Do Not P!ss Off Chucky

August 5th, 2024


The Chucky revenge tour ended up yesterday in St. Joseph, Mo. Boy, you don’t want to get on Chucky’s bad side.

The former Bucs and Raiders coach was spotted at Chiefs training camp yesterday held at Missouri Western State University, fully clad in Chiefs gear.

Of course, Chucky and Chiefs coach Andy Reid go back a long way. They were offensive assistants together under Mike Holmgren in Green Bay.

So what does this have to do with the Bucs? Chucky is continuing his revenge tour to help out the enemies of teams that he feels did him wrong.

Chucky served two stints as Raiders coach and was fired for leaked emails sent during the time that he was not employed in the NFL. The emails were, let’s just say, explosive if not politically incorrect.

Chucky was fired by the Raiders as a result.

Not long after that, Chucky, who guided Tampa Bay to the franchise’s first Super Bowl championship, was booted out of the Buccaneers Ring of Honor by Team Glazer.

Naturally, that didn’t sit well with Chucky, nor should it have. As payback, Chucky began working as a volunteer assistant with the slimy Saints last year, directly helping his former Raiders quarterback Derek Carr.

Chucky wasn’t finished.

In recent months, Chucky has worked with Dixie Chicks quarterback Kirk Cousins. So yeah, Chucky has been working with division rival quarterbacks to help bring down the Bucs, the three-time NFC South champions.

Then yesterday Chucky was at the Chiefs training camp working with the avowed half-century-long mortal enemy of the Raiders.

The moral of this story? Don’t eff with Chucky.

Ira Kaufman: Jon Gruden Talks Monte Kiffin, The Godfather Of Effort

49 Responses to “Do Not P!ss Off Chucky”

  1. Drunkinybor Says:

    He deserved to be fired from the Bucs and Bruce Allen was a horrible g.m.

  2. ATLBUC Says:

    We have nothing to worry about. Chucky isn’t exactly a quarterback whisperer!! Maybe it’s to our advantage that he’s working with division quarterbacks.

  3. Jack Says:

    go ahead Chucky, draw up another Spider 2 Y Banana for em – or maybe offer some sage advice about signing useless washed up 30+ yr old vets? Is Cato June still around? Luke Petitgout?

    Love his energy and his attitude, too bad about that ego though.

  4. Max Says:

    He’s also the guy who helped launch JBF, you guys started up after his last season and that news really boosted your site.

  5. RagingBrisket Says:

    He was a mediocre coach and miserable talent evaluator ever since he won that championship until he and his lackey GM Bruce Allen got canned, rightfully so.
    That said, he won us a championship. One of the best days of my life of near half century.
    I’m not mad at him for doing what he can to stay involved in the league and wish him the best. He is still my SB winning head ball coach and I love him for that.

  6. Crickett Baker Says:

    “Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”. He did not deserve to be taken out of the Ring and his statue dismantled.

  7. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I surely do not understand whatever happened to our supposed first amendment rights. Could someone please explain that to me again?

  8. NJbucs23 Says:

    “Let’s not make this real complicated”

  9. B Says:

    O man. Well i guess we’ll just have to gameplan for the “everyone take 3 steps and turnaround” passing attack…

  10. RagingBrisket Says:

    Crickett- he trashed the owners that gave him his opportunity to win a championship and built the statue of him. It’s their homage and it is their right to dismantle it. Gruden is so fixated on being a victim and trashing the people that helped him become a champion that he has earned his ticket to obscurity.
    Multiple things can be true at once.

  11. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    One of the things that makes this country very special is its bill of rights. If anyone is not familiar with them, read them sometime. If someone doesn’t approve of them, move to Russia. Authoritarian systems that don’t have a bill of rights, may better suit your needs and wishes.
    Although I like the glazers and I think they are great owners to the team and this community, after they fired gruden, it kinda opened them up a bit to some off handed indirect criticism from gruden in my humble worthless opinion Even if it wasn’t directed pointedly at them. It was said to someone else in a thought private email from the understanding of the matter.
    Like cricket said earlier, sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

  12. Crickett Baker Says:

    If the Glazer had not acted so quickly (thereby revealing that he cared deeply what Gruden said about him) I may be more on his side. He kind of acted just like the name he was called.

  13. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    The cost in draft picks to bring Gruden here as HC was too expensive IMO. I would have preferred to keep the picks and keep Tony Dungy here who was a HOF coach.

    If the Glazer’s could go back in time I believe they would have handled that time differently.

