“I’m Fired Up!”

August 29th, 2024

Feels greatness on the way.

You want Super Bowl hype? Looking for positive vibes year-round? Then 85-year-0ld Tom Moore is your man.

And he’s easy to find. If it’s 3:05 a.m., then you know where the Bucccaneers’ senior offensive assistant coach is. He’s at One Buc Palace starting his work day.

As Moore made clear on WDAE radio this week, he’ll quit when he can no longer rise at 2:30 a.m. daily and cruise into the office. (Don’t dare ask Moore if he takes a nap.)

Moore said he’s a hardcore optimist, but he sounded like the summer of 2024 is different than most summers for him.

“I’m as enthused going into this season as I ever have been because I saw what Baker [Mayfield] did,” Moore explained. “I saw what we did as a team last year. And I’m fired up.”

Joe is fired up, too.

It’s simple. The Bucs should be a better team this season and they were darn close to the NFC Championship game in January.

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29 Responses to ““I’m Fired Up!””

  1. Pops Malone Says:

    What a man! Love that guy! Keep on going Tom Moore! We need you! Friggin awesome post Joe!!! Go Bucs! LFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    At 85 years old the guy is a machine! I truly think this offense will break out this year under Coen. LFG!

  3. Bakerfan Says:

    I think TraskToTheFuture could learn a few things from this guy, but he won’t listen

  4. SB~LV Says:

    When you do what you love everyday it’s not work !
    Happy for the man but make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT…. He’s feeling every year

  5. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Man he better be going to bed early lol. I’m 37 and just had our first baby this year, and sleep deprivation is no joke

  6. adam from ny Says:

    i’m getting a “gelling vibe” from these 2024 buccaneers…good camaraderie, nice team flow…no malcontents hanging around (DW)…

    a lot of people are underestimating the team…

    i think we’re heading for a 10-7 type season and will finish ahead of the dirty birds…

    our ceiling is 12-5, but i can’t really see it with the schedule…

    and our floor is 8-9, barring any major injuries…

    i think we win 10 and if things go better than expected, potentially 11 wins – wouldn’t that be something with this tough schedule…

    i have atlanta working out the kinks with raheem the dream and cousin kirk….finishing out at 9-8 or 8-9…

    saints with 7, maybe 8 wins…

    and davey cantalopes pulling up the rear with maybe 4-5 wins…maybe

  7. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    I respect the heck out of this man and the schedule he keeps. But I’m sure that wake up time and arrival time at One Buc are personal preferences and not necessary. Good for him on all fronts, but I’d push the schedule back a few hours if it was me.

  8. bucnjim Says:

    Wake up with something to look forward to every single day. There are a lot of people who could use this advise. Also don’t think Moore is the type of guy who just hands out compliments. Old School love it!

  9. heyjude Says:

    Tom Moore is one in a million! What a guy! Loved what he said about Baker too. Reading this made my day.

  10. drdneast Says:

    I’m 70 years young and hope to make it to this man’s age with as much energy.

  11. NJbucs23 Says:

    Don’t ever retire you legend !

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Surely wise old Tom Moore can’t know more than the Trashkophiles.

    Osqueeltard is the most knowledgeable QB talent scout out there and he loves him some JaMiss And Glennon.


  13. My Momma Says:


  14. Cometowin2 Says:

    I thought I was doing well still working and making a difference at almost 69. Go Tom!

  15. Saskbucs Says:

    He must have a strict 8 pm bedtime. Happy to hear he is as fired up as we are about the potential this season!

    A saw Bill Simmons on the The Ringer this morning talking about how the NFC South will be the league punching bag this year. He thinks they will challenge for least wins ever in a season from a division. He predicted 24 total and all teams to go under their win total. I would love the Steelers to win week 1 in ATL but the South could be 3-1 after week 1. Guy is prolly trying to make himself feel better about the Pats. I’d love to laugh in Bills face and take his Bucs action all year.

  16. BucFanforLife Says:

    You go sir! 🦜🫡🏴‍☠️

  17. Lou. Says:

    @Joe —

    What part did Tom Moore play in the Bucs’ running game in the last couple of years?

    Asking for a team.
    Great question!–Joe

  18. DvaderZ51 Says:

    Way to go Tom!

    So glad we have you. You are truly an inspiration to us all.
    Great piece Joes.

    Dave Pear
    What the heck is your issue with Kyle Trask? Did he shoot your dog or something?All the kid has done is work his butt off and kept a great attitude.

    You make some great posts with valid points, BUT
    Please try and go a week without poking the bear.

  19. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    That dude is like the ever ready Easter bunny. He keeps going and going and going. Bully for ole Tom!

  20. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’m really hoping for a great year this year.

  21. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I will never understand the lack of respect people have for one another these days. I mean, yes, I’ve talked some smack in my day, but these days it is completely vicious.

  22. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Tom Moore is the modern day Don Zimmer. Good to have him around. Mean Gene D. hanging in there as well…thought I heard he was supposed to be done 2 seasons ago. I’m glad he’s around and Dave Moore helps him a great deal/remains patient with him.

  23. westrnpennafAN Says:

    i remember Tom from when he helped build the Steeler dynasty back in the 70s. He knows more than he is saying because he has been there before. When he said that he saw what Baker did it kindled the old fire again like the sound of distant trumpets. He was hinting at what is going to happen this year.He as seen all the Qbs over the decades going all the back to Bart Starr and Lombardy’s Packers. He sees that magic inside Baker and the way Bake has gathered the rest of the team to his cause and he deadly intentions.

    This is the year Bakers steps to back to the front of the line and with a little help from his friend’s contend for and quite possibly win a championship.

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    No beef with the Bucs backup QB at all. Great dude, inspiring story. My beef is with his irrational fan club who are convinced that the Bucs are purposely suppressing him in a grand conspiracy that pretends he outplayed the Bucs starting QB. But Todd would rather give the team a lower chance of winning because he wants the inferior player to start.

    And, I don’t believe the Bucs backup is NFL starting QB material.

  25. Bucnjim Says:

    Bonzai, I shut off the news and the TV two years ago. Now I read JBF, listen to music, play fantasy football, and watch the local teams especially the Bucs. This has changed my outlook on life. IF you haven’t tried it I highly suggest it.

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    Bucnjim- nice! Good program.

  27. matthew a veal Says:

    never hurts to have some wisdom in the brain trust, this guy has always been around winners, him feeling good makes me feel good.

    and the guy is there in the early hours every day, a message to us all that you gotta mean business in todays world.

  28. garro Says:

    Hats off to Tom!

    Although he embarasses me every time I see him on the field. 85 and out there in that heat every day? Now Joe tells me he starts at 3:05 AM? If I am up that early these days its only because the house caught fire. Wow!

    Go Bucs!

  29. FrontFour Says:

    Gotta love this guy. Knows football, knows QB’s. And at 85 he does what???? At 3:00am!!!! We should all be so lucky!!!