Scoffing At Baker Mayfield

July 12th, 2024

As Joe shared, future Hall of Fame wide receiver Tyreek Hill, the eight-time Pro Bowler and five-time All-Pro, said this week that he ranks Baker Mayfield as the fifth-best quaterback in the NFL.

It was a very cool public grading that went viral.

Top-5 lists should be about the right now, Joe believes, not historic peformance. So Joe didn’t think it was completely crazy for Mayfield to get a No. 5-ranking from a wide receiver.

Mayfield ranked sixth in the NFL in completions over 20 yards last year and second in completions 40 yards or more. So it’s reasonable to think an explosive, big-play receiver like Hill would appreciate a QB that could get that done. Also, Mayfield made the Pro Bowl, won a playoff game and threw six postseason touchdowns.

However, ESPN TV analyst Damien Woody, the former Pro Bowl guard, thought it was a good idea to laugh at the inclusion of Mayfield on a recent episode of Stay In Bed. Woody was struggling to compose himself on the set upon hearing Hill’s list and was asked what was making him laugh. “I mean, obviously Baker,” Woody said.

Of course, Woody went on to say he’s “not here to disparage Baker.”

Patrick Mahomes, Tua Tagovailoa, Lamar Jackson and Dak Prescott were named before Baker in Hill’s top-5.

Is Mayfield a top-5 NFL QB? No. But is it absurd to the point of laughter that one might put Mayfield in the conversation? Joe doesn’t think so.

Including postseason play for both quarterbacks, Mayfield threw more touchdown passes that Patrick Mahomes last season.

40 Responses to “Scoffing At Baker Mayfield”

  1. gotbbucs Says:

    Of all the people that ESPN has purged in the last couple years, how did Damien Woody survive?

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Wait till the Trashkophiles and O’tards and midgets have a go at this. Get your popcorn ready.

  3. GoneGator Says:

    Baker throws frozen ropes for 40-50 yards. If he puts air under it he throws it 70+ yards easy.

    Top 5 arm talent – Easy to understand how a fast explosive receiver would appreciate him.

    Woody is a moron along with the other morons. Whatever Woody 😂

    I’d be curious to hear Mahomes opinion of Baker. Or some of the other players he’s competed against including other QBs. I think a lot of players understand what a fupped duck hand he’s been dealt and know the dudes a straight up baller!

  4. Drunkinybor Says:

    He’s laughing cuz he sat on somebody and with there frantic screams for help muted by his fat as…s and them moving around trying to breathe its tickling him.

  5. Trask To The Future Says:


    Now show us MAYFIELD’s actual STATS from his 1st half performances last season. Not his garbage time already-down-14+-points completions & yards, but how he performed in the critical 1st half when games were close and the Bucs needed to establish leads or keep games close.

    SPOILER ALERT: This “Top 5” (LOL) QB had a 1st half QB Rating of only 86 for last season.

    No one wants to talk about all those pathetic performances where he barely had 100 yards passing in the 1st half of many games.

    Oh I know, I know… it’s because I like Trask yadda yadda yadda.

    This isn’t about Trask, it’s about the REALITY of Mayfield’s *actual* performance last year. There’s a reason the didn’t give this guy Top 10 QB money.

    But no one wants to talk about the FACTS that Mayfield was merely mediocre last season on a team that overachieved its expected win total mostly against teams with an under .500 record.

    TOP 5 QB. LOLZ.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    The stupid moth flies through the flame

  7. Saskbucs Says:

    Trask to the future… haha I don’t recall many games where the Bucs were down 14 and getting garbage yards aplenty. Also, there have been many articles recently talking about Canales insistence on establishing the run… while I can’t remember much down 14 garbage time yards, I can remember bad playcalling, forcing 2 runs every set of downs and WRs dropping balls or taking penalties that killed drives. I think you better go rewatch some games.

  8. Oz Len Says:

    I have to laugh at all these Baker haters. He went to the playoffs and won a game. I mean WTF, isn’t that the point of the NFL?

  9. Craig Says:

    Too many bad starts, and not just to start the season, a big dead spot that was a losing streak, and too much street ball do not make a top 5 QB.

    It does make the non-Baker last season. He will start slow again this season, because of a new OC. If he gets it together, it would be great, but he has nothing in his history that says he can string two good seasons together.

    I will not scoff yet, but I might later in the season.

