Trey Palmer’s Burst

July 14th, 2024

Bucs WR Trey Palmer.

More encouraging NextGen Stats on Bucs speedster Trey Palmer.

Joe has already written and referenced several times about how NextGen Stats has Palmer clocked as being the fastest receiver in the league at the beginning of his routes. Very impressive.

Joe trusts NextGen Stats because they use GPS sensors in players’ equipment and inside the game ball to determine these things. Not just some dude in an Irish dorm guessing.

So now NextGen Stats has another stat that ranks Palmer as best in the league. When making a burst in his route either for the ball or to gain separation, no one is quicker Palmer

Right away, Joe wondered why last year didn’t then-Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales target Palmer more with this ability. Then, Joe remembered how the Bucs also had Mike Evans and Chris Godwin in the same huddle.

There’s only one ball to go around.

Joe is eager to see how new Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen is able to channel Palmer’s elite speed into more big plays. Hopefully, Coen will work in more short passes, hopefully getting Palmer in a favorable matchup (like this) and let his jets take over.

33 Responses to “Trey Palmer’s Burst”

  1. bucnjim Says:

    We’ll have to see how he catches the ball in order to use all that speed. In the small sample size he’s only averaging 58%. Compared to Otten who Catches 70% of passes and Godwin 65%. Hopefully he is the next Tyreek Hill but we will have to wait and see.

  2. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I believe Palmer is a hidden gem. I also believe he is going to have a break out season every one is talking about JMac but watch out for Palmer he’s going to be the next Antonio Brown minus the mental issues

  3. SenileSenior Says:

    After Evans and Godwin are gone Macmillan and Palmer could become our featured wide receivers. We shall see.

    Go Bucs!

  4. Beeej Says:

    All this just confirms the Buc’s skills lie with passing, so naturally we wasted much of the season trying to be a running team

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Canalwater sacrificed some wins for stubbornly trying to prove that running unsuccessfully over and over would eventually lead to running successfully.

    Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is otherwise known as insanity.

    Have fun with the Lunatic Tepper, Dave.

  6. Bucs And Them Says:

    Yes Joe! More plays like that! Great that you point this out. Design plays to the strength of our weapons which, we have plenty in the passing game. To not utilize advantages like Palmer’s speed/quickness/separation is criminal. Getting Rachaad & Irving out in space. Combined with what we know Evans, Godwin, & Otton can do, along with running the ball with effectiveness when we do run it, can transform this offense into a very potent one. Like I’ve said before, if Coen & Mayfield can gel and get that nasty back into our offense, lookout.

  7. Crickett Baker Says:

    Canals has shown he can talk a good game. Let’s see how he does as HC of the Panties. He has our playbook, some of our coaches, and some pretty good players we lost to him. If he is more than talk they might beat us.

  8. Mickman Says:

    What is the burst distance? First 5,10, or 15 yards?

  9. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Let’s try for three 1,000 yard WRs this year. The talent ability is there. Can the coaches scheme it?

  10. GoneGator Says:

    Palmer should get more looks when/if confidence grows that he’ll make the catches he’s targeted on. I think theres been some chemistry/trust that’s yet to be fully established.

    That’s why there are examples of Trey running free while Mike gets the ball even when it’s a 50-50 ball last year imo.

    If Trey can prove he can CATCH the ball and consistently I think he’ll be utilized more effectively by Coen.

    We really have an embarrassment of riches as far as pass catchers go! Good problem to have.

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    Sparky, that would be fargin awesome, and would definitely mean Todd was prioritizing scoring points over some misguided obsession with 1973 era football. I bet the run game would be averaging better than 4ypc as well.

  12. Dave Pear Says:

    Generator hits the nail on the head about Palmer. Remember the long ball he caught, tripped, fell and fumbled? Ya, I’m sure Baler remembers it too .

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    GoneGator not Generator.

    I wish I could fire the autocorrect.

  14. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I think statistical completion % is a bogus stat. Otten never had a pass thrown his way when he was further than 5 yards from line of scrimmage- -many shorter. The passes to Palmer were out on the wing or way downfield. Big diff if catching a pass for 40 yards than one that gains 6 if lucky. Otten is a long way from a great TE, BTW.

  15. Boge Says:

    Super excited to see how the last three draft classes do this year. It’s going to be fun to watch.

  16. BucaneroJim Says:

    Mike Evan’s career catch percentage is 57.6%… after 2023 Palmer’s is 58%. Give Trey a break – not bad for a rookie.

