Happy 16th Birthday To JoeBucsFan.com

August 7th, 2024

What a Sweet 16 it is!

Sixteen years ago today, Joe fired up this website and never turned back. About 58,000 Bucs posts have been typed, the results of obsessing 24/7 about all things Buccaneers.

It all started with a laptop and a dream.

As the Chucky era marched on, Joe became incredibly bored by the stale, traditional media in the Tampa Bay area. Bucs coverage was stuck in the 1980s. Boring!!!!

But coverage of sports teams at some online stops was fun, you know, like sports are supposed to be. So Joe hatched a plan to cover the Bucs in a way that would entertain and interest Joe, something very different.

A defunct NBA site called JoeNetsFan.com was the inspiration for the name and the spirit, but Joe wanted to bring a different angle, the whole third-person “Joe” thing.

Joe pounded away for months on these pages writing passionately for almost nobody — and no money. Traffic grew slowly while Joe endured endless personal attacks, the result of rattling the cages of Bucs fans, the Bucs franchise, and Joe’s media brethren.

Hell, Joe had an army of “haters” before anyone used the term “haters.”

But Joe pressed on because this site was rooted in a love for the Bucs (and always will be). Joe was having fun and fans were buying into Joe’s unique brand of journalism that continues to be like no other.

The Day 1 approach here has not changed; Joe writes about Bucs-related subjects that interest Joe. There’s no agenda. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Joe doesn’t tell fans how to love their team, and Joe expects the same courtesy.

Thankfully, Bucs fans bought in. JoeBucsFan.com traffic exploded and the site is now the only destination for legions of Bucs fans. Anyone researching their favorite Bucs sites on SimilarWeb.com can quickly conclude that JoeBucsFan.com is the dominant force in the market — by a mile.

And the legions of beloved Ira Kaufman Podcast listeners are in a category all their own. (Very special guest interview on the next episode popping Thursday.)

Joe appreciates the thousands of devoted daily readers here, along with the many thousands of occasional readers. And Joe has a special thank you to the statistically insignificant percentage of fans and haters that ever type a comment. You all have a place in Joe’s heart.

Sixteen years. It’s hard to believe. A book could be written about the bizarre Bucs interactions Joe has experienced and can’t type on these pages.

Joe also appreciates the stellar local business owners who support JoeBucsFan.com year-round. Unlike Team Glazer and other local media outlets, Joe does not price gouge and views advertisers as true partners and friends.

Joe also will throw a tip of the cap to Sage of Tampa Bay Sports columnist and podcaster Ira Kaufman, who has logged eight-plus years at JoeBucsFan.com. You’re all invited to his birthday party on Saturday.

As always, Joe’s birthday wish is for winning football to continue in Tampa. A fourth consecutive NFC South title on the heels of a Super Bowl win would be a beautiful thing. (Is Jason Licht in the Ring of Honor yet?)

Winning is great for Joe’s mental health. The Lost Decade of Buccaneers football (2009-2018) is finally becoming ancient history. What a relief the past four years have been.

A hearty thank you from JoeBucsFan.com world headquarters to all the Bucs fans out there who have allowed Joe to realize this dream — even the avowed Joe haters, perennially bitter media types and sour Bucs employees.

As a birthday treat, Joe will get back to work serving Bucs fans 24/7. It’s a privilege.

77 Responses to “Happy 16th Birthday To JoeBucsFan.com”

  1. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Feliz cumpleanos a los Bucaneros Fanatico de Jose!

  2. Dewey Selmon Says:

    1st site I visit every morning. Joe/coffee/wake and bake. HBD Joe(s)

  3. Steven Says:

    Happy 16th Birthday – Joe
    Read everyday from Northern Ireland

  4. SB~LV Says:


  5. bucnjim Says:

    I’ve been coming here so long I remember when it was a yearly by Joe a beer for the sites Birthday. Much continued success!

  6. ZW Says:

    Read the site just about every day thanks for everything and congrats!

