Still Laughing At Jameis Winston?

July 17th, 2024

Turnover talk from two 2019 Bucs.

So a couple of 2019 Buccaneers hopped on a podcast this week and poked fun at that year’s crazy offense, which led the in NFL in percentage of offensive drives ending in a turnover.

Of course, Jameis Winston was the quarterback and he managed throw 30 interceptions while coaches stressed to him the importance of protecting the football.

Forget Tom Brady, as Sage of Tampa Bay Sports Ira Kaufman likes to say, Jameis lost his job when he threw six interceptions in the final two games — at home — while the Bucs lost one-score games to close their season 7-9.

Interestingly, manbeast Bucs defensive tackle Vita Vea joined former Bucs DT Beau Allen on the Green Light podcast and the subject of those turnover-happy Bucs arose.

Allen said of that season, “You got to the sideline, you don’t even want to take your helmet off.”

Vea was right there with him.

“That was so funny,” Vea said. “That year, I think that year, that was 2019, that’s where a lot of people still don’t give us enough credit for being the No. 1 rush defense [while] having that many turnovers on offense.”

Vea noted how the Bucs lost a bunch of one-score game and he seemed to point at the 2019 turnovers as a major cause.

In fact, the Bucs were 3-6 that season in one-score games … games in which they threw 14 interceptions.

Joe suspects the Jameis experience led to a lot of veteran Bucs like Vea gaining quick respect for Baker Mayfield, who tackled a new offense, a sham quarterback competition and a first-time playcaller and only threw 10 picks in 17 games.

71 Responses to “Still Laughing At Jameis Winston?”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    That was a 9-7 team if Gay doesn’t lose 2 games by himself.

  2. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The automatic turnover machine was quite the sight to behold when he played here. Real entertainment while playing qb. Either eating W’s or serving up int’s by the hand full. Never a dull moment for sure.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    JaMiss. Megaboob.

  4. Win in the Trenches Says:

    Yeah that was Mr entertainment. 30 for 30 in his contract here who does that there’s nothing else to talk about..

  5. jaybri Says:

    Number 1 rush defense because they were giving up over 70% completion percentage to opposing teams qbs. Goff put almost 500yards on them. Most penalized defense and team that year. That rush defense didn’t stop Daniel Jones nor old Matt Ryan from converting 4 and long with their legs at the end of 4th quarters. Winston took risk because he couldn’t trust the defense for at least the first half of the year or his kicker to make a clutch kick and he had no run game.
    Arians is the one who went on NFL Network and told them he would yell st Winston if check it down instead of throwing to a double Evans or Godwin. That’s why both wrs said nearly half of those picks were on people not being where they were suppose to be. Winston never switched on anyone.

  6. jaybri Says:

    I always found it weird Arians used the last two games where Winston didn’t have Evans and Godwin and was playing with a torn mcl and fractured bones in his throwing hands. Especially, when Houston defenders were calling out routes on the field because the plays were predictable with Byron. My cousin played for Houston he told me at dinner 2 days prior that he would pick Winston off because they saw on film Bucs ran a lot of out routes and bucs wrs ran lazy out routes.

  7. Patrickbucs Says:

    Yeah blame a kicker, next year we won the SB

  8. jaybri Says:

    Not the same roster Winston had. Brady had 15+years more of winning experience than Winston with a better roster. He also had leverage over Arians, to make changes to the turnover prone scheme. Arians told written prepare to get hit, with Brady he took a differentapproach where he didn’t want his qb to get touched. Winston took a beating beating because the tackles getting beat and OJ Howard being soft and not blocking…The kicker did lose the Giants, Seattle and 2nd Falcons game. He had chances to win them in the 4th.

  9. B Says:

    But…it was the kicker. Who was obviously sub par and wasn’t fired for being an insanely high draft pick. A couple more moderately difficult makes and we make the playoffs and he gets another contract.

  10. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I think that kicker left Tampa and did okay for himself.have

    Don’t even put it all on the kicker.

    Winston throwing picks caused the defense to be on the field almost constantly. By the end of games they were completely gassed.

    That was 100% on Winston.

  11. White Tiger Says:

    A Fameous story just has too much low hanging fruit to stoop to pick up. The guy is exactly who many thought he would be, regardless of the coach that worked with him. His career didn’t meet the high expectations and I have no anger left, nor desire, to keep kicking a man who had a lot of talent & didn’t achieve his goals or hopes.

