Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Still A Step Away

July 26th, 2024

Time running out.

A year ago at the combine in Indianapolis, Bucs coach Todd Bowles spoke about what might be holding back former first-round draft pick Joe Tryon-Shoyinka.

Finishing” at the top of the rush, Bowles said, separated JTS from being among the litany of Bucs’ swings and misses in the draft for a pass rusher and being a coveted stud.

Everything else but that, Bowles said over a year ago, and JTS was a fine player.

After a year of football, it seems as though JTS is still in the same spot. That’s what Joe took from Bowles’ remarks this morning. JTS just needs to finish, Bowles repeated.

“Obviously, you want to see a couple of sack numbers when he finishes, but everything else he does very well,” Bowles said. “We move him across the line [of scrimmage] a lot. He’s probably our most athletic guy down there that we do a lot of things with.

“Just continue to get better and understand the defense and take advantage of his opportunities.”

Well, JTS wasn’t drafted in the first round because he can play the run. And Joe seriously doubts JTS was drafted in the first round in 2021 because he may be able to cover a tight end in the flat on a pass play.

No, JTS was a first-round pick for his ability to put quarterbacks on their arses. He doesn’t do that well.

To be fair, JTS did improve last year. In his first two seasons JTS had four sacks each year. Last year he upped that to five.

And, the past three seasons, JTS has better production than mysterious Bucs outside linebacker Randy Gregory — yeah, he’s still with the Bucs.

With Chris Braswell being drafted in the second round this past spring and two guys the Bucs like to tout yet won’t give them snaps, Marquees Watts and practice squad warrior Jose Ramirez, hungry for snaps (if these two are as talented as the Bucs claim, why aren’t they on the field on Sundays?), JTS better start learning how to finish soon

Joe’s rooting for the guy, but there isn’t much sand left in that hourglass.

38 Responses to “Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Still A Step Away”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Joe Tireiron-Suckyinka will be trying out for the USFL in February.

  2. unbelievable Says:

    No way to tell if he improved without any pads anyways.

    Let’s ask again in a week. Or better yet, next month. I for one am not optimistic that he’ll finally take that next step, but hope I’m wrong.

  3. Hodad Says:

    Hopefully he’s a good back up. I think Braswell will start sooner, rather then later.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    That fact that he pointed out that Jane needs to continue to learn the defense is all I need to know.

    He’s either not fully committed and/or not the..ummm..brightest.

  5. Tony Says:

    A step away? He’s a whole state away. He’s still in Washington.

  6. Fred McNeil Says:

    The guy is not terrible. He’s just not much of a pass rusher. I don’t even mind if we resign him for a cheap contract this off-season as a backup. I’m not too worried about a bidding war.

  7. dmatt Says:

    Com on man… If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck. Let’s quit with the wishful thinking. JTS has a noodle brain n cotton body. He’s outta his league. I was done with his bonehead plays two years ago. I’m at wits end with JTS, no mas, no mas.

  8. Pops Malone Says:

    I am with you Fred McNeil!

  9. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    dmattsays u r done with him I had no idea u owned or ran this franchise

  10. Buc Bucs Bucs ! Says:

    I’m with Fred McNeil. If we can sign him on a cheaper contract , he’s still a team guy who’s better than starting with an unknown. Build from within.

  11. Crunchbuc76 Says:

    Bust year 1 2 3 4…

  12. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Wow! The key takeaway for me is was:

    “Just continue to get better and understand the defense and take advantage of his opportunities.”

    Understand the defense? That is concerning.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    @74 Bucs Fan Couldn’t agree more! We hear the occasional rookie pick it up fast within weeks and this guy has been in the same defense for freakin years and still needs to get a better understanding?!? Yeah, good luck with that

  14. Mchammer Says:

    The Bucs need to call Greg Hardy NOWWWWW!!!

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s amazing all the people triggered by JTS being a below average starter are perfectly OK with a below average starter at the most important position in all of sports.

    If anything, JTS is the Baker Mayfield of EDGE rushers.

  16. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Rod – that’s just dumb. Sorry man.

  17. Pickgrin Says:

    “Just continue to get better and understand the defense…”

    Um – this is year 4. If Joe Tryon doesn’t ‘understand the defense’ at this point he’s a lost cause……

  18. drdneast Says:

    I want to see him in game action. Even with pads on the players aren’t going full tilt. It has been my position after his second year that JTS didn’t have the nasty edge and enough hunger to his game that would get him into double digits sacks. I still stand with that opinion.

  19. CTBucs Says:

    Contract year. Bet you he gets 8+ sacks this year

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    JTS 8 sacks would be filled with cosmetics. He sucks and may not see the field after October.

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    You guys are acting like he’s a worthless bum, yet he has 13 sacks in 3 years, and has improved each year. There’s some real low IQ dullards around here. Is he great? No. Is he a bust? No. Will he ever be special? No. But he’s a guy who will play a long time in the NFL, and as said above it wouldn’t be shocking if he got like 7.5 or 8 sacks this year. Maybe he won’t, but you morons that just think he should be cut – the guy would be picked up by whoever is 1st on the waiver list.

