“It Would Have Been A Great Play If He Wasn’t Sacked.”

August 15th, 2024

“Coach just popped your balloon, Kyle.”

Great response by Todd Bowles today.

Fresh off the cupcake, no-pads practice field in Jacksonville after light work against the Jaguars, Bowles was asked about a deep connection in practice from Kyle Trask to Trey Palmer.

“It would have been a great play if he wasn’t sacked,” Bowles said, referring to Trask.

No knock at the reporter asking the question. Joe’s just applauding how one line from Bowles put a bullet hole in so much August reporting from training camps across the NFL.

Much of what happens is not football reality. Completions are really sacks. Sacks often are a function of quarterbacks hanging in the pocket because they know they can’t get hit.

There was no forceful touching allowed in today’s underwear football session, and no tackling was the rule yesterday.

Runs in training camp aren’t really runs. And Joe has witnessed Bucs defensive linemen clearly not going top speed at times.

Bring on real football!

Todd Bowles: Bucs Need To Toughen Up

37 Responses to ““It Would Have Been A Great Play If He Wasn’t Sacked.””

  1. Watch More All-22 Without Commenting Says:

    Bowles is a top 5 most funny coach in the NFL and gets no credit for it.

  2. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    thanks for confirming it wasn’t real competition, someone tried to tell me otherwise

  3. Dew Says:

    I’m not a Gator nutcase but so far I think Trask has had a very good camp. If Baker gets hurt I think we could win games with him.

  4. PbnJ Says:

    Do the starters now play some this week?

  5. SB~LV Says:

    😂😂😂😂 “ No forceful touching “

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    Trask sacked. What a surprise. The boy has the field vision of Mr. Magoo and processes the action at the speed of smell. At least he doesn’t run as well as Mike Glennon.

  7. heyjude Says:

    Coach Bowles cracks me up sometimes – “It would have been a great play if he wasn’t sacked,” Bowles said, referring to Trask. He is getting more vocal.

    Trask seems to be doing okay. Guessing he will be the number one backup to Baker.

  8. SB~LV Says:

    Bowles is noticeably looser, I wonder if he went on a Aaron Rodgers South American mind expanding quest 😉

  9. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Trask continues to get disrespected

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    Not really. It’s his fanboiz with his name in their handle who are being disrespected.

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to have a JBF handle such as “Mostly Peaceful Logan Hall Fan”? I realize Hall has played in 30 more NFL games than Trask, so it wouldn’t be quite as embarrassing as the real life guy on here.

  12. Dom Says:

    @Joe in Michigan

    Execpt the only significant thing Logan Hall has ever done in those 30 starts was end the career of an amazing player. He’s been a net negative

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    Nice one Joe in Mich.

  14. infomeplease Says:

    Sometimes a bite into reality can taste like disrespect!! Nothing personal.

  15. Mveal2006 Says:

    I’m a gator and a trask hopeful.

    He takes a long time, that’s his problem from day one. It’s why Mullen went for franks Imo.

    It’s inconsistent with the style of play in the nfl including the bucs offense.

    He doesn’t run the bucs offense well

    Time will tell

  16. BakerFan Says:

    Here is the Bucs chances to recap a wasted second round pick….JJ McCarththy out up in Viking land…. Trade Trask for a 2nd rounder or an Edge Rusher.

    All you Trask fans that thinks he is a starting QB, here is a perfect example to see what the market thinks of him.

  17. JustVisiting Says:

    That’s an awesome one-liner. Thanks, Joe

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    If JL tried to trade Trask now (LOL) he’d get dead crickets offered. Why would anyone give up anything for a nice feel good story with no NFL production in four years?

    And obviously if Baker goes down, someone needs to take the snaps. I was hopeful about Wolford but now not so much after his ragged Training Camp.

    Stay healthy, Baker. Please.

  19. Capt.Tim Says:

    Trask has made some real progress this season.
    Im glad to see it.

  20. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    “up in Viking land…. Trade Trask for a 2nd rounder or an Edge Rusher.”

    No way Trask brings a 2nd rounder…..and from what I’ve heard (granted not a lot but some) Darnold is having a great training camp and seems pretty well settled in at starter.

  21. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Good point Joe …… if it mattered

  22. BA's Red Pen Says:

    Trask, lol.

  23. Beeej Says:

    I also would be ok with Trask if Baker got hurt

  24. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Mr.magoo how funny is that keepem coming

  25. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Getting dog says well Darnold better be ready since McCarthy is gone for season I wondered if McCarthy was injuries prone

  26. Mike Says:

    For all of you trask hatters I don’t wish nothing bad to happen to baker but if he gets hurt and trask comes in he will be successful and when he is I hope y’all will become fans of another team and don’t jump on the fan wagon like you believed in trask all along

  27. BakerFan Says:

    Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:
    August 15th, 2024 at 6:16 pm
    “up in Viking land…. Trade Trask for a 2nd rounder or an Edge Rusher.”

    No way Trask brings a 2nd rounder…..and from what I’ve heard (granted not a lot but some) Darnold is having a great training camp and seems pretty well settled in at starter.

    Gotti—- I was being sarcastic. There is not a team in the NFL that rates Trask as a NFL starter. It is only The Traskites on here.

    I think he is a good guy and good team mate but will not be a Starter in the NFL

  28. Robbie Says:

    Well said Mike, I’m just sitting over here reading articles and smiling.

  29. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Mike with one of the worst takes this year.

  30. StormyInFl Says:

    Trask wouldn’t beat out Darnold. Why in the world would the Vikings trade a 2nd for a backup?

    If the Viked called Licht offering that, he should take it and run.

  31. Dave Pear Says:

    If the impossible happened and Trask came in for Baker and lit it up and took the job (ha hahaha hahaha Haaaah), I would be ecstatic and will host the biggest boiled crow feed in history.

    I’m a Buc fan first. Baker clearly gives the Bucs the best chance to win. Don’t yell at me, yell at Todd, Jason and Liam. I don’t decide.

    But if Baker does go down heaven forbid, and Trask does come in, a great outcome would be Mike Glennon 2013. That’s the ceiling.

    Again what you Trashkophiles forget – we don’t decide who starts. So you’re yelling at the wrong people. Take your pitchforks over to One Buc Place and don’t leave until you’re thrown in jail.

  32. Kenton Smith Says:

    Bakers got a strong constitution. I’ve watched him for 10 years. Hasn’t ever missed a game with a leg injury. Had surgery on his non throwing shoulder. Some rib injuries. Some sprains and lots of contusions. Played through all of them. If he gets knocked out a few games we’ve got a solid couple of guys who might be studying their playbooks right now. This offense is playing fast no matter who’s taking the snaps.

  33. J McCosh Says:

    Baker has completed many throws this summer that would have been sacks, they don’t get an article like this though, weird!

  34. Joe in Michigan Says:

    J McCosh: Yes, The Man is holding Trask down. 🙄

  35. Oz Len Says:

    Trask? 6th round conditional, maybe…

  36. TampabayDJ Says:

    That was an epic response Dave Pear !! Well done

  37. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave queer. Shut up if Baker gets hurt and Trask comes in ball out you will start 😂. Baker Mayfield must be your daddy lol 🤣🤣!!