“Funderburk Shows Up”

August 6th, 2024

So after practice today Todd Bowles was asked about standout rookies in training camp.

He gave four names.

They did not include first-round pick Graham Barton or second-round pick Chris Braswell.

The youngsters named were receiver Jalen McMillan, safety/cornerback Tykee Smith, running back Bucky Irving and undrafted rookie defensive back Tyrek Funderburk.

“I mean McMillan’s been playing well. Tykee’s been playing well. Bucky’s been playing well,” Bowles said. “There’s a lot of guys. Funderburk shows up. We gotta see how they play in games.”

Sure, Bowles said there are other rookies doing good things, but Joe’s experience says the quickly-named players are the ones really in coach’s head — in a good way.

Joe snapped that picture (above) of Funderburk after he made a few good plays last week. Hopefully, the pride of Appalachian State has got more in him. Bubble guys like him are desperate for success in preseason games, which are very valuble for Bowles to assess whether his rookies are contenders or pretenders.

20 Responses to ““Funderburk Shows Up””

  1. Baker Bowl Says:

    So excited for Tykee, maybe because Ryan Neal made me want to put my head through a wall, but think he could be a huge addition

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    So worthless preseason games are valuable for Todd?

    But they’re still worthless? Or valuable?


  3. Dude Says:

    Funderburke vs. Isaac should be fun to watch over 3 games. IDK if Ronde is calling any of them he’s a great resource as an analyst, but he’s an inside eye when he’s covering bucs gives and drops little morsels of inside info. Looking to see how Kaevon Merriweather does this year too, he’s kind of become the forgotten man

  4. Fred McNeil Says:

    Saturday Night can’t come fast enough. I’m dying to see these guys.

  5. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Ryan Neal, he was great at showing up as soon as the tackle was being made. I ain’t lying we have had a few guys come in and collect a check, especially during the Brady days. Same would have happened with Gregory. JTS is on the list look at this injury that just came up. You can pack him up with Gregory right now. Another great celebrater showing up late on tackles being made.

  6. SB~LV Says:

    Not a mention of Judge Culpepper, must be tough grinding through a NFL camp and realizing that your football life is coming to an end.

  7. SlyPirate Says:

    Whatever … Hainsey was named starting Center. The season is already over.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Funderburk HAS to make the team. Just like Gronk HAD to make the team when he was a rookie. With names like that, they’re a PR bonanza.

    Can just imagine after he makes an awesome thundering tackle, John Lynch style, Gene Deckerhoff goes nuts with ‘Oooooh, so-and-so got Funderburked on that play’. The possibilities are endless. I’m in favor of going to 54 players this year if that’s what it takes to keep him.

  9. Defense Rules Says:

    Dave Pear … ‘So worthless preseason games are valuable for Todd?’

    Im convinced Dave that the key to being a true JBFer is knowing WHICH JOE is actually doing the writing in any given article. The two of them kinda remind me of Jack Klugman & Tony Randall in that old show ‘The Odd Couple’.

  10. Bojim Says:

    I think two preseason games are still needed.

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    LOL Jack Klugman and Tony Randall

  12. Brandon Jeff Says:

    DR, you nailed it with “The Odd Couple” reference!

  13. KABucs Says:

    I’d hate to be the one “identified” as the Randall in that pairing.

  14. drdneast Says:

    Appalachian St.. is in Boone in NC. Went there for a week to ski and what a great place. Beautiful area, great scenery, good people and a mountain to ski on. What more could you ask for except an all wheel drive vehicle to get around in during the winter.

  15. D-Rok Says:

    I live about an hour from App State. Lots of locals here pulling for The Funderburk to make the team.

    Funderburk – sounds like something the Swedish Chef from Muppets might utter, LOL.

  16. Dude Says:


  17. Calimike Says:

    If funderburk makes the team I’m calling him thunderbuc!!!

  18. Mort Says:

    This Joe I like. Able to see value in these “Worthless” pre-season games.

  19. garro Says:

    Joe, although they are not well known, Appalachian State does play some pretty good football. My friend is a graduate and turned me on to them when they were winning three straight national titles. 05 through 07 in the 1-AA.

    Go Bucs!

  20. Funderstruck Says:

    I’ve said it before—our last names are very similar—so I’m pulling for him to make the team so I can get the jersey. When he does make a big play, I give Gene, Dave, Ronde, et all. permission to use my handle on the call!