Todd Bowles: Kyle Trask Is Competing For No. 2 Job

July 26th, 2024

From the brink of winning the Buccaneers’ starting quarterback job one year ago, Kyle Trask is now competing for the N0. 2 job with journeyman John Wolford.

Trask had a whale of a practice today, as Joe documented, and Wolford threw back-to-back interceptions. Still, after the session, head coach Todd Bowles said Trask is in a battle to be Baker Mayfield’s understudy.

“It’s intense,” Bowles said referring to the competition for the No. 2 quarterback gig.

“I mean, it’s intense at more than just that spot. But everybody’s got to make plays. You gotta show that you’re making progress. You got to show that you belong, and it’s a new offense and everbody’s got to grasp it.”

Rough times for Trask. Not a lot of respect.

But Joe gets it — new offense with a new offensive coordinator that has a long history with Wolford, who knows the playbook well.

Keep grinding, Kyle!

63 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Kyle Trask Is Competing For No. 2 Job”

  1. GoneGator Says:

    Keep pushing Kyle!

  2. unbelievable Says:

    Good thing he had a good day or practice! lol

  3. RBUC Says:

    Keep putting good tape out there for people to see Kyle I still believe you have a higher ceiling that any QB on the Bucs roster. The Buccaneers aren’t the only franchise that is paying attention THAT IS A FACT so keep grinding away!!!!

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Nothing personal against Trask but he’s a colossal waste of a second round pick and a black mark on JL’s draft record. Maybe even rivaling Roberto Aguayo territory at this point.

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Trashkophiles are delusional.

  6. Gofortheface30 Says:

    lol Gator fans. None of you seem to want to answer the question I always ask: will trask ever have a 28/10 season with 4k yards and a divisional playoff birth? It’s ok, I will answer for you. The answer is no. So miss me with your delusional “higher ceiling” talk. Also miss me with the idea that teams are watching. If he was a hot commodity, and if teams saw this so called high ceiling, then teams would be lining up to trade for him

  7. go dawgs Says:

    Wolford Wagon in full effect! Lets go Johnnie… new qb2!! Hey Trask, grab me a coffee would ya champ?

  8. JD Still Says:

    Anybody remember a coach named Jerry Granville ? He was the headcoach for Atlanta when they drafted Brett Farve in the second round , against the wishes of Glanville who was vehemently against drafting him , for whatever reason, he did not like Farve and never gave him a chance to play, going so far as publicly saying the only way Farve would ever play is if there was a plane crash! Well , Granville then had Farve traded to Greenbay for, nobody remembers who, and Farve ? He went on to set multiple records, win multiple SuperBowls , and was elected into the Hall of Fame! And Granville? He lasted one more year at Atlanta and never coached in the NFL again. The moral of the story? A HeadCoach is responsible for everything his team does or fails to do , and rightfully so , you can’t fire the owners.

  9. chris l Says:

    i thought we didnt care about obscure battles? we are screwed either way with backup QB. Why does this warrant significant time to focus on?

  10. Jonny Says:

    I’m not a Gator fan, but the truly pathetic posters around here are Trask haters that go out of their way to crap on a good kid, root against him and his football career, so that they can feel good about themselves. They seem to forget that he is a Buccaneer. He’s one of us. Sad pathetic lowlifes.

  11. RBUC Says:

    Since you talking about me let’s get it right I’m definitely not a Gator fan cause they struggle to evaluate QB talent just as bad as the Bucs do and 4000 yards passing in todays protect the QB at all cost NFL ain’t even a lot of production! I just watch a lot of football and the bar ain’t that high with Baker Mayfield and the coaches ain’t that good on the Bucs staff! I liked what I saw last offseason with Trask and I think the best of his story is yet to be told. I also think last season’s so called competition had already been decided before it started for reasons off the field more so that on the field, Baker just needed to play along and not screw it up

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    Trashkophiles are delusional.


    How so? Are you sure it’s not Anti-Traskophiles that are delusional? Rooting for Trask isn’t rooting against Baker or vice versa.

    Reality Check: Baker is a little NFL player that takes big risks. He sunk Cleveland with a shoulder injury. The Bucs need a good backup as insurance. Every Bucs fan should be rooting for Trask to develop into a great QB. Sounded like Trask played well today. That’s awesome news. It’s takes 52.

