Old Question. New Answer?

July 25th, 2024

Chris Godwin after Day 2 of training camp.

Eyebrow-raising exchange today at One Buc Palace.

So Chris Godwin was moved to outside receiver last season, a departure from his primary work in the slot where there’s more blocking and typically more hits absorbed.

Longtime TampaBay.com Bucs writer Rick Stroud wrote in May that Godwin was “moved outside in hopes of extending his career.” It’s a very similar line that just last week was used by connected ESPN NFL analyst Mina Kimes when she explained on ESPN BET that Godwin was made an outside receiver in 2023 to protect his body.

“They were trying to limit his contact,” Kimes said.

So Joe was flummoxed today when Stroud himself asked Bowles, “What was the thinking behind moving Chris outside away from the slot [last year]? Was it to keep him maybe healthier?”

Wait a minute. Was that Stroud asking a question he already answered in print eight weeks ago?

Interestingly, Bowles replied saying, “I think it was more philosophy and scheme. I don’t really think it was for any reason to move him out there, obviously. But different offensive coordinators come in and they have a different scheme and different philosophy. So having him back inside [is] Liam [Coen’s] philosophy, so he comes back inside now where he excelled previously.”

Clearly, mixed messages are floating around as to why Godwin was moved to slot receiver, a move that became controversial when his wife had a public outburst about Godwin’s usage late last season.

Joe could share at least a couple of conspiracy theories as to what happened but will leave that speculation to rabid fans in the comments section.

40 Responses to “Old Question. New Answer?”

  1. Donnyd Says:

    Chris just kills it in the middle. That catch against Green Bay in the championship game will live on just like Ronde Barbers pick six. If Chris blows up this year (again) in the slot, he’ll deserve a big raise. In this pass happy NFL, you must have 3 really good WR’s. Can’t wait to see this new offense under Liam. Go Bucs!

  2. Nano Says:

    Nothing here keep moving folks

  3. GuyManDude Says:

    Maybe we can save his knees and move him outside in just the Aints games.

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    No Joe..no conspiracy theories please. This country is awash in conspiracy theories. “Just the facts Ma’am”.

  5. infomeplease Says:

    It doesn’t matter!! I’m glad that he’s been moved back to where he’s most productive!

  6. Citrus County Says:

    Come on Joe, dish. You know how much I love conspiracies.

  7. Citrus County Says:

    There’s not enough red meat on the bone for me to gnaw at that juicy conspiracy. Besides I still haven’t recovered from the feast I had last year.

  8. Citrus County Says:

    Would someone please speculate about Godwin’s wife’s twitter post or any one of several other reasons he was moved out of his preferred and best position. Joe needs late night entertainment.

  9. Citrus County Says:

    OK Joe, please no more bamboo shoots under the fingernails. The pain is too much. Is Godwin TRADE BAIT ?

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    Godwin can play inside or outside.

    His biggest year was outside, when he had 1333 yards and 9 TDs in 2019, in 14 games.

    Last year it was just that Evans was having a monster season and catching everything and dominating. Forcing the ball to Godwin was just that, forcing the ball. Nothing against Godwin, obviously, but he’s just not Evans.

    With that said, you need at least 2 good WRs, and while Godwin isn’t Evans, he’s in that next group, which is very much a compliment. However he needs to show he’s truly fully recovered. Last year, in particular early in the year, he just didn’t look quite like Godwin – he looked a bit slower and less quick – however by the end of the year he looked better. Hopefully he’s truly back at 100%, if he is, he’ll have a monster year and will make the Bucs life difficult as they will have to find money to resign him.

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    Citrus County Says:
    July 25th, 2024 at 8:04 pm
    Would someone please speculate about Godwin’s wife’s twitter post or any one of several other reasons he was moved out of his preferred and best position. Joe needs late night entertainment.


    I think it’s more about Godwin only taking that 3-year deal when he could have got a 5-year deal for a lot more money – then you have Bowles with his typical ultra conservative mindset shutting down games early and just telling Canels to run out the clock when they got a 3-point lead in the 2nd quarter. So, I believe, Godwin is frustrated about his stats, thinking he did the team a huge solid by taking that 3-year deal for under market money to help win, and now he’s just being wasted in this offense where Baker has 90yards at the end of every first half.

  12. Citrus County Says:

    Amazing, in spite of the ample rationale for a Chris Godwin trade the haters haven’t appeared because they can find no reason to hate him.

    Donnyd Says:
    July 25th, 2024 at 4:00 pm.
    If Chris blows up this year (again) in the slot, he’ll deserve a big raise. In this pass happy NFL, you must have 3 really good WR’s.

    Somebody take the bait. The Bucs seem to have a pretty good supply of young receivers.

  13. Citrus County Says:

    OK I’ll take the bait. M.E. is the primary, Jmc is in the slot, Trey is on the other side with the speed. Several others for depth.

    Godwin is in great shape and so far appears to be looking good in camp. He will likely be gone next year anyway. Somebody with a good QB and a chance to win will want him in a big way (my opinion). What’s he making this year 18-20 mil ? Can you say cap room?
    Godwin might even think a trade would bring him a payday and new contract that he won’t get here. It would probably be a good move for him, money wise.

