Devin White Says He Feels Good About Not Playing With Lavonte David

August 6th, 2024

So former Buccaneers savior linebacker Devin White visited The Pivot podcast and delivered a train wreck interview filled with contradictions and inaccuracies.

He was all over the place in his moaning and whining about his Bucs experience last year, among other topics.

Joe is confident White spoke some hard truths people at One Buc Palace weren’t happy about being made public, but White also sprinkled those — and it’s unclear exactly what they are — within so much nonsense that he wasn’t credible.

Even various football stats White dropped were inaccurate, like when he claimed he had 2 sacks against Jacksonville last year (he had half a sack) and was the highest graded defensive player in the NFL that week despite not playing that much (he played 95 percent of the snaps).

White also talked about the Bucs’ alleged five-game losing streak during their Super Bowl season. (They never lost more than 2 in a row that season). Those are just a few examples.

One thing White said that was a window into his selfishness was about his good friend and former teammate Lavonte David.

It seems White felt like he played in David’s shadow and didn’t get the respect he deserved because of it.

“I was telling [Lavonte] the other day, ‘like a part of me kind of glad that I ain’t playing next to you. Because people didn’t at it as like the dynamic duo.’ You know, they tried to put me in his shadow or saying I’m only playing good because he’s next to me,” said White, who signed a one-year deal with the Eagles. ” … I’m my own man out here. You know what I’m saying.? [Lavonte] study. I study. I go home, I might put more time in. So it’s kind of good to be out of his shadow a little bit even though I loved playing with him …”

“I’m glad to be under my own light,” White added of his status with the Eagles.

Man, Joe doesn’t know where to start. First, White got a lot more headlines and accolades than David did in 2020 and 2021. If anything, David was playing in White’s shadow from a national media perspective.

Second, what team-first player would say such stuff? White knows David’s presence made him a better player and Joe would suspect every linebacker in the game would be fired up to play alongside David.

White added that he’s in touch with David daily and they like competing against each other. White also said it was hard to get 100-plus tackles with David doing the same thing alongside him.

61 Responses to “Devin White Says He Feels Good About Not Playing With Lavonte David”

  1. BucsFan81 Says:

    HAHA Diva White couldn’t hold David jock strap to be honest. White had like one good season and that was the Super Bowl run. David puts up numbers every year with no drop off only gets better each year actually. Glad Diva White is gone and to a team that all Bucs fans hate the Eagles.

  2. SlyPirate Says:

    “People said I’m only playing good because he’s next to me”

    When did people say he was playing good?

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    Come on Joe. Devin White is yesterday’s news. Right now he’s just another middle linebacker player for just another NFC team.

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Didn’t Devin White say himself that he only plays good with Lavonte out there? The entire interview demonstrated that he hasn’t grown up and is burning bridges with people who cared about him. Seems he might be one that learns the hard way.

  5. Drunkinybor Says:

    Sounds like captain back up got his butt hurt when David said this team has the best chemistry of his career.

  6. Ed Says:

    Clearly Devin White isn’t a grown man. Maybe in a few years he’ll realize that going of the rails with nonsense quotes will only make him less popular with fans and teammates. His likeability rating in Tampa right now is in the single digits, if that.

  7. Bucnjim Says:

    One word…….Narcissist

  8. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Devin White might get 100 tackles, if he would just learn to tackle. He was a blitz threat when JPP, Suh, Vea, and Shaq were eating up all the double teams. When he had to rely on his own ability and discipline, White often came up short. He won’t be missed.

  9. westernbuc Says:

    Devin White would’ve been a much better player if he didn’t spend so much time reading the JBF comment section.

  10. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    Use the new found cap space to trade for him back.

  11. Chris l Says:

    He sounds like a certain presidential candidate…

  12. Crickett Baker Says:

    It’s hard to believe he had even one bad word about LVD. I did not know that he was so very unhappy with the team. I guess that I should have when he asked to be traded, but I didn’t. So much went on there that I was pretty confused, but I did feel it was best when he left.

  13. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    No need to write about a disgruntled former Buc and selfish player. Glad he’s not a Buc!