    He has been a reason why I have changed my approach to selecting a QB with the first overall pick, who had demonstrated questionable ON-field judgement issues – that no one in the room allowed themselves to see – while expecting him to be the franchise.

    We didn’t have a culture that could help him develop on and off the field, and he needed it. Heck, every non-elite team’s fan base thinks the magic is tanking needs to commit to a deep franchise look before selecting a kid with the expectation that his talent can fix them. It doesn’t work out well. A team that can’t assess the decencies in its own culture/organization is. It capable of drafting a QB of the future.

    We didn’t, I think we’re finally building that, but we’re not quite there, yet.

    Think we failed Fameous as much as he failed us.

    Good luck to him.

  12. Citrus County Says:

    My lady and I spent the weekend in St. Pete taking in a 3 game homestand with the Rays and Red Sox (Big Papi’s swan song) and were at Ferg’s when Jaboo threw his first regular season NFL pass. It was of course a pick-6. His hands must have still been slimy from the stolen crab legs.

  13. unbelievable Says:

    I listened to this earlier. Pass defense was still pretty terrible too that year IIRC, though we did finally hire a pass rush with JPP and Shaq.

    But yeah, 30 INTs… woof. Gotta be pretty demoralizing.

  14. unbelievable Says:

    Last sentence could easily have Brady’s name in there instead, who I’m sure then set a much higher bar for what Baker had to meet when coming next (though statistically, the bar was much lower after 2022 season).

  15. BrianBucs Says:

    Jay-Miss had a unique ability to keep both teams in the game

  16. Oneilbuc Says:

    Where was our running game ranked his last 4 years here ? Oh I forgot the running game didn’t matter to you bucs fans until Brady came. How about all of those trash defenses when the offense has to score over 30 points just to win games? And the crazy part about it we had a top 5 offense in scoring and yards without a running game every year he was here beside his rookie year. And now we ranked at the bottom of the league in scoring the past 2 years and it’s because of the running game to most of y’all. Now the running game matters so much but y’all swear you call it like you see it . Most of y’all on here brains has been fried by the media. If the media say this player is good or this player is bad or it’s this player fault why the team win or lose if they said enough you believe them . And watch the excuses Baker Mayfield gets when he has bad games. The season is almost here we have few weeks than all the talk will be over.

  17. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Of course, Jameis Winston was the quarterback and he managed throw 30 interceptions while coaches stressed to him the importance of protecting the football.’

    It’s always humorous when folks dig up old skeletons in an effort to make them seem relevant to today. Jameis was a very bad fit for BA’s offense from Day 1. He was incredibly immature as both a leader & as a starting QB when he arrived here in 2015, yet he managed to go 6-10 in Lovie’s offense by throwing for over 4,000 yards with 22 TDs against 15 INTs. Some of the similarities of that offense (ranked #20) to our 2023 offense (also ranked #20) BTW are striking, but there was 1 major difference: Jameis actually had a running game that 2015 year (455 rushes for 2162 yards & 12 TDs with a 4.8 YPC average). But ya, the defense sucked that year, ranking #26 by giving up 417 points.

    That was Jameis the 2015 ROOKIE, operating with a defensive-minded HC, a new OC (Dirk), a strong running game, but a horrid defense. He actually improved the next year when Dirk took over as HC/OC (Bucs went 9-7), with Jameis throwing for almost 4,000 yards again but with 29 TDs against 18 INTs. Ironically, Dirk’s offense rushed basically the same number of times (453 times) in 2016, but the running game sucked and generated only 1616 yards (3.6 YPC) & 8 TDs. However … the defense really improved (to #15 allowing 369 points) and that made a huge difference in the season’s record.

    Jameis went on to throw 11 INTs in 2017 (against 26 TDs) in only 13 games and then 14 TDs in 2018 (against 19 TDs) in only 9 games that season. But then all of a sudden he ‘blossoms’ to 30 INTs in 2019, BA’s first year here. Jameis was far too immature to be a starting NFL QB IMO, but he wasn’t totally at fault for the 2019 debacle. BA & Lefty deserve a LOT of the credit for that 7-9 record because the 2 QB Whisperers tried to fit a square peg in a round hole.

