Chris Godwin Reflects On Shaq Barrett Retirement

July 25th, 2024

An iconic Buccaneers Super Bowl figure retired and Joe had to get feedback from other Tampa Bay greats.

Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett abruptly retired from the Dolphins last week and Joe asked Chris Godwin today for his thoughts on Barrett hanging it up and whether he had a special Shaq memory.

“I was kind of surprised to see that he had retired,” Godwin replied.

“Shaq was always a great teammate. He was a great player for us. Right, I mean his first year here when he led the league in sacks, like that was an amazing year. I think to me, though, one of my favorite memories of Shaq was last year early the year. The Bears, they were backed up and they tried to throw a screen and he one-hand pick-6’d them. Like, dawg, for a defensive end or outside linebacker to do that, that’s insane. … I remember the guys were just teed up about it. So I couldn’t be happier for him. Obviously, that’s a major decision in his life. But I’m excited for him to get to spend a lot of time with his family and just congratulate him on a phenomenal career.”

Joe will leave it there — and with video of that fun Shaq pick-6.

9 Responses to “Chris Godwin Reflects On Shaq Barrett Retirement”

  1. Thundersack Says:

    One of my favorite recent Bucs memories. Great moment.

  2. Truth be Told Says:

    Great Buc but it was obvious last year he was just not effective anymore. Time to turn the page. Let’s get Baked! Go Bucs

  3. DvaderZ51 Says:

    TBT, a one handed pick six powering through half the Bears offense to win the game, seems pretty effective to me. This was just last year.

  4. BucsNoles Says:

    Bring him back it he wants to play at home again!!!!

  5. heyjude Says:

    Wow, thank you so much for the memory video. Thrilling to see again.

  6. D-Rok Says:

    This play is why I’ve been watching football for almost 50 years. Once in a blue moon, you get a play that makes you jump for joy whilst pumping your fist and screaming, “Heck YEAH!” These kinds of plays make watching the game exciting.

    Go Bucs ! ! !

  7. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I was there that day and there were way too many Bears fans in the stands and I was talking smack to all of them. Great play

  8. David Says:

    I think they should see if he’d come back on the cheap as a rotational guy and help with the youngsters

  9. George Says:

    Shaq was all round player for the bucs he will be miss , he will gave you a 100 % and make every body round Him play better and move faster