    You dopes need to stop listening to sports talk where some host says something stupid the you lemmings just repeat it over and over and over again. It’s really embarrassing – I feel embarrassed for you.

  22. Buccup Says:

    The whole problem is his price tag. He was a first rounder. That comes with a big payday and thus, huge expectations. If he had been a 6th or 7th rounder, a team could put up with the lack of big sack numbers and look at him more as a solid depth guy with a much lower price tag. The high investment will end up being his NFL death sentence.

  23. Defense Rules Says:

    Rod Munch … ‘It wouldn’t be shocking if he (JTS) got like 7.5 or 8 sacks this year. Maybe he won’t, but you morons that just think he should be cut – the guy would be picked up by whoever is 1st on the waiver list.’

    Preach on Rod, preach on. I’m with you 100% on that one. Just comparing stats (not stature), look at how his first 3 years in the league compare to Shaq Barrett’s …

    Shaq … first 3 years with Denver
    o 1st year: 16 games – 5.5 sacks – 12 QB hits – 8 TFL- 4 PD- 50 tackle (35 solo) – 497 def snaps
    o 2nd year: 16 games – 1.5 sacks – 4 QB hits – 4 TFL- 2 PD- 36 tackle (23 solo) – 420 def snaps
    o 1st year: 16 games – 4 sacks – 12 QB hits – 7 TFL- 0 PD- 37 tackle (31 solo) – 664 def snaps

    JTS … first 3 years with Tampa Bay
    o 1st year: 17 games – 4 sacks – 10 QB hits – 5 TFL- 3 PD- 29 tackle (21 solo) – 560 def snaps
    o 2nd year: 17 games – 4 sacks – 14 QB hits – 6 TFL- 2 PD- 40 tackle (23 solo) – 843 def snaps
    o 1st year: 17 games – 5 sacks – 7 QB hits – 7 TFL- 1 PD- 45 tackle (28 solo) – 579 def snaps

    Shaq 3-year totals: 48 games – 11 sacks – 28 QB hits – 19 TFL – 6 PD – 123 tackle (89 solo) – 1581 def snaps

    JTS 3-year totals: 51 games – 13 sacks – 31 QB hits – 18 TFL – 6 PD – 114 tackle (72 solo) – 1982 def snaps

    Denver for all practical purposes gave up on Shaq in & after his 4th year, then traded him to us. Shaq only played 275 def snaps in 13 games in his 4th year, getting 3 sacks, 7 QB hits, 6 TFL, 1 PD, and 28 tackles (22 solo). He came to us in his 5th year … played in all 16 games with us in 2019, and totally blew up … 19.5 sacks – 37 QB hits – 19 TFL – 2 PD – 58 tackles (45 solo) in 889 def snaps.

    Was it a change of scenery? Maybe. Was it that he was asked to do something here that better matched his skills & talents? Maybe. Did it just take him several years to ‘get it’? Maybe. We could go through 100 Maybes but 1 fact remains … all the Denver morons (your word Rod) who blasted him as a loser and came up with supposedly cute names for him probably felt pretty stupid themselves when he posted almost 20 sacks for us in 2019. JTS might not be re-signed after this year; none of us know. But I trust Jason Licht, Todd Bowles & George Edwards will do a better job of deciding that than any of us will.

  24. richbucsfan Says:

    The difference between Shaq and JTS is passion/energy. I watched JTS give up when the opponent’s tackle neutralized him. He did his move, failed, and preened back to do it again the next play. The greatest energy I saw in him was when he recovered a fumble. Shaq brought that type of energy a lot more game to game.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules – the stat work is awesome, I hadn’t seen that before. With that’s said I don’t think he’s going to suddenly become Shaq, but I think if he improves further this year he’ll be a guy who is a useful player that you want on your roster. But, he still might have a breakout. He has all sort of physical traits and was extremely green when the Bucs took him. He’s just turned 25, but also missed a year with the plague. It’s not out of the question he has a big season – but I do legit think he’ll be around 7.5 sacks and that’s a guy you want on the roster.

  26. ballwasher61 Says:

    If I remember right he played 2 seasons at Washington, Covid hit and he lost a year and prepped for the draft. He gets here and sits behind Shaq & JPP, so really, how much field time has he seen in reality?

  27. Defense Rules Says:

    Rod … Never was my intention to imply that JTS is the next Shaq; not a big fan of comparing individual players in any given position, since each ultimately has to stand on their own merit. But it can be useful IMO to compare 2 sets of productivity side-by-side to see what the future MIGHT hold.

    In the case of Shaq, it took him awhile to ‘blossom’. Might’ve been for 100 different reasons; we don’t know. And JTS MIGHT go down a similar path; again, we don’t know. Maybe his top-end is 7.5 sacks a year; maybe not. Shaq has played 9 years & he has 59 total sacks … roughly 6.5 sacks/year average (and that’s with a 19.5 sack year thrown in; other than that it’d be 5 sacks/year).