  18. heyjude Says:

    I started thinking part of it was Jameis eyesight because he looked like a deer in headlights at times. Ended up being true. He had astigmatism and then had LASIK surgery in 2020, before being signed by the Saints. I think when he was healthy with them, he did okay. Remembering how excited many of us were when he was our first round pick!

    Agree with DR, he also didn’t fit with Arians scheme, plus other off and on the field challenges. It is all about the right team and fit for many players, drama free. We shall see soon again as Jameis is the backup to Watson now. This could be his perfect fit in Cleveland. Time flies. Jameis is now 30 years old. Seems like yesterday.

  19. Capt Jimbo Neal Says:

    Jameis could have been great but he got drafted by the worst quarterback development team in the NFL. Montana would have failed here too. Sad.

  20. Permanently Moderated Says:

    You guys trying to puff up Jameis are a hoot. Especially you Oneilbuc. No comments unless it’s to whine about Jameis versus Brady. Where’s Jameis now? Backup for Cleveland?

  21. PbnJ Says:

    My neighbor’s 3rd cousin’s nephew said his great uncle’s mailman told him that their podiatrist’s wife went to 3rd grade with the sister of the Bucs’ assistant to the executive secretary to the maintenance department and they believe citing credentials about who you know and the conversation you once had years ago is a waste of effort. Half automatically don’t believe you, most are instantly skeptical and the few who accept your point were already in agreement with you. I’m amused when I see it and I’m sometimes thankful because it gives me an opportunity to create a ridiculous line of credentials which is oddly entertaining for me. Doesn’t/didn’t entertain you? Glad you read it all anyway, have a brilliant Thursday!

  22. Dude Says:

    Alot people forget we went from allowing >120 yards on the ground on average and being rank in the mid 20s in yardage allowed in 2018, to being ranked 1st in an install year allowing an avg of 73 rush yds per game in an install year.

    What’s not being mentioned is the defense being put back on the field an extra 2-3 drives, in 9 of 16 games. I vaugely remember getting spanked by the Panthers where the offense turned the ball over SEVEN times, holy crap were we terrible.

  23. Trey Says:

    But Joe, he “balled out” his contract year! That why he got such a lucrative contract elsewhere 🙄

  24. Bucsfanman Says:

    Winston is the same QB he always was. He was jumpy in the pocket, was slow to read defenses and turned the ball over at historic levels. These are facts! He’s an average, turnover-prone QB. It’s too bad, there were great expectations. But, that’s the reality.

  25. Bucsfan#86 Says:

    He still sucks to this day what the duck are we 🦜 mg about college to NFL same player

  26. Bucsfan951 Says:

    And the Jameis Winston apologetics come out of the woodwork.

  27. Costa Rica John Says:

    Never a dull moment when we had Winston throwing the ball. I just enjoyed his gunslinger mentality. I’m wishing him good luck with the Browns. I hope he becomes their number 1 QB and maybe we meet them in the Super Bowl soon.

  28. Bucsfan#86 Says:

    Don’t blame nobody but him he’s controls where he throws the ball an he’s on the field not no coaches Evey other QB u ever seen if they good at all have progressed at some point like the Tom Brady’s Peyton Manning eemebe when everybody slept on Eli like he could win or get better but he did lead his team to super bowls Winston can’t single hand QB u to Kno win playoffs regular season ya steady put n facts on it like the fact is we’ve seen teams win with way less QB have way less interception didn’t matter the coaches if u was going out there making winning plays game in game out u might get a qtr like that from him

  29. Baking with Evans Says:

    But wait!!!!!
    Isn’t Winston starting for the Saints this year?
    But, but, but it wasn’t Winston’s fault!!!
    But, but, but……..
    But he will do great with the clipboard. You watch!!! Wait for it!!!

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    Defending JaMiss is funny. The boob wasn’t getting a second contract after throwing 30 picks, even if they finished 10-6. But since he left the Bucs, his career has really taken off.

    Oh, wait.

  31. infomeplease Says:

    I’m pretty sure, no real Bucs fan misses Jameis. That said, I sure am glad the Saints have him.

  32. infomeplease Says:

    I didn’t know the Saints released him. It was bound to happen.

