Baker Mayfield Reflects On 2023 Turnaround

August 19th, 2024

Baker Mayfield has not gone soft after finding a football home and a fat new contract.

That was part of his message today as he told SiriusXM NFL Radio that he still has that underdog fire to him.

He referenced the Bucs last season getting so close to being one game away from the Super Bowl. And Mayfield talked about how inspired he is by everything Bucs.

“This locker room, they have allowed me to be the best version of myself, the whole building has. I’m at my best when I have that edge,” Mayfield said.

Regarding the Bucs starting 3-1 and then landing at 4-7 before ending with a 9-8 regular season record, Mayfield addressed the midseason turnaround and why it might carry over.

“I think we were kind of reluctant to go 3-1 in the beginning,” Mayfield said. “We had a our bye week, and I say that because I don’t think we had an identity yet; we were just winning based on the team that we had. And I think that midseason lull — and you can point at a lot of things of why it was happening — it wasn’t like we were getting blown out in a lot of games. Yeah, we played Philly pretty early and they beat us pretty good, but we felt like we just weren’t doing the little things right. And that’s the biggest difference in winning and losing in this league. So we were right there, we felt like we were right there around the corner and being able to turn it and turn the season around. And so I think just the leadership in the locker room, of guys saying, ‘Just do your job. Do it the best way possible and good things are going to happen.’

“And so I think everybody was just intentional about the details of each scheme — offense, defense, special teams — that once we figured that out and we got the first win under our belt later in the year, everybody was like, ‘Ok. We have the recipe of how we’re going to have success. Let’s keep doing that.'”

Joe hopes part of the Bucs’ super strong finish last season was tied to some form of “recipe,” as Mayfield called it. That bodes well for this season.

Even if there is no “recipe,” if players think there is one and they found it, then should make the Bucs a very confident team.

10 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Reflects On 2023 Turnaround”

  1. Cobraboy Says:

    I like how this team has a quiet confidence going into the season.

    No chest thumping.

    But confident.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Yes, Cobra. Agree.

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Joe hopes part of the Bucs’ super strong finish last season was tied to some form of “recipe,” as Mayfield called it. That bodes well for this season.’

    Starting out 3-1 was awesome, but then the 1-6 skid was really worrisome. Yes there were some close games in there, but close only counts in horseshoes as we all know (there were also several whoopings in there). Going 5-1 in our last 6 regular season games showed tremendous character I thought, but there were some real nail-biting games in there (the 2 Carolina games? the 2nd Atlanta game?).

    I wouldn’t exactly call those last 2 games (23-13 loss to Saints & 9-0 win over the Panthers a ‘recipe’ for success Joe, but yes, eventually we did get the job done. I’m expecting that this year’s team will be CONSIDERABLY BETTER than last year’s. I’m HOPING that this year’s ‘recipe for success’ includes a much better running game, a lot faster starts, and much better CONSISTENCY on both offense & defense.

  4. JimBobBuc Says:

    I still haven’t heard a good explanation for the nose dive after the bye. Clearly the defense was solid but the offense was bad in that stretch.

  5. Kenton Smith Says:

    I remember settling down in my recliner last October to watch the OU Texas game. Texas had just finished trouncing Alabama so I knew we were going to have a good game. We went ahead and beat them on a last possession TD. The reason I talk about this- It was our Bucs bye week. And roaming the sidelines was Baker. Who could blame him? Coach had given the players a few well earned days off. But I do remember thinking at the time “this isn’t somewhere I’d expect Baker Mayfield to be in the middle of football season. He’s usually laser focused during the season. Figured he’d be putting in overtime (working on those pesky details he talked about). Probably nothing but maybe something to think about.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    Kenton, Baker has said the team was sort of a victim of their own early success. It boils down to the head coach. Head coach sets the tone.

    Head coach is soft on discipline and accountability – long on being a players’ coach. He has had the team come out unforgivably flat in so many important games. The Dallas playoff loss, Brady’s final game. The chance to clinch last year against the Saints. Bucs didn’t even show up and got annihilated. Plenty more.

    So, yeah —. New offense, he should have had them working. Didn’t. Got to be a “players like me” coach.


  7. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    I see it a bit diff.they had 2 games that were sure winners but I remember the D let it get away like teans game that D looked like Saturday in Jacksonville that surely was not on the offense as defense rules stated the D was solid & the O was the weak poini c it it was because ot baker won several games on his back cud u imagine if Trask was under center WTF where r the traskites now he can prove he is qb 1 plz stop the case of the stupids

  8. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Was it me or did all the games Saturday seem like a real bore no excitement

  9. BucU Says:

    “” He has had the team come out unforgivably flat in so many important games. The Dallas playoff loss, Brady’s final game. The chance to clinch last year against the Saints. Bucs didn’t even show up and got annihilated. Plenty more.””

    Those are all factual observations Dave. Let’s hope there was a very valuable lesson learned from that.

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    Right on BucU.