  13. TF Says:


    I agree Trask may turn out to be one of the poorer picks by Licht. But to compare the Trask pick to Aguayo? Reminder Jason traded TWO ADDTIONAL picks also to actually trade UP for the KICKER Aguayo into the 2nd round which hasn’t been done for 10 years at that time. There has been DOZENS of QBs that were busts taken in the first and second rounds alone and it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to predict how a star college QB will develop in the NFL so that’s a yearly miss by every NFL team. There was and will always be NOTHING wrong with the Trask “QB” gamble. It’s impossible to predict their ceiling so it was low risk high reward for Trask. Not really a bust since it was a QB. Aguayo will ALWAYS be Jason’s “mulligan”.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Sly, let’s see who wins the job as backup QB — I think Wolford will beat out Kyle.

  15. TT Bucs Says:

    Yikes ! This pick looks worse every day.

  16. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    If it wasn’t for the Bucs, wolford would be the new PE coach at Jefferson this fall.

  17. Boss Says:

    Trask has more potential than favre ever had.

  18. JK Says:

    Every team has the clown fans that cheer for the backup

  19. heyjude Says:

    This is going to get interesting. Glad to hear Trask did well today. It probably will go back and forth. One has a good day while the other doesn’t. Sounds like the coaches are making players accountable quickly.

  20. Hodad Says:

    Trask, and Wolford will get a ton of snaps, and playing time this preseason. I think it’s interesting the Bucs really didn’t add a QB for camp. For some reason the UDFA they signed is injured, why they didn’t sign a healthy UDFA is beyond me. So let the back up battle begin!

  21. JD Still Says:

    Boss: I think you are right but We will never know until someone gives him a fair shot in a real competition.

  22. NCBuc Says:

    Dave Pearless…. To say JW will beat out KT is a joke. I’m now certainly clear that you only love BM to say any such words. That being that JW is actually and factually garbage! I’m really beginning to think that Trask did something wrong to you or a close friend or relative. Maybe even both the way you keep chirping. Saying this yet again…. JW is absolute garbage, or as you like to state it…. Trashk! You’re welcome

  23. Bakerfan Says:

    The problem is not with Trask, it is with the morons that claim he is better than qbs that are hof or that at least have a nfl resume of playing.

    Mark my words, later this year there will be someone say Trask deserves to start because he had a good Day 3

    THANKS A LOT JOE, I believe you love chumming for the Trask idiots

  24. Oneilbuc Says:

    Every time Trask time came up he has always done well and I’m glad IRA said it was never a competition according to his source even the front office got mad at IRA for telling us the truth. Trask was better than Baker all training camp last year. Baker was a business decision not a football decision but he’s our staring quarterback so we have to root for him. But it is a shame that these so call bucs fans hope Kyle Trask fail because they are afraid he might be a good quarterback. This is another reason why I say we have the weakest fan base in the NFL.

  25. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Not sure I’ve heard anyone on either side ( a shame we have sides, btw) say that Trask is better than a HOF’er or someone with experience.

    No one really knows what he could do with playing time. He hasn’t had any.

  26. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker fan. What you say means nothing because you are only here because of Baker Mayfield and not the bucs. So shut up and enjoy your time here because if Baker struggles this year and I’m not talking about one or 2 games because every quarterback has bad games. But if he plays the same way he did last year and he don’t improve and the bucs miss the playoffs he will be gone and you will follow him out the door. And us real bucs fans will still be here rooting for our team.

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    Wolford will beat out Kyle. Not my fault, trashkophiles. Go whine and complain to Todd.

  28. RBUC Says:

    Oneilbuc you are 100% on point it’s funny to me when someone states facts on this site and it’s opposite the agenda of the narrative SOME are trying to push they go in attack mode?!#%@!! Ira reported Baker Mayfield was the starter before that preseason game was even played!! It’s been clear to me for some time now this Bakerfan character ONLY cares about what’s good for Mayfield and I never once saw a post until Mayfield was apart of the team. It’s cool I don’t care either way but don’t act like your something your not

  29. NCBuc Says:

    Just like he beat out Trask last year with his 1TD-5INTS? How did he did he do today? DP? You home? You got your poster of Trask over your bed? I know you’re scare of him being the number 2! Second string QBs are a scary bunch!

  30. NCBuc Says:

    I already know DP. You’re upset you didn’t get to bring up Trask first

  31. NCBuc Says:

    Lol! I actually read Bakers Biggest Fans post! Delusional my guy! Not one person has claimed KT to be better than any HOF QB! Listening to you and DP and the departed TM is like childish. It’s not wrong to be an average QB. But BM is an average QB. Dude had more bad games than good last year. I’ll say it again. You can win with an average QB, you just have to put pieces around him.

