Gerald McCoy Seemed To Enjoy Vita Vea’s “Assault”

August 24th, 2024

Enjoyed Vita Vea’s play.

Boy, Joe is still on a high from last night and it has nothing to do with cold adult beverages.

Last night on Miami’s first drive they had a makeable third down when Bucs brute defensive tackle Vita Vea put a stop to things.

One third-and-one, Miami tried to send Jaylen Wilson up the middle. There was a massive gap in the line and Bucs linebacker Vi Jones shot through and dropped Wilson for a loss.

Miami was forced to punt.

The reason for the huge gap that allowed Jones to shoot through wasn’t because Miami’s offensive line did anything special, it was that Vea absolutely manhandled Miami center Jack Driscoll.

Vea bull rushed Driscoll and drove him back like few times Joe has ever seen in the NFL. It honestly looked like Vea was facing a high school kid.

Vea’s former Bucs Pro Bowl teammate Gerald McCoy was watching the game and seemed to totally love how Vea — in GMC’s words — assaulted Driscoll.

If Vea can commit this type of crime against humanity once or twice a half, Joe is confident Bucs fans will be more than happy to contribute to a fund to cover Vea’s legal fees.

Hell, Joe is confident there are several lawyers in the Tampa Bay area that would represent Vea pro bono if he keeps destroying — and that’s what Vea did to Driscoll, destroy — centers like that.

It was a beautiful thing and Joe looks forward to more violence like that from Vea.

28 Responses to “Gerald McCoy Seemed To Enjoy Vita Vea’s “Assault””

  1. bucnjim Says:

    Was never a big McCoy fan, but he does do a very good job with the NFL Network. I think he’s found his niche.

  2. orlbucfan Says:

    GMC fan here. He’s intelligent, and I for one, and glad he’s doing very well in his postgame career.

  3. Leighroy Says:

    I don’t mind GMC being a 100% Bucs homer when he picks winners on NFL network either.

  4. BucNasty Says:

    Don’t forget this guy chose to sign with the Panties and dissed us repeatedly while playing for them

  5. Eric Says:

    GMC is a good dude and has a great personality for tv. It’s nice having a former Buc telling everyone about us and he’s actually good at it too. Wish he had more like instinct while a player (kinda playing mentality of Lebron James).

  6. Allen Lofton Says:

    He could hardly praise the Bucs when he’s with another team

  7. Larrd Says:

    How many Pro Bowls? About seven? Probably should be next to Sapp on any All Time Bucs team. Maybe Vea can beat him out but he has a way to go.

  8. infomeplease Says:

    The starters did look pretty good last night. VV50 is ready for Washington.

  9. SenileSenior Says:

    Gmac worked and played his tail off for us. He played on some sorry Buccaneer teams. His stats compared favorably to Suh’s during those years. Suh was more talented. I never bought into the narrative here.

  10. DoooshLaRue Says:


  11. Pewter Power Says:

    That poor guy lol every team saw that play. I wonder if he’ll even get on a practice squad now but then again it was Vea who did it

  12. Steven007 Says:

    Doosh, he’s long gone man. You must be a talented and superior grudge keeper. The guys making nice comments about a current player that played a similar position to him when he was here. What’s wrong with that again? That’s right, nothing. In fact, it’s good, especially since he’s in the national media spotlight. If you mean meaningless in the sense that it’s not going to change the world, then I guess you’re right. But contextually in a Bucs blog that would also be meaningless.

  13. unbelievable Says:

    Meh, do that against a starting o-line and I’ll be more impressed.

  14. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Pewter Power:

    Driscoll more than likely makes final 53 for Miami as their back up C

  15. Buccaneer rick Says:

    SMH I’d go take the bar just for that reason alone lmao vea I got you man keeping doing what ya doing

  16. DoooshLaRue Says:


    You’re not totally wrong about the grudge against Ol’ Softie but that comment was directed to Joe and his “meaningless” stand on preseason games.
    If the game is meaningless than shouldn’t all comments or observations about the game be considered meaningless as well?

  17. Capt.Tim Says:

    People hated McCoy because he was a nice guy.
    Heres a tip. These guys have played together often since grade school.
    Theyve played in Bowl games, All star games, combines, etc.
    they train in the off season together. They vacation together.
    They are young multimillionaires. They have alot in
    common with their fellow NFL players.
    They have nothing in common with you. Or me.

    If you believe that they angry with each other, or “ Play angry”.,
    Then you are mistaking the NFL for pro wrestling.
    And Im sure believe wrestling is real competion.
    With a very few exceptions- angry players are just putting on a show for the rubes.

    McCoy was a talented player on a horrible Defensive line, on a lousy team.
    If he chose to be himself, or to put on a show, made no difference to what a lousy team he was stuck on.

    Players arent out there playing for the fans, or the city, of the teams honor.
    They are playing for the money. Millions and millions of dollars of it.

    And if you believe otherwise, you really are their patsy.

  18. unbelievable Says:

    ^ well said

  19. Fred McNeil Says:

    Crimes against humanity! Love it!

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    That’s a fantastic use of Twitter.

  21. Mark Says:

    Vita is going to give offensive linemen “Vea derangement syndrome”.

  22. Esteban85 Says:

    Vita Vea is ready for the big show. Looks like he is in great shape and ready to make the earth shake this season. I really like #50 with his laid back personality and low key attitude but he looks like a dawg ready for a fight out there on the gridiron. Great to see him blow people up. Can’t wait for the regular season. Let us pray for healthy athletes this season

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    Love it.

  24. MadMax Says:

    Big V pushed that dude back into his peewee years of football LOL

  25. garro Says:

    Now if we could get Hall to do that once in a while.

    Go Bucs!

  26. RamblingRhino Says:

    “Joe is confident Bucs fans will be more than happy to contribute to a fund to cover Vea’s legal fees.”

    Nothing like trying to make these type of “arrangements” the norm… Presenting it as if it is a “Good” plan… SMH…

    VEA has the power to do this regularly, will be very dangerous for anyone in the backfired if it is 54, 94, 0, 98, blowing thru that huge opening. BOOM!!!


  27. JimBobBuc Says:

    That VV highlight needs to be on national media sites. Lesson: don’t single block VV. Next time VV will assault the blocker AND the QB! If I’m a QB I’m falling down before VV pancakes me!

  28. Natron Says:

    GMC? Yawn No ROH