Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Training Camp Edition)

July 24th, 2024

Flash poll posted at 12:08 a.m. Poll closed at 8:34 a.m.


12 Responses to “Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Training Camp Edition)”

  1. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    What a difference an off-season makes! LOL

    The first time Bowles runs the last 30 seconds off, and takes 3 timeouts into halftime, this poll will flip back into its comfort zone.

  2. heyjude Says:

    After watching the speech you posted, my confidence has risen for Coach Bowles. The only thing I am hesitant on is his time-out strategies. Agree with Crack Pipe on that too. I am at a 8 out of 10 positive right now.

  3. Hodad Says:

    We saw last season when the Bucs were on the skids Todd never lost the locker room. Players had his back, and since that turn around the arrow continues to point up. This is also finally Todd, and Lichts show. Give the Glazers credit also. No one would be saying they were wrong now if they fired Bowles during last season’s slide. They could’ve panicked fired Todd, benched Mayfield to see what they had in Trask, there were calls for it. Like a good captain in a storm at sea, Todd was able to not only rescue the ship, but have it advance to the shores of Michigan. I’m confident in Todd, and all the leadership to the top. That said, much to prove this year. Like the path the Lions took, it’s time for us to take that next step. That time is now, it’s up to Todd to get it done.

  4. D-Rome Says:

    Confident for me. I expect the Bucs to be better than last year.

  5. Dude Says:

    Confident and cautiously optimistic

  6. Bee Says:

    Little confidence. Against really good teams he gets outcoached and his game management leaves a lot to be desired when using TOs and managing the clock. We’ll see what happens this year but I’m not sold yet. Beat the 9ers and Lions and he’ll have my attention.

  7. WilieG Says:

    Whenever I start to have confidence, Bowles does something like he did during the final seconds of the Detroit playoff game. I voted little and hope that it’s the last time I do so.

  8. heyjude Says:

    Hodad – Good point. Coach Bowles has never lost the locker room. That says so much about confidence of the players for their coach and the owners too.

  9. Couch Fan Says:

    Last season was one of the luckiest Buc seasons I’ve ever seen. Everything had to go right for the Bucs to win the division and make the playoffs and it did. I might be wrong but I dont expect that to happen again.This season they will have to really earn it. Baker will have to be much more consistent. And I still have no confidence in the ReTodd.

  10. First Name Greatest Says:

    17-17 in the Regular Season
    1-2 in the Post Season

    Doesn’t inspire much “Confidence”

    Little confidence in a “Defensive Guru” that can’t seem to scheme up a competent pass defense in a passing league

  11. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    I am confident in Bowles. My impression of him is that he is a good HC, a great DC, and a great person. Just like the players are all evaluated and will work to get better I believe the coaches do the same, so I expect Bowles will be better as a HC this year then he was last year.

    We have a great GM along with his staff. We have great owners too IMO who have become wiser in their decision making over the years.

    To get back to the Super Bowl all the players, coaches, owners, and front office have to be on the same page focused on that purpose and I believe this team IS on the right track, maybe not for this year but for 2025. I’m ready for another boat parade!

  12. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Todd is off to a good start-Confident vote! The players seemed very tuned in and focused on his speech, good sign! 11-6 sounds about right!! Go Bucs!