Creamsicle Game Is Week 8 Against Atlanta

July 23rd, 2024

The Buccaneers revived their throwback uniform day last season during an early-season loss to Detroit.

While the Bucs walked off the field defeated, the event was a huge hit with fans. Who doesn’t love a good Creamsicle uniform day?

It’s coming back this season, as previously announced.

(Joe finds it weird — if not telling — that media folks are making a big deal of this. Today. This past weekend Scott Smith of wrote about the 2024 Creamsicle Day and of course Joe noted it, too. People are getting punchy from the perceived July news desert that will vanish tomorrow morning at training camp.)

Today, the Bucs formally announced the glorious orange will return in Week 8 against Atlanta, a 1 p.m. kickoff against the Falcons on Oct. 27. Joe sure hopes Kirk Cousins (Michael Penix?) will be having orange nightmares for days after the game.

21 Responses to “Creamsicle Game Is Week 8 Against Atlanta”

  1. BucsFan55 Says:

    unfortunately, that is a cursed uniform and we gonna hold the L that day

  2. Dude Says:

    meh, marketing

  3. BucU Says:

    Totally agree. I hate this idea. These uniforms bring back ZERO nostalgia to me.
    This team seems to play awful when wearing them thru the years. You can bank on a loss in week 8.

  4. View from 132 Says:

    Gross. Burn them.

  5. SB~LV Says:

    > 24 hours until the first bullet point training camp story!
    Finally something real to post about!!!

  6. My Momma Says:

    My Momma lived through all the creamsicle years. If they were so good why don’t we still wear them throughout the season? They bring back nightmares. Burn them!

  7. Panhandle Buc Says:

    I was there last year and it was an amazing environment (except the on-field performance). Excited that my once a year in-person game falls on another throwback game! Let’s get the W this time fellas…PLEASE!!

  8. Bucswin! Says:

    Yay 1pm for the home fans. Orange, sweatsicle orange. Hopefully there will no zero clouds and zero breeze just to get the full effect like were sitting in the ol sombrero. Go BUCS

  9. Marine Buc Says:


    Let’s celebrate these ugly arse uniforms that represent the darkest days of this team when it was one of the worst sport franchises in the history of sports and a racist bigoted cheapskate owner – Hugh Culverhouse…

    Not to mention – Bucco Bruce looks like he belongs in the Castro district of San Fran.

    Give us a break on this BS.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    If you don’t like the orange jerseys, it’s because you’re a retard. Almost as retarded as the woman they have running marketing who wastes the throwbacks on another afternoon game that no one nationally cares about or will see, instead of using them on a national game that would lead to selling thousands and thousands of jerseys.

    Seriously, fire that moron from Adidas that you hired, she’s an idiot who should be doing promotions for a AA baseball team. If you need further proof, guess what else they’re doing at the game, giving out free hats to the first 25,000 who show up. Again, just minor league in every way.

  11. JimBobBuc Says:

    I remember 0-17, I’ve got PTD from those uniforms. Stop wearing them!

  12. Anyhony Says:

    I want a free hat, maybe I’ll drive two hours and drop $400 bucs on one! …………..I kid……Go Bucs!!! Kick the beaks off them birds!!!!

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    Mark this one down as a game the Bucs should win, but will
    lose. Glorifying the uniform of the losingest team in all of sports is an insult.


    After losing an important game, maybe the Glazers will ordered them burned.

  14. FirstTimePoster Says:

    Best looking uniforms in franchise history. Deal with it.

  15. lambchop Says:

    If Raheem and Josh Freeman can win in these, there’s no excuse. Ya’ll are a bunch of superstitious whiny patsies.

    Creamsicles as a throwback are awesome. There are worse throwbacks, even the Bucs color rush unis in all Red with alarm clocks were worse than this.

  16. FortMyersDave Says:

    Have the Bucs ever won a game with the Creamsicle throwbacks? I do not think so, so why wear the cursed things? If you want a throwback, go with the ’97 uniforms and honor Monte on the same night as ’97 was a magical year. Besides ’79, ’81 and ’82 the creamsicles represent Culverhouse and a laughingstock train wreck franchise.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    FortMyersDave Says:
    July 23rd, 2024 at 7:26 pm
    Have the Bucs ever won a game with the Creamsicle throwbacks?


    The Josh Freeman game vs the Packers were they sacked Rodgers like 5 time or something and he literally whined about the grass being too hard.

  18. LouisFriend Says:

    @Rod Munch,

    Most Bucs fans (me included) will stay disgusted with those nasty orange jerseys.

    You’re not much of a Bucs fan if you don’t get why people can’t stand them. So shut up.

  19. heyjude Says:

    I wonder how many players are superstitious about them like many of us are now? That could weigh in on the game too. Maybe have a redesign of the throwbacks. Something new with some of the details and creamsicle color mixed up. I agree with lambchop too. Those alarm clock ones were horrible. What were they thinking.

  20. BucsNoles Says:

    Thought it was a bad idea last year.
    I was at the Lions game and it brought back a lot of bad memories for sure.

  21. DBS Says:

    I don’t like them. They were gone for a reason. They bring back nothing but bad memories of the old days. Just let them stay in the past.