  10. Capt.Tim Says:

    Woody is too busy being a shill for the large audience QBs.
    Sucking up to Dak, New york, LA.
    See a pattern?
    Bspn and the NITWIT network are gonna sell out everytime for the ratings.
    If Baker played in NY or LA, they would be hailing him as the next Terry Bradshaw.

    Sad to see what Sport reporting has deteriorated into.

  11. Crickett Baker Says:

    Ya, if their title is negative I have almost completely stopped giving them clicks. They hide behind keyboards and make statements that they would never even win a live debate let alone a real fight.

    I think I can say one thing about hope that they forget. It springs eternal. GO BAKER! GO BUCS!

  12. DCone Says:

    More TD’s than Maholmes only means that the offenses were middle of the pack or worse.

    Maholmes was 4-0 in the Playoffs and hoisted the Lombardi. To even hint that Mayfield is in the same universe as Maholmes is crazy talk.

    As far as Hill? He is just lobbying for a bigger bag of loot on his next haul.

  13. OR Buc Says:

    Dave Pear


  14. Dave Pear Says:

    OR Buc – I’m putting away the popcorn in favor of the single malt. Undoubtedly more from the Trashktards coming soon.

  15. MadMax Says:

    Yawn….i knew what i was calling for when i said go get Baker….and hes living up to it….

    Bet the over!

  16. heyjude Says:

    Woody laughing saying he isn’t disparaging Baker, but he did. Too much theatrics these days with the analysts.

    Meanwhile, Cowboys Dak was recently seen with a boot on for an old injury and said he is getting older and needs to take care of himself, while in the middle of negotiations. Joe informed us on one of his morning posts.

    Dak and Baker are the same age and Baker has kept himself pretty healthy. I like Dak and not dis-respecting him, and Cheetah put him on the top five list. So there is that too. Of course Tyreek is going to name Tua and Patrick as his top QBs. But he put Baker right up there too. That says so much.

    Baker is the QB that teams, players, coaches, and we fans love! Maybe Woody should stop kissing the Cowboy ring and get real again.

  17. Hodad Says:

    Fact is Baker is entering the prime of his career. Prime Physically, but more important mentally. It’s a good thing now that baker has had so many different O.C.’s. Oh he’s seen it, and done it. Now he’s in a system that let’s him change plays based on what he see’s? Well Baker has seen it all. Baker doesn’t have to do it all, he has plenty of help. He’s got a top defense, great skill players on offense, and maybe finally that piece in the middle we’ve been missing. A very big hole has been filled. Baker is in prime position to succeeed, I expect him to.

  18. bucnjim Says:

    Some fans must think Mayfield is the head coach or offensive coordinator. Unless your name is Brady or Manning you don’t make the game script or call the plays. Bowles prefers conservative game day planning by running the ball and controlling the clock. These are his own words no mine. Arians style was extremely different. Mayfield did exactly what Bowles expected him to do. Manage the game and don’t turn the ball over. If you understand this conservative approach then you have to know we aren’t going to light up the scoreboard. Winning the game is all anyone should care about not how we get there.

  19. ModHairKen Says:

    “Woody is a moron along with the other morons. Whatever Woody”

    What that guy said.

  20. Larrd Says:

    It is an idiosyncratic list. Woody is more along the lines of idiot-syncratic.

  21. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    I’ve never seen an episode of Shat The Bed.

  22. ChiBuc Says:

    Joe, you are seriously doubling down on this ‘everybody is picking on us’ victim-hood narrative. Sure, 1 or 2 pin up quotes may get your juices flowing in the gym, but this blitz of ‘whoa is me’ fake, err everone has an opinion, news reel is bordering on pathetic. I get that you want to incite the masses for clicks, and provide a venue for hateful vitriol (e g. see Dave Pear), but it is hard to shed tears for a guy who just got a $100 million contract and new lease on life. Every yr is a prove it yr in the NFL. Guys get crapped on by media/fans, are made scape goats, discarded for injuries or a slight decline in skill. While highly visible (mostly due to his own past actions and mouth), Baker is not unique. The fact that he is even talked about, good or bad, means he is germane, so why you gotta paint the ‘poor lil franchise in a po-dunk town with Charlie Brown at qb’ picture?

  23. ChiBuc Says:

    “If Baker played in NY or LA, they would be hailing him as the next Terry Bradshaw”

    Um, pretty sure he did play in LA. Conspiracy theories sure are fun to make up and provide a nice unanswerable excuse for whatever ails you. I recall Peyton Manning (Indy), Kurt Warner (St. Louis), your ex Terry Bradshaw (Pittsburgh), etc all getting favorable media coverage in relatively smaller market towns. Do you notice a difference between them and Baker. .. consistency.

