Thumb Scare: Todd Bowles Assures Fans Baker Mayfield Is Fine

August 7th, 2024

Thumb OK, says Todd Bowles.

This was sort of on the level of when YaYa Diaby sprained his ankle in training camp.

Initially, the scene proved to be much worse than reality. Baker Mayfield was getting his thumb looked at by trainers.

Uh, oh.

Mayfield blasted the thumb of his throwing hand on a teammate’s helmet during his follow-through throwing a pass in practice today. A quarterback with a messed up thumb on his throwing hand is, well, problematic.

Then, lightning came as the lightning alarm went off. Everyone, into the Glazer Shed.

But back to Mayfield. How was his thumb?

Well, Mayfield seemed to answer questions about his thumb when he went dddeeeeeeppp down the middle for Trey Palmer, who got behind the Bucs’ defense. It was perfect. Palmer hauled the ball in in-stride. Touchdown)!

Palmer was so happy with the throw and scoring a touchdown, after he crossed the goal line he tossed the ball into the stands of the Glazer Shed.

If his thumb was hurting, Mayfield sure didn’t show it on that pass.

After practice, Bowles put fans’ minds to rest. Bowles said of Mayfield’s thumb, “Yeah, he’s good.”

There you have it.

Todd Bowles Wants More Underneath Stuff From Trey Palmer

44 Responses to “Thumb Scare: Todd Bowles Assures Fans Baker Mayfield Is Fine”

  1. Trask To The Future Says:

    He better hope he doesn’t get hurt or he’ll lose his job and never get it back from one Mr. Kyle Trask.

  2. Chad Says:

    He was hurt last year and didn’t lose it to him so he won’t this season either he ain’t good enough

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Trask to the Stupid – keep dreaming, Skippy. Lucky for your love fantasy, Wolford has been soiling the bed or your lover boy would be making burgers in the cafeteria when he wasn’t holding the clipboard.

  4. gofortheface30 Says:

    If Trask was so good he would leave absolutely zero doubt in practice, and he’d take the job. Career backup, learn it live it accept it. The delusion and denial of Trask fans defies reason

  5. JD Still Says:

    Mayfield – 7 interceptions , Wolford -6 interceptions, Trask -3 interceptions this training camp, Mayfield is leading the team in interceptions thrown this training camp, maybe it’s not his thumb We should be worrying about.

  6. Buc off Says:

    Didn’t Mayfield have an interception problem last training camp as well. It’s like he’s just trying to see what he can get away with, how tight of a win down can he throw it into. Bake will be fine come week 1 people

  7. heyjude Says:

    My heart dropped when I first saw “Thumb scare Baker.” So glad he is okay. The thing with Baker, he keeps playing when hurt, like with his ankle last season. He is strong minded. Before the Bucs he had some injuries and surgery on his shoulder when at the Rams, but other than that he has been pretty healthy. We are so lucky to have him!

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Buc off. – logic and reason won’t work with the Trsgkophiles. Lots has been written about how the Bucs practice to see what works or doesn’t and why. Trashk has mostly been dumping to his check down. Practice in the time to take risk, and the love fantasy into afraid.

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    Practice is the time to take risks and Trashk is too afraid.

    A poor man’s Mike Glennon.

  10. Boss Says:

    let the excuses begin

  11. Bucsmarley Says:

    You should be more supportive of your backups. Odds are he will play when mayfield gets hurt. Give credit where credit is due. Trask had a terrible first practice and has been nearly perfect since. I will support ALL are players not just the starters as should you. I think people will be surprised when Trask gets his opportunity

  12. Dave Pear Says:


  13. StormyInFl Says:

    1. I’m pretty sure that Baker is taking more reps than Wolford or Trask.

    2. Trask threw a pick six to Logan Freaking Hall. Enough said.

    Stop with the Trask delusions. He’s a backup. Nothing more.

  14. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker is the starter and everyone knows it but Trask is playing better than him another training camp. Lol 🤣😆

  15. StormyInFl Says:

    “Oneilbuc Says:
    August 7th, 2024 at 1:14 pm
    Baker is the starter and everyone knows it but Trask is playing better than him another training camp. Lol 🤣😆”

    You have no clue and no way of coming to that conclusion. Just based on INT numbers? That’s stupid.

    Here’s some simple math for you – if Baker is throwing more passes than Trask, then he has more opportunities to throw INT. How many were great plays by the defense? One was on a hail mary. All INTs are not the same.

    Trask threw a pick six to Logan Hall. That alone is worse than any INT Baker threw. How the hell do you miss that guy? I guess ‘being tall’ didn’t help.

  16. BakerFan Says:

    Was reading that Seattle was wanting to dump Geno Smith, Since Trask has so much value and is younger I am sure Seattle is lining up at the door to make the trade…… Didn’t think so.

  17. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That is some low effort on the video…

  18. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    August 7th, 2024 at 1:14 pm
    Baker is the starter and everyone knows it but Trask is playing better than him another training camp. Lol 🤣😆
    Onelibuc, aka QB Whisperer: Didn’t you predict that Jameis would be great with the Saints?

  19. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueeltard with another cretinous (means stupid) statement. Her perfect record is untarnished.

    Glennon hasn’t thrown any picks, we should start him. LOL

  20. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stormy. Show your proof on that and I will believe you and I know Trask threw a pick to Logan Hall so what he dropped back in coverage that’s a good play for the defense. Just have the same energy for Baker like you have for Trask if Baker plays bad then say he played bad . If he plays good give him his credit just like I do . You can go back and read when Baker played good I gave him his credit and when he played bad I said he played bad. I don’t put on blinders for either player. But when Baker plays bad for 3 quarters and 10 minutes in some of those games people on here call you names because of that. His fan base and some of y’all on here refuses to criticize him on his bad play.