    That said, Gruden got screwed badly by the Raiders and NFL when his private emails were released. I hope he wins his lawsuit. And he was wrongfully portrayed as a racist. I’m not at all a Gruden fan but the man is not a racist. If he was you can be sure that Sapp would not have defended him as he has.

  14. No Mercy Says:

    I’d actually be worried if someone like Bruce Arians did this, but Chucky, not really

  15. Buc for Life Says:

    Gruden was using a company owned email system. Please note those systems are monitored by the company and inappropriate use can result in your termination. That is standard with any company that has email, please be careful at your own job and don’t bash the owners. They have that right and you doi not have a 1st Amendment Right to do that as soon as you use their email. If you want to bash the owner do it another way. That being said we do owe Gruden in what he brought us in his first year here but long term he cost the team a lot in talent. I’m not too worried about him helping other teams, Carr won how many Superbowls with Gruden and the Bucs handled him quite well our SB year. Gruden was his own worst enemy. I hear he can have a new career frying wings.

  16. lambchop Says:

    Joe trying to push this narrative that Chucky isn’t a has-been. Nobody gives a sh*t about Chucky. LMAO.

    The Raiders fired him, The Bucs stripped his name. Boo hoo.

  17. Hodad Says:

    I don’t think he’s on a revenge tour. I think he’s a football coach who desperately wants to be part of the game. He’s not trying to get even with anyone, he just wants to coach. If he’s as vindictive as Joe seems to think he is, he deserves all the bad things that comes his way. I hope that’s not the case. I think he just wants to be part of football with any friend, or team that would have him.

  18. Dude Says:

    Cry me a river, Gruden is still dealing with the consequences of his own actions and tbh I love to hear that he’s being kept away from the NFL and it’s causing him w/e angst, but fact is the game passed Gruden by a long time ago. So I hope he takes his Mike Holmgren playbook, go finds a lake and a sunset so he can sit his a** down somewhere because the league doesn’t want him anymore.

    Only Bucs fans broken up about this are the ones that wanted Gruden before we got BA, and looking back I’ll take BA over Gruden everyday of the week.

  19. Larrd Says:

    Funny how I never hear former players claiming how racist he was. I wonder why.

  20. SlyPirate Says:

    YES! I would love it if Chuck ran every other NFCS teams’ draft.

  21. BucVoyager Says:

    He had a great statue. Iconic run at the Super Bowl.

    He ruined it with his actions. He suffered the consequences. The end.

    No one should feel sorry for a coach that had 3 different chances to make his mark and he fumbled it. He would probably have been inducted into the HoF if he had just kept his mouth shut.

  22. GuyManDude Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs Says:
    August 5th, 2024 at 12:38 am

    I surely do not understand whatever happened to our supposed first amendment rights. Could someone please explain that to me again?

    Hey Lawn Chairs, free speech is only for public discourse. The No Fun League is a private entity, so you have to follow their rules and code of conduct…

  23. Jp3 Says:

    @Brisket you are so right great comment

  24. BuxfaninTX Says:

    Still salty after all of these years…

  25. Cobraboy Says:

    Oh, the irony, Chucky helping the team whose president he helped get the apple and roadmap.

    We now know Richie McKay is a forgiving fella…

  26. Allen Lofton Says:

    Revenge re-opens and aggravates your emotional wounds. When trying to punish a wrong, you punish yourself more because you can’t heal.

    His negativity is self-defeating and draws more attention to his negative email episode.

    His cure is to let it go and focus on a life of positivity!

  27. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Hey Dude, I’ll help you out. The 1st amendment guarantees Gruden’s right to say nasty things about people and things. That doesn’t mean others can’t react to what you say. Go on a radio show and call your boss an A-hole won’t get you thrown in jail but, it sure can get you fired. Your boss has rights, also. As I understand it that is Gruden’s situation.

  28. Buddha Says:

    What a person says and does when nobody is looking. Usually tells you more about their character than anything else. Jon Gruden had one good year with a great defense and an offense that he improved. Over the course of his career as a coach, maybe slightly above average. If Kirk cousins hasn’t learned how to play quarterback yet, I doubt that Jon gruden is going to help him.

  29. Bucnjim Says:

    I guess if Canales brings him in before the Bucs-Panthers game we’ll know the answer. I know Gruden and he’s a good dude. The problem is his approach to motivating players no longer works in this day and age. He is who he is and that will never change. Thanks for the Super Bowl win JG!

