:56 pm
lets be blunt. how many of us bought his tb 12 brand product? (i brought one and a t shirt, not enough i agree). this man brought us a championship, our government arrested him for practicing in a public park and our newspaper mocked him for showing up next door trying to find a coach’s house to meet and work for a championship.
is there a tom brady park anywhere in our area?
a sandwich at a restaurant maybe?
this is the goat. part of his legend he let us be part of. i am eternally grateful, none of this it was about him not us for me. sorry. of course i guess im kind of a loser guy.
to have a friend you have to be a friend.
August 16th, 2024 at 7:04 pm
Brady was in the midst of a contentious divorce, his best friend and greatest TE of all time had just retired. Arians retired, Marpet retired, and he was stuck with the worst Bucs OL in recent history.
And he was 100 years old in football years.
And Baker beat that?
You da man, Baker!
August 16th, 2024 at 7:18 pm
Well, more ink wasted on ole Methusaleh 12. Only reason that old man lowered himself to come here is cos the 49ers told him to take a hike. The Bucs who won the 2nd SB were the best assembled team on both sides of the ball in their history. Mayfield could have won the Lombardi with the collective talent the Bucs had and are aiming for again. I did not like Brady then, and as far as I’m concerned, he’s ancient history with his head up his arse. I took a beating on here over it, but I didn’t care. I’m a Bucs fan. I’ve been one for over 4 decades. Sure Brady will be first round HOF. Big whoop.
August 16th, 2024 at 7:25 pm
Do you Brady ass munchers think he won a Superbowl in Tampa by himself?
That type of hero idolizing is a big part of why the TEAM felt disrespected last year.
You act like your football lord and savior just “blessed” TB with a Superbowl and everyone should bow down and kiss his ring(s) 😙
Screw that weak minded bull$h\t.
SMH, No man alive deserves that kind of adulation.
Some of y’all exposing what kind of men you really are here. Kinda sad 😞
August 16th, 2024 at 7:29 pm
What kind of player wouldn’t talk up the current qb to the national press during camp?
August 16th, 2024 at 7:30 pm
Funny, not long ago you guys were celebrating how Mayfield is a locker room bro and Trask is not, but now it surfaces that Brady also was not a locker room bro, yet he has 7 Super Bowl rings and Mayfield has seen only the inside of Super Bowl sky boxes.
August 16th, 2024 at 8:37 pm
If Wolford wins the back-up job, are we going to have to hear from the Traskers about how that competition was fake, too?
August 16th, 2024 at 8:41 pm
Tom Brady “Was A Little Standoffish”
No kidding. How could this be a surprise to anyone paying attention.
Also, some of the comments written here presumably written by grown men in deference to Brady beggar belief.
August 16th, 2024 at 8:45 pm
The only backup Wolford is going to win is backup to Trask.
August 16th, 2024 at 9:04 pm
Brady had a divorce brewing
Stand off ish, sure
August 16th, 2024 at 9:11 pm
Hi Joe
I wondered when you would get around to this subject again. Jellyroll, you owe me $25. As Jayson and Bruce have stated, TB changed the culture of our team to one that we all appreciate today. I agree, Tampa should have won three SB during Brady’s tenure. I don’t think you could have handled that Joe. Keeping it real in Ireland.
August 16th, 2024 at 9:13 pm
This thread is fargin hilarious. Time to get the bottle of scotch.
August 16th, 2024 at 11:15 pm
“This thread is fargin hilarious. Time to get the bottle of scotch.”
Should I keep it going?
Baker is Brett Favre without the di*k picks and welfare fraud! Lol.
Baker and Drew Breeze’s career have been EERILY similar up to this point. But Baker has more talent than Breeze did. I predict Baker will be to the Bucs what Breeze was to the Saints, but with more superbowls!
Brady was/is an egomaniac who didn’t/doesn’t give a rats ass about Tampa Bay. You guys probably think the strippers really like you.
August 16th, 2024 at 11:42 pm
Lol 🤣🤣 I thought Brady loved the bucs I told y’all if it wasn’t for the bucs Brady would have had to retire. This guy does not care 2 cents about the bucs and I have to give it to Baker Mayfield he’s a better team mate than Brady in Tampa. Lol 🤣🤣 I tried to tell y’all but I was the hater now the truth is coming out!!
August 16th, 2024 at 11:48 pm
Now here comes the divorce excuse he was never a real buc from the jump but I was the hater lol 🤣🤣 . He didn’t want to play here but he had no choice because the 49ers, Raiders and Chargers said no . But now that whole Brady wanted to come here and we were his first choice was a lie fabricated by the media local and national.
August 16th, 2024 at 11:52 pm
Why do ignorant fans compare Jameis to Peyton Manning or Baker to Drew Brees based upon stats?
That is like saying Mike Glennon is better than Johnny Unitas because his stats are better.
You have to compare quarterbacks to their era. Manning and Brees were top 5 quarterbacks for over 10 years. Have Jameis or Baker been a top 5 quarterback even 1 year of their careers?
August 17th, 2024 at 12:03 am
Otard love her some QB talk. And nothing else. And she a moe-Ron when it come to that subject. JaMiss is a loser. Trask is a backup lucky to maybe make the Glennon scale.
Baker already won playoff games and after 6 seasons looks more promising than Brees did after six. That’s not opinion that’s fact. Suck on all the “Glennon Unitas” comparisons you want if you pretend that makes a point.
After 6 years, Beees was barely thought of as a starting QB. Injuries, all kinds of stuff. Chargers dumped him and got his replacement.
The Bucs QB has a ton of upside . It’s up to him to keep improving – let’s have fun watching.
