Do The Bucs Have The “Police” They Need?

August 5th, 2024

Thought-provoking take from Aaron Rodgers today, and it has nothing to do with psychedelic herbs or Pfizer products.

Rodgers was chatting on SiriusXM NFL Radio and he talked about how players in the trenches need to speak up and demeand excellence with their voices.

For successful teams, per Rodgers, that kind of leadership falls on more than the quarterback.

‘”I need you guys to jump some guys every now and then. It can’t just be that old guy with the gray beard gettin’ on everybody,'”” Rodgers said, referring to a chat he had with his tight ends today. “The [offensive] line always has to be the police. They gotta kind of patrol and control the environment at practice.”

Joe will pretend for a moment that Rodgers, the four-time league MVP, is an authority on winning football and what is required from an offense.

So if the Bucs must have someone on their offensive line to hold players accountable and, per Rodgers, “jump some guys” at times, who would it be?

Might the Bucs be too nice on the O-line? Ryan Jensen is retired and Joe doesn’t see that kind of demanding chatter coming from the tight ends group.

Tristan Wirfs has more of a nice-guy persona. Guard Ben Bredeson is a newcomer from a bad team. Graham Barton is a rookie with a lot to learn. Cody Mauch might be nicer than Wirfs.

That leaves Luke Goedeke, who Joe could see playing the police role to which Rodgers is referring.

Joe absolutely agrees with the references of Bucs officials and players to the incredible chemistry, culture and teamwork within the current roster. But does the offense have a voice in the trenches other than Mayfield’s to deliver hard truths at the right times? That’s unclear.

Lavonte David Wants No Part Of An 18-Game Schedule

19 Responses to “Do The Bucs Have The “Police” They Need?”

  1. Irishmist Says:

    It’ true, OL always telling Rogers don’t stand so close to me.

  2. Dude Says:

    Wirfs & Goedeke on offense. Defense I think it’s David by default but he & Britt can be our good cop bad cop, because KJ likes to talk junk which I don’t have a problem with as long as you’re bringing the heat.

    Also, Rodgers has been undercutting Selah since he got there. To me, and I could be wrong, but Rogers thinks he is to the NYJs what Brady was for us and I think he’s too big of a tool to be as cool & lowkey as Tom.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    Tristan Wirfs has more of a nice-guy persona … Cody Mauch might be nicer than Wirfs.


    Oh no Joe, way to bury them. All the idiots that think McCoy sucked because he was too nice, they’re now all going to start up all over again. They’re too cowardly to attack Wirfs, so they’ll make Cody their new target.

    Just wait an see, the low IQ crowd is very very predictable.

  4. SlyPirate Says:


    Management (Licht) handing out big checks to players not-at-the-QB-position sent a powerful message that has reverberated through the ranks. Work hard and perform (like Wirfs and AWJ) and you’ll get paid. They also showed they don’t tolerate BS. Devin White and Jameis Winston couldn’t perform and they’re gone.

    Evans and LVD have seen it all and thrived. Those two are the shining examples of how vets act, work, and perform. They set a no BS HOF standard everyone sees.

    The young guys (CK, Yaya, Zyon, Rashaad, Irving Tykee) are ultra-driven, hard workers. Thanks to the Top-Down and Vet Leadership, they’re taking it to the next level and setting a new pace and a higher standard.

  5. Fred Says:

    I promise NO one will run up on Wirfs,Brett,Evans,David,Goedeke or Gholston!

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    I miss Ryan Jensen. BTW if you want a GREAT read, Google ‘Tampa Bay’s Ryan Jensen is the game’s best center — and one of its most relentless players’ written by Tim Keown, ESPN Senior Writer (Jan 23, 2021). It’s very insightful, but it’s also hilarious in spots.

  7. WilieG Says:

    One of the things that annoyed me about Gerald McCoy was all his barking about leadership while Haegrave and Desean Jackson types dragged the team down. You know Sapp and Brooks would’ve put feet in asses. It seems McCoy didn’t do anything. Nor did America’s turnover machine, Winston.

    I don’t see that type of leadership on the Bucs. Maybe Britt?

  8. ATLBUC Says:

    I’m not sure if we need that. We have well respected veterans that can pull a player to the side if he’s not doing something right.

  9. WiseCrack Says:

    @Joe. Which one has the most MOXY? It just so happens to be the number 1 trait of police officers. (Go figure)

  10. WiseCrack Says:

    Which one has the most MOXY? It just so happens to be the number 1 trait of police officers. (Go figure)

  11. Eckwood Says:

    Sign Suh to a big practice squad asst coach deal .

  12. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Goedeke seems to have the gift of gab on the field.

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    Goedonkey needs to be better before he can get on someone else.

  14. Hodad Says:

    If all five lineman are cops, who needs to be policed? Rodgers sounds like a QB with Oline issues. Understandable the way his season ended trying to avoid a jail break pass rush.

  15. White Tiger Says:

    One of the ‘nice guys’ are going to have to out on a new role… somebody has to be the arse-kicker when the situation calls for it.

    It’s not hard, it’s a role you play on the field and in the moment…of course, you have to show that and make the other guy believe it, but they are in helmets & pads, it’s not like anyone’s going to get hurt

    My guess is that Wirffs & Geodeki saw enough Ryan Jensen..

  16. Addb Says:

    Unlike old man Rogers, Bake has plenty of chirp left in him

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    Would anyone be surprised if Kaaron Rodgers crashes and burns and blows a gasket at some point this season?

  18. Capt.Tim Says:

    When Tryann”POS” Matheiu took that dirty shot on Baker Mayfield, that hurt him, our O linemen just stood there, like a bunch of Pu—ies.

    I knew right then that those guys would NEVER produce a running game, or a real contender.
    Glad Licht sent 1 packing, and benched another.
    Hopefully Barton has balls.
    The first commandment for offensive linemen is to Protect the QB.
    Every man that ever played offensive line was embarrassed by that play.
    Lost alot of respect for Wirfs and Goedeke. One of them should of knocked that lil jerk on his lil arse.

  19. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:

    SlyPirate Says:
    August 5th, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    VERY well said sly pirate