Robert Hainsey And The Trading Block

August 27th, 2024

Stripping away all the flowery talk, the Bucs drafted rookie center Graham Barton in Round 1 this year because the team didn’t think it could win a Super Bowl with Robert Hainsey starting at center.

Right or wrong, fair or unfair, Joe believes that’s the mindset of the club.

So now durable, experienced, healthy and well-paid Hainsey ($3.1 million) sits on the roster as the backup center.

Is he worth keeping? Joe’s not sure (see paragraph 1).

There have been notable injuries at center around the NFL and Joe doesn’t it think it’s at all a stretch to think the Bucs would considering dealing Hainsey if they could pull a fourth-round draft pick out of a trade.

Veteran Bucs left guard Ben Bredeson has started at center for the Giants and could handle a relocation on the Bucs’ line, if necessary.

Is rookie guard Elijah Klein ready to start at left guard if Barton were injured? Joe can’t be sure. But Joe also could see the Bucs ditching Hainsey and simultaneously grabbing a center/guard off the street for the veteran minimum salary.

Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht is no stranger to impactful roster moves in late August and early September.

The 53-Man Roster

56 Responses to “Robert Hainsey And The Trading Block”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Hainsey is a Buc. Jason’s not trading him, no more than he’s trading for a disgruntled over rated pass rusher.

  2. OrlandoBucFan Says:

    If the price is right, then trade him. Otherwise, keep in case of an emergency. Its a luxury to have an experienced offensive lineman on the bench and his $3.1 million salary is not that bad given his experience level.

  3. Dom Says:

    Don’t trade him, he’s a good back up. He’s finally in the role he should be. He’s a very low end starter to back up quality player. Nothing wrong with that now that Barton is here. Kid is going to be a stud

  4. AL121976 Says:

    Maybe for a 3rd otherwise keep him

  5. Beejezus-belt Says:

    To trade an experienced center in this league , I think Licht would have to absolutely fleece another GM. A quality backup center is hard to find in this, huh a quality starting center is hard to find. Yes, I said Hainsey is a quality backup. He played his arse off last year and took a lot of heat for young and inexperienced lineman around him, as well as having NO help from the running back position. Let’s face it backs in this league don’t need great lines to run behind in this league to be successful, just look around if you don’t believe it.

  6. NJbucs23 Says:

    I don’t see any teams looking to trace for him. At most maybe a 7th round pick, his tape don’t lie.

  7. Fan of the South Says:

    And should Barton go down once he’s not able to run over the same college talent in the Preseason he’s used to in College then what?

    Jensen went down and there was not an experienced back up to step in. At least this guy has some experience now. Good or Bad.

  8. BucVoyager Says:

    If teams paid any attention to his play last year, you would be lucky to get a ham sandwich for him.

  9. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Really…..A team is going to give up a 4th round draft pick for a center who was the worst in the league for opening up holes in the middle?

  10. Lightningvinny Says:

    Keep him,,, can fill in at Center or G if needed

  11. AMI_Chris Says:

    Don’t skimp on OL depth. Gotta keep the QB vertical. Keep Hainsey.

  12. dmatt Says:

    Elijah Klein is a beast. He will drive a defender in the ground. I believe he and Barton will form a line that will get much respect from DC around the league.

  13. BucsFan81 Says:

    Pretty sure Hainsey has experience playing other positions on the line besides center. Keep him just in case someone goes down.

  14. Biff Barker Says:

    Let the FO do their job.

    Its a risk any way you look at it!

  15. WhatTheBuc Says:

    You can only dress so many lineman on game day. Having a backup center that has not shown he can play other positions is a waste. Reserve lineman have to be versatile. I know Hainsey played right tackle in college but I have never witnessed him play tackle or guard in the NFL. For the people that say he can play guard, you’re dreaming. Guards in general are the most stout and powerful lineman. They usually put the smaller lineman with good technique, movement skills, and smarts, at center. This is because centers can be protected and often are working double team blocks. Hainsey doesn’t have the power to play center. He certainly doesn’t have the power to play guard well. Every other backup lineman has position versatility. Hainsey isn’t suiting up unless Barton goes down. I don’t have anything against Hainsey but if we can get something for him, we should trade him.

  16. WhatTheBuc Says:

    Fan of the South- Bredison started at center in New York. That’s what you do. Then you put Klein or Walton at guard.

  17. Robert Totten Says:

    He’s paid fair for who he is. He is a bottom tier starter and a top tier back up. Nice to have! I believe a 4 round pick is the best we would get and that very good for him. Question, what about a trade? What position and who?