  32. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @TF your argument is congruent and thought out. I disagree due to the context and timing. Bucs had Brady and could have used an impact player at a different position to contribute to a back-to-back championship.

  33. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bowles doesn’t believe in Trask.

    If he did he wouldn’t have brought Baker in.

    Trask had a great preseason last year and after that Jets game when Trask turned some heads he announced the battle was over to shut down the buzz.

    There was never a competition.

    This is Bowles team he has the right to make that call.

    Next year Trask will be a starter in the league for someone else. By then the Mayfield honeymoon will be over and Bowles will be on his way out of Tampa.

    Trask will be a 10 year starter in the NFL and Bowles will forever be known as the guy who missed on him.

  34. JK Says:


  35. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Allow me to translate the title of this post into web-speak for you: “Jose Needs Clicks”

  36. RBUC Says:

    Something tells me Bowles is apart of that decision but I really think Baker coming to Tampa was a decision that’s over Bowles head making the final okay

  37. BA's Red Pen Says:

    This should be no surprise to anyone at all. If you go back and watch the Detroit playoff game, when they were showing the pregame warmups and Wofford and Baker had helmets warming up Trask had a baseball cap. The occult of Trask won’t like to hear it but little Kyle is a career backup…at best.

  38. ATLBuc Says:

    Trask will outplay Baker again this preseason but Liam will put pressure on Bowles to play Trask and Baker will go the way of Bledsoe.

  39. Pewter Power Says:

    It is as it should be. Two career backups fighting to see who can get the clipboard on game day. I won’t talk down about Trask. The fact that his contract is about up and he’s never played a game here says it all. You let your fans down Trask and they still can’t see you for what you are

  40. Don'tBmad Says:

    4 years and still competing for #2?? Time to trade

  41. Bakerfan Says:

    Oneilbuc, I bet Baker will play better than what you display using correct English. Now open a book and shut up you ignorant hillbilly

  42. Bakerfan Says:

    Ncbuc, read the post. One of you hillbillies said Trask has more upside than Brett Farve. Suck on it.

  43. drdneast Says:

    Picking Trask was as big as a debacle as selecting JTS and it isn’t going to get any better even if he manages to worm his way onto the second string.

  44. Bakerfan Says:

    Jmarc. Boss said Trask has more potential than Farve ever had. Is Farve in the HOF???
    You Traskiets need to get your story straight before you dismiss from your circle jerk

  45. JimBobBuc Says:

    Joe says: ” Rough times for Trask. Not a lot of respect. But Joe gets it — new offense with a new offensive coordinator that has a long history with Wolford, who knows the playbook well.”

    During the practice I saw, Trask was QB2. I wasn’t counting snaps, but it seemed Trask and Wolford had about the same number. I didn’t see or hear any disrespect for Trask. Did Bowles say something that Joe didn’t quote?

    Both Trask and Wolford are having up/down practices and we can expect that to continue.

    Last year’s preseason games, Trask had more snaps but he and Wolford had similar play if you view them in terms of snaps.

  46. Oxycondomns Says:

    Trask is a slow learner he will be beaten out for backuo. Trask is the poor man’s version of jameis

  47. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker fan. Again shut up your comments don’t matter here you’re not a real bucs fan. All you care about is sniffing Baker Mayfield jock strap I bet you were saying the same about Baker when he was with the Panthers, Rams and Cleveland lol 🤣🤣.

  48. Capt Jimbo Neal Says:

    Wolford looked in Day 3 like his career stat line of 5 INTs to 1TD. He blows.

  49. Capt Jimbo Neal Says:

    After Day 3 it certainly looks like Trask has picked up Liam’s offense quickly (Baker and Wolford played for Liam before) and Trask will once again “outplay” Baker in training camp as Joe said was the case last year but Bowles will gift the job to Baker again and we’ll be a couple field goals above or below .500.

  50. View from 132 Says:

    The way Baker channels Alstott at times, this is a very important position on the team. Baker has been durable, but it’s a long season. Plenty of backup QBs see action.

  51. Marky Mark Says:

    Trask is a victim of the outdated notion that Florida is a college football first state. The Bucs thought they needed to draft local product to put Buts in the seats. See Winston as exhibit A. Trask was only drafted because of the Gator connection. Otherwise he would be a 7th rounder or a UDFA This toxic thinking got blown away by the Michigan guy from the other other Bay area out West. Baker was an undervalued Oklahoma guy due to the smear campaign from a dysfunctional Browns team. Wolford will win because Liam trusts him from Rams.