  33. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Too bad we didn’t have The Great Kyle Trask in 2019, we probably would’ve went undefeated. 😂😂😂

  34. bucnjim Says:

    He was beat out by a gadget play TE! Then cut by the Saints. Really nothing more to say.

  35. Big Red Says:

    White Tiger,

    1000% bro, and well said. Most casuals don’t realize this stuff.

  36. Oneilbuc Says:

    I want all of y’all to have the same energy with Baker Mayfield call it the same way you guys did with Jamies. So the whole we can’t run the ball thing is not a good excuse for Baker Mayfield. The defense was the reason why we lost is not a good excuse for Baker Mayfield just like it’s wasn’t for Jamies. Just keep the same energy with Baker and I’m going to remind all of you when Baker has bad games. The season can’t get here faster enough!!

  37. SlyPirate Says:


    30 INT is really bad, but Winston also had 12 FUMBLES. In 2019, JW turned the ball over 42 times. That’s almost 3 years of team turnovers committed by just JW in one season.

  38. Oneilbuc Says:

    Imfomepleas. You can’t make a claim like that because you new around here I’ve never seen you on this site until Baker came . I would love for the bucs to draft a quarterback and develop them just like all the other franchises have done in their franchise history. We are the only franchise that never developed a quarterback in the history of the NFL. The reason why no one respect the bucs is because of our inconsistent quarterback who never put together 2 season in a row. And look at his best season in his career where Baker was ranked 20th in the NFL.

  39. Dude Says:

    “I want all of y’all to have the same energy with Baker Mayfield call it the same way you guys did with Jamies. So the whole we can’t run the ball thing is not a good excuse for Baker Mayfield”

    I think Winston is a > QB than Baker, like as of today but that’s just my opinion.

    Even with the 30 picks, we finished 3rd in points & yardage in 2019 and I don’t think a team lead by Mayfield is capable of that level of production with an extra game. Mind you Winston did that playing one less game in ’19 than Mayfield had in 2023 only throwing 28 TDs.

    And fwiw, since coming into the league Baker is only 2nd to Josh Allen in having the most INTs since 2018 and I know for sure he’s had the most deflected passes.

  40. Not My NFL! Says:

    I’m not sure where the nickname Jaboo ever came from but I always found the irony to be so funny being that it sounds like such a clown’s name HAHAHA….I thinks it’s more suitable than Bozo lol….

  41. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I’m left wondering why JW hasn’t gotten an opportunity to play much since 2019?

  42. Jason Says:

    Been quite a ride for the Bucs (and fans) since the “America’s Quarterback” days

  43. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    America’s Groper

  44. Baking with Evans Says:

    Im so glad we have Baker.

    Now let’s see in preseason how much Trask has learned from the GOAT and Baker.
    I wonder how confident he feels about becoming a starting QB. I think he is another backup like Winston. But if he starts because of an injury, I’ll be pulling for him.

    Go Bucs!!!!

  45. First Name Greatest Says:

    All the Jameis defenders come off as straight clowns with low football IQ

    After a long sorry sad QB history it has been quite a ride with Jameis, Brady and now Baker. Hoping 2024 is as fun as 2023

    GO BUCS!!!

  46. Dave Pear Says:

    Osqueeltardyall digs that hole and when progress to new depths slows down, the tard just gets a bigger shovel. Enjoy watching your love fantasy JaMiss holding the clipboard for DuhShaun Pervert and the Fecal Browns.

  47. Dave Pear Says:

    PbnJ – LOL. Thank you.

  48. Mike Johnson Says:

    jameis still hanging around though getting ais to be a backup. And something tells me, he will see a lot of action up there in Cleveland this year. You can make millions being a backup in the NFL. Famous Jameis is not done just yet.

  49. TampabayDJ Says:

    O’Neil – You’re the biggest clown in the history of this site ! All of a sudden you want to act like you’re not the biggest bandwagon fan in the Tampa Bay area ? I’ve been calling you out for years ! You jump on and off every year all year , every win and every loss .. GFY ! Go Bucs and real Bucs fans

  50. Youngbucs Says:

    Everything oneilaints has ever said he has been proven wrong.

