Liam Coen Explains Graham Barton-Robert Hainsey Competition

July 21st, 2024

It sounds like stud first-round pick Graham Barton won’t be gifted a starting job at center, and no, he’s not competing for a starting guard gig.

New Buccaneers offensive coordinator Liam Coen hopped on The Sick Podcast — Pirate Parlay recently and raved bout Hainsey’s true leadership and professionalism, calling the fourth-year center a great dude to be around.

Coen wants Barton to be a leader as a rookie center, but he’s more concerned with Barton avoiding mistakes.

It smelled to Joe like Barton had an expected learning curve through spring practices.

“Graham will have to minimize just kind of the snafus in order for him to be able to win that job,” Coen said. “And Hainsey has to continue to play at a consistent high level for him to win that job. It’s definitely something that we have to move through.”

One thing Joe knows about Hainsey, who is a popular punching bag for many Bucs fans, is that he is a hungry dude with a tremendous work ethic. Now he’s in a contract year after two years as a starter — and Joe has no doubt Hainsey is crazy motivated.

Out of Notre Dame with a finance degree, Hainsey is smart dude like Duke graduate Barton, perhaps even smarter. So Joe doesn’t expect that Barton landed in the offensive line room and stood out as a super genius.

Of course, Joe believes Barton wins the center job, but it might be a closer competition than it appears on the surface.

Regardless, Joe’s confident the Bucs will roll with whomever they think gives them the best chancce to win in the critical Week 1 game against Washington at The Licht House.

19 Responses to “Liam Coen Explains Graham Barton-Robert Hainsey Competition”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Good for Liam. Competition breeds excellence. I think we all know who starts opening day, barring a Logan the Oaf incident.

  2. firethecannons Says:

    Maybee Baarton needs more time, Hainsey should not be resigned for 2025, he is too small and not physical enough and likely a reason the run game sucked so much

  3. garro Says:

    Agreed Joe. Hainsey is not an All Pro center but he is not the root of the problem either. The whole interior line looked like crap at times. Hainsey had guys on either side of him who left alot to be desired lat year. He improved greatly after stepping in for Jensen. However I dont think he wins the job this year.

    I really do wish they started Barton at LG though.

    Go Bucs!

  4. SOEbuc Says:

    I’m loving Coem’s attitude about this offense. It is difficult to come out swinging at C first year. Could put Barton at LG and that can hopefully help Hainsey’s game.

  5. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Let’s not fool ourselves, Graham Barton will be the starting center week 1. It just is what it is. That said I’m all for competition at every position and letting the chips fall where they may.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    Put Logan The Oaf exclusively on the kick return team. Maybe he can fall on a few opponents in preseason instead of his own guys.

  7. heyjude Says:

    All in on Coen. Good strategies!

  8. 76 bucsfan46 Says:

    This is all coach speak lol. It’s Baker vs Trask all over again.

  9. Hodad Says:

    Yeah, Hainsey is going to win the job, and get a fat contract to be the Bucs starting center. Just like Trask won the QB job last year now Baker is the back up at name your NFL team. Not happening. Barton will be just what this Oline has been missing at center, a people remover. Stop the nonsense, Barton IS the starting center.

  10. heyjude Says:

    Guessing since Coen worked with John Wolford at the Rams that there could be a Trask and Wolford competition for the 1st backup QB position under Baker. You never know.

  11. Dave Pear Says:

    Bernie – that’s absolutely guaranteed.

  12. Carr911 Says:

    I don’t know why nobody talks about Hainsey at LG. He’s played there before and with Wirfs on 1 side and Barton on the other he can be Solid

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    heyjude- I agree with you and somehow autocorrect likes you better as Bernie. LOL. Sorry.

  14. Mac Says:

    Can’t we move him Hainsey to LG? Wasn’t that his natural position in college?

  15. heyjude Says:

    Too funny, Dave! It’s all okay.

  16. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Wow I kinda remember a certain position battle last year that was really a good smoke screen. JL seemed to have his mind set from the start about Barton this draft. I don’t really like wirfs situation is pretty critical now and they throw the smoke screen on this. We already know where everybody stands with Hainsey, I think Barton has the job but just to soothe certain people’s minds it’s another ball of smoke. I think Hainsey is a real good backup for now. The smarts aren’t what matters here, it’s the physicallity the real grit Hainsey doesn’t have cause he’s a gentle giant, Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  17. Bucs Guy Says:

    Hainsey is a below average starter and above average backup at C.

    FYI – Hainsey played RT in college at ND. At the Senior Bowl, he played LG, C and RG.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    Hainsey will do well snapping the ball to Kyle with the number 3s this training camp. His leadership will help Kyle better master the critical role of clipboard holder.

  19. Shane Callahan Says:

    Happy for the competition. Best man wins.