Brian Baldinger Loved Graham Barton’s Game Saturday Night

August 12th, 2024

Impresses NFL analyst.

One of the coolest things on Twitter is when former 11-year NFL offensive lineman Brian Baldinger breaks down tape. Joe watches every one of those videos and always learns something.

Sunday was no different.

Baldinger, who is very close to Bucs defensive tackle Calijah Kancey and a regular workout partner of the second-year man, decided to break down tape of Bucs rookie center Graham Barton in his first preseason game.

Baldinger loved what he saw. He used the word “excellent” more than once to describe Barton’s first time in an NFL uniform.

“It was strong,” Baldinger said. “If your center is strong, your offensive line will be strong.”

Barton’s physical brand of football impressed Baldinger, as did his finishing of blocks.

“You have to get push at the point,” Baldinger explaiend. “You’ve got to move bodies. … Graham Barton did this throughout the [game]. The [Bucs] run game is just going to get better.”

If Barton and the rest of the Bucs’ offensive line can keep blocking like they did Saturday with a physical bite to them, Baldinger noted, the Bucs will be facing sorry defenses late in games.

“By the fourth quarter if you are still knocking them down, [the defense] starts giving up big runs,” Baldinger added.

Joe noticed something else while re-watching the game. Watch No. 72, the pride of Ian Beckles University, Bucs backup guard Luke “Merle” Haggard. Dude was just punishing Bengals linemen.

Joe reached out to someone with the Bucs and asked if Joe was seeing things, if this Haggard had a decent game. Joe was told that in the opinion of the Bucs, Haggard had a damn strong night in Cincinnati.

30 Responses to “Brian Baldinger Loved Graham Barton’s Game Saturday Night”

  1. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    The kid is tough, smart and strong. He is 22 and will get smarter and stronger from here on out. Have high hopes and expect great things from him.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Baldinger … “It was strong. If your center is strong, your offensive line will be strong.”

    I love Baldy’s analyses, and when he makes a statement like that, gotta pay attention. For the most part, our only real OLine starter out there Sat night was Barton, and he was strong. Sounds to me like Baldy is convinced our OLine will be considerably better this year. Hallelujah!

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    Nice catch on Haggard BTW Joe. I hadn’t paid attention to him, but we definitely need at least 3, and preferably 4 solid backup OLinemen to make it through a 21-game season. Hainsey surely has one backup spot locked down, but Haggard, Klein, Walton & Skule seem like they can play. And you never know about the others (Johnson, Jones, Delgado, Metz). Nice problems to have.

  4. Bucs Guy Says:

    Did anyone else watch Klein? He’s listed as RG on the depth chart, but played LG Saturday evening. When LG Sua Opeta got hurt, I got nervous about our depth at the position. Is Klein ready?

    He looked good on the run with a solid push on most plays or joining on combo blocks. He looked just OK on the pass Saturday night. Though not giving up a sack, he did get pushed back hard once and moved a bit on another. If you have time, go back watch the first half and focus on #79. Remember both Opeta and likely starter Bredeson are both on 1-year contracts, so Klein may be the future LG.

  5. heyjude Says:

    Absolutely correct about Graham. He’s the right guy! Great analysis by Baldinger.

    Bucs Guy – I was wondering about Elijah Klein too. Hopefully the future.

  6. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Man, Joe, I can watch this all day. I love seeing these. Very encouraging to see Barton do so well. I know some people may have blamed him for Trask’s bad 3rd drive or whenever they were going right to left on the second quarter, but I was so confused how he did terrible and noticed that it was Hainsey. Barton is that much better than Hainsey is already. Sure there may be some rough patches, but I want Barton out there day one.

  7. Baking with Evans Says:

    In LICHT We Trust!!!!

  8. Hodad Says:

    You could see the difference in Oline play when Hainsey would come in. Trask got blasted on one play where Hainsey got beat bad. That didn’t happen when Barton was in. Running behind Hainsey, gain of 2. Running behind Barton, gain of 8. Can’t wait to see Wirfs, and Goedeke join the fun.

