Bucs Coaches Held Accountable, Too

August 5th, 2024

New Bucs offensive line coach Kevin Carberry.

Joe’s never seen it, but Joe’s heard many times about the “mental errors” board at One Buc Palace. Players don’t want their names on it.

Bucco Bruce Arians talked about this style of accountability when he was hired and it’s a practice current head coach Todd Bowles has retained .

But what Joe didn’t know is that coaches land on the “M.E.” board, too. Bowles revealed that during his visit last week to the Ira Kaufman Podcast.

What a cool approach and Joe is going to guess that’s not common around the NFL. But it makes a lot of sense and is probably a great way to build team unity and keep everyone on his their toes.

During training camp, Joe suspects an assistant coach could make mental errors with substitutions in practice or getting something wrong in a meeting. Last week, Jamel Dean told Joe he was waiting for the latter to deliver payback to Bowles.

Watch Bucs-Bengals On Saturday At Ira Kaufman's Birthday Party!

21 Responses to “Bucs Coaches Held Accountable, Too”

  1. SlyPirate Says:

    Does Bowles include his own name on the board?

    I can think of a few Mental Errors off the top of my head …
    1. Calling a timeout that gave the Texans the ball back with too much time on the clock. (Remember how pissed Baker was?!!)
    2. Not calling a late game timeout vs Detroit in the playoffs
    3. Never calling a timeout in the first half

    I really do hope he calls himself out and puts time into late game situation management and when/when not to use timeouts.

  2. Couch Fan Says:

    If this is true then Bowles name would be all over this board.

  3. David Says:

    Great thing to do.
    Mental errors are the cost of most penalties and all blown assignments.

    And…. Sly…. Try moving on. We all know this is a make or break year for him as a head coach.

  4. Dude Says:

    LMAO, ya’ll thinking we had a chance in that game with 93 seconds left is hilarious to me. Callin a timeout with the opposition in FG range and 12 second in the ball game would have done jack sh!t.

    We would’ve lost by 11 instead of 8 ya geniuses or are we forgetting the QB turned the ball over in our own territory with 3 first quarter TDs in 19 games?

    Fan fiction is strong apparently.

  5. Fred Says:

    The first 2 commenters are haters! SMH

  6. Eckwood Says:

    Letting a top 3 receiver scheme a single match up against a safety

  7. Hodad Says:

    So why the picture of Carberry? Joe getting ready to bury him when he calls his first running play up the middle?
    Carberry doesn’t call plays. It’s just a photo. Sheesh. –Joe

  8. A Bucs Fann Says:

    @Dude Your logic is spot on. However I think the Detroit decision didn’t sit well with some fans because in a win or go home scenario you do everything you can to win because even if it’s a 0.01% chance something could happen (I.E. Miracle At The Meadowlands).

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    Furious comeback against the Rams. Tie the game with under a minute to go.

    Suddenly get blitz happy against the league’s best QB against the blitz.

    Call the Cover Zero Receivers blitz in which no one knew the call, no one blitzed but at least no one covered anyone either.

    The stuff of a masturmind.

  10. Dude Says:

    @A Bucs Fan

    It’s situational football and trying to make it seem like we lost because Bowles didn’t preserve 12 seconds on the clock. Our chances of winning dropped on our very first offensive drive with an INT, the last of which was the proverbial nail in our coffin. Teams that have given up 2 or more TOs in a game are 150-699 since 2005 which means they lost 83% of the time and again, Detroits’ last kneel could’ve been a FG instead, so we lose by 11 instead of 8. Math was not in our favor, especially considering the game changing errors we made. Not dropped picks, or uncalled time-outs, turnovers lost that game in Detroit. Fans are just struggling to cope apparently

  11. Dude Says:

    “Call the Cover Zero Receivers blitz in which no one knew the call, no one blitzed but at least no one covered anyone either.“

    Fan fiction, in fact LVDs presser where he explains what happens explains there was no coverage called because all 10 guys didn’t get the call from the one guy in Devin White with Bowles in his ear, but since fans have made up this fictions recounting of Bowles doing something erroneous to lose the game when it’s just not true lol

    I love a good fantasy tale like the next guy, raging LotR fan since my youth. I can deal with elves, I can get walking talking trees, but lying to make people think lesser of some because they simply don’t like him is lame and not as awesome as space Spartans or Deadpool himself.

  12. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dude again what you’re typing is reasonable and everything you wrote may very well be true (I’m not fact checking you). You’re still missing the idealistic part of the argument because by your own admission whether the bucs had a 17% chance of winning or .01%. They had a chance. We know it was not favorable, but within that % the Bucs still HAD a chance including a blocked field goal attempt or miracle type of score. That’s the perspective some fans see when looking at the Bucs final moments of the game that ended their season.

  13. infomeplease Says:


  14. infomeplease Says:

    Nobody could understand Devin White during that play call as well as many, many, many other play calls! ✔️

  15. Dave Pear Says:

    And Todd did nothing about it. If the dude relaying the call has marbles in his mouth, and coach allows it and doesn’t change the relayer, it’s on him. Blitz Stafford and waste the most magnificent comeback. Todd has evolved and finally got rid of Diva.


  16. Mark A Swygert Says:

    Devin White, despite being a great athlete and above average inside backer, for some inexplicable reason seemed to take some plays off mentally every game. It was as if he would just go through the motions and not be completely present every now and then. That one of those moments was the last play of an elimination game that cost a chance at another SB is the biggest reason the Bucs declined his 5th year option and he is no longer here.

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    Three games forever scar me, all Rams playoff games.

    1979 NFCC. Like the entire starting OL went down in the Eagles playoff win. Despite defensive heroics, Bucs lose 9-0.

    1999 NFCC. Still maintain if Bucs had Paul Gruber and had started Dilfer, Bucs win that one. Best defensive effort of all time wasted.

    2021 Rams Divisional. See above.

  18. SenileSenior Says:

    I too am aware of perceived problems as a fan for Todd Bowles but I want him to succeed as our head coach. He is our guy so I support him, anyway. That said I love the conversations here. I learned some more football here today.

    Go Bucs

  19. KABucs Says:

    Mark A Swygert…
    Dreaming of horses, thinking about horses, wishing he was riding a horse…. all during the game.

    His little horse galluping/riding celebration… didn’t see much of that last season.

  20. Bakersbucs says Says:

    sh!t happens baker was do an interception that’s how the cookie crumbles it was meant to be the receiver was in the wrong spot he forgot the play call it whatever the reason we had a very good season by all accounts can’t wait til this season starts.& U Bowles & Baker haters have to shut u r pie hole i think these 2 go on to have a successful history together good times in Tampa

  21. garro Says:

    Todd’s name should have been top of the board on at least three occasions last year. Who is he accountable to? I don’t think Malcolm wants to have a meeting about such things soo?

    Go Bucs!