  14. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Lavonte is the best 🙂

  15. Fernando Says:

    Devin White will be exposed in pass coverage this year
    He can blitz he’s not a 3 down lb David covered up a lot for him
    Ganglio might figure out how to use him but he needs growing up

  16. Dude Says:

    It’s not even that he said anything bad about LVD, it’s actually a bit of a compliment, but essential White felt like he should’ve been NightWing when at best he was really just Robin. David plays with a level of consistency White hasn’t found, and not playing alongside David is just going to shine a brighter light on his deficiencies. Still young, could improve but man does this kid love the smell of his own sh*t.

  17. Ben the GA Buc Says:

    He’s a JAG.

  18. NJbucs23 Says:

    Haven’t heard much about him on sports talk radio. And they talk eagles nonstop. I told all my eagles fans, good luck with him

  19. Eckwood Says:

    Chris your right , he hasn’t been to the border either and he want L David to give him his success .

  20. ATLBuc Says:

    Bucnjim Says:
    August 6th, 2024 at 8:48 pm
    One word…….Narcissist

    I totally agree and I think other players know it too. McCaffery told him he was the best and blew his head up so much he almost floated out of the stadium. On the sidelines, I could tell that other players were put off by him talking about himself.

  21. Buc's Nick Says:

    This just confirms and fully justifies what Jason did when they let this clown go. I’ve never heard such a self-centered person in my life. The ignorance is simply amazing. Every time he opens his big mouth, he sounds dumber and dumber.

  22. Greg Says:

    Frankly, I think he is the “Jameis of the defense”. And I think his career path is going to be the same. All flash and no substance.

  23. TampabayDJ Says:

    @StickinUp4Centers – That is an awesome idea !! I’m serious . Imagine what he would have to like through playing in the locker room now ? He would probably retire ! Lol 😆.
    He also didn’t make any friends on his new team by saying he is the man , and it’s his show . It’s a team sport Devin ! You can’t play great if you don’t have great players around you .
    He was a great player for our Bucs, until they won the Super Bowl. And he was all obsessed with social media. Obsessed with himself. He would argue with anyone who called him out. Pro athletes don’t do that silly, petty, childish stuff. Good luck Devin, your going to need it . Go Bucs

  24. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Gee, I wonder why the vibe around the team is so positive now?
    It’ was a real mystery…..

  25. Fred McNeil Says:

    Sounds like sour grapes to me.

  26. Bucswin! Says:

    Brilliant tactic by McCaffrery really. Tell the narcissist he is the best ever when he already has a Superbowl ring. Then boom the ego explodes and it’s downhill from there. Like watching Corey Feldman be a rock star. Go BUCS!

  27. Pewter Power Says:

    N nobody really remembers how below average he was last year Gotta make yourself look good even if it’s a lie. If it works for trump lol sure rehearsed those lies and now it’s his reality.

    Can you imagine Kancey saying he doesn’t want to play next to Vea because he’s so good I prefer if Greg Gaines starts

  28. Dave Pear Says:

    Diva is a dikk with ears. Not surprising, just sad that Todd tolerated him for so long.

  29. SB Says:


  30. Dave Pear Says:

    I am so cheering for Diva to fail miserably and get wailed on by one of Siriani’s O-linemen, and then maybe he gets on the wrong end of a horse….cmon Mr Ed.

  31. garro Says:

    Me thinks Jason got fooled by this POS. I can’t imagine Jason signing off on this guy as a first rounder if he displayed any of this during the draft process.

    A) Stupid (see comments)
    B) Dishonest (again)
    C) Selfish (Not a team first guy)

    Go Bucs!

  32. Leopold Stotch Says:

    The amount of copeamine running through him… Wow. So salty. He was heralded as the heir apparent of LVD, fans loved him, it was he who didn’t live up to expectations. I doubt he watched film like he said he did. The results speak for themselves. How do you go from Playoff hero 5th overall pick, to getting replaced by a 5th rounder? Being lazy and toxic. I mean seriously the audacity, it’s astounding. No one ever said anything bad until his play started slipping and that’s on him. Loafing on mnf, having Sapp call you out? Yeah that’ll do it. Any shred of respect I had for him is gone.