  17. TampaBayBucFan Says:

    With the new kickoff rules, Palmer & Irving would be my choices for KRs…..

    Also, with Palmer….let’s get him more WR screens, slants and some Bendarounds…..I know he gets an edge deep but that’s a low percentage pass…..let’s get it in his hands and rely on some YAC.

  18. Scott Says:

    I think he will be the cooks or the van Jefferson roll

  19. Buc4evr Says:

    Agreed TBBF, With Palmer its fast breaks, the guy can motor and get YAC. Look what he did to the Eagles. Nobody can catch the guy. Hope he and Godwin are finally used correctly with Coen as OC. I also truly hope Coen is looking at the tapes of the lousy play calling last season and doesn’t make the same mistakes as Canales.

  20. ATLBuc Says:

    He needs to be thrown screen passes with Wirfs pulling

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    Good ideas boyz – we should expect to see it.

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    BucaneroJim … ‘Mike Evans career catch percentage is 57.6%… after 2023 Palmer’s is 58%. Give Trey a break – not bad for a rookie’.

    Two very different receivers Jim. Trey obviously has a lot of potential, and last year wasn’t an ideal situation for a rookie to come into, BUT … he still has to find his niche in this offense. He’s got a ton of competition with Evans, Godwin, McMillan, Otton AND Rachaad all wanting their piece of the pie. The hot bird get the early worm (or something like that).

    Palmer only hauled in 57.4% of his targets last season (39-of-68 for 385 yards). He ended up with 5.7 Yards/Target and 9.9 Yards/Reception … with 3 TDs and 17 1st downs receiving. Not that shabby actually, but still, what’s his role in this offense? With his speed, is it to stretch the field as a deep threat to complement Evans, Godwin & Otton? With his quickness at the snap, is it in the short passing game instead?

    With Evans, Godwin, Otton & White having extreme availability, he’s gotta carve out a niche for himself. And especially now that we’ve drafted McMillan. The good news (I think) is that Coen, being a McVey disciple, will probably favor the quick, short passing game. Sounds like Palmer has the skillset to excel in an offense like that, providing that he can get his catch percentage up into the 65%-70% range.

  23. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    AJ Brown is a beast

  24. Brandon Says:

    Considering Dave Canales was way over his head for majority of the season, I’m surprised anybody had decent numbers. Now that he’s off in carolina, it’s a win-win for us. Our new office of coordinator is going to be much better, and the new head coach of Carolina is going to make them much

  25. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Trey, he got hands of stone unfortunately. A wise man once said; ‘son put a pile of poop in one hand, and put a pile of wish in another; and tell me which weighs more’?

  26. Lou. Says:

    Folks keep beating up on Canales. Perhaps play calling was not his strong suit. But over time and with different teams players improved under him, some remarkably.

    Sometimes you have to look for how a person uses their strengths and the results they produce, not just at what stats you would like them to have.

  27. Ed McSherry Says:

    Geeesh, is that you, Dave?

  28. FloridaMan Says:

    Defensive coaches always seem to want a punishing run in game no matter what their strengths already are

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    Lou – precisely why most think Dave sucks the canalwater his name indicates

  30. heyjude Says:

    Proudbucsfan Says:
    “I believe Palmer is a hidden gem.”

    Absolutely agree! Trey is only 23 years old and is looking pretty good already. Agree with Joe. Definitely looking forward to seeing what Coen does with him.

  31. Ed McSherry Says:

    Compare “the bench, now, to when there was Mike & Chris as the starting receivers, WR#1 and WR#2, respectively, but backed-up by Scottie Miller, Johnson and “Sidelines” Darden.

  32. Dave Pear Says:

    Darden. Never met a blade of grass he couldn’t slip on or trip over.

  33. covertwo22 Says:

    This is another example of Canales being a mediocre play caller. He never figured out how to maximize Palmer’s skills. Running constant go routes when defenses know your fast is dumb. How many times do you need to run a go route with a safety over the top before you mix it up. Plus he spent most of his time in the slot. Him and Godwin should’ve switched positions after the 3rd or 4th game of the season. I don’t think he moved to the outside till week 16?
    Could you imagine him running a 10yrd inside slant with open field in front of him? That’s what the Cheetah runs. Gotta figure out how to get the ball in his hands in space. Hopefully better play calling will help.