    The fact that JTS was a 1st Rnd pick is on US, not on HIM. Bucs saw him as a project & took a shot. Some projects take longer than others to come to fruition IMO. And some never do. The coaches will figure that out.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    Oh and Rod, I could’ve written the same exact thing about Kyle Trask. He was a project also (unless someone thinks he was gonna beat out Tom Brady for the starting gig as a rookie). He’s caught in a situation that’s obviously not ‘favorable’ to him & his skillset. But that doesn’t mean that he’s a bad QB by any means. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery & someone to believe in you.

  29. FrontFour Says:

    Whatever has been missing for JTS this is his time to find it. I’m rooting for the guy.

  30. Badbucs Says:

    Bucs paid 1st round capital for JTS on potential. Similarly, they paid Shaq hugh ransom money not to leave after the blow up year. Neither expenditure has been rewarded. 5 sacks a year average for the overpaid potential. At least JTS has a chance for a return on investment.

  31. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    What a joke you JTS defenders put up on this board. We all saw it. At the start of the season all sorts of weird stats can pop up as players settle in for the long haul. In this case JTS made a few (<5) sacks. The rest of the time it was miss after miss with little pressure. He is totally out of the play. If he was a few inches away from a sack maybe a little tweek can turn more productive. I rarely even saw pressure. Braswell will get lots of opportunity this year and JTS will not be on the roster next year.

  32. Anonymous Says:

    @Joe Sounds like we need a JTS poll in order to compare now and later on in the season.

    If JTS isn’t weak-minded, maybe he’ll use it as bulletin board material and prove us wrong

  33. Mike Johnson Says:

    Some guys who were great in college just do not translate well to the NFL. JTS is one of them. He plays and tries hard. But he can only reach a certain level. Why he is still on the team we do not know. Like he is going to be hit with a thunderbolt all of a sudden and become great. He is not. This will be his last year with us.

  34. Defense Rules Says:

    Mike Johnson … ‘He (JTS) plays and tries hard. But he can only reach a certain level. Why he is still on the team we do not know.’

    Remember Mark Barron Mike? I remember us drafting him as a Safety at #7 pick in the 1st Rnd back in 2012 (I was ticked because I wanted us to draft Luke Kuechly who went #9 in Rnd 1, but I digress). Barron played for us for a little over 2 years, then we gave up on him & traded him to the Rams for peanuts.

    Mark wasn’t huge (6’2″ & 230 lbs) but the Rams turned him into a LBer, kinda playing him in a number of different positions actually. Some might’ve viewed him as a Jack-of-all-trades, but hey, he went on to have an 8-year NFL career averaging over 835 def snaps per year. Yup, the same Mark Barron who the Bucs drafted in Rnd 1 as a #7 pick then gave up on after 2 years as a Safety.

    None of us know what JTS’ future holds (not even JTS). But Todd Bowles has spoken quite favorably about him on more than 1 occasion, and Todd does give out praise lightly. One thing I really appreciate about our DC & coaching staff is that they seem to be very good at finding ways to get the most out of various players’ talents. I’m expecting big things from Diaby & Braswell this year, but I wouldn’t write JTS off too quickly (nor Nelson). It takes a 4-man rotation outside to make this defense work.

  35. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Wow only a step? I think the limelight only played out in his head but I want to tell you from my thoughts, he could be the water boy, oh wait I think he could find a way to mess that up. So we could send him off to hang with R Gregory. You wouldn’t hurt any feelings dropping them like a bad habit. And put one of the cheerleaders out at least we’ll have something nice to look at. Come On Man, I just had a fusion surgery and I don’t think they allow walkers on the field anyway. Ok enough from the crazy guy. Go Bucs!!!!

  36. Dude Says:

    “Some guys who were great in college just do not translate well to the NFL. JTS is one of them. He plays and tries hard. But he can only reach a certain level.”

    Man, who else does this sound like who else does this sound like? 😉

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Mike Johnson Says:
    July 27th, 2024 at 11:38 am
    Some guys who were great in college just do not translate well to the NFL. JTS is one of them.


    But he wasn’t a great college player. He only started 14 games, and had a good year, but he was drafted based on his athletic ability. That’s also why you don’t just throw him away and say he stinks because he’s been a middlingly player so far.

    Also, as said before, he was about as green as it gets coming into the NFL. He had those 14 starts, then missed a year, then was backup to JPP before starting two years ago, and last year – while improving each year.

    I’m not saying he’s going to sudden bust out and be a star, but he’s been a guy who has slowly improved and it wouldn’t shock me if he’s at 7.5 sacks or so at the end of the year, and that’s a guy that will play somewhere for a long time, even if he’s never a star.

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    I just don’t get the people who LOVE a middling QB, but a middling EDGE rusher, well, they must be cut immediately as we can only have superstars at every position – except the most important one.