Rachaad White Issues “Guarantee”

August 21st, 2024

The Buccaneers’ No. 1 running back (for now) has thrown down the hammer.

Rachaad White has been the centerpiece of the Bucs’ NFL-worst rushing attack over the past two seasons (yards per carry) and he told SiriusXM NFL Radio that it won’t happen again.

“I can guarantee we won’t be last this year, far from that,” White said, adding that teammates “are tired of being last.”

White was not pointing fingers. “A lot of it’s on me,” he said, “and the offensive line takes a lot of accountability.”

White added that Todd Bowles has lightened his load a bit in training camp in preparation for the 2024 season. That can be a little disappointing for a hungry young player, White said, but he understands it’s about preserving his body. White expects another 300-plus touches this season.

Joe thinks it’s been smart of the Bucs to limit White. He came into camp in great shape and is a hard worker. White is exactly the kind of guy who might overwork himself.

Now will White get another 300-plus touches in 2024? He was close to 350 last year, including the postseason.

Joe thinks to get there, barring injury, White will have to get off to a solid start, otherwise playcaller Liam Coen will not hesitate to turn to rookie Bucky Irving in a hurry.

31 Responses to “Rachaad White Issues “Guarantee””

  1. Not Says:

    White is guaranteeing Bucs won’t have the worst rushing attack.
    He must be watching Bucky Irving play !!

  2. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    You can tell my how the line is moving people, it’s already better based on scheme and players.

  3. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe it seems you’re pretty down on White keeping his job this season.

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    Avg 58.8 yards a game (White avg 58.2)
    Avg 4.1 yards per carry (That’s league avg. White avg 3.6)
    Avg 14.3 carries per game or 243 for the season (White got 272 … not sure where Joe got 350? The league leader was 280)

  5. View from 132 Says:

    That is hilarious. We will not be 32nd. Obviously a conservative gambler.

  6. View from 132 Says:

    SlyPirate – Joe is counting “touches” – so add in receiving stats.

  7. JimBobBuc Says:

    We need to save R-White for the playoffs. 🙂 Run a lot of Buc and Tuc, then sprinkle in some J-White on 3rd down.

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    There’s so many stupid commenters it’s remarkable they can even figure out how to use a computer.

  9. GoneGator Says:

    @ A Bucs Fan
    “Joe it seems you’re pretty down on White keeping his job this season”

    Joe’s has consistently said RW sucks as a runner. It seems he would very much like to see him replaced as lead back.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    Depends on the Joe — but daytime Joe absolutely has been wanting to see White benched since he got the job. Worst part is the puff piece on practice squad talent like Sean Tucker, and his 1.5 yards per carry average, and acting like he should replace White. It’s pure nonsense, and it comes down to running style. White is a guy who reads his blocks and reacts – which is why he was so much better than a scrub like Tucker, who just runs full speed into the back of his offensive lineman like he’s Michael Pittman in 2002. Thing is, just watch the tape, there wasn’t anywhere to go with the ball unless you wait and react.

    Anyways, the issues with the blocking in the run game come from this team literally being built to pass the ball – you know, like they did when they won the Super Bowl a couple of years ago. Only a true moron like Todd Bowles would say we need to take the top passing team in football and turn it into a 1970s run first offense.

    BTW, you can be a passing team that runs the ball – you do it by being pass first, and running when it’s not expected. That’s how you can still get your dumb rushing stats while actually using the talent on your team in a useful manner.

  11. Bee Says:


    There were holes last year and White missed them. Were there a lot of holes, no but they were there. From time to time you need the RB to make magic and make someone miss. The OL can’t block it clean all the time and I know you know that. But White isn’t that great of a runner, his vision is questionable imo but with this new scheme he should be better. Hopefully.

  12. Larrd Says:

    White is talkative, for sure.

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    Bee Says:
    August 21st, 2024 at 6:51 pm

    There were holes last year and White missed them. Were there a lot of holes, no but they were there.


    Of course there will always be a run here or there that any RB misses, however the ALL22 says you’re completely wrong. I watched tons of tape from last year, and 99.8% of the time on runs at or behind the LOS, there was no blocking. If White was awful and missing his reads, he’d have been benched – and he wasn’t.

