Life May Be Easier As A Starter For Zyon McCollum

July 25th, 2024

More focused prep work.

During his first two NFL seasons, cornerback Zyon McCollum was all over the place.

Last year, between injuries to Carlton Davis and Jamel Dean and the lousy play of safety Ryan Neal, at any given time in any given game, McCollum was either playing corner, safety or nickel corner.

Sometimes, all three during one game.

Now, after being named a starter in March by Todd Bowles, McCollum said he only has to worry about one position: corner. And he may be a better player for that.

“Oh, for sure, 100 percent,” McCollum responded to Joe when asked if a more streamlined preparation will help him. “Especially when it comes to film study.

“Being able to only study one part of the job. Of course you may have to play both sides. But only focusing on corner and not also nickel and safety, it allows me to really dial in on my assignment and really dial in on who I am going against and who I am going to be covering.”

He added that his preparation has not changed. “Be the best player I can be, every day,” McCollum said.

McCollum often works out one-on-one in the offseason with his brother, second-year Eagles safety, Tristin McCollum. The two reguarly challenge each other in workouts.

Joe will have more later on that unique connection.

Ira Kaufman Talks Training Camp Day 1 Observations, Candid Liam Coen Comments, Zyon McCollum’s Declaration, And Plenty More

8 Responses to “Life May Be Easier As A Starter For Zyon McCollum”

  1. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Hopefully Zyon can be handle CB. As long as Carlton was here, there was no real chance to improve the Secondary. We have seen the ceiling for that secondary for a long time,it was the Super Bowl run in 2020, that was the highlight. If Dean has another season like last he needs to go. Because Deans Ceiling is already known too and inspite his speed and talent, it has never translated to consistant high level play. He has had his moments, like when he picked Rodgers for a pick 6 in 2020 in Tampa, when they put a beatdown on the Pack. But to go to another level, Deans replacement needs to be found. For me as a fan since the beginning of this franchise in 1976, I am long past caring about the name or number on the Jersey. Losing sux. Winning is what matters. GO BUCS!!!!

  2. go dawgs Says:

    Joe isnt that JTS in the photo……haha

  3. BucU Says:

    I have full confidence in Zyon. He’s gonna be solid.

  4. Beejezus-belt Says:

    Sometimes the experience of playing a different position helps you become a better football player. I believe the year Winfield played at nickel helped him craft his skills in coverage. I don’t think it was a lost season, I think it may have helped him become the All-Pro he is.

  5. Dude Says:

    From that sounds of things, Zyon is making things difficult for Mike & Baker today

  6. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Hopefully Zion won’t be known for making all the secret plays behind the scenes that no one can see like Jill Tryon.

  7. Buc4evr Says:

    He does look like JTS. lol.

  8. teacherman1983 Says:

    Why didn’t we draft or sign his brother?