The Saints Are Angry, Too.

August 8th, 2024

Remember that CBS report claiming the Bucs are “seething?”

There’s another bitter club in the NFC South.

It’s the one that had the same record as the Bucs last year after soundly pounding Tampa Bay in Tampa in Week 17.

That was the beating Derrick Brooks knew was coming. The Bucs trailed New Orleans 23-7 at The Licht House before scoring a garbage time touchdown to close the game.

The following Sunday, those slimy Saints finished the season with a 48-17 hammering of Atlanta but their 9-8 record put them on the couch for the playoffs. The Bucs (9-8) owned the necessary tiebreaker and won the NFC South.

Three-time All-Pro Saints safety Tyrann Mathieu talked about the Saints’ angst and anger during his visit to The Rich Eisen Show yesterday.

“We’ve just come up short … But what I want the world to know is you’ve got a motivated Saints team. You know, like we’re itching for it. Like we want the challenge and we’re looking forward to it,” Mathieu said.

“I wouldn’t turn an eye to us too much. You know what I mean? Because we gonna come. We’re coming this season. We’re pretty mad about it. You can expect that. You can expect an angry bunch, a team that plays with attitude, a team that plays with edge. … We’re going to blow our whole load. Like we’re going to be ready to roll.”

Props to Eisen for hitting the right follow-up question. He asked what the team is angry about?

In short, Mathieu said the Saints are mad because it’s a good team with players used to being in the postseason and they just keep falling short.

Mathieu gave the Bucs a lot of credit for finishing seasons strong in recent years, but like many in Tampa, he wasn’t giving the Kirk Cousins hype in Atlanta much credence. He referred to Cousins as a “pretty good quarterback.”

Mathieu acknowledged a new head coach and a veteran QB understandably brings excitement to Atlanta but not necessarily wins.

Interestingly, Mathieu talked about the slimy Saints’ quality defense sharpening itself in training camp against a new offensive system for the first time in ages. Last year, the Saints were running a holdover from the Sean Payton administration.

That made Joe think of the Bucs defense benefiting from a new offense to work against for the second consecutive summer.

27 Responses to “The Saints Are Angry, Too.”

  1. Gofortheface30 Says:

    “We’re going to blow our whole load.” – Elite choice of words there Tyrann

  2. Half_Sac Says:


  3. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    “…a good team with players used to being in postseason….”

    Who? Not anyone that’s been on that team for the last three years.

    And maybe I just have my pewter colored glasses on, but there’s a difference between the Bucs just sitting back, saying OK, and taking receipts vs. the Grrr We Are So Mad skwakibg from an old team that hasn’t done much lately.

    Also, do they even like their QB?

  4. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    The sense of entitlement in New Orleans has always baffled me.

  5. Beeej Says:

    They’re in salary cap hell, and we’re just coming out of it

  6. JimBobBuc Says:

    These division games are tough, the Bucs were 4-2 last year with losses at home? Even Carolina has a good defense and the talking heads are predicting Canales will help Bryce Young.

  7. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    F the Ain’ts.

  8. BucsFan55 Says:

    blow what … lmao wtf

  9. Irishmist Says:

    At their age, they are going to need a ton of Viagra.

  10. Jersey Buc Says:

    With BA red pen. F the saints !! Really hate that team bunch of gum flappers. Ain’t been relevant since brees

  11. BakerFan Says:

    Right out of the box Saints play the Panthers, following with the Cowboys, Eagles, Falcons, Chiefs and then the Bucs.

    Will know much about both teams by then. Most likely Saints will be 2-3 or 3-2, Falcons game will be the toss up.

    I think winning the division is a must win for Bucs along with the week before with the Falcons. Otherwise will be a nail biter the rest of the way.

    Falcons could be 0-4 when they meet up with the Bucs.
    Steelers, Eagles, Chiefs, Saints and if Bucs beat the Falcons, put a fork in them, they are finished starting out 0-5

  12. Lol Says:

    That’s a stale load that they will be blowing. Lol

  13. infomeplease Says:

    Hopefully the Saints “blow their whole load” during the first 5 games and come up a bit “soft” the following week!

    Sounds like TM got his mind on some of the NO cheerleaders.

  14. Buc4evr Says:

    They always play the Bucs tough and I think Carr is a better QB than Cousins. Hopefully our O-line is a lot better this year.

  15. heyjude Says:

    I had respected Tyrann as a player when he was on the Chiefs. Until the unsportsmanlike conduct that he and Brady had. I think Tyrann ended up being penalized but it became a he said, he said thing at the time. He said that Brady called him a name that he couldn’t repeat. We don’t know for sure. I do give Tyrann kudos for his take on the Falcons.

  16. First Name Greatest Says:

    Aints blowing their old, stale, Dennis Allen infused load all over their toothless fans will be entertaining to watch from afar. They have the look of a 6 win team, maybe.

  17. D-Rok Says:

    Here come the Angry Birds memes out of retirement.

  18. gotbbucs Says:

    Long live Dennis Allen.

  19. Mike Says:

    There is a lot of bad blood in the NFC South. There will be some brutal cage matches for sure, but when the dust settles, I still think the Bucs will have a chance to come out on top.

  20. SlyPirate Says:

    Carolina’s schedule is easy and their defense is solid. The Saints are old and tired. I could see the Saints finishing last in the NFCS.

  21. First Name Greatest Says:

    Dennis Allen

    Jeez this divisions coaches are not going to strike fear in many opponents

  22. Saskbucs Says:

    Good post Drunk Bucs Fan.

    Carr sucks. Saints are old with no cap space.

    Falcons looked like they were a QB away last year.

    Bucs are a young hungry winning team.

    Can’t believe the Saints had the same record last year. I bet they wouldn’t have if they played our 1st place schedule. Saints shouldn’t be in the conversation and I hope that’s true by week 6-7.

  23. unbelievable Says:

    Sounds like they’ll just be looking to take cheap shots and make dirty plays whenever possible.

    Same as it ever was.

    Def looking forward to hearing Cam Jordan crying when he’s sitting at home during the playoffs again lol

  24. drdneast Says:

    The last time I saw this clown he got ripped open like an old time Falstaff beer can by a psychotic head case for a TD and then getting trash talked by a senior citizen QB.

  25. Tony Says:

    Let them be mad. The one time we should’ve traded Devin White to a division team. Could’ve traded him back there & they could’ve dealt with all his drama, too!

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    Big whoop as in I could care less.

  27. Drunkinybor Says:

    🎶 🎶 Hello darkness my old friend, Saints are coming to visit once again. 🎶 Cam cam and tyrone are getting old. 🎶 back in the basement where its cold 🥶 This has been written and foretold. 📃 Crying cheaters are exposed a laughing stock that is loathed. 😤 We will say hello just twice a year to bring you pain to bring you fear. 😱 A vonce Lombardi is nowhere near. 🏆 Goodbye for now enjoy your stay 🎶 deep in the dark is where you’ll lay. 🎶 🎵