  14. Citrus County Says:

    Gee whizz Bucs fans, if this article was about Hainsey starting the season at center or Trask now being QB3 the thread would be a mile long.
    However I’ll bet that there is at least one Joe that is dreaming of a package deal involving Godwin and Reddick.
    Do you think Aaron Rodgers might like having Godwin ?

  15. Citrus County Says:

    Bucs fans, if this article was about Hainsey starting the season at center or Trask now being QB3 the thread would be a mile long.
    However I’ll bet that there is at least one Joe that is dreaming of a package deal involving Godwin and Reddick.
    Do you think Aaron Rodgers might like having Godwin ?

  16. Citrus County Says:

    I’ll try again. But use different words.

    Trade Godwin for Haason Reddick.

  17. Citrus County Says:

    How on earth could that comment get moderated ?

  18. Citrus County Says:

    This should make Joe happy. Trade Chris Godwin for Haason Reddick. That would make Aaron Rodgers happy.

  19. Citrus County Says:

    Solution: Bucs number 14 for Jets number 7.

  20. Citrus County Says:

    Remember you read it here first.

  21. Citrus County Says:

    Make it happen Jason. Godwin for Reddick. That would make the media go nuts. The national focus would be on the Bucs and Jets. Aaron Rodgers would be all over TV talking about his new toy. The Bucs would have to be considered as fully in command of the NFC South. Todd Bowles defense would be really dangerous. We would still have a good group of young receivers behind Mike Evans. It would probably result in a huge payday for Godwin next spring. It’s a win-win.
    And the front office could probably get a very cap friendly contract for Reddick.

  22. Citrus County Says:

    I would like to say some choice words about the algorithm.

  23. Citrus County Says:

    Unbelievable. I make a comment about bamboo shoots under the fingernails and got moderated for suggesting the Bucs should trade Godwin for Reddick.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    I want to see this posted before I go to bed. The Bucs should trade Chris Godwin for Haason Redick.

  25. Citrus County Says:

    The only post I can get thru is Bucs #14 for Jets#7

  26. Citrus County Says:

    It makes sense. Jets#7 last played against us in a playoff game and lost. He knows what we have. We’re in Tampa and the Jets are in New Jersey. #7 makes 15mil/yr and #14 makes 20mil/yr that leaves 5mil that could be used for another running back and still have some leftover.

  27. Citrus County Says:

    I say Jets #7 assuming Mr. R would wear the same number that he wore in Philly.

  28. Citrus County Says:

    All I can figure is that the algorithm can’t stomach the thought of the trade I proposed.

    Strange that no Bucs fans commented. I guess we now know how they really feel about Godwin.

  29. OR Buc Says:

    Godwins catch against GB wasn’t be like Ronde’s pick 6. It wasn’t a touchdown. More like jurevicous catch and run baby!

  30. Citrus County Says:

    So, Reddick is holding out wanting more than his current 15mil.
    Even if the Bucs pay him 20/mil it’s a break even proposition.
    And he would be locked up for a while. The result would be the loss of a #2 receiver but we have two #3 receivers and pretty good backups. But can you imagine the defense. Work your magic on Jason Todd. I’d like to see this happen.

  31. Citrus County Says:

    Hey OR BUC what do you think about Bucs#14 for Jets #7 ?

  32. Citrus County Says:

    I’m done. Goodnight Joe

  33. Citrus County Says:

    I can’t resist. The above trade would have such a profound effect on this team. It would be a loss to see Godwin go but we aren’t bereft of ball catchers. But just imagine the surplus of talented pass rushers. Godwin likely won’t be here next year any way. Suddenly the narrative of the Bucs having no pass rush would flip to the Bucs having a very formidable pass rush and lots of depth at the position.

    That in my opinion would open the SuperBowl window for the next 3 years.

  34. Citrus County Says:

    Somebody call Aaron Rodgers. I can see no reason he would not want Chris Godwin.

  35. Citrus County Says:

    If the Jets had to choose between trading Reddick for 31 year old Devante Adams or 28 y/o Godwin with maybe JTS thrown in for good measure to replace Reddick , I wonder what they would do ?

  36. Greg Says:

    Trading Godwin would be dumb. You would think receivers like him grow on trees.

  37. unbelievable Says:

    @Citrus County – the Bucs young receivers are just that – young. I think JMac is gonna be the real deal but the pads still haven’t even come on. And Trey Palmer has a lot to prove still. All that speed doesn’t matter if you can’t hang on to the ball. Let’s not write off Godwin just yet.

  38. Citrus County Says:

    I’m not writing off Chris Godwin, nor should he be written off. He likely won’t be returning to the Bucs next year so why not get a quality OLB for him now ? It just makes sense in so many ways. If we could package JTS in that trade for a draft pick we would gain a roster spot this year.

  39. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Dr. Stroud works in mysterious ways….

  40. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Isnt this where the coach steps in & corrects the assistant coach OC & puts him where he belongs.i guess that kills the theory that Bowles is making Canales run up the middle week after week