  51. Oneilbuc Says:

    TampabayDJ. I’m not going to call you names because you call me out my name because I disagree with you. But I actually go to bucs games and I don’t even live in Tampa so what you talking about? The only people on this site that’s not a real bucs fan are the ones who are here because of Baker Mayfield. Ain’t no body is coming on this site and root for the most losing team in the history of the NFL and not be a real bucs fan. Why would I spend my money on a team that has lost that much and not be a fan of the team ? Man come on get out your feelings bro.

  52. Oneilbuc Says:

    Youngbucs. Lol 😂😂 where you been I told you once Brady leave you were going to leave. I knew you were a Brady fan and not a bucs fan!!

  53. Oneilbuc Says:

    Youngbucs. What happened to Brady once AB and Gronk left? I told you Brady needed to add 2 hall of famers and a pro bowl runningback at that point of his career . I was right the whole time Baker actually played better than Brady did in 2022 I will give Baker that much credit and he didn’t have AB or Gronk he played with the same offensive players that Brady did in 2022 and he looked better. Brady was washed up at the time but you told me we wasn’t and it was because he didn’t have a running game lol 🤣🤣 !! But I’m glad to you!!

  54. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    I’ll never forget that game in the UK against Carolina. James should have been benched right then and there.

  55. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    Jameis not James (damn spell check!)

  56. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    I’ll never forget that game in the UK against Carolina. Jameis should have been benched right then and there.

  57. Dave Pear Says:

    O’Tard is not only a Browns fan and a cretin, but an overly sensitive poof as well. At least she knows nothing about football other than how to react to her own raging hormones.

  58. Buc king Says:

    Winston was a wasted pick and simply put a mistake.
    The guy is very immature hints his last game with the saints.
    Hes not a good soldier nor leader.
    Good riddance I would rather watch almost all previous buc qbs play before him.

    Now on the subject of Brady his last year wasn’t about a run game issue.
    Listen I smoke a lot of the sticky like Ricky but even I remember the oline self destructed.
    We lost every oline men at one points.
    Hes a pocket qb with no pocket to sit in or climb.
    He also was going through a divorce losing his family.
    2 things that can effect any man’s play.
    His passes when having time was still where they needed to be.

    The year after the super bowl was the most disappointing because we got the band back together and it the wheels fell off.

    Was Brady accountable for losing here ofcourse but let’s behonest..he lost his oline..his safety blanket gronk..Chris godwin..the bum we signed

  59. Buc king Says:

    From Atlanta.. the offense we fielded was lucky to move the sticks at all…
    Bakers mobility cleaned up sloppy oline play left year.
    It’s still are weakest link for this team..both lines..
    We have wirf..and we have vea…
    From there it’s a steep drop off of talent or yet to be seen talent.
    That’s why this team isn’t yet build to win the big show unless it stays healthy and stars to gel in the trenches..
    Because I see a soft hearted o line and lack luster dline losing are best edge threat due to his drop in play and cutting him alla Shaq barret

  60. geno711 Says:

    What people forget about Jameis that season is that he held the ball too long. All advance stats show that.

    Besides the interceptions and those returned for TDs is that he also fumbled the ball 12 times and lost a ridiculous 9 of those 12 fumbles.

    No one since that time has come close to his 39 turnovers.

  61. geno711 Says:

    I never understand why Oneilbucs comes on here and acts like he was right about Brady. He had over 20 posts where he was wrong about Brady. Gronk was on the team when Oneilbuc was saying that there was no way Brady could win. It was sheer embarrassment of how wrong he was. Legend in his own mind.

  62. Oneilbuc Says:

    Geno11 . I wasn’t wrong about Brady when I said he was washed up and when they first signed him no one saw AB or Gronk coming. But I also said he couldn’t have won with the 2019 roster and that’s why they added AB , Gronk and Fournet. But again even with them the bucs lost against winning teams in the regular season remember we were 7-5 then they changed the plays to a Brady offense which they should have done that in the beginning. But how did Brady play when AB and Gronk left in 2022 . He had the same numbers in 2019 his last year with the Patriots. And I also said Brady was a Patriot but y’all were telling me he’s a buc and how BB treated him bad and now look Brady does not care about the bucs like y’all thought he did. He showed it in 2022 when he tried to snig with the Dolphins remember? And how about leaving the team in training camp or going to a wedding and not flying with the team to the game and especially after we lost and coming back from the game. He showed y’all how he really felt about the bucs then and now. He haven’t mentioned the bucs since he left even when asked about the bucs even Joe did a article about it. This is why the national meadi don’t respect the bucs or the fan base because it’s to many weak fans in our fan base.