August 17th, 2024 at 12:04 am
Just because he had a better year than Brady’s final year, it does not make him a better QB.
Not only was Brady going a divorce and custody batter, but the coach he agreed to play for in that final year decided to retire, the offensive line was torn apart, and he had to play for a bad OC.
He was short-changed by circumstances that year.
Our best years were with Brady.
So far as player’s saying the like Mayfield better, there is no way they would say different about the current QB. But you can bet they’d prefer a healthy Brady to Mayfield.
August 17th, 2024 at 3:33 am
Football is a very emotional game.Tommy is a very emotional person. Going through the up and down emotions of an unexpected divorce in the middle of a football season is a disaster waiting to happen. Baker has had the opposite experience. He has been embraced after being professionally rejected (not by his wife) and found love in Tampa from the moment he has arrived. Joe inside the uniform is an emotional human being. We are reminded every April during the NFL draft.
August 17th, 2024 at 3:55 am
these guys on the bucs are athletes…famous athletes…and some are stars or superstars…
but brady is an icon…or football royalty…
he’s in a league of his own – yet he probably tried to fit in best he can as one of the guys
August 17th, 2024 at 5:23 am
I have respected Brady since his Patriots days. No one can forget the exhilaration when he came to the Bucs and then brought along Gronk. Heard a rumor he was trying to get Edelman to come back after retiring too. TB did us well, if only for awhile. We got another Super Bowl with him as our QB along with our entire team and coaches!
Brady has never been “a look at me’ guy. More humble and happy to play as a last round pick. He was always for the team. He took less money so the team could get better players. He is all business, focused on playing ball. Nothing wrong with being that way.
I seem to remember when TB came to Tampa the first thing he did was to contact members of the team. You can bet he is still in contact with certain players and coaches too.
Yes, his last year was not perfect. He had a lot going on: Marital problems and wanting to be with his kids more, the cryto collapse, and probably other things we don’t know about. All that stress puts a lot on your body mentally and physically. Plus, in 2022 he was offered a 10-year contract at $375 million. Hoping he is the analyst for a couple of our games!
Baker was the perfect QB to take the place of Brady when he retired from football. Baker is humble, not the loudest voice in the room, took less money, focused, and is also respected by other players and coaches. Sounds familiar.
August 17th, 2024 at 6:20 am
Dave Pear. The biggest coward on the site lol 🤣🤣!! You must have gotten picked on when you were young . And now you a Internet gangster 😂 I can tell you’re a scary little man if you are a man. You’re a weak minded person and I control your every emotion on this site. Lol 🤣🤣
August 17th, 2024 at 7:12 am
Good point about not comparing quarterbacks across different eras. The rules of the game, especially the passing rules, have changed drastically to make the passing game easier over time. Look at the interception percentages of the great quarterbacks across the eras – they are ghastly, much higher than today. So that right there kills the old timers’ “ratings”. Hell, even Hall of Famer and 3-time Super Champion Troy Aikman of the Cowboys who was not known for throwing picks had a career interception percentage of 3.0%, much higher than ho-hum journeymen like Baker Mayfield today. Brett Favre, who gets roasted for his picks, was a contemporary of Aikman and his interception percentages was 3.3%, slightly higher than the conservative Aikman. It was the era.
August 17th, 2024 at 9:37 am
Yes, for further proof. Tom Brady got a half decent offensive coordinator fired while Baker Mayfield got a terrible offensive coordinator promoted to a head coaching job.
August 17th, 2024 at 9:39 am
Rod Munch: Violence against women Is a horrible thing and shouldn’t be trivialized. Come on You should be better than that. Things we joke about Only makes them more accepted by normalizing them.
August 17th, 2024 at 11:32 am
Imagine everything you have just walking out the door, I know you live the perfect life though, but just imagine all that matters just walking out the door. Now go out and try to play your absolute best game, and if you say you could just push all of those feelings out and go out there then you really don’t have a heart. Anyway all of that threw Tom off for sure. Is Baker as good as Brady ? Never. But he did well last year.
August 17th, 2024 at 1:07 pm
Oz lynn Says:
August 17th, 2024 at 9:39 am
Rod Munch: Violence against women Is a horrible thing and shouldn’t be trivialized.
Oh man, thanks for letting me know that – I had no idea, not after watching a man punch women in the face at the Olympics and win a gold medal for it. Please frame your comment, and show it to every lady (or man) you talk to, I’m sure they’ll totally dig your white knight comment and want to make sweet love to you right on the spot.
August 17th, 2024 at 1:45 pm
Otard said, “Drrrfphphnmmgurgleduhrrr….QB………drrre….JaMissbonergheeeheheeeedrrre…..hateBrady mayfieldbuhduuuhhhrreggghhh….” Keep on trading, Otard.
August 17th, 2024 at 1:59 pm
@Rod Munch
You’re embarrassing yourself bro.
The female boxer thing has been disproven and even if it hadn’t been (which it was) what does that have to do with you saying you’d let Tom Brady beat your girlfriend like Ray Rice?
August 17th, 2024 at 4:16 pm
GoneGator – Oh I get it, you’re retarded. No wonder you’re so slow on the uptake.
Anywho, he literally has XY chromosomes.
Only men have XY chromosomes.
Thus, he’s a man.
Stop denying science.
August 17th, 2024 at 4:34 pm
Dave queer. Shut up your daddy Baker Mayfield will be gone either this year or next year for show if he don’t improve and you can follow him right out the door just like the Brady fan boys did. Lol 😂😂 I told you to shut up you are to emotional when it comes to your daddy Baker Mayfield!! Lol 🤣🤣
August 17th, 2024 at 5:13 pm
Language children. Watch your language.
No need to be rude to each other.