    There’s a reason White was the best rusher on the team – and basic north/south runners like Tucker and Vaughn were averaging 2 yards per carry (or worse) less – its because the run blocking was terrible, in particular behind Cody and to a lesser degree, Hainsey. It’s why they drafted a center in the 1st round afterall.

    Meanwhile, Hainsey was a solid pass blocker – you know, because that’s what he’s good at since the line was built to pass block. Cody, meanwhile, knew what he was doing but simply wasn’t strong enough to move guys. That is not unexpected for a guy coming from a small school in their rookie year, and it sounds like he put on a good amount of weight in the offseason which should help him a lot. I expect some nice improvement from him.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Larrd Says:
    August 21st, 2024 at 7:39 pm
    White is talkative, for sure.


    I know, right. Better to have someone who just says nothing but cliches – that’s what the public wants, a boring guy who says nothing.

  15. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    I would speculate the majority of run plays. White had zero expectations of any open holes to run through. So he just stuck his head down and ran straight into the backs of the offensive linemen. He probably figures that’s better than getting tackled in the backfield. When you suck at something for so long you kind of live up to your own low expectations. That’s on him. I’m personally tired of getting excited about the Oline before the regular season. Every year I say to myself this is the year. I feel the same about the dline.

  16. Beeej Says:

    I’m with Rod here—NObody ran well the last 2 years

  17. Bee Says:


    Alright, I’ll take your word for it. We’ll see soon enough. That 1st quarter on Friday will be very interesting.

  18. GoneGator Says:

    “Depends on the Joe — but daytime Joe absolutely has been wanting to see White benched since he got the job.”

    Wait, what… There’s 2 Joe’s ?

  19. Dave Pear Says:

    The Three Matadors made sure that bulls were goring Bucs runners as they were taking the handoff. Many times said – Barry Sanders and Marshall Faulk would have hardly gotten to 4ypc average behind that line and Canalwater’s scheme.

  20. bob in valrico Says:

    One joe likes to blame White. Blocking wasn’t great, especially up the middle. . But Canales predictable play calls especially up the middle were also part of the problem.

  21. Rodney Willis Says:

    Well that’s why we went out and got a guy because we definitely didn’t have a guy if you know what I mean!!!

  22. NCBuc Says:

    Ok! I gotta stop reading JBF for awhile! DP and me actually agree on this! I’m so confused right now

  23. NCBuc Says:

    Like a certain Joe likes to bring up “Playoff Lenny”, but blames RW1 for being the cause of the worst rushing attack in the NFL. That so called “Playoff Lenny” averaged .2 yards less a carry than that so called bum of a RB RW1. Crazy how things work!

  24. NCBuc Says:

    Oh and that was “Playoff Lenny’s” last season with our Bucs and Raw1’s first. But stats are for losers. Lol

  25. Dave Pear Says:

    LOL NCB – there’s probably a lot more we agree on than disagree on.

  26. NCBuc Says:

    You might be right DP, but I don’t think we will ever agree on QB1

  27. Booger Says:

    I think more around that 250 mark on ‘touches’ would be much more realistic for him IF he stays healthy AND is effective. Maybe, 10-runs & 5-catches per would be more ideal. Spread the wealth as long as the other guys are performing… Keep him fresh for the 4th Quarter, & keep the Defenses guessing and off-balanced. We need to be more pass dominate with ‘quick-hitting’ run-plays, especially early in games. Wonder wife they’ll have him returning kickoffs… Hope they’re at least giving him a look there… Could be a good fit.

  28. Dave Pear Says:

    Nab – that’s ok, at least you don’t carry a name in your handle and actually care about other football issues, too!

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    NCB not nab

  30. Not My NFL Says:

    @rod munch_SEE Barry Sanders film “the boring guy who said nothing” who just handed the ball to the referee and let his play speak for itself and by the way NOT BORING!!!!! You are definitely in the minority if you’d rather listen to these guys mouth off all the time,LOL….

  31. Andrew Cleveland Says:
