Bucs Getting What They Drafted In Bucky Irving

August 18th, 2024

“Bucky, you got fast feet, Dawg.”

Joe hasn’t been this excited about Bucs running backs since Leonard Fournette was signed nearly four years ago.

Well, maybe Joe was just as excited when the Bucs showed mercy upon fans and cut Doug Martin in February of 2018.

Rookie running back Bucky Irving passes the eye test for Joe after weeks of training camp, a joint practice in pads and two preseason games. The dude has juice and hits the line/holes fast and with confidence consistiently. He makes quick cuts not seen in Tampa for years.

Second-year back Sean Tucker looks like a completely new man, as Joe has written about, dynamite in two preseason games.

Head coach Todd Bowles addresed the Irving experience today. Bowles said Irving’s college film at the University of Oregon matches the guy grinding at One Buc Palace.

“He’s the exact same guy we saw on tape,” Bowles said of Irving. “Usually always makes the first guy miss. He’s very tough between the tackles and he’s got a burst.”

If there was only one handoff to be given, would Bucs fans choose handing off to Irving or starting running back Rachaad White? Joe would have an easy answer.

Obviously, Irving has everything to prove, but Joe has a feeling that Irving will be one of the many rookie running backs that enter the NFL and hit the ground running, averaging at least 4 yards per carry with ease. That’s something Rachaad White hasn’t done.

46 Responses to “Bucs Getting What They Drafted In Bucky Irving”

  1. Beeej Says:

    Someone else mentioned it a while back, would love to see a pro-set, with White often headed out to be a receiver. Probably been 40 years since teams did that

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Licht’s Legends.

    Dude looks like a superstar in the making. Hopefully Liam keeps him away from the genius masturmind and his over-complicating quark theory thoughts.

    Go Bucky


  3. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I told you guys. Watch Bucky go!

  4. Truth be Told Says:

    He looks like plug and play from the get go. Nice addition.

  5. MadMax Says:

    I knew what i saw in Bucky…watched many games of him live, just happening to be at a bar and he was on one of the screens. I wanted him if we went small and shifty or Estime if we decided to go bigger. Looks like its working great with small and shifty 🙂

  6. Gipper Says:

    Like the way Bucky hits the hole. Smaller version of Nick Chubb.

  7. Dave Pear Says:

    Golden Gophers show up well coached. Hopefully Bucky doesn’t get ruined by someone who is Liam’s boss.

  8. SlyPirate Says:

    I’m a Duck. Loved Bucky at Oregon but I’ve seen most of our smaller RB fail at the next level. I was skeptical. Happy to be wrong. He looks good.

  9. Cometowin2 Says:

    Gonna be the Buck & Tuck show with White as the 3rd down back or could even move to WR.

  10. SteelStudBuc Says:

    Running back by committee. White on 3rd down for sure. Definitely has more experience with blocking assignments and delay routes/screens. He’s my starter, then Tucker #2, and Bucky #3

  11. Usfbuc Says:

    They have looked good so far, looking forward to the final preseason game to see what the starters look like.

  12. Cobraboy Says:

    Different OL scheme and personnel this season.

    I want to see White behind it before offering a solid opinion.

  13. LakelandSteve Says:

    Irving will be starting by at least mid season unless Rachad learns how to run the ball better.

  14. Bojim Says:

    Speaking of Tucker, didn’t RoJo have a terrible first year.

  15. JimBobBuc Says:

    I knew Buc was shifty but he’s stronger than I expected, breaking arm tackles and finishing his runs. Keep Rachel White as a fourth down back or tight end on passing downs.

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Second-year back Sean Tucker looks like a completely new man, as Joe has written about, dynamite in two preseason games.


    Come on with the Tucker nonsense. Going against 4th stringers means nothing. His slow to react cuts and lack of vision show up even in the preseason. The future Winn Dixie bag boys aren’t able to make the plays that are made on Sundays – and that’s the issue. I legit have no idea what people see in Tucker, he’s just a basic north/south runner – same guy we saw last year, who averaged a full 2-yards per carry less than White.

    But Bucky on the other hand. While also going against backups, his stuff does appear as if it will translate to Sunday’s. He appears to have very good vision, and is very shifty – he’s going to make some highlight plays this year for sure.

    Overall I wish Bowles would have cut it out with this Camp Cupcake bullcrap and played some starters so we could see how these guys compare.

  17. TampaBayBucFan Says:

    I’m very happy with our RB room……and, don’t count Rachaad out just yet…..if we get the running game going, we will need production from several backs.

    Looks like we have little need for Chase Edmonds……

  18. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    That’s one thing that really killed me last, White was like a Rolie Poley at first touch a lot and even Edmonds did it. I know that runners that hit the hole hard gives defensive lines a little different perspective.

  19. Defense Rules Says:

    Beej … I’m intrigued by the Pro-set (split backs?) also. Apparently it was quite popular to use with the West Coast offense, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Coen use it.

  20. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The Scheme is better.
    The O line is better.
    Bucky’s got juice!!

  21. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Bucky Irving reminds me of Isaiah Pacheco and Sean Tucker looks like Nick Chubb out there.

    Tucker and irving should get the bulk of the carries and we should only hand it off to R White once in awhile to keep the defense honest; and we should primarily use White in the passing game.

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    TampaBayBucFan Says:
    August 18th, 2024 at 7:16 pm
    I’m very happy with our RB room……and, don’t count Rachaad out just yet…..if we get the running game going, we will need production from several backs.


    Don’t count White out? He’s literally the starter.

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:
    August 18th, 2024 at 8:01 pm
    Bucky Irving reminds me of Isaiah Pacheco and Sean Tucker looks like Nick Chubb out there.


    WOW… talk about all-time bad takes… Tucker looks like Nick Chubb? LOL!OLOL!OLOL!OL!!!

    That literally made me laugh. Thanks for that!

  24. Booger Says:

    I eas thinking last night, that RWhite better be bringing his “A-Game” now!!!!

  25. GoneGator Says:

    We’re, unfortunately, not going to know squat until the regular season starts.

  26. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    He reminds me of Greg Pruitt…..

  27. Bobby M. Says:

    I think it will be 7-8 games before we potentially see a reduction in Whites workload. Despite his mediocre rushing, White has earned both the HC and QBs confidence on not committing turnovers and pass protection. Tucker and Irving don’t have that just yet. This will be similar to when we had Fournette but drafted White, Tucker and Irving will get some opportunities to earn Bowles trust. If they pass that test, next yr White walks and Tucker/Irving get to shine.

  28. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    I doubt the Bucs will be anywhere near the bottom this year when Next Gen Stats ranks the running game. Bucky and Turner along with their new OL should greatly improve the Bucs running game.

  29. Bucsfanman Says:

    It’s been said many times; special talent is usually evident early on. It doesn’t take three years to develop. They have it or they don’t.
    So far, he looks the part.

  30. CleanHouse Says:

    Go Bucs! Go Ducks

    I live in Eugene, OR

  31. SenileSenior Says:

    I am with you Cobraboy. I want to see White behind our new OL.

    Go Bucs!!

  32. ModHairKen Says:

    A RB who can catch but not run is a 3rd down back. White may be crying in the field again this year.

  33. Bucs Bucs Bucs! Says:

    I see the Bucs as having a really good O -Line
    and 3 awesome RBs. It’s a great time to be a Bucs Fan.
    Go Bucs!!

  34. Dave Pear Says:

    Neither Braswell nor Rachaad are going to rush passers or tote rocks.

    In the spirit of well-roundedness. Drop Braswell into the deep middle, maybe the ball might hit him in the head once in a while. Rachaad should just be plowed into the line, for fun.

    Masturmind genius.

  35. Mark Says:

    Sean Tucker will be the one being ridden.

  36. BucsGuy Says:

    I don’t get why Joe is so low on White…we had the worst run blocking IOL in the league last year and one of the most predictable offensive schemes from DC. Wait until you see White running the ball live behind this new O line and scheme I think he will change Joes opinion. I’m excited about Bucky too but White is going to blow the doors off this year.

  37. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Just had my Fantasy draft this afternoon,

    We are a “keeper” league and everyone holds a player from previous season.

    I KEPT Rashaad White.
    I wound up drafting Bucky Irving in the later rounds.

    I’m protecting myself this year because I think they BOTH can excel with our improved O-line and Barton at center.

    Also, I’m really liking Elijah Klein. Dude is a monster!!! I predict he will be starting before the season is up at left Guard. Bredneson better watch his back!

  38. Drunkinybor Says:

    Alot of my favorite draftniks had him in their top 1-5 backs in the draft. With superstar potential. I’m talking guys that actually grind through tape and watch the games. Of course they ate wrong sometimes but I trust them. I didn’t even know who he was at first l. When I watched him play I thought we finally drafted a running back not a glorified wide receiver who can’t hit a hole and fall forward. He reminds me of a bigger Dunn and Alvin Kamara. Fingers crossed but I love this pick.

  39. David Says:

    The O line is looking improved with some major depth and the running back room suddenly looks stacked with White, Bucky, Tucker.
    We know the receiving corp is deep.

    It’s only been two meaningless preseason games, but feeling very optimistic

  40. David Says:

    The O line is looking improved with some major depth and the running back room suddenly looks stacked with White, Irving, Tucker.
    We know the receiving corp is deep.

    It’s only been two meaningless preseason games, but feeling very optimistic

  41. adam from ny Says:

    rod i said it last year…tucker really does look like nick chubb…

    he looks like a smaller version of him…as a person…like it’s literally his little brother…lol…they look very similar…

    tuck has a long way to go to match chubb’s game between the lines tho…

    i’m def feeling this running back room…it seems to have some real juice this year…we shall see

  42. heyjude Says:

    Tucker impressed on Saturday! He is only 22 years old and is making headway now. Sometimes it takes one or two seasons. It is all clicking now.

    Bucky was magical to watch. Go Bucky Go!!

  43. Fan of the South Says:

    Tucker’s 7.1 yards per carry looks very impressive behind the second string Offensive Line. Will it be better than that with the starters?

    That is probably as likely as the Raven’s and 49er’s giving up 150 and 140 yards per game and being 2 of the 3 worse run defenses.

    Bucs have a better line than 2024 no doubt but it is going to take some time to Gel and as of right now are not any better than the 2020 o Line that managed to finish 28th in rushing but a respectful 7th in total offense.

    All things being the same can Mayfield match the 4600 yards and 42 TD’s in 16 games or 4900 and 45 in a 17 game season?

  44. heyjude Says:

    Good points, Fan of the South! Hoping for more red zone action.

  45. Mike Johnson Says:

    if this kid can stay healthy, he is gonna make one hell of an impact on the NFl. He has…THE JUICE.

  46. Kevin Daniels Says:

    I see a nice looking running back committee here I see good things ahead