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    Are you nuts? You don’t get rid of a swing offensive lineman who is capable of starting. That would be insane.

  19. Anon Says:

    One Joe has really been obsessed with this idea lol

    The problem with it?

    No one is trading actual draft capital for a backup center. The Bucs do not want to give up what little depth they have.

  20. Joe in Michigan Says:

    The insurance of Hainsey (who knows the offense) is more valuable than a 3rd day pick (I’m not sure the Bucs could get a 4th for him), IMHO.

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    Hainsey is a Buc. Jason’s not trading him.


    97% YES!
    Why was Hainsey the starter? Because Jensen got hurt. Injuries happen. Experienced depth this a hallmark of winning teams. An experienced Center is gold.

    (Not sure why Joe routinely dismisses the value of depth. Not sure why he dismisses the value of Barton, culture, or preseason, either … but we all have room for growth.)

    Now for the 3%. To say Hainsey is tradeable is to say every player has a price. If a team offered a 1st for Godwin would you say, No? I wouldn’t.

  22. JustVisiting Says:

    I don’t get some of the takes on Hainsey. It seems like a number of people think he’s a completely inadequate starter, but a good backup. How does that work? It’s the same position; you’re just as good (or bad) in it whether or not you start. If you’re subpar as a starter, as a backup aren’t you just subpar for fewer plays?

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    JustVisiting Says:
    August 27th, 2024 at 1:56 pm
    I don’t get some of the takes on Hainsey. It seems like a number of people think he’s a completely inadequate starter, but a good backup. How does that work?


    A lot of people are really stupid and have no idea what they’re watching.

    Hainsey is a GOOD pass blocking center. He is not a good run blocking center. That is still a good player in the year 2024 since teams, like the 2020 Buccaneers, win championships by passing the ball, not running up the middle like it’s 1970, which is what Todd Bowles wants.

    In any case losing your job to a 1st rounder doesn’t mean you’re a bad player that must be purged from the team.

  24. HC Grover Says:

    Just say no.

  25. ocala Says:

    Do not want to trade him. Barton looks like he may be one of the best centers in the league even though he is only a rookie, but Bucs need depth on the OL.
    It would be a mistake to trade him in my opinion.

  26. BigMacAttack Says:

    Hainsey is a keeper. Do not trade him. They have too much invested in him and he’s plug and play.

  27. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We will lose him next year anyway….Lets get something for him

  28. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    Absolutely trade him if you can. $3M is a lot for a backup C. I don’t care if he has experience as a starter. Just because someone was forced into a starting role doesn’t make him a capable starter. Having Hainsey as the point of the spear that resulted in the worst running game 2 years in a row is no coincidence. I’m confident any of our other reserve linemen could step in at C without much drop off.

  29. Durango 95 Says:

    Of course! Duh. If the right offer comes along then you make the trade. The devil is always in the details and only JL knows the value he is seeking in return. To close the door on any realistic trade scenario is foolish. Some of you talk as if a backup OL is some sort of sacred cow. Lol.

  30. TF Says:

    No way Jason trades him. He is very reasonably priced and we will be 1 injury away from needing him. Plus with Barton switching positions, it’s not exactly a sure thing like Wirfs was the other year. He can struggle being both a Rookie and in a position change. We need him as insurance.

  31. PSL Bob Says:

    I’m with most others on this one. I like the depth he provides. Keep him! The only reason I’d even consider a trade for a future draft pick is if there’s some real cap problem I’m unaware of.

  32. Buc4evr Says:

    Crazy talk, no way are the Bucs trading him for a fourth round draft pick. If something happens to Barton, Hainsey is the best player to replace him.

  33. Ol' Boy Says:

    He lost the job to Barton. Maybe he sucks enough to lose the job to someone else. Practice squad… Maybe

  34. SB~LV Says:

    Keep until the trade deadline in case of market demand as the season goes on

  35. NJbucs23 Says:

    Klein will be our starting LG by the end of the year. I love why I see with this kid, he’s a grinder and mauler. Once they get him to where they want him, watch out !

  36. PowerOfPewter Says:

    The reason the Bucs were quick to draft a Center in round 1, is the same reason they’re unlikely to get much in offers for Hainsey. In addition to back-up Center (with starting experience ) he’s also a back-up Guard. Bucs place a pretty high value on versatile OLmen. He has some value to the Bucs, for now. I’d say keep him unless some desparate team makes a ridiculous offer.

  37. Tony Says:

    BRING BACK JEREMY ZUTTAH & PUT HIM WITH BARTON! OR SIGN JASON KELCE & LET HIM & BARTON FIGHT OVER WHO’S GONNA START.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦 Even though Jason would only go back to Philadelphia if he did come out of retirement.