  7. Joe Says:

    1st site I visit every morning. Joe/coffee/wake and bake. HBD Joe(s)

    Dang, you read this site before you take your morning whizz? Dedication! (Or impressive bladder.)

    Thank you!

  8. Joe Says:

    Read everyday from Northern Ireland

    Thank you, sir!

  9. Rick Says:

    Thanks for everything guys! I have read this site every day for as long as I can remember.

  10. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe!

  11. Joe Says:

    Feliz cumpleanos a los Bucaneros Fanatico de Jose!

    Gracias por ser un gran admirador de los Bucs y por ser un lector leal de Joe’s. ¿No es Google Translate una bendición de los dioses? 🙂

  12. Mikadeemas Says:

    Cheers fellas! GO JBF, and GO BUCS!!!

  13. ppthom Says:

    As a Kanayjun from Kanadia and also a Baker-Come-Lately to this site, Congratulations!

    You and Seaside Joe (Seahawks) impress the hell out of this libtard with the daily work done!!

  14. ChanEpic Says:

    Happy birthday and many happy returns to all the Joes

  15. NCBuc80 Says:

    Happy Birthday JBF!

  16. Razor Ramone Says:

    Great job Joe, happy 🎂

  17. elite bucs Says:

    dang i was ten when you started, I read every day at work now and have for years. congrats Joe!

  18. ATLBucsFan Says:

    JoeBucsFan is my home page when I open the browser! Thanks Joe…both of you 🙂

  19. David Kilmer Says:

    Hi, been a long time Buc fan from Ca. Discovered your site upon moving here and listening to Ira podcast.
    Congrats on following your gut, neverminding the naysayers.
    You are great reading. Yes the media outlets here for the Bucs are awful!!!. Your site is refreshing and fun.

  20. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Happy Birthday to Joe Bucs Fan. Daily morning routine is coffee and read your site each and every day. Fan comments not so much, they can be painful. Keep up the good work!!

  21. WilieG Says:

    Happy birthday! Now grow up! lol. You’re stuck in the ‘00s! I’ve probably been a reader since close to the beginning. I like the site, obviously, but I really wish you’d branch out and develop an app. I’d like one that would let users select which type of notifications they want. Essentially, I’d like everything that’s on here + the ability to choose what I want you to notify me about. Breaking stories, new polls, trades, signings, etc. Now get to it. 😁

  22. heyjude Says:

    Happy Birthday, Joe! Excellent job. 🎉

  23. KABucs Says:

    The only place to get daily articles about the Bucs… even during the doldrums of July. Thanks for the hard work… articles even pop up over the weekend during the offseason! Impressive dedication. Between you guys, PewtRprt & the Bucs app/site, it’s all a Bucs fans really needs. Plus if you reach out and read any of the national media Bucs articles, they’re few and far between and many are negative containing disinformation (like how being without White & Barrett this season hurt us somehow) with opinions soon to be proven wrong. Joe knows the Bucs but national media writers are looking in from the outside… and not very hard at that.
    Happy 16th… you’re much appreciated!!!

  24. J Says:

    Happy bday, Joe’s. I’ been reading every morning and day for 13 years. Keep up the good work!

  25. PSK Bucs Fan Says:

    Happiest of Birthdays Joes! I was lucky enough to find you late that first year. I’m a huge fan that visits daily multiple times. I’m also a big Ira fan. Thank you, I appreciate what you do!

  26. SB Says:

    Not sure how I missed you the first two yrs but I have been here daily for 14 yrs. Keep up the great work Joes

  27. Durango 95 Says:

    Lee & Steve, you guys do a great job. As a fan since the teams’ inception, for me, this is the number one source for Bucs news available anywhere. I visit here many times every single day. You deserve all the praise you get from your loyal readership. Congratulations on the16th anniversary of your fine product.

  28. Tampa2ATL Says:

    Love JoeBucsFan. Happy Birthday!

