Rough Flight For Gosder Cherilus

August 19th, 2024

Former Bucs tackle Gosder Cherilus.

Back in 2015, Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht proved he could find quality offensive line starters on the street in August and September.

That’s what he did with the August signing of right tackle Gosder Cherilus and the September pickup of center Joe Hawley. The Bucs had the NFL’s second-ranked running game that season (yards per carry). Second!!!

Hawley was a final cut by the Falcons, and Cherilus, then 31 years old, got the call as soon as starting right tackle Demar Dotson was injured early in preseason.

This all comes to mind today because Cherilus is in the news after he had a troubling flight from Boston to Ireland that ended in Cherilus getting arrested and likely in need of a change of clothes, per Yahoo.

“According to the police report, Cherilus appeared drunk when he boarded the plane, allegedly argued with the flight crew about his seat and an hour into the flight urinated on an elderly passenger. He then hit another passenger and took that passenger’s seat before passing out, the report says.”

Man, what a spectacle that must have been. Cherilus played in the NFL at 6-7, 325 pounds.

Cherilus has a special place in Bucs history for his mentorship of future Bucs Super Bowl left tackle Donovan Smith. And who knows what the Bucs’ season — and future — might have looked like if Cherilus didn’t play like a set of swingin’ saloon doors in a big Sunday Night Football game against the Cowboys in 2016.

25 Responses to “Rough Flight For Gosder Cherilus”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:


  2. Lt. Dan Says:

    “likely in need of a change of clothes” and possibly a mental health check up too.

  3. D-Rome Says:

    I wonder how those NFL concussions protocols are working out for the league. He should be put on the no fly list. I’d be irate if an overseas flight was delayed like this. I guess there are no such thing as Federal Air Marshal’s anymore.

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs had the NFL’s second-ranked running game that season (yards per carry). Second!!!


    They had the best rushing duo in the NFL in the Muscle Hamster and Charles Sims – and they had a top 10 defense in terms of yards given up — and for all of that they finished 6-10.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    “According to the police report, Cherilus appeared drunk when he boarded the plane, allegedly argued with the flight crew about his seat and an hour into the flight urinated on an elderly passenger. He then hit another passenger and took that passenger’s seat before passing out, the report says.”


    Oh jeez, since when is this illegal? They’ll arrest people for anything nowadays.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    Charles Sims was a better player than many give credit for. Watching old games, he shows up tougher than many remember. He had a TD catch against Atlanta that is one of the highlight played from the lost decade, breaking tackles and spinning into the endzone just before half time.

  7. WiseCrack Says:

    I once urinated on an elderly man completely on accident. Learned how to do it in Bidenomics 10.1 The woman teacher prefers He Him pronouns. Mr. Harris was the best instructor ever!!! No what I’m saying!!! The best know doubt!!!

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Charles Sims was the best pass catching back in the NFL for years. No idea what happened to him, he looked good right up until the time he didn’t make the team – and then, poof, he was gone and never heard from again. Not sure if he just didn’t want to play or what, but generally guys like him, 3rd down specialists, play for a while and tend to stick around at the end of their careers.

    The issue for him was people thought because he was a good 3rd down back, he should also be a full time back – and he just wasn’t. He was a very upright runner and didn’t have great cutting ability – he was, however, very good once up to speed at making reads and weaving around guys.

    Really underrated, and I’d say in the role of pass catching back, is probably 3rd in team history behind Dunn and Wilder – although there could be someone else I’m not thinking about. White would be very close, but I’d give the edge to Sims in terms of being a pure pass catcher.

  9. JBuc Says:

    Thank you for your great play on the field for our Bucs! Hope things get better for you soon. Go Bucs!

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    JBuc Says:
    August 19th, 2024 at 2:36 pm
    Thank you for your great play on the field for our Bucs! Hope things get better for you soon. Go Bucs!


    The guy just took some ambien and acted like an idiot – which is why you should never ever ever never ever take ambien in public. He’ll have to pay the price for that, but there’s nothing wrong with him.

  11. NJbucs23 Says:

    Well what is else is new. An entitled jerk off who thinks a sleeping pill effected his behavior. No, you’re just a crap bully human and deserve everything bad that comes your way.

    What a coward. Hope he gets his. Punk ass

  12. infomeplease Says:

    Sh_t happens!

  13. ElioT Says:

    Could you imagine some unhinged 6’7″ dude on ambien p***ing on you during a flight across the Atlantic?

    I’m 6’6″ and that would terrify me LOL.

  14. Jason Says:

    And that’s why I’m scared to fly!
    I ain’t worried about about the plane crashing, I’m worried about people not knowing how to on a plane.
    Back in the day people wore their Sunday best when flying.

  15. JustVisiting Says:

    I always urinate on people when I’m sleepy. Doesn’t everyone?

  16. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    August 19th, 2024 at 2:35 pm
    Charles Sims was the best pass catching back in the NFL for years.
    What stats do you have to back up this ridiculous statement?

  17. SlyPirate Says:

    Drunk, belligerent, passed out. Not the first time that’s happened on a flight between Boston and Ireland.

  18. drdneast Says:

    So he doesn’t normally take Jim Beam as a sleeping med. Listen, this is no laughing matter. Taking on a 6’4 300 plus pound drunken man while your over the Atlantic is nothing to make fun of. The feds treat this as a serious matter as they should. It is likely that Cherilus will bee traveling by train in the future when he gets out of prison.

  19. View from 132 Says:

    Dude went to Ireland, came back Irish.

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    “ Dude went to Ireland, came back Irish.”

    Like OneilTard

  21. WanderingWallflower Says:

    Not to say better but worthy and possibly too old or just overlooked…Jerry Eckwood. Also a back who just vanished. I can’t recall why but I did look him up first before I wasted anyone’s time by throwing his name in the ring. Adger Armstrong also popped into my mind, just now, but I think because of one play. Maybe a playoff play. I haven’t looked him up yet because I’m confident he wouldn’t match well in the discussion. Not as well as Eckwood, at he least.

  22. BucHead Says:

    Wicked pissah…

  23. Dacake Says:

    That experience should be part of a haunted house at Halloscream.

  24. unbelievable Says:

    Ah, the classic “sleeping pills” excuse lol

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    You can tell who the people are that have taken ambien and the ones that haven’t. I assure you that I believe him.