Looks Can Be Deceiving

July 27th, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

So after three days of underwear football to start 2024 training camp, Joe senses the Bucs looking crisper than at this time last year.

Maybe it’s the style of play? Former offensive coordinator Dave Canales liked to pound the ball. Current offensive coordinator Liam Coen likes more diversity, and the pace of play seems faster.

Perhaps it’s that Coen’s offense isn’t much different than Canales’, so there isn’t such a radical change? Perhaps it’s that this is Baker Mayfield’s second training camp and players are more comfortable with each other?

Joe has seen some fans on social medai claim the Bucs looked sharper. Joe’s not saying they are wrong.

But don’t tell Bucs coach Todd Bowles the offense is sharper. Bowles said the offense very much is battling learning curves.

“I mean, it’s definitely not seamless,” Bowles said of the transition from Canales to Coen. “We feel like we lost some good coaches, but we feel like we got some good coaches. The guys have been studying – they do a good job of teaching, they do a good job of going over things and just making sure the communication is open both ways.

“It’s been a seamless transition that way, but there’s a lot more to learn, a lot more to go. We’re not game planning or anything, we’re just running plays right now.

“As it goes on and it gets forward, it’s a good start to it. I’m not going to say it’s a seamless transition because everyday is a learning day.”

Since both offenses come from the Sean McVay tree, Joe is sure there is less learning than when a team typically installs a new offense. Canales’ offense was very different than Bucco Bruce Arians’.

The Mayfield factor is also key. He was splitting first-team reps with Kyle Trask a year ago.

Joe remembers some players saying they finally became one with Mayfield when he plowed over a Vikings defender in the 2023 season opener for a critical first down run late in the game.

13 Responses to “Looks Can Be Deceiving”

  1. ThatAintRight! Says:

    So over or under the new OC being fired by mid season? Lol

  2. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Can’t wait !!”

  3. JimBobBuc Says:

    Hey Joe, any idea if Coen is calling in two or three plays yet? Are the QB’s making play changes at the line yet?

  4. Fred McNeil Says:

    The vibe just sounds more reassuring this year. I can’t go to the practices, but I hear the nuances in the descriptions and impressions of the practices. Everything just sounds more confident. That’s the impression I get.

  5. ModHairKen Says:

    Canales liked to “pound it?” If that’s so, well, Thank God he’s gone.

    And judging anything in shorts on day 3 is not good.

    Let’s see what it looks like two weeks from now.

  6. Allen Lofton Says:

    Bowles goal is the Super bowl. It’s A BIG Deal and to get to the Championship game would another huge step.

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    The Mayfield steamroll was a great start to the season last year.

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Current offensive coordinator Liam Coen likes more diversity, and the pace of play seems faster.


    Don’t worry, Bowles will change that.

  9. Rod Munch Says:

    Fred McNeil Says:
    July 27th, 2024 at 8:47 am
    The vibe just sounds more reassuring this year.


    I will agree with that. Last year, it felt like it was going to be a disaster, and it was when the team was 4-7, but they ended on a hot streak and sometimes that’s all you need to make things click.

  10. Buc Bucs Bucs ! Says:

    Looking g forward to Bowles shutting up the naysayers in Bucland. We have a really good team and coaching staff, and some people love to interject nastiness and negativity. It gets old.

  11. unbelievable Says:

    That last sentence from Bowles… JFC 🤦🏻‍♂️

  12. GoneGator Says:

    Can’t wait for the Detroit game! Should give us some clues. Got to get past Washington 1st tho.

  13. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Get your weight up!”