  29. Pops Malone Says:

    Congratulations Joe! Great site, great source for Bucs information. Thank you for your work Joes! This Bucs fan in Chicago will fire his cannon for you today in a show of great respect for you and your organization! Kind of exciting eh? May you guys keep the Bucs news coming for many many years to come. Thank you and be well!

  30. Dude Says:

    HBD Joe(s)!

  31. Bradinator Says:

    Happy Birthday Joe(s)! Living in Denver it would be easy to lose track of my favorite team of all time. You guys keep me in the loop and I feel like I’m still home. Many thanks, and many more Happy Birthdays to come

  32. miken Says:

    Happy B day Joe! i Always start my day here!!!

  33. zzbuc Says:

    Great Job Joe’s!!!!!

    My only problem, is with the word hater…

    On today’s world when somebody disagrees, is called hater, and that is just stupid and inaccurate.

  34. Joe Says:

    On today’s world when somebody disagrees, is called hater, and that is just stupid and inaccurate.

    Yeah, you’re not wrong. Joe (ahem) hated that word too. But it has been (over)used so much and so often over the years, it’s become part of standard American vernacular.

  35. Dave Pear Says:

    You go Joe! You go Joe!!!

  36. Saskbucs Says:

    Thanks Joe! Well done.

  37. Fred McNeil Says:

    Congratulations, Joe! May you have many, many more. I started reading here at the very end of the Raheem Morris regime…I think right at the very end.

  38. OHBucFan Says:

    Found this site over 15 years ago and visit it daily….. at least. Thanks for providing stellar coverage of our beloved Bucs. Happy Birthday and may this site have many more.

  39. ReneDejesus Says:

    Congrates !!!!

  40. Bucs And Them Says:

    Happy Birthday Joe Bucs Fan!!! There’s good reason why you’re leaps and bounds ahead of the rest ‘by a mile’. You laid it out beautifully above. You’re one of us! Not a single day goes by without checking in on all things Bucs right here. Can’t thank you guys enough! A world without the Bucs & Joe Bucs Fan is a world I can live without! Keep it coming fellas!

  41. LJ's Daddy Says:

    This is also my very first stop every morning. You guys do the best job. It doesn’t take long to see this fact when looking at other “Bucs” sites. Keep grinding fellas. Thanks for everything.

  42. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Been a fan since year one, keep up the good work Joe’s! (And Ira)

  43. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Happy Birthday Joe(s)!

  44. Allen Lofton Says:

    Joe you are really a very talented writer. No one can replicate you.

  45. Baking with Evans Says:

    Happy birthday Joe!
    May you last through the 20’s (The Dream Decade).
    Another Lombardi will be accomplish this decade.
    I’m looking forward to your input the rest of this decade and beyond.

  46. Citrus County Says:

    Congratulations Joe on your success. I have followed you since the beginning. It was a transition for me as well. Being an older guy I had to get used to the new form of media (no more ink on the fingers). Your model of presenting brief, need to know, interesting, and frequent up to date information is, in my opinion, the reason for your success. In many ways I am much more informed, while being entertained, than ever before.
    I wish you a happy birthday and many more years of success and growth.

  47. Lord Cornelius Says:

    One of the only sites I have basically visited daily for years – at least close to a decade personally.

    Congrats and thank you all for doing what you do!

    Go Bucs!

  48. SlyPirate Says:

    Great job!

  49. rrsrq Says:

    CONGRATULATIONS JOES… have enjoyed the ride, thanks for all you guys have done to keep Bucs football regular for the joes

  50. PSL Bob Says:

    I don’t post as often as I’d like, but I’m here nearly every day to get my fill of all things Bucs, both during and off season. You guys do a hell of a job scanning the web, TV, and radio getting the latest and bringing it to us fans. Thank you!!!!

  51. Joe Says:


    You are all too kind. Thank you so much for your support. Joe never forgets without fans such as yourselves, this site doesn’t exist.