  52. RBUC Says:

    Well I’m glad Liam wants a competition to identify the#2 QB( they are paid professionals after all) unlike last seasons QB battle something tells me the winner won’t be predetermined this season. Even thou Wolford is more familiar with the offense I think Trask will win the competition cause he is more talented a QB!! Good idea to force players to fight to keep their positions cause complacency has no place on the team🚩☠️💯

  53. MadMax Says:

    Hang in there Trask….just keep improving….eat clean and keep your mind and body clean.

  54. Donald G Says:

    I didnt realize how many Bucs fans are aholes Im pulling the team not individual players

  55. BakerFan Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:

    eff off Oneilbuc…. I will shut up when you hillbillies stop with the Trask nonsense. Having a Joe say someone outplayed someone means didelle squat. The people who run the team who have their jobs on the line means more than any journalists or butt scratching Gator Fan.

  56. RBUC Says:

    So let me get this straight if Baker gets his clock cleaned and has to sit out let’s say a couple games YOU’RE NOT GOING TO ROOT FOR HIS REPLACEMENT TO COME IN AND PLAY WELL BAKERFAN???? ESPECIALLY IF ITS TRASK HUH?

  57. Bakerfan Says:

    You guys have problems with reading comprehension, it is not Trask that I have any problems with, it is the morons who in Week 8 will say Trask should start because he played well on Day 3.

    Trask seems like a solid citizen, he handled the situation of Mayfield coming in very well, no divided locker room. Now to answer your question, whether it is Trask or Wolford, stepping in, I hope they do well.

  58. Oneilbuc Says:

    Rbuc. That guy is a not a real bucs fan he’s a Baker Mayfield fan!!

  59. Bakerfan Says:

    Oneilbuc, so what if I am not a real Bucs fan, based upon what I see in this forum and what local fans put forth, they are not very good fans compared to Dallas, KC, Philly, Raiders, Broncos just to name a few.

    I don’t think you are too bright to tell you the truth, tell me after game 1 will you be posting Trask should start just look at Day 3 in training camp?

  60. RBUC Says:

    I knew what Bakerfan’s M. O. was last season by the comments! Bakerfan wants the narrative to be when the Bucs find success it’s only because Mayfield was our savior & leader showing the Bucs how to win!!! Being a outsider Bakerfan comments about too many things Bucs related that have nothing to do with Mayfield thou and even thou I will support Baker he ain’t or will he EVER be the end all for this franchise!! Booger McFarland’s view of who Baker Mayfield is was 1000% on point NOTHING MORE!!🚩☠️💯

  61. geno711 Says:


    It’s funny that Oneilbuc argues with you about not being a Buc fan.

    Oneilbuc’s favorite buc player was Jameis Winston. Not sure that he ever posted on here before Jameis Winston came to the Bucs.

    Then guess what happened. He argued with everyone on here that Jameis was a great player.

    Then what, when Jameis was not signed and Brady became the quarterback, all he did was say that Brady would be horrible and not be able to do anything.

    As time went on, in November 2020, he even posted that Winston was 5 for 5 in a game for New Orleans. Lastly, from November 2020 thru the Superbowl in 2021, Oneilbuc never posted how happy he was for the Bucs and them winning. The guys actually the opposite of a fair-weather fan. He actually hated the Bucs the year they won the Super Bowl. How absurd.

  62. Oneilbuc Says:

    Geno11. I didn’t know AB and Gronk was coming here back in 2020 and the bucs still couldn’t beat winning teams that year in the regular season. And I told you that once AB and Gronk left how did Brady actually play? He played just like he did his in 2019 . That’s a fact and when it comes to Jamies the only thing I’ve ever done was exposed you how most y’all make up excuses for the players you like vs the ones you don’t like for whatever reason. Again you and many others didn’t care about the running game until Jamies left that’s a fact. You guys are more fans of players than the bucs. And as far as Baker goes Kyle Trask is playing better than him again so far in another training camp. Baker had to be gifted the staring job and it’s being proven once again. Lol 🤣🤣 and I hope Baker throws for 5,000 yards and 45 tds but the facts are the facts.

  63. Oneilbuc Says:

    Geno11. I actually go to bucs games and I don’t even live in Tampa so what are talking about lol 🤣🤣. I will never put on rose color glasses for the bucs like you do . You love average like celebrating a 9-8 season as of it’s a 11-6 season so yes I demand more than what you do that’s why it NFC Championship or bust rather they win or lose it would be a success to me. But to you a 1 and done playoff run is a success for you lol 🤣🤣 .