    I truly believe Baker can get there, but enough already with the excuses and “whoa-is-us”

  24. Jmarkbuc Says:


    The point is to win the SB.

  25. Bucswin! Says:

    Last I checked it’s a team sport. Ask Rodgers how important the offensive line is. Go BUCS!

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    ChiBuc, i-hugs and i-kisses for you. And a long cuddle. Hopefully someone pats you on the head.

    If you get triggered by JBF’s choice of articles and by spirited commentary from his readers, you can always just blow us an i-kiss as you leave.

  27. Rudy Says:

    Baker had more playoff wins than Kirk Cousins! He’s been in the league longer than Baker!

  28. Just Saying Says:

    Tyreek was on espn yesterday saying he put out that list to troll people and stir the pot.

  29. Just Saying Says:

    Based on the rest of the list which name would you think could be considered to be a pot stirring troll name? Baker is ours I hope he leads us to success but to believe he is a top 5 or even top ten is living with homer rose colored glasses

  30. stpetebucfan Says:

    This will be Baker’s biggest year in Tampa. I hope I’m wrong but short of a SB appearance the call for a new QB to replace Baker will simply grow.

    This season with low expectations once again, and a sneaky good team, the Bucs will outperform predictions. Baker will finally be accepted. But not totally.

    Then it will be how far can he get the Bucs in the post season. A couple of years of disappointment there and it’ll be, “oh he can’t win the big ones”.

    If the Bucs win 11 games and again advance a round in the playoffs, NEXT season the expectations will become huge!

  31. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    I’d take Baker every day over Tua and twice on Sundays

  32. BucsFan Says:

    Josh Allen is not Top 5? Yeah Tyreek was trolling.

  33. David Says:

    I think all the disrespect towards Baker and the Buccaneers is going to pay off big. Every team likes to think it’s the world against them, the Buccaneers are no different. When you feel like you have to prove something, you play better, fight harder.
    Baker showed so much maturity and improvement last year that I got on board and am all in.
    The O line, the receiving corps, now the running backs, the new OC… I think all this talk of Baker slipping a little is nonsense. A few years ago he would have but not now. I think he has a new career year

  34. Pickgrin Says:

    “Mayfield ranked sixth in the NFL in completions over 20 yards last year and second in completions 40 yards or more.”

    This just goes to show how misleading stats can be sometimes.

    Mayfield was 3rd worst in the NFL last year with 20+ yard pass completion percentage. 28.8% – which is terrible. Only Mac Jones and Bryce Young were worse.

  35. Gerald Says:

    If we get a middle of the road run game Baker could be top 10. The opposing defenses were playing to stop the passing game last season. If the Bucs can get a running game it will keep defenses honest, Baker can easily be top 10. In reality it takes an ELITE quarterback to overcome no run game, a 1st time play caller who runs on 1st and 2nd down, a poor O line -Wirfs, a defensive head coach, and so on. Baker overcame alot of deficiencies the team had last year. It was all on mayfields back last year and he delivered a big time playoff win over the Egirls. For the Trasktards to say what Baker did isn’t good enough is a DELUSION level Joe Biden himself would be proud of. IF WE RUN THE BALL AND STOP THE RUN WE WIN THE SUPERBOWL 🏆

  36. White Tiger Says:

    Maybe he was trolling for his next FA contract to the teams that might be but h competitive and interested.

    So, maybe Ty Hill answered the question he preferred to answer.

    Which doesn’t take away from the ones he ranked.

  37. Dave Pear Says:

    The cretin is so dim she obviously forgets both Falcons games, the Houston game, the packers and Jags games, the Bills game. Rams Raiders 2022 just for fun.

    There is no data to support her cretinism.

    Baker has shown to be clutch. The cretin has shown to be a hateful midget cretin.

  38. Big Jim Says:

    Baker the faker will do it, he doesn’t know how to fail…go Bucs

  39. Mike Says:

    Well I can say that baker had everything to play for last year, incentives, and still had a mediocre year in a weak conference, let’s see about this year when he is guaranteed a fat check no matter how he plays, so instead of idolizing or criticizing him let him prove if his past is still his present or if his future is different

  40. Just a guy Says:

    Josh Allen also is a big fan of Bakers. Think I’ve heard him speak twice publicly about it.