    To all, thank you!

  52. Bucswin! Says:

    Thanks Joe’s. I’m one of the thousands of daily visitors. I appreciate the non corporate coverage coming from the love of our team. BUCS for life. Go BUCS!

  53. D-Rome Says:

    Congrats Joe! I say it every year, but I’ve been reading since the tail end of your first year. I’d guess right around the time Monte Kiffin announced he was leaving. Been hooked ever since.

    I only come here for Bucs news. Does the Times still cover the team? Last I heard, which was a few days ago, the paper is death rattling their way through layoffs.

  54. Alexandre Nascimento Says:

    Parabéns, Joes!!!
    Muitas felicidades, saúde e vitórias!!
    I believe I started visiting here in 2014, after you were mentioned in Bucs.com by Joe Kania in his morning’s Bucs media headlights roundup.
    Been a fan ever since and read it everyday.
    Alexandre Nascimento, from Sao Paulo, Brazil

  55. Mike C Says:

    Thanks joe!

  56. OrlandoBucsFan Says:

    Thank you Joes and Ira. Can you guys work on doing a YouTube podcast ?

  57. Cobraboy Says:

    Seems like yesterday, the Joes were toddling around the football playpen.

    Now they’re all grown up, and even adopted a granddad.

    Happy B’day, young fellers!

  58. Joe Says:

    Can you guys work on doing a YouTube podcast ?

    Trust Joe, you do not want to see us on video of any sort.

  59. Joe Says:

    Last I heard, which was a few days ago, the paper is death rattling their way through layoffs.

    Getting worse. Just look at the news from yesterday over there.

  60. RustyRhinos Says:

    Thanks for all you do for us Buc Fans!!! much success in your future.

    GO!!!!! JOEBUCSFAN!!!!!

  61. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Happy birthday Joes from Nokomis, Florida!

  62. Dave Pear Says:

    Party time. Maybe a sweet sixteen kiss from Kay Adams. Joe all the way!

  63. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Thank you for the fun and sometimes contentious internet sports town hall for Bucs fans – best wishes for continued success!

  64. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Congrats Joe! With all the craziness in the world, it’s nice to come to this here site and decompress.

  65. FairMinded Says:

    Very cool. I must have been one of the early readers if it’s just 16 years! Changed names a couple times over the years. Congrats JBF team!

  66. bucsfan951 Says:

    I am a Cali guy that hops on this here website to read up on any information before getting out of bed. I then check it sporadically while at work during the day. congratulations on your Birthday and I hope there are many more to come!

  67. Jim W Says:

    I check the site multiple times a day. I appreciate all that the Joes and Ira do. Keep up the great work.

  68. Buc1987 Says:

    Happy Birthday Joe!

  69. OrlandoBucfan Says:

    Happy Anniversary! You guys have been my go to site for football news since the Tribune was shut down. I appreciate your commitment to reporting all things Bucs, and keeping Ira engaged as he enters old age.

  70. WiseCrack Says:

    Dont ya gotta shut down the comment section at 69? @Joe

  71. Anyhony Says:

    Two more years and you’ll be legal to date Dave Pear!

  72. D-Rok Says:

    Congratulations, Joes! Love this site and I read it daily!!!

    Here’s to 16 more years!!!

    – D

  73. unbelievable Says:

    HBD Joe(s)!!!!!

    Think I’ve been around for 14 of those years now.

  74. BucsFan since '96 Says:

    Congratulations Joes! It’s a great site to follow news about the team all year long.

    I’m looking forward to another 16 years of JoeBucsFan! At least another 15 so we can celebrate the hundredth birthday of the Sage.

  75. Kenton Smith Says:


  76. gp Says:

    Thank you
    For all that you do to keep us fans sane(?)

  77. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I’ve been very busy this time of year so I haven’t the time to comment most mornings this is the reason for such the late happy birthday Joe Bucs fan 🍻