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    NJbucs23 Says:
    August 27th, 2024 at 3:53 pm
    Klein will be our starting LG by the end of the year. I love why I see with this kid


    I hope not, if that is the case, it means there’s been some awful play or a rash of injuries. I like Klein, he’s my favorite player on the team after he said people driving slow in the fast lane should be shipped to Iran for head removal (I might have embellished his statement slightly). But watching Klein in preseason, he was a 6th rounder for a reason, he’s got to still get stronger and he seemed pretty lost when pass blocking. Obviously he’ll improve greatly in terms of knowing what he should be doing, but he’s not even remotely close to being ready to start at this point – however I think next year he might just have a chance. But don’t rush him.

  39. Colin in Canada Says:

    Depth on the Oline is a winning strategy. If he gets signed as a free agent next year we get a draft pick anyway. There’s no reason to trade him.

  40. Eckwood Says:

    You would need a third and your prob getting that . However you can’t replace him with a 4 th . Prob not going anywhere .

  41. Buccos Says:

    I would definitely trade him for a 4th rounder or better. Not for anything less

  42. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Klein will emerge as our LG, but trading Hainsey ain’t worth the return of likely a 6th at best

  43. LouisFriend Says:

    To whoever wrote this – get back on your medication. Or stop smoking whatever it is that makes you think the Bucs would deal Hainsey. It’s a bad take. ;

    Why would they? You think decent backups fall out of trees in the NFL. They liked Hainsey enough to let him compete for a job and win it. Because he was replaced by Barton doesn’t validate the idea he has no value to the Bucs.

    Get real.

  44. Shane Callahan Says:

    I think Hainsey is a very valuable back-up IOL. I’m not even convinced he couldn’t have one a starting guard position had he been given a chance. (I sound like a Trasker, sorry.)

  45. Harold Says:

    no one cares what you Bozo’s think

  46. WhatTheBuc Says:

    Some of you JBFers that I respect have no clue. Calling Hainsey a swing player when he hasn’t shown he can play one position well is assenine. Paying $3M for a bad backup is poor team building. The Bucs have a backup center in Bredison. I know that the game day roster is beyond most JBFer knowledge but I know some of you get it. I’ll dumb it down. The Bucs may only dress 3 backup lineman on game day because of roster limitations. They aren’t going to dress Hainsey because he only plays center (poorly). They will dress Walton and Klein ahead of Hainsey because of position versatility. Furthermore, they would be lucky to get more than a 5th for Hainsey. Again, I don’t dislike Hainsey. This is just reality.

  47. David Says:

    I would rather have him as a back up center/guard than a fourth round pick at this point.

  48. MadMax Says:

    Id keep him, maybe negotiate a little lower pay.

  49. MadMax Says:

    Btw, jaboo is on the trade block

  50. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Rod thinks (or wants) Hainsey can swing.

    I agree with WhatTheBuc. Hainsey hasn’t showed he can play G with those toothpick legs (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

    This notion he’s a back up G is all media/ fan, hype/ speculation. In a pinch, sure, but don’t expect much.

    He’s valuable insurance, strictly as a C, if the Bucs want to make a real run at it this season.

    That said, Bredeson can play C & I think Klein has what it takes to learn the position.

    If Klein shows promise before the trade deadline & Bucs get an offer for a 3rd rounder, it would be hard to pass up tho

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    ^^mtn^^ Says:
    August 27th, 2024 at 11:29 pm
    Rod thinks (or wants) Hainsey can swing.


    The fact you posted that and thought it was an awesome post that you needed to share can only mean one thing.

    You’re retarded.

  52. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    I resemble that remark 🙂

  53. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Keep Hainsey. There’s a good chance someone in that interior Oline gets injured.

  54. TrueBuc Says:

    Keep Hainsey…..and much smarter than most!!! Hard to find this kind of talent and heart. 🏈😁 Big mistake to trade him, he’s so WORTH the $$$! I second the previous comment! Brings it to the game…GO BUCS🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  55. CalBucsFan Says:

    Hainsey started last year, right? Bucs came within a few points of going to the NFC Championship game, right?

    Come on guys, Hainsey’s a Buc and JL not going to trade him.

    But they did trade Tryoon-Soyinka to 49ers for a 7th rd pick.

    Go Bucs!

  56. Capt.Tim Says:

    Hainsey is horrible. The only NFL team he could possibly make is the Bucs.
    We have one good interior linemen. Barton
    Elijah shows potential.
    The rest are horrible. We will be lucky not to be last in rushing again