  30. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    Gruden should fixate on bringing down the NFL head office a-holes who targeted him in the first place, led by Roger Goodell.

  31. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Yup. Exactly.

    You can talk all the $hit you want. It can also come back to bite you in the a$$.

    Try talking $hit about Joe. He’ll retaliate. Even if the $hit is accurate. His website, his right. People sleep through a HS civics class then want to give some jacked up version of the Bill of Rights.

  32. Bowles4President Says:

    First amendment?!?! Haha. Sorry, the first amendment doesn’t prevent a company from removing your “Employee of the Month” photo on the wall.

    If the revenge narrative is true, what a miserable way to live your life. Chasing spite is wasting life.

  33. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Max Says:
    August 5th, 2024 at 12:31 am
    “He’s also the guy who helped launch JBF, you guys started up after his last season and that news really boosted your site.”

    I think your timeline is off. I recall discussing whether he should be fired here…before he was actually fired. In fact, I think JBF was here at least 1-2 years before that.

    But…my memory isn’t what it once was, so maybe I’m wrong.

  34. SenileSenior Says:

    A fascinating discussion was provoked here. I do not know what the emails said but I remain thankful for what Gruden accomplished in one season. The Glazers have the right to do what they did with what they own.

    I still like Gruden even if he is a flawed mortal.

  35. Joe Says:

    Try talking $hit about Joe. He’ll retaliate.

    Seriously? People talk “$hit” about Joe daily. It’s when people lie that quickly gets a reaction from Joe.

  36. jb™ Says:

    BucVoyager Says:
    August 5th, 2024 at 8:41 am
    He had a great statue. Iconic run at the Super Bowl.

    He ruined it with his actions. He suffered the consequences. The end.

    No one should feel sorry for a coach that had 3 different chances to make his mark and he fumbled it. He would probably have been inducted into the HoF if he had just kept his mouth shut.

    Totally agree!

  37. Joe Says:

    YES! I would love it if Chuck ran every other NFCS teams’ draft.


  38. Mike Johnson Says:

    I’m among those who still believe Chucky got a raw deal from the NFl and the Commish. I know he won a part of his NFl lawsuit. But I’m wondering has it ever been completely settled? Eventually the man will be paid royally.

  39. Mark A Swygert Says:

    Gruden is not a racist, but apparently he is a nerdist, trustfundbabyist. I just made up two words. My spellcheck wants therapy..

  40. JustVisiting Says:


  41. David Says:

    It upset me when they took him out of the ring of honor. They should do the right thing and put him back in. It’s absolute garbage when private statements or even stuff on social media are used to cancel, fire, and shame people from the past.
    This cancel PC woke culture that stems from and is perpetuated by the left is extremely harmful.
    Nothing but a bunch of left-wing hypocrites throwing stones at glass houses

  42. BucVoyager Says:

    If any of you had a company and you had your most favored employees on the building, would you remove a guy that trashed you in email?

    I’ll bet you would.

    He still has the “Gold watch” (Super Bowl Ring), he just won’t be on the wall or talked about.

  43. Anyhony Says:

    Try talking $hit about Joe. He’ll retaliate.

    Seriously? People talk “$hit” about Joe daily. It’s when people lie that quickly gets a reaction from Joe.
    What if they asked you to suck the same thing Chucky asked the Glaziers to suck?

  44. LakelandSteve Says:

    Chunky got canceled and so did the 2002 Super Bowl Bucs team. They still won’t show the replay of the Super Bowl game on NFL network.

  45. Booger Says:

    I noticed that myself recently, “LakelandSteve!” I didn’t even consider that being the reason, though it’s not like I gave it much thought. If that is true… Then, just HOW WEAK is that!? Not very surprising tho… Just very typical. WeakAF.

  46. infomeplease Says:

    There might just be a valid reason that he can’t get a head coaching job or even a coordinator one. I’m not judging , just saying… JG is having to settle for measly consulting fees!!

    Heck, the NFL is forgiving, just look no further than DW in Cleveland

    The NFL is a “what have you done lately for me” league and JG has a thin resume in that respect. IMO.

  47. Wild Bill Says:

    Chucky was entertaining. A great coach? Hahaha. He was his own worst enemy. Especially his mouth. Best coach the Bucs ever had? A quiet humble black man.

  48. unbelievable Says:

    Wait did they really take down that Super Bowl statue?

    That thing was awesome. I thought they just removed his name from the ROH

  49. BucsFan55 Says:

    when your owners are of the small hat gang, you will have no choice but to bend the knee.