  33. Defense Rules Says:

    LVD is great because he learned how to excel WITHIN the system. Devin White never did. He’s just another ‘Me first’ NFL player who believes the ‘system’ exists to showcase HIS skillset. He’s very talented, but not a complete player like LVD is.

  34. heyjude Says:

    Sometimes players should be humble and polish off their differences. I have stuck up for Devin many times thinking he may have had troubles over the death of his father, his horse, etc. And we all can understand anguish over a loved one and pet, especially when death happens suddenly. It is hard.

    Disappointed with Devin, and he may be in for a big surprise with the new surroundings in Philly. Great city. However, if he doesn’t show up in Philly, he won’t be under his own light. They won’t put up with it and will turn it off quickly. With that being said, I do hope he finds what he is truly looking for and it works out for him.

  35. 2023 Surprised the Hell out of me Says:

    He needs to let his actions speak louder than words….

  36. BucU Says:

    How old is this guy? Hasn’t grown up at all even after being humbled into taking a one year prove it deal with Philthy. I’m glad he’s gone.

  37. WiseCrack Says:

    EVERYONE KNEW it was possible BUT thats just the risk you run when you bring in a guy like AB.

    Fortunately, AB only tainted the cooler and not the WELL…

  38. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    the last paragraph where he said he is in contact daily with LVD seems like a stretch at best as he insults him

  39. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Hey Jude says isn’t that such a HEARTWARMING gestures on u r behalf plz

  40. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    Just like Jameis when he left. Can’t look in the mirror- have to blame anyone and everyone else.

  41. D Cone Says:

    Any player that sits out or sits in training camp because they want a new deal to replace the one that they had agreed to before they have honored it is not a team first guy. Take a look around.

  42. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Lavonte David, the great Buc and player. Devin White, the dumbfounded dipsh!t.

  43. Rich Says:

    POS player and obviously a POS person!

  44. heyjude Says:

    BAKERSBucs – Devin did help us get a SB and then something snapped. He should have stayed humble and not go out the way he did. Not knowing what really happened and what’s going on in his head, I guess I am not ready to throw him under the big bus quite yet. He disappointed us, that is for sure. We all saw the downfall of AB too.

    Bowles said that Devin needed a change of scenery. As I said, Philly will eat him up if he doesn’t perform. Just wishing him luck in whatever he does. We never know what another person may be going through. I am just be kind about all of it.

  45. Badbucs Says:

    Runs fast. Thinks slow. You can’t fix stupid. Maybe he grows up or they find the perfect niche for him. At least we got rid of the bad MOJO.

  46. Beeej Says:

    His life in Philly will get miserable fast of he plays like he did last year. I still remember Ricky Waters and his alligator arms, they ran him out of town

  47. Jarrett Says:

    I don’t think Devin white said anything wrong

    Looking forward to Dwhite proving a lot of bucs fans wrong this year

  48. Booger Says:

    The nicest thing I can say about DeeWhite (and that’s sad)… He is not a smart person. Dumberna Rock.

  49. Biff Barker Says:

    What an egotistical buffoon!

    A most talented simpleton!

    Benched then cut because teams wouldn’t even spend a seventh rounder on him.

  50. Bowles4President Says:


  51. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    I just found D Whites JBF Alias.


  52. Rod Munch Says:

    He’s literally saying he’s somewhat relieved to not be playing in the shadow of a future HOF, because the idiots in the comments here think if he wasn’t a HOF’er like David, he was trash.

    The comments above prove he’s correct. Lots of really stupid people with really dumb takes.

  53. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Yeah Rod, you need to look in the mirror.

  54. de bucs fan Says:

    Making sure I’m in comments going WOOwwoOooowww. Adios Dwhitebag

  55. Natron Says:

    Watch out Devin, those Philly fans are vicious

  56. PanthersSuck! Says:

    Sounds like a democrat

  57. Anyhony Says:

    Acts like a Republican.😘

  58. Pewter Power Says:

    They he got drafted he talked about money so yea licht had to see this coming

  59. Conner50 Says:

    Really hope Tampa puts a beat down on philly and white don’t record a single stat

  60. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Every time he opens his mouth, Buc’s team and fans are glad he’s no longer on the payroll.

  61. Trav Says:

    No body pay yal for comments! God don’t ugly