Tristan Wirfs Ramps Up Contract Pressure

July 29th, 2024

Tristan Wirfs discusses his contract negotiations today at One Buc Palace.

It is no coincidence to Joe that on the first day of full-padded practices today, Bucs left tackle Tristan Wirfs, who was a hold-in during underwear football season but fully participated in prior training camp practices, decided to sit out team drills.

Wirfs, in the final year of his rookie contract, wants to get a new contract finished now. Signs are pointing to a resolution but that contract has yet to be completed.

So Wirfs did individual work at One Buc Palace today — he was even in full practice gear — but wasn’t on the practice field for 11-on-11 drills. He watched from the sidelines often with his helmet on.

“It would have been nice to have it done already but that’s part of the business,” Wirfs said after practice, shrugging his shoulders.

Don’t worry, folks, Wirfs isn’t trying to demand a trade, he just wants that new deal finished.

“I think everyone knows I like it here,” Wirfs said.

This action by Wirfs did not blindside the Bucs.

“We talked before practice, I knew he was only going to be doing ‘individual period,'” Bucs coach Todd Bowles said. “He is here in good faith while his contract is being done.

“We’re trying, in good faith, to negotiate a contract. Hopefully we get something done soon.”

Bowles said the fact Wirfs is not at home shows there isn’t any animosity.

“The fact that he is here and not holding out… he can come in and step in and not lose any plays,” Bowles said.

Wirfs said there is no angst.

“There is no bad blood anywhere,” Wirfs added.

Bowles confirmed Wirfs is not hurt. Wirfs said he just couldn’t sit at home in a holdout.

“I’ve got to be out here with the guys,” Wirfs said. “I’ve got to do something.

“It’s not in my DNA — it was hard enough missing OTAs. I was in the weightroom window watching the guys practice.”

As for why Wirfs wants his contract finished now, he stated what is obvious to Joe.

“I was out there a couple of years ago when Jensen went down,” Wirfs said mentioning the Pro Bowl center’s career-killing knee injury in underwear football. “I’m just trying to be as smart as I can.”

Interestingly, Wirfs practicing part-time began just a few hours after NFL insider Jordan Schultz reported both Wirfs’ team and the Bucs are far apart.

The gist of the way Bowles and Wirfs spoke, it seems both sides are not far apart.

20 Responses to “Tristan Wirfs Ramps Up Contract Pressure”

  1. Rover Says:

    Dont drop the ball, Licht. He will only play this “do the right thing” BS for so long. Id be at the crib gettin rocked off ranch waters. He is being the ideal athlete, teammate, and employee. Wtf are we waiting on??

  2. ModHairKen Says:

    Put pen to paper, and get it done, Licht. This is an unnecessary diversion.

  3. Derek Says:

    What in the world is taking so long. Come on Licht

  4. Bucsfan Says:

    Bucs have no leverage-just pay the man and the longer the term the better-prices are not going down.

  5. JimBobBuc Says:

    Joe, ask Wirfs if the Trent Williams negotiations are impacting the timing of his deal.

  6. Lol Says:

    when millions are on the table it always seems to boil down to just a few dollars and cents here and there. I hope they can just figure it the F*%K out soon, because they are just missing out on getting Whirfs some snaps at this moment. Seems kinda silly they couldnt get it done before camp.


  7. Lol Says:

    Would have been cheaper to have it done already but here we are…

  8. zzbuc Says:

    cooldown, Tristan is not going anywhere…

    Those stupid reports from journalists or insiders as they are called today, are not interested if the article is true or not, is about how many clicks viewers or listener they have…… Bunch of clowns, specially on ESPN and NFL network.

    Big T is not going anywhere and he will be payed……

  9. Pewter Power Says:

    Talks should have started last year. Licht has ZERO LEVERAGE. You won’t be a contender with him on the bench. You said he deserves to be highest paid. Close your mouth and open the checkbook licht

  10. BucsFan55 Says:

    Pay the man

  11. Stanglassman Says:

    The sticking point is probably the length. He probably wants a 3 or 4 year deal so he gets another contract at 28 or 29. The Bucs probably want a 5 or 6 year deal. Then they’d be negotiating with a 30 or 31 year old could might not be able to demand top dollar again.
    Guaranteed money can also be at issue. The Bucs are sensitive about that because of what they just went through with Jensen. Wirfs is going to win this battle. Jason already said he will be the highest paid T so we know it’s not overall money.
    If I had to guess it would be the Bucs gave into a large percentage of Guarantee and they want him to give into a longer deal. If it’s 5 the Bucs got that win. Anything less and Wirfs got most everything he wanted.

  12. GP Says:

    Perhaps they are waiting for the Williams contract so they can give Tristan $10 more, and make him the highest paid in the league.
    Bragging rights.

  13. Durango 95 Says:

    Young man with great character and maturity. All involved are aware of what’s at stake. Down to the last few nuggets on the contract hence the J Schultz stuff. Agent talk. “Far apart” means just a about done. All good in Bucs land.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    That’s fine – it’s not like he needs the reps.

    Anywho, get the deal done Licht. His price goes up literally every single day.

  15. heyjude Says:

    Good faith, no bad blood, team-oriented! Exactly that. So glad to hear Tristan was there but not on the practice field for drills. We don’t want him getting hurt before everything is negotiated.

  16. Joe Says:

    That’s fine – it’s not like he needs the reps.

    While Joe agrees with that, Wirfs told Joe just yesterday he needs to get on the same page as Bredeson and Barton.

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    No need to panic yet.

  18. ModHairKen Says:

    Decker 3 year, $60 million.

    So figure it out, Licht

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe – Good point Joe.

    I’m sure they’ll get it figured out soon. Just go at least 7-years on his deal, if you can lock him up that long it will be like Mike playing cheap at the end of his long deal, where you have a huge bargain.

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    Keep Logan The Oaf far far away .

    This should be in Wirfs contract.