  63. Aaron Says:

    One thing he’s never done is flatten balls lol

  64. geno711 Says:

    Oneilbucs. Your memory is faulty. They signed Brady in March of 2020, they traded for Gronk in April of 2020, they signed AB in May of 2020 knowing he was suspended for 8 games.

    You did not change your opinion. You did not say once they got AB, they got a shot at the Superbowl when he came back. Instead, even in November you were sniffing Winston’s jock strap when he started 5 for 5.

    You were the weak fan. You were quiet when the Bucs started running off the wins in November, December and the playoffs. It is sad, because you were just wrong about Brady and could not admit even when the Bucs were shinning.

    Maybe not a weak fan, maybe a stupid fan. How would you describe your silence?

  65. Aaron Says:

    This year Who Dat Who Dat that Who will at least 10 games

  66. Oneilbuc Says:

    Geno11. You say that about every body I’ve been on here win lose or draw. I go to games so again you can’t tell me if I’m a real fan are not. Just because I call it like I see it good or bad does not mean I don’t like the bucs. You guys think it’s all good all the time and that’s just not true. I’ve given Baker credit when he plays good and I’ve criticize him when played bad . The same with Brady when he played good I said he played good when he played bad I said he played bad . The difference between me and a lot of y’all is when Brady played bad it was every one else fault but his . And you guys did the same thing with Baker!! Again none of y’all cared about the running game when Jamies was here go look at the runningbacks he vs Brady and Baker but back then it didn’t matter if we had a 32 ranked running game like it do it now. A lot of y’all are more fans of players than the team. My push back with Jamies is he should have played his game and not the coaches even John Gruen ask him are done doing everything the coaches tell you to do even when you knew it was a bad play . So that’s why Jamies is not here anymore but y’all thought Brady took the exact same team Jamies had and we know that ain’t true.

  67. Dave Pear Says:

    OTard — STFU and move to Cleveland. More profound cretinism, there isn’t.

  68. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. You need help brother God bless you !!

  69. Capt Jimbo Neal Says:

    O’Neil, ignore Davey Pearls, he’s a Semenhole who spends every waking hour frothing at the mouth about the Gators. I know many like him. They’re the most miserable people on earth. They got that inferiority chip on their shoulder.

  70. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    I supported this guy as a rookie because he came to my Bucs team. I supported him because I believed many Buc fans hated him only because he was with that blonde chick who was out for money so he was unfairly ostracized. I supported him thru 4 3/4 seasons of some of the most horrendous and stoopid play on the field ever seen because some of the most exciting play I have ever seen, but like others who did as well couldn’t. This dude came from a culture that won’t judge him because of his actions only accept him because of what he is so he will always be what he has been. He is a clown and a substandard qb. Getting rid of him was the best thing ever.

    Dave Pear you calling Onielbuc sensitive shows why you should shut up because you’re no different when it comes to your boyfriend Baker. You attack anybody who doesn’t shine a positive light on Mayfield with squeals and claws.

    Oniellbuc you need to change your name to OniellJameishugger because there’s only one reason you cling on to him in spite of his horrible play that wasn’t due to others.

    I wish this dude would stop being drug back up here even though he’s a former Bucs player. I’d even rather talk about Mayflower, he’s at least a little better than Winston

  71. jaybri Says:

    The defense wasn’t on the field longer because of turnovers. Bucs offense averaged 28.6ppg with those turnovers. Bucs defense typically were on short fields after turnovers. The Bucs offense was on the field for long period of times. It’s funny how Bucs forget the wrong routes ran that led to picks. OJ had 2 go thru his hands for picks including the one that hit him between the numbers and somehow he tried to catch again behind his back and tip it to the Saints LB.
    Winston with the Saints wasn’t cut he was a free agent. 2 of his seasons there ended because of serious injuries, Taysom never beat him out. Why do people have to lie on him. He wasn’t perfect but, a lot of 2019 wasn’t on just Winston. Every game they won was on his arm. Arians isn’t the coach you bring in if you want to cut a qb turnovers.