  9. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Luke Haggard just has to keep on working as long as he’s got two hands that are fit to use.

  10. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Saw Klein played LG and RG. Looked better at LG imo but he and Barton were knocking em back. I also saw 72 pushing the pile a few times. The O was much better without Hainsey in the game.

  11. Irishmist Says:

    Joe, any way we can get the rushing numbers from when Barton was in vs Hainsey?

  12. garro Says:

    I don’t know if it is coaching or not but last year I did not see this kind of hitting from any of our guys in the run game. I saw alot of guys just leaning on defenders instead of hitting them. Baldy is spot on.

    Go Bucs!

  13. orlbucfan Says:

    Yeah, it’s just the first preseason game, but I gotta say it again: Bucs looked tight and disciplined even with the starters on vacation. OLine is certainly looking up. Pulling off those QB rollouts isn’t a piece of cake.

  14. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Need Barton to be ready for Washington.

    Changes the whole o line.

    Maybe we can actually rush the football this year

  15. Fan of the South Says:

    Lot of O Lineman taken in 1st round. Barton was the only Center.
    He will be pretty good right out of the box but a lot of Baldinger’s drool is due to him being a fellow Blue Devil.

    Until he has to go toe to toe with the best of the best for 4 quarters you just won’t know.

  16. JimBobBuc Says:

    Didn’t the OL play against the Bengals 2nd team defense? I’ll reserve judgement. Washington has two first rounders in their DL and two very good ILB’s, so a good test for the OL.

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    I noticed Haggard also, wondering if it was his name. Quality depth is a wonderful thing. No more matadors.

  18. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Merle Haggard” – only us old schooler’s get that reference. Well done “”Okie from Muskogee”

  19. SenileSenior Says:

    In LICHT we trust. (Echo, echo, echo … .. .)

  20. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I saw a cut up of Barton and Klein highlights and they definitely moved the needle for the Bucs run game. Big time. They are still learning to get to the second level but overall they did a great job for their first nfl action.

  21. Bobby M. Says:

    Licht had a pretty solid o-line built before , unfortunately Marpet retired and Jensen got injured. Licht is very efficient at picking quality linemen, definitely feels like the run game could show significant improvement.

  22. BucsFan55 Says:

    nice reps by the rookie, can’t wait to see him do that to DW45

  23. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Man so stoked about the O-line and running backs on this team lets go

  24. SlyPirate Says:

    Barton is a stud. Mauch was a beast. The backup OL were a mixed bag. I’m surprised we’re not talking about our Tight Ends. Really up and down performances. No idea who they keep and cut with this group.

    Payne was great in the pass game.
    Kieft deservers more targets.
    Culp wasn’t great in the pass game but blocked surprisingly well.
    Say goodbye to David Wells.

  25. drdneast Says:

    Watched the clip, thanks. Baldinger is one of the best at breaking film down and explaining concepts in the most simplest straight forward terms even I understand them.

  26. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Came to say that my boy Elijah Klein, though not perfect, also looked like he very much belonged in an nfl field. I though he was excellent in his first time seeing an nfl field after coming form a small program. Watch out for that guy.

  27. RamblingRhino Says:

    “Think I’ll drink a little beer in the tavern, and sing a little bit of these working man blues”…

  28. GoneGator Says:

    “The warden led a prisoner down the hallway to his room,
    And I stood up, to say goodbye, like all the rest”…

  29. ^^mtn^^ Says:

    Yes Joe, Baldy’s Da Bomb!

    Barton belongs and should hold his own with minimal, noticeable gaffs.

    Klein & Haggard looked very promising.

    Bredeson may very well be an upgrade at LG.

    Hainsey, as expected, will be backup C, will get Bucs a comp pick if he signs elsewhere next season.

    Skule looks improved and may be new swing OT; Walton looked shaky

  30. Noclu4u Says:

    This O-line is gonna be good this year and next year very good .