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Joe in Mich – the OTard even managed to be down on Brady after he won us a Super Bowl. You are right – she is the QB whisperer. She has the knack for picking out who is going to suck by anointing them, better than anyone else.

    Then there is the incessant yearning to draft and develop a QB…..LOL

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    OTard – the proof is in who Todd starts . Unless you can wrest the head coaching job from him, you’re left to suck on a sausage. Why haven’t you gotten a job with the Bucs yet?

  23. Stanglassman Says:

    It’s hard to throw many Ints when you check it down on every play. If Trask gets in he knows his job is to play it safe and not to turn the ball over. I don’t know if he’s a take no risk guy by nature or he’s being told to play that way. Either way all reports are saying he rarly goes for it in practice and usually checks it down.

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    Bingo! But the Tards and Trashkophiles just believe, with no evidence, that their boy is once again lighting it up.

    So why would Todd insist on Baker if their boy were so good?

    The conspiracy?

    Ineptitude on performance evaluation?

    Or maybe, Baker is an NFL QB and their boy is a nice story awaiting his next life’s great chapter outside of football.

  25. Richierich Says:

    We should worry more about idiots like JD posting nonsense on this board than Baker throwing int in camp.

  26. Richierich Says:

    The amount of ignorance on this board is truly mind-boggling.

  27. Dude Says:

    Explaining away INTs and who’s at fault for them, ah feels like 2017 all over again 😂

  28. StormyInFl Says:

    What proof do you need? You show everyone else here ‘proof’ that Trask is outperforming Baker. I know you can’t, because all you have to go on is what everyone else has, too. Snippets from Bucs sites like this. You’ve latched onto the INT numbers as some kind of proof. It’s not, without a lot more context to go with it, which you and everyone here else doesn’t have. You literally proved my point by stating the Logan Hall pick 6 on Trask was a ‘good defensive play’. Maybe it was. Or maybe 6’5″ Kyle Trask has the field vision of Mr Magoo and can’t see a 300+ lb defensive tackle dropping into coverage.

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    I would bet my last nut that this Bucs team is way better than 2017

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    And my right nut that Mr Magoo wouldn’t be much better than Kyle’s Trashk.

  31. Irishmist Says:

    See Joe, the Gazoo helmets have an upside. When our vertically challenged QB hits his hand on a helmet, there isn’t much damage.

  32. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Gazoo, Mr Magoo, yeah this went left. Lol!

  33. Don'tBmad Says:

    Trask gets traded easily….

  34. Chad Says:

    Bucsmarley, it ain’t that I don’t support trask it’s just that I get tired of people acting like he’s better than baker and he deserves to be the starter. He deserves to be the 2nd qb which means he’s right where he’s supposed to be no hate to him. If he gets the opportunity to play I hope he plays well, I don’t want the Bucs to lose. There’s people on here that are praying for bakers downfall or just hoping baker plays bad so they can bash him instead of cheering him on and hoping the team as a whole wins

  35. Shane Callahan Says:

    Trask to the Future shouldn’t be on here. He should start his own Trask fan club site and take the rest of his Non-Bucs fans with him.

  36. Shane Callahan Says:

    Trask fans: One of you tell us that Trask should honestly be starting over Baker with a straight face.

  37. Dave Pear Says:

    If Otard gets any dumber it could cause a rip in the space time continuum. It has to do with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and a bag of petroleum jelly.

  38. Oneilbuc Says:

    Shane. Baker is a name and even though Trask was better than Baker last training camp Baker is the starter to sale tickets because they know fans care more about the names on the back of the jersey than the team actually winning. But one thing about it we have about 4 weeks left than all the talk will be over. That’s why none of y’all don’t want to up the expectations of making it to the NFC Championship. If you have that much faith in Baker Mayfield than it’s NFC Championship or bust but you are afraid because you believe that’s a lot to ask when you have Baker as your quarterback. I have more faith in the team than you have as long as they keep Baker a game manager. If they just let him managed the game than they can get to the NFC Championship.

  39. Ethan Says:

    Onelilbuc. Kyle Trask is nothing but a back up Mayfield will be great this year. You guys are some haters and crybabies honestly that’s all you guys do.

  40. WanderingWallflower Says:

    Wolford looks like a man waiting to be fired. I watched that x video of all 3 quarterbacks too many times when I noticed how uninterested Wolford appeared. Both Trask & Mayfield took the rep with purpose. They practiced foot work, drop back and release. Wolford was in the way of the football when the center snapped it, had to choose catching it or letting bounce off of him awkwardly & after deciding to catch it, he seemed as though he’s waiting for the morning bus for 5,000th time in life. It’s just one rep…but if it is indicative of the 2nd string competition, it’s over already.

  41. Marky Mark Says:

    Baker was a lost cause according to the media last year so your ticket sales theory is complete bunk onieilbuc-hater. Bowles was enamored with Baker when he visited the Jets during pre draft visitations 2018. He wanted to draft Bakes but the Browns took him first. Experience counts and Todd knows that.

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    Ethan. Then if you believe that then it’s should be NFC Championship or bust right? Put your money where your mouth is!!

  43. Kenton Smith Says:

    Dave Pear good news! The space time continuum ought to be just fine.

  44. Dave Pear Says:

    Otard keeps redefining how low a cretin can go to prove that an eggplant is smarter than he is.